Liz Hartnett


Profile Photo

I am a lecturer in intellectual disability nursing in the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health. I teach on a number of undergraduate modules and in postgraduate supervision. I am also involved in preceptorship training.  My research interests center around access to knowledge for nursing students in higher education. My PhD thesis is entitled: An exploration of how undergraduate intellectual disability nursing students are supported to access, integrate and apply knowledge for practice in Irish higher education.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 LIZ HARTNETT (2023) 'Insights from Henri Nouwen for intellectual disability nursing education'. JOURNAL OF CHRISTIAN NURSING, .
2021 Hartnett. L and McNamara. M (2021) 'The networking role of intellectual disability nurses during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic'. LEARNING DISABILITY PRACTICE, .
2021 Hartnett. L and McNamara. M (2021) ''Oral health and supporting people with intellectual disabilities to get access to dental treatment''. LEARNING DISABILITY PRACTICE, . [DOI]
2020 Hartnett. L and McNamara. M (2020) 'Using the semantic wave to support intellectual disability nursing students to apply theory and evidence in practice'. LEARNING DISABILITY PRACTICE, . [DOI]
2008 Hartnett, L., Gallagher, P., Kiernan, G., Poulsen, C., Gilligan, E and Reynolds, M (2008) 'Day service programmes for people with a severe intellectual disability and quality of life, parent and staff perspectives'. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 12 :153-172.
2008 Hartnett, E., Gallagher, P., Kiernan, G., Poulsen, C., Gilligan, E., Reynolds, M (2008) 'Day service programmes for people with a severe intellectual disability and quality of life, parent and staff perspectives Vol 12 (2) p153-172'. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 12 :153-172.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2021 Hartnett. L and McNamara. M (2021) 'The networking role of intellectual disability nurses during Covid-19' .
2020 Hartnett, L and McNamara, M (2020) 'The semantic wave: nurse preceptors supporting intellectual disability nursing students to select and apply theory and evidence for practice' .
2019 Hartnett. L (2019) 'Batten Disease' 22 (5) :22-22.
2004 Hartnett. L (2004) 'Hartnett. L (2004) An exploration of the role of the social model of disability in Irish intellectual disability nursing' Vol 2 :20-21.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2021 Liz HARTNETT (2021) IUA Conferenceon supporting family, patient and public involvement; Examples from nursing discipline IUA Conference Educating intellectual disability nurses to support people with an intellectual disability and their families accross the lifespan TCD .
2021 Liz Hartnett (2021) School of Nursing and Midwifery UCC Annual Research Conference 2021: Responding to crises This presentation focused on findings from my PhD study, An exploration of how undergraduate intellectual disability nursing students are supported to access, integrate and apply knowledge for practice in Irish higher education UCC .
2021 Liz Hartnett (2021) Qualitative Summer School; Qualitative research that matters SNPCH DCU Using critical discourse analysis to shed light on intellectual disability nursing students: access to knowledge for practice School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health, DCU .
2016 E Hartnett (2016) PhD Research Seminars How intellectual disability nursing in higher education in Ireland facilitates students to access and integrate knowledge for practice UCD .
2016 E Hartnett (2016) PhD Summer School School of Nursing Midwifery and Health Systems, UCD Knowledge integration in intellectual disability nursing in higher education UCD .


Year Publication
2020 Hartnett. L (2020) An exploration of how undergraduate intellectual disability nursing students are supported to access, integrate and apply knowledge for practice in Irish higher education. THES

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2023 Cithambaram.K., Corby, D., Egere, K., Hartnett, L., Healy, S. and Joyce, D (2023) Abstract Book . In: Cithambaram, C eds. Cancer Screening Access Needs of Disabled People- A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2023) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.


Language Reading Writing Speaking
French Functional Functional Functional

Research Interests

Critical discourse analysis. Legitmation Code Theory.  Knowledge integration in nursing education.  In my PhD study I explored how undergraduate intellectual disability nursing students are supported to access, integrate and apply knowledge for practice in Irish higher education. 

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2023 NS384
2020 NS4516
2023 NS376
2020 NS4517