Padraig Murphy


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Dr. Pádraig Murphy is Associate Professor in Communications at Dublin City University and Chair of the MSc in Science and Health Communication programme.  

While starting out as an environmental biotechnology graduate, Dr Murphy moved into science communication and Science and Technology Studies in the late nineties, as well as content management in e-learning. His teaching and research interests include science communication, and public engagement with science and technology. 

Dr. Murphy leads the Celsius research cluster at DCU. His current research and writing has focused on deliberative and participatory dialogue models for biotechnology, nanotechnology, and sustainable technologies, and ways that society can anticipate communications and policy issues around emerging, disruptive technologies. He managed a citizens’ jury on the trialling of the GM potato in Ireland, the Irish GM Potato Community of Inquiry project, funded by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency. 

He is author of Biotechnology, Education and Life Politics: Debating Genetic Futures from School to Society (Routledge, 2014) and co-editor of  Little Country, Big Talk: Science Communication in Ireland (Pantaneto Press, 2017).

Dr. Murphy has a PhD in Communication Studies from Dublin City University; an MSc in Science Communication also from Dublin City University; and a BSc in Environmental Pollution and Biological Sciences from the University of South Wales, formerly the University of Glamorgan, Wales.


Year Publication
2014 Murphy, P. (2014) Biotechnology, education and life politics: Debating genetic futures from school to society. [Link]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2020 Toss Gascoigne, Bernard Schiele, Joan Leach, Michelle Riedlinger, Bruce V. Lewenstein, Luisa Massarani, Peter Broks (2020) 'Ireland: science in a land of storytellers' In: Communicating Science: A Global Perspective. Canberra, Auatralia : ANU Press.
2017 Murphy, P. (2017) 'Public engagement in contested science and technology' In: Little Country, Big Talk: Science Communication in Ireland. Luton, UK : Pantaneto Press. [Link]
2011 Murphy, P.; Munshi, D.; Kurian, P.A.; Lakhtakia, A.; Bartlett, R.V. (2011) 'Nanotechnology, Society, and Environment' In: Comprehensive Nanoscience and Technology. [Link] [DOI]
2014 McIlrath, L.; Bates, C.; Burns, K.; Lyons, A.; McKenna, E.; Murphy, P. (2014) 'Emerging policy and practices on community-based research—perspectives from the Island of Ireland' In: HIGHER EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY-BASED RESEARCH: CREATING A GLOBAL VISION. [Link]
2009 Murphy, P. (2009) 'The challenges of Upstream communication and public engagement for Irish nanotechnology' In: Technoscience in Progress: Managing the Uncertainty of Nanotechnology. [Link] [DOI]
2013 Murphy, P (2013) 'Dialogic science and democracy: the case of nanotechnology' In: Deiric O'Broinn and Mary P. Murphy(Eds.). Politics, Participation and Power - Civil Society and Public Policy in Ireland. Dublin : Glasnevin Press.
2010 Murphy, P. Munshi, D. Lakhtakia, A . Bartlett. R.V. Kurian, P. A. (2010) 'Nanotechnology, environment and society' In: D. Andrews, G. Scholes and G. Wiederrecht(Eds.). Comprehensive Nanoscience and Technology. Amsterdam : Elsevier.
2010 Murphy, P (2010) 'NanoSTUDIO Project' In: David Guston(Eds.). Sage Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society. : Sage.
2010 Murphy, p (2010) 'Topless Humans Organized for Natural Genetics' In: David Guston(Eds.). Sage Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society. : Sage.
2010 Murphy , P. (2010) 'Woodrow Wilson International Center' In: David Guston(Eds.). Sage Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society. : Sage.
2009 Murphy, P. (2009) 'The challenges of upstream communication and public engagement for Irish nanotechnology' In: S. Arnaldi, A. Lorenzet and F. Russo(Eds.). Technoscience in Progress - Managing the Uncertainty of Nanotechnology. Amsterdam/Fairfax, VA, USA : IOS Press.
2009 Padraig Murphy (2009) 'The challenges of upstream communication and public engagement for Irish nanotechnology' In: Technoscience in Progress. Managing the Uncertainty of Nanotechnology. : IOS Press.
2008 Padraig Murphy (2008) 'Come on, be serious: positioning and framing in the power play of classroom-based reproductive and genetic technology debates' In: Science and its Publics. Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2005 Murphy, P. (2005) 'Young people's perspectives on genetics, identity and society using film and discussion' In: Fischer, H.E(Eds.). Developing Standards in Research on Science Education. London : Taylor and Francis Group.
2005 Padraig Murphy (2005) 'Young people's perspectives on genetics, identity and society using film and discussion' In: Developing Standards in Research on Science Education. London : Taylor and Francis.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2017 Trench, B. Murphy P and Fahy, D (Ed.). (2017) Little Country, Big Talk: Science Communication in Ireland. Luton, UK: Pantaneto Press, [Link]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2011 Murphy, P.; Munshi, D.; Kurian, P. A.; Lakhtakia, A.; Bartlett, R. V. (2011) 'Nanotechnology, Society, and Environment'. Comprehensive Nanoscience And Technology, Vol 5: Self-Assembly And Nanochemistry, .
2022 Murphy, P. (2022) 'Elusive science cultures'. JCOM-JOURNAL OF SCIENCE COMMUNICATION, 21 (5).
2021 Murphy, P. (2021) 'Steak and bleach as science communication heroes? The rise of post-corona, posthuman irony'. Journal of Science Communication, 20 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Murphy, P.; Brereton, P.; O'Brolchain, F. (2021) 'New materialism, object-oriented ontology and fictive imaginaries: new directions in energy research'. Energy Research and Social Science, 79 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Massarani, L.; Murphy, P.; Lamberts, R. (2020) 'COVID-19 and science communication: a JCOM special issue. Part 2'. Journal of Science Communication, 19 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Massarani, L., Murphy, P. and Lamberts, R. (2020) 'COVID-19 and science communication: a JCOM special issue. Part 1'. Journal of Science Communication, 19 (5). [Link]
2020 Murphy, Padraig (2020) 'IRELAND Science in a land of storytellers'. COMMUNICATING SCIENCE, .
2019 Culloty, E.; Murphy, P.; Brereton, P.; Suiter, J.; Smeaton, A.F.; Zhang, D. (2019) 'Researching Visual Representations of Climate Change'. Environmental Communication, 13 . [Link]
2019 McDonnell, O.; Murphy, P. (2019) 'Mediating abortion politics in Ireland: media framing of the death of Savita Halappanavar'. Critical Discourse Studies, 16 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Brereton, Pat & Culloty, E. & Murphy, P. & Suiter, Jane & Smeaton A. & Zhang, D. (2018) 'Researching Visual Representations of Climate Change'. Environmental Communication, .
2017 Campbell, N; Deane, C; Murphy, P (2017) 'The sounds of nanotechnology'. Nature Nanotechnology, 12 (7). [DOI]
2015 Campbell, Norah; Deane, Cormac; Murphy, Padraig (2015) 'Advertising Nanotechnology: Imagining the Invisible'. SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY & HUMAN VALUES, 40 (6). [DOI]
2015 Campbell, N, Deane, N and Murphy, P. (2015) 'Advertising Nanotechnology: Invisible Violence'. Journal of Macromarketing, 35 :148-148.
2011 Murphy, P (2011) 'Anticipatory governance: can we imagine a future scientific Ireland?'. 43 :37-48.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2012 Murphy, P (2012) '#gmpotato Community of Inquiry: Summary Report' .
2009 Murphy, P. (2009) 'Nanotalk at DCU' :10-11.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2018 Mcloughlin, E; Grimes, P; Lovatt, J; Mordan, C; Murphy, P (2018) SMEC 2018: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in STEM Education Open schools for open societies: Encouraging innovation in schools and communities
2009 Murphy, Padraig (2009) TECHNOSCIENCE IN PROGRESS: MANAGING THE UNCERTAINTY OF NANOTECHNOLOGY The Challenges of Upstream Communication and Public Engagement for Irish Nanotechnology [DOI]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2021 Murphy, P.; O'Brien, S. (2021) Creating our Future: The View from Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) at DCU Creating our Future: The View from Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) at DCU Online/DCU, 26/08/2021-26/08/2021.
2021 Gormley, B. (2021) Celsius webinar: Communicating COVID 19 – Trials, Challenges and Lessons Communicating COVID 19 – Trials, Challenges and Lessons Online/DCU, 23/06/2021-23/06/2021.
2021 Murphy, P. (2021) PCST 2020 +1 web conference: Time, Technology, Transformation 24-27 May Communicating vaccinations, cancer screening and reproductive rights: a snapshot in time during rapid political change in Ireland Online, 24/05/2021-27/05/2021.
2021 Murphy, P. (2021) PCST 2020 +1 web conference: Time, Technology, Transformation 24-27 May The Story of John Edmonstone, Darwin’s Teacher Online, 24/05/2021-27/05/2021.
2020 Murphy, P. (2020) CASE & GSO4SCHOOL Online Conference: Applications of CASE in Greek schools and teacher attitudes to creative science education Online, 01/12/2020-03/12/2020.
2020 Koulountzos, V. and Murphy, P. (2020) CASE & GSO4SCHOOL Online Conference Applications of CASE in Greek schools and teacher attitudes to creative science education Online, 01/12/2020-03/12/2020.
2018 Grimes, P; Lovatt, J; Mcloughlin, E; Mordan, C; Murphy, P (2018) SMEC 2018: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in STEM Education Beyond STEM: STEAM Education, Open Schools and More Developing Open Schooling in Ireland: Examining Schools as Evolving Learning Ecosystems Dublin, .
2018 Murphy, P. (2018) Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference Propositions of Life Itself: first steps towards aligning biopolitical theories with Irish reproductive politics Limerick, Ireland, .
2011 Lovatt, J., McLoughlin, E., Finlayson, O.E., Murphy, P. (2011) Interdisciplinary experiences - collaborations and collisions Sixth annual Celsius Symposium on Science and Society Developing a Module in Interdisciplinary Science The Helix Gallery, Dublin City University, 10/06/2011-10/06/2011.
2011 McLoughlin, E., Finlayson, O., Lovatt, J. and Murphy, P., (2011) NAIRTL 5th Annual Conference and Galway Symposium on Higher Education Towards bridging the gap between science and humanities for first year science students National University of Ireland, Galway, .
2011 McLoughlin, E., Finlayson, O., Lovatt, J. and Murphy, P., (2011) Celsius Symposium Developing a Module in Interdisciplinary Science DCU, 10/06/2011-11/06/2011.
2016 Murphy, P (2016) The Maintainers Reprising the Third Way: a Middling Proposal Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, 07/04/2016-09/04/2016.
2016 Murphy, P. and McDonagh, K (2016) Living Knowledge 2017 Embedded RRI in Higher Education Institutions: the DCU Societal Impact Platform DIT, Dublin, .
2015 Murphy, P (2015) First International Conference on ANTICIPATION The NUCLEUS project: global perspectives on embedding RRI within Higher Education Institutions - prologue Trento (Italy), .
2016 Murphy, P (2016) The International Interdisciplinary Consortium in Health, Environment and Education 1 Communicating the existentialist threat of climate change and future action University of Cologne, 01/12/2016-04/12/2016.
2016 Murphy, P (2016) DCU Advertising Symposium The Small Worlds of Advertising: Analysing Images and Sounds from the Nanoscale DCU, 22/12/2016-22/12/2016.
2014 Campbell, N. Deane, C. and Murphy, P. (2014) 39th Annual Macromarketing Conference Advertising Nanotechnology: Invisible Violence London, 02/07/2014-05/07/2014.
2014 Campbell, N. Deane, C. and Murphy, P. (2014) The Future of the Body: Phenomenology, Medicine and the (Post)human Groping the Nano Trinity College Dublin, 19/06/2014-20/06/2014.
2014 Campbell, N. Deane, C. and Murphy, P. (2014) Annual Macromarketing Conference 2014 Advertising Nanotechnology: Invisible Violence. Paper presented to the 39th , London, July 2-5 London, 02/07/2014-05/07/2014.
2014 Murphy, P. (2014) Communicating Climate Change: Visualisation Workshop Environment and Media Images: the Irish experiences. Presentation to the Communicating Climate Change: Visualisation Workshop, Exeter, 19-21 May Exeter, 19/05/2014-21/05/2014.
2014 Trench, B. Camilli, F. and Murphy, P. (2014) 13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST 2014) Trench, B. Camilli, F. and Murphy, P. (2014) What Are European Science Communication Communities Talking About? Paper presented to 13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST 2014) Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 05/05/2014-08/05/2014.
2014 Murphy, P. (2014) 13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST 2014) The Bio-orators and the Communication of Big Ideas in Biology. Paper presented to 13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST 2014) Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 05/05/2014-08/05/2014.
2014 E. Griessler, S. Arnaldi, L. Csonka, A. Filacek, M. Hufnagl, A. Inzelt, S. J. Kozlowski, S. Mačiukaité-Žviniene, N. Mejlgaard, P. Murphy, M Nielsen , M. Nieminen, N. Pöchhacker, G. Revuelta; T. Sveinsdottir, É. Tancoigne, L. Tauginienė , L. Tsipouri (2014) ITA: Responsible Innovation. Neue Impulse für die Technikfolgenabschätzung? (2014) Monitoring Responsible Research and Innovation Across Selected European Countries: First Results. Paper presented to the conference ITA: Responsible Innovation. Neue Impulse für die Technikfolgenabschätzung?, Wien, June 2-4 Vienna, 02/06/2015-04/06/2014.
2013 Campbell, N. Deane, C. and Murphy, P. (2013) 5th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET) Advertising Nanotechnology: Imagining the Invisible Boston, .
2012 Murphy, P. (2012) 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Conference Quality, Honesty and Beauty in Science Selling Irish science, technology and innovation: can public engagement escape a new kind of “greenwash”? kind of “greenwash”? Paper presented to the 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Conference Quality, Honesty and Beauty in Science Florence, Italy, 18/04/2012-20/04/2012.
2012 Murphy, P. (2012) 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Conference: Quality, Honesty and Beauty in Science Why does ‘opinion’ really matter to genetic screening and therapeutic cloning?: future biopolitics in today’s classrooms. Paper presented to the 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Florence, Italy, 18/04/2012-20/04/2012.
2011 Murphy, P. and Marsili, E. (2011) Interdisciplinary experiences - collaborations and collisions Murphy, P. and Marsili, E. 2011 A dialogical life cycle approach for nanotechnology? Interdisciplinary experiences - collaborations and collisions The Helix, Dublin City University, 10/06/2011-10/06/2011.
2014 Campbell, N. Deane, C. and Murphy, P. (2014) Phenomenology, Medicine and the (Post)human Groping the Nano. Paper presented to the conference The Future of the Body: Phenomenology, Medicine and the (Post)human, 19-20 June, Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Dublin, 19/06/2014-20/06/2014.
2013 Campbell, N, Deane, C and Murphy, P. (2013) 5th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET) Advertising Nanotechnology: Imagining the Invisible North-eastern University, Boston, 27/10/2013-30/10/2013.
2012 Murphy, P (2012) SustaiNext EU Session organiser and chair: Agriculture and Food Helix, DCU, 10/10/2012-11/10/2012.
2012 Murphy, P (2012) 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Conference: Quality, Honesty and Beauty in Science Selling Irish science, technology and innovation: can public engagement escape a new kind of “greenwash”? Florence, Italy, 18/04/2012-20/04/2012.
2012 Murphy , P (2012) 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Conference: Quality, Honesty and Beauty in Science Why does ‘opinion’ really matter to genetic screening and therapeutic cloning?: future biopolitics in today’s classrooms Florence, Italy, 18/04/2012-20/04/2012.
2011 Murphy, P. and Marsili, E. (2011) Interdisciplinary experiences - collaborations and collisions A dialogical life cycle approach for nanotechnology? The Helix, Dublin City University, 10/06/2011-10/06/2011.
2010 Murphy, P. (2010) Earth Talks Environmental Science and Journalism Science Gallery, 25/11/2010-25/11/2010.
2010 Murphy, P. (2010) Martin McEvoy Seminar Series An Irish Nanotechnology Citizens' Jury - Public Participation in Irish Science Policy Dublin City University, 05/11/2010-05/11/2010.
2010 Murphy, P. (2010) Sustainability – where Science and Society meet - Celsius Workshop Sustainability-proofing in prospective technology assessment DCU, 29/01/2010-29/01/2010.
2010 Murphy, P (2010) Organiser and Chair of Panel Speaker Session ‘ 11th International Conference on Public Communication of Science & Technology (PCST-2010) Nanotechnology as Knowledge Debate: Public and Media Responses to the Nanosciences in Europe and India’ New Delhi, 06/12/2010-09/12/2010.
2009 Murphy, P. (2009) Negotiating New Sciences in Society (Science//Society symposium) Discourses and discourse sites of nanotechnology Dublin City University, 22/01/2009-23/01/2009.
2009 Murphy, P. (2009) Environmental Protection Agency PhD and Postdoc Seminar Communicating environmental science Dublin, Ireland, 12/11/2009-13/11/2009.
2009 Murphy, P. and delle Cave, V. (2009) SNET: Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies - First Annual Conference Nanotechnology discourses and the politics of risk in European media Seattle, Washington, 08/09/2009-11/09/2009.
2009 Murphy, P. (2009) BioNano: Inspiring Responsible Development for Society and the Environment 7 Reasons Ireland needs to talk about nanotechnology Dublin, Ireland, 15/10/2009-16/10/2009.
2009 Murphy, P. (2009) Hot Topics in Food and Nutrition Research Programme Nanotechnology: the consumer's perspective NovaUCD, 07/07/2009-07/07/2009.
2009 Murphy, P. (2009) UCD Food Graduate Development Programme Food and Nutrition Communication Module Science in dialogue Dublin City University, 05/05/2009-07/05/2009.
2009 Fahy, D. and Murphy, P. (2009) Practical Workshop for the UCD Food Graduate Development Programme Food and Nutrition Communication Module Communicating risk: scenarios Dublin City University, 05/05/2009-07/05/2009.
2008 Murphy, P. (2008) EPA STRIVE Fellowships & Scholarships Seminar Nanotechnology: engaging the public on health, environmental and social issues Kilmainham, Dublin, 13/11/2008-14/11/2008.
2008 Murphy, P. (2008) PCST-10: Bridges to the future Comparative framing of reproductive / genetic technologies and nanotechnologies in the classroom Malmo/Copenhagen, 23/06/2008-27/06/2008.
2008 Murphy, P. (2008) OECD Working Party on Nanotechnology: Workshop on Public Engagement with Nanotechnology The Irish experience in nanotechnology communication, education and public engagement Delft, The Netherlands, 30/10/2008-31/10/2008.
2008 Murphy, P. (2008) Managing the Uncertainty of Nanotechnologies: Challenges to Law, Ethics and Policy Making The challenges of upstream communication and public engagement for Irish nanotechnology University of Padua, Rovigo, Italy, 22/05/2008-23/05/2008.
2008 Murphy, P. (2008) Education: Ethical or Instrumental? The strategies and tactics of second level school engagement with genetic engineering: a ‘practice theory’ approach Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, 25/10/2008-.
2007 Murphy, P. (2007) Science & the Public Positioning and life politics through reproductive technology debates in biology class Imperial College London, 19/05/2007-.
2007 Murphy, P. (2007) Governing Genomics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Regulation of the Biosciences Framing new reproductive and genetic technologies in classroom discourse ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society (Egenis), University of Exeter, 25/01/2007-27/01/2007.
2006 Murphy, P. (2006) Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference The role of identity in classroom perspectives on new reproductive and genetic technologies National College for Art and Design (NCAD), Dublin, 30/03/2006-01/04/2006.
2006 Murphy, P. (2006) Irish Science Teachers Association (ISTA)Annual Meeting Using film and biotechnologists in biology class to discuss controversial issues Athlone Institute of Technology, Ireland, 24/03/2006-.
2006 Murphy, P. (2006) Science//Society Research Seminar Life choices: classrooms identifying with the drama of debate in new reproductive and genetic technologies Dublin City University, 27/01/2006-27/01/2006.
2006 Murphy, P. (2006) Sociological Association of Ireland Postgraduate Conference Choosing identities: reproductive technology debate in biology class as an example of Giddens's life politics DCU, 10/11/2006-11/11/2006.
2005 Murphy, P. (2005) ESERA 2005 (European Science Education Research Association) Young people's perspectives on socioscientific issues using film and discussion Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 28/08/2005-01/09/2005.
2004 Murphy, P. (2004) NILE 2004 (Narrative and Interactive Learning Environments) Using film and discussion to allow young people to express ideas about biological knowledge, genetic screening and society 10/08/2004-13/08/2004.
2004 Murphy, P. (2004) Local and Global: Contested Terrains Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Conference Cultural understandings of biology in Ireland and Europe DCU, 24/09/2004-25/09/2004.

Published Report

Year Publication
2017 Campus Engage (2017) Engaged Research: Society and Higher Education Working Together to Address Grand Societal Challenges. HEA, .

Commissioned Report

Year Publication
2013 Trench, B. F. Camilli and P. Murphy (2013) Trends in science communication in Europe: Study for PLACES project by Celsius group, Dublin City University. COMMREP


Year Publication
2020 Massarani, Luisa; Murphy, Padraig; Lamberts, Rod (2020) COVID-19 and science communication: a JCOM special issue. ED [DOI]


Year Publication
2015 Dr. Padraig Murphy (2015) Debates on assisted reproduction should begin the classroom. NEWSA
2010 Dr. Padraig Murphy (2010) Time for science to move outside the lab. NEWSA


Year Publication
2016 Mordan C and Murphy, P. (2016) D4.7 NUCLEUS Field Trip Report: Economy (Dublin). REPORT
2014 van der Windt, H, P. Murphy, A. Vardiu, and D. Smith (2014) PERARES Deliverable D9.2: Final report on PERARES Work Package 9: Monitoring and Evaluation. REPORT

Technical Report

Year Publication
2016 Murphy, Padraig (2016) NUCLEUS Field Trip Report, Cell 4: Science in Media and Responsible Research and Innovation. TP

Other Publication

Year Publication
2017 Campbell, N.; Deane, C.; Murphy, P. (2017) The sounds of nanotechnology. [Link] [DOI]
2015 Campbell, Norah; Deane, Cormac; Murphy, Padraig (2015) Advertising Nanotechnology: Invisible Violence.
2007 Dr. Padraig Murphy (2007) Choosing identities: the politics and practices of classroom discourse on reproductive and genetic technologies. DCU:

Online Article

Year Publication
2020 Murphy, P. (2020) We need careful messaging from Government - the. ELEA
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
European Association for the Social Studies of Science (EASST) 07/07/2010 -
Sociological Association of Ireland 01/01/2009 - 31/12/2013
International Network on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) 13/05/2015 -
Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland 17/01/2012 -
European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 08/08/2005 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
Nominated President's Engagement Award
Nomination Teaching Award (Jointly)


Committee Function From / To
DCU Engagement Strategic Plan Working Group 20/03/2017 - 20/04/2017
Water Institute Ethics Committee 01/02/2017 - 22/12/2017
Research and Enterprise Hubs/Platforms Directors' Committee 01/01/2013 - 31/08/2017
PAC Users Committee -
Community Engagement Strategy (CES) Working Group -
Faculty Marketing Committee 02/02/2011 - 30/05/2015
Steering Committee for the Citizenship and Science Exchange (CaSE) educational web portal project -
DCU Contract Researchers’ Association (DuCRA) Founding member 13/01/2009 - 14/07/2010
Sustainable DCU -
DCU Civic Engagement Strategy -
Steering Committee for the BA Festival of Science 'Science in the City' programme (Dublin) 01/06/2005 - 31/07/2005
DCU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Marketing Committees 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2015
Steering Group for the OECD Working Party on Nanotechnology Public Engagement 10/03/2009 - 30/11/2010


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
DCU Ph.D. Communication Studies
University of Glamorgan Bachelor of Science Environmental and Biological Pollution Science
DCU Master of Science Science Communication


Journal Role
Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology Reviewer
Environmental Communication Reviewer
Journal of Science Communication Reviewer

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
2004 Consultancy Hosca October -December 2004 Consultant, freelance · Freelance instructional design consultant and e-learning scriptwriter. Hosca - process flow
2015 Consultancy Irish Cancer Society Science Communication Training PhDs and Postdocs
2016 Consultancy RESPECT/Daughters of Charity Disability Support Service ASSISTID Science Communication Training
2013 Consultancy Irish Cancer Society Science Communication Training PhDs and Postdocs
2015 Consultancy TCD/Science Gallery Evaluation of Lifelogging and Homesick exhibitions
2015 Consultancy IUA Campus Engage Community-based research workshop
2015 Consultancy UCD UCD Food Graduate Development Programme - Science Communication Training
2015 Consultancy GAP Ballymun 'Let's Talk Science' Festival STEM Outreach Evaluation
2009-2012 Consultancy UCD/TCD Science communication training for PhDs, science professionals; theory and practice of communicating research eg , Tell It Straight (DCU), CRANN (TCD), Innovation Academy (TCD), UCD Food Graduate Development Programme, UCD SSRA programme, UCD AccesScience

Outreach Activities

Year Engagement Type Organisation Description
The GM potato trials at Oak Park In July 2012, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Ireland granted a licence to Teagasc, the Irish agriculture and food development authority, to begin field trials of a potato variety, Desiree, which is genetically modified (GM) for improved resistance to late potato blight (Phytophthora infestans). Teagasc will carry out these trials on land around its research site in Oak Park, Carlow in Autumn 2012. This is part of a three-year international European Commission Framework Seven project, and the EPA licence is subject to strict scientific conditions, and regular monitoring and reporting to the EPA. See the EPA website for more details. The #gmpotato Community of Inquiry project A random sample of the public were invited to participate in a face-to-face deliberation process with our expert presenters, each of whom are represented here in YouTube videos. The meeting worked like a ‘citizens’ jury’ – the members of the public are the ‘jurors’, while the expert presenters are the ‘witnesses’. Celsius, the research team co-ordinating the project, facilitated and monitored points of view coming from the deliberative process itself and from traditional and online media. The jury’s ‘verdict’ is given here, more information on the Community of Inquiry is available here. Aims of the #gmpotato Community of Inquiry project • To facilitate public debate and dialogue between stakeholders involved in both the proposal of, and resistance to, the GM potato, as well as the wider public. • To allow a process of dialogue that will inform policy and regulation on genetically modified organisms and future farming practice in Ireland. • To use the latest in communication research and practice in deliberative, democratic processes enabling public response to controversial technologies Website:
What is ‘Your Science Your Say’? 'Your Science Your Say’ is an online forum where new, or emerging, technologies are discussed and where there is public debate about what developments in the lab might be funded or regulated in future. Our philosophy is - it is important that risks and benefits of particular scientific applications to society and to the environment are debated publicly at the early development stages. In ‘Your Science Your Say: Nanotechnology’, four nanotechnology researchers talk about their work in short Youtube videos. We want you to have your say about new Irish science. This is one of a range of methods for public engagement with nanotechnology being tested by a research project funded by the Irish Environment Protection Agency (EPA). Responses will help inform EPA on public engagement policy about new technologies, the environment and society. How do you have your say? Look at the four video presentations Leave a written response on this site, or a video one through Youtube, saying: which research you think potentially poses the most risk to society which research will potentially present the most benefit to society (it can be the same one as most risk!) how you think each technology should be monitored or regulated


Title Year Type Authors
Is Irish science responsible? It’s getting there 2016 Newspaper article (online) Murphy, P
Time for science to move outside the lab 2010 Newspaper article (Print) Murphy, P
Debates on assisted reproduction should begin the classroom 2015 Newspaper article (Print) Murphy, P
Opinion: We need careful messaging from Government - the 'vaccine hesitant' will not respond well to coercion. 2020 Newspaper article (online) Murphy, P.
The gender divide in toys is about more than just child's play 2017 Other Ging, D. and Murphy, P.
The important social role of the Young Scientist Exhibition’ 2018 Other Murphy, P.

Research Interests

Science communication; Science and Technology Studies; public participation in and media representations of science and technology; Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI); interdisciplinary links between the physical sciences and humanities and social sciences; engaged research and community-based research

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Open Schools for Open Societies (OSOS) - EC Horizon 2020 Project PI, Management Committee, Work Package Leader 01/03/2017 29/02/2020
Nanotechnology: engaging the public on health, environmental and social issues Principal Investigator, researcher 01/10/2007 31/12/2009
ANTICIPATE: Actors in NanoTechnology Co-creation and Participatory Policy Engagement - Enterprise Ireland Coordinators' Support H2020 Coordinator (EI Coordinators' Support Scheme) 01/12/2016 31/01/2017
Societal Impact Platform (DCU Research and Enterprise Hubs) Director 01/11/2013 31/12/2017
NUCLEUS - New Understanding of Communication, Learning and Engagement in Universities and Scientific Institutions - EC Horizon 2020 Project Management Committee, Work Package Leader (Implementation) , DCU PI 01/09/2015 31/08/2019
CCIM - Ireland’s Reporting of Climate Change: Content and Discourse Analysis with Irish Media Guidelines [joint PI with Dr. Jane Suiter, funded by EPA] Co-PI 01/01/2015 02/02/2017
National Correspondent to Res-AgorA - EC Framework 7 Project PI, National Correspondent to Res-AgorA 01/12/2013 30/06/2015
Communicating Responsible Research and Innovation - steps towards future environmental science and public engagement - EPA funded PI, thesis supervisor 13/12/2012 13/12/2015
Trends in Science Communication for the PLACES Project -EC Framework 7 funded PI 10/12/2012 15/07/2013
#GMpotato - Community of Inquiry 2012 - EPA funded project PI and researcher 01/10/2012 30/01/2013
Irish public attitudes to radiation - Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland PI 01/11/2011 31/12/2011
NANONOW - Enterprise Ireland Coordinators' Support Scheme FP7 consortium leader -Enterprise Ireland Coordinators' Support Scheme 18/11/2010 01/02/2011
PERARES - Public Engagement with Research and Research Engagement with Society - EC Framework 7 Science-in-Society Project Work Package Leader (Evaluation) 01/05/2010 31/10/2014
DCU Research Fellowship Research Fellow (first awarded in social sciences) 01/03/2010 30/04/2012
DCU Research Fellowship DCU Research Fellow (first awarded from social sciences) 01/03/2010 30/04/2012

Contract Researchers

Researcher Name Project Funding Body
Caitriona Mordan NUCLEUS

Teaching Interests

Science Communication & Public Engagement
Science and Technology Studies
Environmental Communication
Science Policy
Cultural Studies
Contemporary Social Theory
Community-Based Learning and Research

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Cultural Studies CM102
2022 Cultural Studies CM157
2022 INTRA Work Placement: MSHC CM588
2022 MSHC Project/Dissertation CM538
2022 Science, Technology & Society CM392
2020 Media and Communication Skills CM537
2022 Science and Health in the Media CM534
2021 Ethnographic Study CM158
2022 Research Methods CM570
2022 Engaged Research CM602
2022 Data Communication CM5033
2022 Strat. Comm. for STEM, Envirn. & Healthcare CM5032