James Lovatt


Contact Details

Associate Professor

Profile Photo
Dr. Lovatt is an Associate Professor in Science Education and previously served as the inaugural Head of the School of STEM Education, Innovation and Global Studies in the DCU Institute of Education between 2016 and 2020. Dr. Lovatt has previously served as Chair of the Professional Masters of Education and as management committee representative on the BSc Science Education, BSc Physical Education with Biology and BSc Physics Education with Mathematics.

Dr. Lovatt teaches and researches in the area of Initial Teacher Education and STEM Education and Education He is particularly interested in the areas of Science Education, Teacher Education, Teaching and Learning Methodologies with specific interest in Conceptual Development, Inquiry-Based-Science-Education (IBSE), Classroom Discourse, Assessment, Problem Solving, and Education Design. He qualified as a second level science teacher (physics/chemistry) before completing is PhD in the area of Chemistry Education. He is a member of the Centre for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning (CASTeL).

Dr. Lovatt has participated in numerous EU (Erasmus, Horizon) projects including: Strategies for Assessment of Inquiry Learning in Science (SAILS); Open Schools for Open Societies (OSOS); Remote Inquiries in Science Education (RISE) He was the DCU PI on the Erasmus+ project Three Dimensions of Inquiry in Physics Education (3DIPhE). 


Year Publication
2020 Lovatt, J., Grimes, P., McLoughlin, E., (2020) Educational Design Research for Teacher Professional Learning, Part A: Education Design Research. Slovenia: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education.
2015 Finlayson, O.E., McLoughlin, E., Coyle, E., McCabe, D., Lovatt, J., van Kampen, P. (Eds) (2015) SAILS Inquiry and Assessment Units Volume 2. http://results.sails-project.eu/sites/default/files/outcomes/SAILS_units_volume-2.pdf
2015 Finlayson, O.E., McLoughlin, E., Coyle, E., McCabe, D., Lovatt, J., van Kampen, P. (Eds) (2015) SAILS Inquiry and Assessment Units Volume 1. http://results.sails-project.eu/sites/default/files/outcomes/SAILS_units_volume-1.pdf

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2015 Dragica Trivić , Odilla Finlayson, James Lovatt, Lorraine McCormack (2015) 'Design of Learning and Assessment Tasks' In: Iwona Maciejowska & Bill Byers(Eds.). A Guidebook of Good Practice for the Pre-Service Training of Chemistry Teachers. Krakow : Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University.
2012 O'Hara, J., Lahart, J., Lovatt, J., McSharry, M., & McNamara, G. (2012) 'Managing Stress in Initial Teacher Education: - Challenges and Opportunities' In: Nikolaeva, S., Mulcahy, C., Scanlon, G.(Eds.). Ireland
2012 Kelly, O. Lovatt, J. (2012) 'Insights into Science Students' Problem-Solving Strategies in the Chemistry Laboratory, New Perspectives in Science Education' In: Pixel(Eds.). Florence, Italy : Simonelli - University Press.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2020 Lovatt, J., Grimes, P., McLoughlin, E. (Ed.). (2020) Educational Design Research for Teacher Professional Learning. Slovenia: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2021 Lovatt, J. (2021) 'Full STEAM ahead - Implications for Teacher Education in the Context of Curricular and Policy Reform in Ireland'. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 1 (1):1-14.
2014 Holland, C., Mulcahy, C., Judge, M., Lovatt, J., Scanlon, G., Rami, J., Corrigan, T. & McSharry, M. (2014) 'A Case Study of Infusing Sustainability within Dublin City University, through engagement in the EU TEMPUS Reorienting University Curricula to Address Sustainability (RUCAS) project. IN Reorienting University Curricula to Address Sustainability: RUCAS Case Studies'. :143-156.
2013 Lovatt, James; Finlayson, Odilla (2013) 'Investigating the transition into third level science - identifying a student profile'. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 14 (1). [DOI]
2012 Kelly, O. and Lovatt, J. (2012) 'A case study exploring students' problem-solving strategies in a PBL chemistry task'. NEW DIRECTIONS IN THE TEACHING OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES, 8 :38-42.
2007 Lovatt, J.; Finlayson, O.E.; James, P. (2007) 'Evaluation of student engagement with two learning supports in the teaching of 1st year undergraduate chemistry'. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 8 . [Link]
2007 Lovatt, James; Finlayson, Odilla E.; James, Paraic (2007) 'Evaluation of student engagement with two learning supports in the teaching of 1st year undergraduate chemistry'. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 8 (4).

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2024 James Lovatt, Eilish McLoughlin, Paul Grimes (2024) SMEC 2024 Beyond Boundaries - Future Proofing Science, Maths, Technology, Engineering Education . In: Aisling Twohill, Yvonne Naughton, Natalie O'Neill eds. Supporting Science Teacher Professional Learning through Practitioner Inquiry https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.11580574
2024 Stephen Gammell, Eilish McLoughlin, Paul Grimes and James Lovatt (2024) SMEC 2024 Beyond Boundaries - Future Proofing Science, Maths, Technology and Engineering Education . In: Aisling Twohill, Yvonne Naughton, Natalie O'Neill eds. In-service teacher's self efficacy for learning physics https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.11580574
2024 Eilish McLoughling, Stephen Gammell, Paul Grimes and James Lovatt (2024) SMEC 2024 Beyond Boundaries - Future Proofing Science, Maths, Technology and Engineering Education . In: Aisling Twohill, Yvonne Naughton, Natalie O'Neill eds. In-service teacher's self-efficacy for teaching physics https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.11580574
2021 J. Trimble; O.E. Finlayson; J.Lovatt (2021) 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Pre-service chemistry teacher education; Incorporating Metacognitive Pedagogical Strategies [DOI]
2020 J. Trimble; O.E.Finlayson; J.Lovatt (2020) 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Classroom discourse to promote metacognition and conceptual understanding in chemistry: an analysis [DOI]
2019 Trimble, J., Lovatt, J., & Finlayson, O.E. (2019) 13th International ESERA Conference . In: Levrini, O. & Tasquier, G eds. Questioning strategies to promote and assess, cognition metacognition and conceptual understanding in chemistry: an analysis Bologna,
2018 Mcloughlin, E; Grimes, P; Lovatt, J; Mordan, C; Murphy, P (2018) SMEC 2018: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in STEM Education Open schools for open societies: Encouraging innovation in schools and communities
2014 Odilla Finlayson, Eilish McLoughlin, James Lovatt, Deirdre McCabe and Paul van Kampen (2014) SMEC 2014- Thinking Assessment in Science and Mathematics . In: McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; Lovatt, J.; McCabe, D.; van Kampen, P eds. Teacher Education Programmes in Inquiry and Assessment across Europe [Link]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Priya Dharshini Augusthian, Orla Kelly, James Lovatt and Jack McCarthy (2024) SMEC 2024 Beyond Boundaries - Future Proofing Science, Maths, Technology and Engineering Education Circular Future - ready with formal and informal learning Ireland, . https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.11580574
2024 Odilla Finlayson and James Lovatt (2024) SMEC 2024 Beyond Boundaries - Future Proofing Science, Maths, Technology and Engineering Education Laboratory work in undergraduate chemistry studies - a look back and forward Ireland, . https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.11580574
2020 Trimble, J., Finlayson, O.E., Lovatt, J. (2020) 15th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education - Excellence and Innovation in Chemistry Teaching and Learning ECRICE 2020 Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, .
2015 Ashkanani,A., O Hara, J. Lovatt, J., Al-Hassan, A. and Tamtam,A. (2015) 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference THE IMPACT OF PERSONAL FACTORS ON INSTRUCTORS ATTITUDE TOWARD E-LEARNING SYSTEM IN KUWAIT UNIVERSITY USING TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL Madrid, Spail, 02/03/2015-04/03/2015.
2019 Trimble, J., Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E. (2019) 13th International ESERA Conference, The beauty and pleasure of understanding: engaging with contemporary challenges through science education Questioning Strategies to Promote and Assess, Cognition Metacognition and Conceptual Understanding in Chemistry: An Analysis Bologna, .
2019 Lovatt., J (2019) 2nd International Conference on Teacher Education Renovation in conjunction with the International Annual Meeting on STEM Education (I AM STEM 2019) Full STEAM ahead - implications for Teacher Education in the context of curricular and policy reform in Ireland Thai Nguyen University of Education, Vietnam, .
2018 Grimes, P; Lovatt, J; Mcloughlin, E; Mordan, C; Murphy, P (2018) SMEC 2018: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in STEM Education Beyond STEM: STEAM Education, Open Schools and More Developing Open Schooling in Ireland: Examining Schools as Evolving Learning Ecosystems Dublin, .
2015 Ashkanani, A., O'Hara, J., Lovatt, J., Al-Hassan, A., Tamtam, A., (2015) 9th International Technology Education and Development Conference The Impact of Personal Factors on Instructors Attitude Toward E-Learning System in Kuwait University using Technology Acceptance Model Madrid, Spain, 02/03/2015-04/03/2015.
2015 Nolan, B., Dempsey, M., Lovatt, J. and O'Shea, A (2015) British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics Developing Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) for pre-service teachers: a study of students' developing thinking in relation to the teaching of mathematics St. Patrick's College, Dublin, 27/02/2015-28/02/2015.
2015 Nolan, B., Dempsey, M., Lovatt, J., O'Shea, A. (2015) European Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning:Bridging Boundaries through the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching UCC, Cork, 08/06/2015-09/06/2015.
2015 Ford, J., Lorenzi, F., Lovatt, J. (2015) Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) 40th Annual Conference - Educational Research and Practice in Times of Transition: Looking to the Future Supporting 2nd year students in self-assessment: a case study in the context of CPD for the new Junior Cycle Framework Maynooth University, Ireland, 09/04/2015-11/04/2015.
2012 Kelly, O., Lovatt, J. (2012) New Perspectives in Science Education Insights into Science Students’ Problem-Solving Strategies in the Chemistry Laboratory Florence, Italy, 08/03/2012-09/03/2012.
2012 Corbett, K., van Kampen, P., Lovatt, J. (2012) Educational research in a Time of Transformation: Insights, influences and impacts, Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) 37th Annual Conference Community of practice as a method to proliferate the learning of inquiry based learning in second level science education in Ireland Cork, 29/03/2012-31/03/2012.
2012 Ford, J, Lorenzi, F., Lovatt, J. (2012) Educational research in a Time of Transformation: Insights, influences and impacts, Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) 37th Annual Conference The Subject Learning Portfolio and its application in supporting the training of 2nd year students in self-assessment techniques Cork, 29/03/2012-31/03/2012.
2011 Lovatt, J., McLoughlin, E., Finlayson, O.E., Murphy, P. (2011) Interdisciplinary experiences - collaborations and collisions Sixth annual Celsius Symposium on Science and Society Developing a module in Interdisciplinary Science The Helix Gallery, Dublin City University, 10/06/2011-10/06/2011.
2011 O'Malley, P., Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E. (2011) Engaging Minds: Active learning, participation and collaboration in Higher education, NAIRTL 5th Annual Conference and Galway Symposium on Higher Education Sustaining Change - what happens after a research project? National University of Ireland, Galway, 09/06/2011-10/06/2011.
2010 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E. (2010) 10th European Conference on Research In Chemical Education Using a quantitative approach to investigate teaching and learning of undergraduate chemistry in the Micro symposium: How can research influence practice? Examples given by young researchers from different countries, representing a variety of research approaches: Krakow, Poland, 04/07/2010-09/07/2010.
2010 Kelly, O., Lovatt, J. (2010) Inquiry-based learning: Facilitating authentic learning experiences in science and mathematics, Science and Mathematics Education Conference SMEC 2010 Identifying students’ problem solving strategies and their relation to approaches to learning Dublin City Univeristy, 16/09/2010-17/09/2010.
2008 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E. (2008) Variety in Chemistry Education Expectations, Approaches to learning and Academic Achievement: Are there correlations for the first year undergraduate chemistry student? Dublin City University, Ireland, 28/08/2008-29/08/2008.
2008 Lovatt, J., Mc Crudden, E.B., Ramírez-García, S., Finlayson, O.E., O'Malley, P. (2008) 9th European Conference On Research In Chemical Education Selggog Abbey – a context laboratory problem for introductory undergraduate chemistry Istanbul, Turkey, 06/06/2008-09/06/2008.
2008 Lovatt, J., Mc Crudden, E.B., Ramírez-García, S., Finlayson, O.E., O'Malley, P. (2008) Sciences serving science: Cross-disciplinary issues in Mathematics & Science Education, SMEC 2008 Selggog Abbey - a context laboratory for 1st year undergraduate science students¬ Dublin City University Ireland, 11/09/2008-12/09/2008.
2007 Finlayson, O.E., Lovatt, J., Ramirez-Garcia, S. (2007) 2nd European Variety in Chemistry Education Small-scale teaching within large groups – empowering the tutors in a 1sy year undergraduate chemistry laboratory Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 27/06/2007-30/06/2007.
2007 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E., Ramirez-Garcia, S. (2007) 2nd European Variety in Chemistry Education Modification of an expository laboratory for 1st year undergraduate chemistry Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 27/06/2007-30/06/2007.
2007 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E., Ramirez-Garcia, S. (2007) Variety in Chemistry Education Assessment for learning in undergraduate laboratory teaching University of Leicester, UK, 30/08/2007-30/08/2007.
2006 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E., James, P. (2006) 8th International ESERA Summer School Addressing the learning of chemistry at undergraduate level Braga, Portugal, 15/07/2006-22/07/2006.
2006 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E. (2006) SMEC, Interconnections between Science and Mathematics: 2nd Science and Mathematics Conference Monitoring Approaches to Learning in Undergraduate Chemistry St. Patrick’s College & Dublin City University, Ireland, 23/09/2006-24/09/2006.
2006 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E., James, P. (2006) 8th European Conference On Research In Chemical Education Evaluation of student engagement with a virtual learning environment (Moodle) in the teaching of 1st year undergraduate organic chemistry Budapest, Hungary, 31/08/2006-01/09/2006.
2006 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O., James, P. (2006) The 7th Variety In Irish Chemistry Teaching Meeting Evaluation of students engagement with moodle VLE in a 1st year organic chemistry blended learning module Dublin Institute of Technology,Ireland, 10/04/2006-10/04/2006.
2005 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E., James, P. (2005) Fifth International ESERA Conference on Contributions of Research to Enhancing Students’ Interest in Learning Science Development and evaluation of approaches to student teaching and learning of chemistry at tertiary level using a VLE platform Barcelona, Spain, 01/08/2005-05/08/2005.


Year Publication
2015 Harrison, C.; Howard, S.; Matthews, B.; Finlayson, O.; Lovatt, J.; McCabe, D.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; SAILS consortium (2015) SAILS project report: Finalised evaluation materials for teacher education in IBSE with integrated assessment. REPORT [Link]
2015 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2015) SAILS project report: Report from EAP on assessment materials (Part B). REPORT [Link]
2015 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2015) SAILS project report: SAILS dissemination activities. REPORT [Link]
2015 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2015) SAILS project report: Report from EAP on teacher education programme and CoP. REPORT [Link]
2015 Lundström, M.; Jönsson, A.; Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; Lovatt, J.; van Kampen, P; McCabe, D. (2015) SAILS project report: IBSE Teacher Education and Assessment Programme, Stage 2. REPORT [Link]
2014 Harrison, C.; Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; Friege, G.; Barth, M.; McCabe, D. (2014) SAILS project report: Evaluation of implementation with pilot teachers - Part B. REPORT [Link]
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2014) SAILS project report:Activities of the Community of Practice (CoP) I. REPORT [Link]
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2014) SAILS Networking activities. REPORT [Link]
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2014) SAILS project report: European conference presentation on the SAILS CoP. REPORT [Link]
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2014) Report from EAP on teacher education - Stage 1. REPORT [Link]
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2014) SAILS project report: Activities of the Community of Practice (CoP) I. REPORT [Link]
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2014) SAILS project report: Evaluation of implementation with pilot teachers - Part B. REPORT [Link]
2013 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2013) SAILS project report: IBSE Teacher Education. REPORT [Link]
2013 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2013) SAILS project report: Assessment frameworks and instruments for IBSE skills - Part A. REPORT [Link]
2013 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2013) SAILS project report:Strategy for the assessment of skills and competencies suitable for IBSE. REPORT [Link]
2013 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2013) SAILS project report: Report from EAP on assessment materials (Part A). REPORT [Link]
2012 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2012) SAILS project report: Organisation of the Community of Practice (CoP) in each participating country. REPORT [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Irish Association of Science Education Lecturers (IASEL) Member -
Royal Society of Chemistry Member -
Irish Science Teachers Association (ISTA) Member -
European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Member -


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Dublin City University Ph.D. Science Education Science Education
Dublin City University B.Sc. Science Education Science Education

Research Interests

Dr. Lovatt's research interests and expertise are in the areas of Science Education, Teacher Education, Teaching and Learning Methodologies with specific interest in Conceptual Development, Inquiry-Based-Science-Education (IBSE), Classroom Discourse, Assessment, Problem Solving, and Education Design.  Dr. Lovatt is involved in a number a European and Industry Funded Projects through collaborations with colleagues in the Centre for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Teaching & Learning (CASTeL) and is also a member of the Centre for Evaluation, Quality and Inspection (EQI).

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Remote Inquiries in Science Education DCU Co-PI 01/03/2021 28/02/2023
Undergraduate Summer Research Internship Scheme DCU Co-PI 29/05/2017 04/09/2017
Building Mathematical Content Knowledge for Teaching DCU Co-PI 01/01/2013 29/12/2015
Development Initiative for life science teachers DCU Project Team 01/08/2012 29/03/2014
Strategies for assessment of Inquiry Learning in Science (SAILS) DCU Project Team 01/01/2012 29/12/2015
Trial and Error? How novice and experts approach problem solving DCU-PI 01/09/2009 18/05/2010
Three Dimensions of Inquiry in Physics Education DCU PI 01/09/2017 31/08/2020

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Trimble ,James Joseph PhD Supervisor
Augusthian ,Priya Dharshini PhD-track Supervisor
Bolger ,Michelle Caroline PhD Supervisor

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2021 Microteaching and School Placement ES228
2022 Teaching and Learning in Science Education ES572
2022 Microteaching & Teach Prep ES143