Bryan Mac Donald

B.Eng. Aeronautical Engineering from the University of Limerick. M.Sc. Aerospace Structures and Materials awarded from the University of Limerick. Worked as a Technical Trainer in Ericsson Systems Expertise.
Worked as a Mechanical Engineer in Dublin Bus.
Appointed as a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at Dublin City University. Awarded a Ph.D. in non linear finite element analysis from Dublin City University.
Year | Publication | |
2013 | Dr Bryan J MacDonald (2013) Programming the Finite Element Method in Java and Android. Dublin, Ireland: Glasnevin Publishing. Link | |
2011 | Dr Bryan J MacDonald (2011) Practical Stress Analysis with Finite Elements - 2nd Edition. Dublin, Ireland: Glasnevin Publishing. Link | |
2007 | Dr Bryan J MacDonald (2007) Practical Stress Analysis with Finite Elements. : Glasnevin Publishing. |
Conference Contribution
Book Chapter
Conference Publication
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2018 | McCartney, W;MacDonald, B;Ober, CA;Lostado-Lorza, R;Gomez, FS (2018) 'Pelvic modelling and the comparison between plate position for double pelvic osteotomy using artificial cancellous bone and finite element analysis'. BMC Veterinary Research, 14 . | |
2017 | E. Galvin, D. O'Brien, C. Cummins, B.J. Mac Donald, C. Lally (2017) 'A strain-mediated corrosion model for bioabsorbable metallic stents'. Acta Biomaterialia, 55 :505-517. | |
2017 | Y. Soya, T. Hosaka, S. Yoshihara, C. Sakamoto, B.J. Mac Donald (2017) 'Effect of flow state of corrosive solution on corrosion behavior of AZ31B magnesium alloy tube inside'. Keikinzoku/Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals, 67 (9):430-437. | |
2017 | T. Hosaka, S.Yoshihara, I. Amanina, Bryan J.MacDonaldb (2017) 'Influence of Grain Refinement and Residual Stress on Corrosion Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Processed by ECAP in RPMI-1640 Medium'. 184 :432-441. | |
2017 | R. Lostado-Lorzaa, R. Escribano-Garcia, R. Fernandez-Martinez, M. Illera-cueva, Bryan J.Mac Donaldc (2017) 'Using the finite element method and data mining techniques as an alternative method to determine the maximum load capacity in tapered roller bearings'. Journal of Applied Logic, 24 (A):4-14. | |
2017 | I.A. Shahar, T. Hosaka, S. Yoshohara, B.J. Mac Donald (2017) 'Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of AZ31 Mg Alloy Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing and Aging'. Procedia Engineering, 2017 :423-431. | |
2017 | E. Galvin, C. Cummins, S. Yoshihara, B.J. Mac Donald, C. Lally (2017) 'Plastic strains during stent deployment have a critical influence on the rate of corrosion in absorbable magnesium stents'. MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING, 55 (8):1261-1275. | |
2016 | R. Lostado, P. Villanueva Roldán, R. Fernandez Martinez, Bryan J. Mac Donald (2016) 'Design and optimization of an electromagnetic servo braking system combining finite element analysis and weight-based multi-objective genetic algorithms'. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 30 (8):3591-3605. Link | |
2015 | Y. Okude, S. Yoshihara, A. Saito, B.J. Mac Donald (2015) 'Bending Deformation Behavior of Aluminium Extruded Various Sections with Laminated Elastic Mandrel on Draw Bending'. Materials Today, 2 (10, Part A):4802-4811. | |
2015 | R. Lostado, R. Fernandez, B.J. Mac Donald and P. M. Villanueva (2015) 'Combining Soft Computing Techniques and Finite Element Method for the Design and Optimization of Complex Welded Products in Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering'. 22 :153-170. | |
2015 | Y. Okude, S. Yoshihara, A. Saito, B.J. Mac Donald (2015) 'Bending Deformation Behavior of Aluminium Extruded Various Sections with Laminated Elastic Mandrel on Draw Bending'. Materials Today, 2 (10, Part A):4802-4811. | |
2015 | Lostado, R;Martinez, RF;Mac Donald, BJ (2015) 'Determination of the contact stresses in double-row tapered roller bearings using the finite element method, experimental analysis and analytical models'. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 29 (11):4645-4656. | |
2014 | Yuki Soya, Shoichiro Yoshihara, Yuki Ohmura, Bryan J. MacDonald, Emmet Galvin (2014) 'Corrosion Behavior of Engineering Materials in a Flow Field'. 922 :722-727. | |
2014 | Yuki Nakamura, Shoichiro Yoshihara, Bryan J. MacDonald and Emmet Galvin (2014) 'Effect of Axial Force on Corrosion Behavior of SUS304 Stainless Steel Bolts'. 922 :519-524. | |
2014 | M. Illera, R. Lostado, R. Fernandez and B. J. Mac Donald (2014) 'Characterization of Electrolytic Tinplate Materials via Combined Finite Element and Regression Models'. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 49 :467-480. | |
2014 | B.J. Mac Donald (2014) 'An Object-Oriented Smartphone Application for Structural Finite Element Analysis, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications'. 5 . | |
2013 | W. McCartney, A. Liegey, B. Mac Donald, D. Comiskey and E. Galvin (2013) 'Carbon Composition Analysis of 12 Selected Stainless Steel Veterinary Orthopaedic Implants: A Preliminary Report'. VETERINARY SURGERY, 172 :71-72. | |
2013 | M. Destrade, B. Mac Donald, J.G Murphy and G. Saccomandi (2013) 'At Least Three Invariants are Necessary to Model the Mechanical Response of Incompressible, Transversely Isotropic Materials'. Computational Mechanics, 52 . | |
2013 | D. Comiskey , B. Mac Donald , WT McCartney, K. Synnott, J. O'Byrne (2013) 'Predicting the external formation of callus tissue in oblique bone fractures: Idealised and clinical case studies'. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 12 :1277-1282. | |
2013 | M. Nassari, B. MacDonald and J.M. O'Byrne (2013) 'Computational Modelling of Long Bone Fractures Fixed with Locking Plates - How Can the Risk of Implant Failure be Reduced? JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS'. 10 :29-37. | |
2013 | Comiskey D.;MacDonald B.;McCartney W.;Synnott K.;O'Byrne J. (2013) 'Predicting the external formation of callus tissues in oblique bone fractures: Idealised and clinical case studies'. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 12 (6):1277-1282. | |
2013 | McCartney W.;Liegey A.;MacDonald B.;Comiskey D.;Galvin E. (2013) 'Short communications: Carbon composition analysis of 12 selected stainless steel veterinary orthopaedic implants: A preliminary report'. Veterinary Record, 172 (3). | |
2013 | Galvin E.;Morshed M.;Cummins C.;Daniels S.;Lally C.;MacDonald B. (2013) 'Surface modification of absorbable magnesium stents by reactive ion etching'. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 33 (6):1137-1152. | |
2013 | Nassiri M.;MacDonald B.;O'Byrne J. (2013) 'Computational modelling of long bone fractures fixed with locking plates - How can the risk of implant failure be reduced?'. Journal of Orthopaedics, 10 (1):29-37. | |
2013 | E. Galvin, M. M. Morshed, C. Cummins, S. Daniels, C. Lally, B. MacDonald (2013) 'Surface Modification of Absorbable Magnesium Stents by Reactive Ion Etching, PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING'. 33 :1137-1152. | |
2012 | B.J. MacDonald (2012) 'Finite Element Simulation of Hydroforming Processes - A Review and Future Directions'. JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR TECHNOLOGY OF PLASTICITY, 53 . | |
2012 | Comiskey D.;MacDonald B.;McCartney W.;Synnott K.;O'Byrne J. (2012) 'Predicting the external formation of a bone fracture callus: An optimisation approach'. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 15 (7):779-785. | |
2012 | Nassiri M.;MacDonald B.;O'Byrne J. (2012) 'Locking compression plate breakage and fracture non-union: A Wnite element study of three patient-specific cases'. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, 22 (4):275-281. | |
2012 | Y. Okude, S. Sakaki, S. Yoshihara and B.J. Mac Donald (2012) 'Increasing the Working Limit of Extruded Aluminum Tubes During Draw Bending by Introducing a Wiper Die, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS'. 53 :875-878. | |
2012 | M. Nassiri, B. Mac Donald, J.M. O'Byrne (2012) 'Locking compression plate breakage and fracture non-union: a Wnite element study of three patient-specific cases EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND TRAUMATOLOGY'. 22 :275-281. | |
2012 | D. Comiskey, B.J. Mac Donald, W.T. McCartney, K. Synott, J. O'Byrne (2012) 'Predicting the external formation of a bone fracture callus: an optimisation approach'. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 15 :779-785. | |
2010 | Damien Comiskey, Dr Bryan J MacDonald, W.T. McCartney, Keith Synott (2010) 'The role of interfragmentary strain on the rate of bone healing - A new interpretation and mathematical model'. Journal of Biomechanics, 43 :2830-2834. | |
2010 | W. McCartney, B. MacDonald, D. Comiskey, D & I. Robertson (2010) 'Pantarsal Arthrodesis Using a Plantar Plate: Finite Element Analysis of Plate Position and Preliminary Results of Four Cases '. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN VETERINARY MEDICINE, 8 :65-72. | |
2010 | Comiskey D.;MacDonald B.;McCartney W.;Synnott K.;O'Byrne J. (2010) 'The role of interfragmentary strain on the rate of bone healing-A new interpretation and mathematical model'. Journal of Biomechanics, 43 (14):2830-2834. | |
2010 | W. McCartney, B. Mac Donald, D. Comiskey, I. Robertson (2010) 'Evaluation of optimal plate position in pantarsal arthrodesis in dogs'. The Veterinary Record, 167 . | |
2010 | McCartney, W;MacDonald, B;Comiskey, D;Robertson, I (2010) 'Pantarsal Arthrodesis Using a Plantar Plate: Finite Element Analysis of Plate Position and Preliminary Results of Four Cases'. International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine, 8 :65-72. | |
2008 | McCartney W.;MacDonald B.;Comiskey D.;Robertson I. (2008) 'Pantarsal arthrodesis using a plantar plate: Finite element analysis of plate position and preliminary results of four cases'. International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine, 8 (1):65-72. | |
2007 | McCartney, WT;Comiskey, D;MacDonald, B (2007) 'Use of transilial pinning for the treatment of sacroiliac separation in 25 dogs and finite element analysis of repair methods'. Veterinary And Comparative Orthopaedics And Traumatology, 20 :38-42. | |
2007 | W.T. McCartney, D. Comiskey and B. Mac Donald (2007) 'Use of Transilial Pinning for the Treatment of Sacroiliac Separation of 25 Dogs and Finite Element Analysis of Repair Method'. Veterinary And Comparative Orthopaedics And Traumatology, 20 :38-42. | |
2006 | W.T. McCartney and B.J. Mac Donald (2006) 'Incidence of Non-Union in Long Bone Fractures in 233 Cats'. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN VETERINARY MEDICINE, 4 :209-212. | |
2006 | A.C. Girard, Y.J. Grenier and B.J. Mac Donald (2006) 'Numerical simulation of axisymmetric tube bulging using a urethane rod'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 172 :346-355. | |
2005 | R. Padmanabhan, Nuri M. Zarroug, B.J. MacDonald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2005) 'A novel adaptive control system for a custom-built tension-torsion machine, Advances in Engineering Software'. Advances in Engineering Software, 36 :137-146. | |
2005 | P. Ray and B.J. Mac Donald (2005) 'Experimental Study and Finite Element Analysis of Simple ‘T’ and ‘X’ branch tube Hydroforming Processes'. International Journal Of Mechanical Sciences, 47 :1498-1518. | |
2005 | W. McCartney, B.J. Mac Donald, M.S.J. Hashmi (2005) 'Comparative Performance of a Flexible Fixation Implant to a Rigid Implant in Static and Repetitive Incremental Loading'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 169 :476-484. | |
2004 | R. Padmanabhan, B.J. MacDonald and M. S. J. Hashmi (2004) 'Mechanical behaviour of SiC reinforced aluminium thin walled tube under combined axial and torsional loading'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 155-156 :1760-1763. | |
2004 | S.N. David Chua, B.J. MacDonald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2004) 'Finite element simulation of slotted tube (stent) with the presence of plaque and artery by balloon expansion'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 155-156 :1772-1779. | |
2004 | S. Yoshihara, B. Mac Donald, H. Nishimura, H. Yamamoto and K. Manabe (2004) 'Optimisation of Magnesium Alloy Stamping with Local Heating and Cooling Using the Finite Element Method'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 153-154 :319-322. | |
2004 | R. Padmanabhan, B.J. MacDonald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2004) 'Elastic-plastic behaviour of an AlSiC MMC rod under combined tension and torsion loading'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 155-156 :1756-1759. | |
2004 | S. Yoshihara, B. Mac Donald, T. Hasegawa, M. Kawahara and H. Yamamoto (2004) 'Design Improvement of Spin Forming of Magnesium Alloy Tubes Using Finite Element Analysis'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 153-154 :816-820. | |
2004 | S. Baudin, P. Ray, B.J. Mac Donald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2004) 'Development Of A Novel Method Of Tube Bending Using Finite Element Simulation'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 153-154 :128-133. | |
2004 | S.N. David Chua, B.J. MacDonald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2004) 'Effects of varying slotted tube (stent) geometry on its expansion behaviour using finite element method'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 155-156 :1764-1771. | |
2004 | P. Ray and B.J. Mac Donald (2004) 'Determination of the Optimal Load Path for Tube Hydroforming Processes Using a Fuzzy Load Control Algorithm & Finite Element Analysis'. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 41 :173-192. | |
2004 | R. Padmanabhan, B.J. MacDonald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2004) 'Elastic?plastic behaviour of an AlSiC MMC rod under combined tension and torsion loading'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 155-156 :1756-1759. | |
2004 | A. Rashid, B.J. Mac Donald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2004) 'Evaluation of the aesthetics of products and integration of the findings in a proposed intelligent design system'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 153-154 :380-385. | |
2003 | S.N. David Chua, B.J. Mac Donald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2003) 'Finite element simulation of stent and balloon interaction'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 143-144 :591-597. | |
2003 | N.M. Zarroug, R. Padmanabhan, B.J. MacDonald, P. Young and M.S.J. Hashmi (2003) 'Mild steel (En8) rod tests under combined tension?torsion loading'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 143-144 :807-813. | |
2003 | H.F. El'Sheikh, B.J. MacDonald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2003) 'Finite element simulation of the hip joint during stumbling: a comparison between static and dynamic loading'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 143-144 :249-255. | |
2002 | B.J. Mac Donald (2002) 'A Computational and Experimental Analysis of High Energy Impact to Sheet Metal Aircraft Structures'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 124 :92-98. | |
2002 | S.N.D. Chua, B.J. Mac Donald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2002) 'Finite-element Simulation of Stent Expansion'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 120 :335-340. | |
2002 | H.F. A'Shiekh, B.J. Mac Donald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2002) 'Material Selection in the Design of the Femoral Component of Cemented Total Hip Replacement'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 122 :309-317. | |
2002 | B.J. Mac Donald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2002) 'Near Net Shape Manufacture Of Engineering Components using Bulge Forming Processes : A Review'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 120 :341-347. | |
2002 | B.J. Mac Donald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2002) 'Analysis of Die Behaviour During Bulge Forming Operations Using the Finite Element Method'. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 39 :137-151. | |
2001 | B.J. Mac Donald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2001) 'Three Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of Bulge Forming Using a Solid Bulging Medium'. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 37 :107-116. | |
2000 | B.J. Mac Donald and M.S.J. Hashmi (2000) 'Finite Element Simulation of Bulge Forming of a Cross Joint from a Tubular Blank'. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 103 :333-342. |
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Research Interests
- Design and analysis of orthopaedic and cardiovascular medical devices.
- Computational modelling of the in-service behavior of implantable medical devices.
- Medical applications of magnesium based alloys.
- Design of bio-absorbale medical devices and implants.
- Computational modelling of complex metal forming operations.
- Implementing Artificial Intelligence techniques in the finite element analysis process.