Roderick Flynn

Born Dublin, Studied History and Politics at UCD, took a Masters in Film and Television Studies at DCU. Completed Phd. on Universal Telephone Service in Ireland at DCU in 1997.
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Roberta Carlini, Francisco Rui Cádima, Roderick Flynn, Jan Christopher Kalbhenn (2024) '“Media viability vs Market plurality: a comparative perspective”' In: Media Pluralism in the Digital Era Legal, Economic, Social, and Political Lessons Learnt from Europe. London : Routledge. | |
2021 | Suiter, J.; Flynn, R. (2021) 'Irish Media and the Shaping of Political Discourse' In: The Oxford Handbook of Irish Politics. [Link] | |
2020 | Juan Pablo Arturo, Roderick Flynn and Damian Guzek (2020) 'Media Concentration and the Rise of Multinational Companies' In: The Handbook of European Communication History. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell. | |
2020 | Roddy Flynn (2020) 'A Level Playing Field? Irish broadcast-sports rights and the decline of the national' In: Sport, the Media and Ireland: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Cork : Cork University Press. | |
2020 | Roderick Flynn (2020) 'European Film Since the 1890s: A Media Sector in the Shadow of Hollywood' In: Handbook of European Communication History. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell. | |
2019 | Dr. Roderick Flynn (2019) 'The Irish Film Industry and Film Policy' In: The Blackwell Companion to British and Irish Cinema. Oxford : Blackwell. | |
2018 | Roderick Flynn (2018) 'An Irish Film Industry or a Film Industry in Ireland? The Paradoxes of State Aid' In: Handbook of State Aid for Film. Cham : Springer. | |
2017 | Dr. Roderick Flynn (2017) 'Ireland: Moving from courts to institutions of accountability' In: European Handbook of Media Accountability. London : Routledge. | |
2015 | Dr. Roderick Flynn and Professor Paschal Preston (2015) 'Irish Media Concentration' In: Eli Noam(Eds.). Who Owns the World's Media?. : Oxford University Press. | |
2014 | Dr. Roderick Flynn and Professor Paschal Preston (2014) 'International Television Organisations' In: Toby Miller, Herman Gray, Manuel Alvarado, Milly Buonono(Eds.). The Sage Handbook of Television Studies. : Sage. | |
2014 | Dr. Roderick Flynn, Kevin Rafter, Iain McMenamin and Eoin O'Malley (2014) 'Mediating Elections in Ireland' In: Mark O’Brien and Donnacha O’Beachain(Eds.). Political Communication in Ireland: Journalism, Politics and the Public. : University of Liverpool Press. | |
2014 | Dr. Roderick Flynn (2014) 'How important shall Public Service Media be in the European Digital Media Age?' In: Konrad Mitschka(Eds.). Public Value Report. Vienna, Austria : ORF. | |
2010 | Dr. Roderick Flynn (2010) 'John Huston and an Irish Film Industry' In: Tony Tracy and Roddy Flynn(Eds.). John Huston: Essays on a Restless Director. Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland. | |
2009 | Dr. Roderick Flynn (2009) 'Republic of Ireland PLC-- testing the limits of marketisation' In: Debbie Ging, Michael Cronin, Peadar Kirby(Eds.). Transforming Ireland: Challenges, Critiques Resources. New York : MacMillan. | |
2009 | Roderick Flynn (2009) 'Projecting or protecting Ireland? The Department of External Affairs and Hollywood 1946-1960' In: Ruth Barton(Eds.). Screening Irish-America Representing Irish-America in Film and Television. : Irish Academic Press. | |
2009 | Dr. Roderick Flynn (2009) 'Talking a Little Treason: The Quiet Man and the Irish State' In: Sean Crosson and Rod Stoneman(Eds.). The Quiet Man and Beyond. Dublin : Liffey Press. | |
2009 | Dr. Roderick Flynn (2009) 'Das Mediensystem Irlands (Irish Media System)' In: Christiane Matzen and Anja Herzog(Eds.). Internationales Handbuch Medien. Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. | |
2007 | Dr. Roderick C Flynn (2007) 'About Adam and Paul' In: JOhn Horgan, Barbara O'Connor and Helena Sheehan(Eds.). Mapping Irish Media: Critical Explorations. Dublin : UCD Press. | |
2005 | Roderick Flynn (2005) 'The Last Semi-State? Lemass And Film Policy' In: The Age of Lemass: Ireland 1945 to 1973 edited by Gary Murphy and Brian Girvin. : UCD Press. | |
2002 | Roderick Flynn (2002) 'Neo-Liberalism and Irish Broadcasting' In: Reinventing Ireland: Culture and the Celtic Tiger edited by Peadar Kirby, Luke Gibbons and Michael Cronin, published by Pluto Press. : 0. | |
2020 | Jane Suiter and Roderick Flynn (2020) 'Irish Media and the Shaping of Political Discourse' In: The Oxford Handbook of Irish Politics. Oxford : Oxford University Press. | |
2019 | Flynn, R. (2019) 'Tackling the directive: Television without frontiers, transnational broadcasting, and irish soccer' In: Sport and the Media: Recent Economic, Legal, and Technological Developments: A Special Double Issue of trends in Communication. [Link] | |
2017 | Flynn, R. (2017) 'Ireland: Moving from courts to institutions of accountability' In: The European Handbook of Media Accountability. [Link] |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | (2023) '“The Irish Are Coming”: Irish Cinema Comes of Age'. Estudios Irlandeses, 18 (1). [DOI] | |
2023 | Roddy Flynn (2023) 'An Cailin Ciuin'. Estudios Irlandeses, 18 (1). | |
2022 | (2022) 'Shuttered cinemas and an abundance of content: the 2021 paradox'. Estudios Irlandeses, 17 (1). [DOI] | |
2021 | Roddy Flynn (2021) 'Irish Film and Television 2020'. Estudios Irlandeses, 17 (1). [Link] [DOI] | |
2020 | Roddy Flynn; Tony Tracy (2020) 'Irish Film and Television 2019'. Estudios Irlandeses, 16 (1). [Link] [DOI] | |
2019 | Browne, H.; Coulter, C.; Flynn, R.; Hetherington, V.; Titley, G. (2019) '‘Pitstop of Death’: Irish newspaper coverage of Iraq war protests at Shannon airport*'. Irish Political Studies, 34 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2018 | Roddy Flynn (2018) 'Deja Vu? The Audiovisual Action Plan'. Estudios Irlandeses, 14 (1). [Link] | |
2018 | Roddy Flynn; Tony Tracy (2018) 'Waking the Film Makers: Diversity and Dynamism in Irish Screen Industries'. Estudios Irlandeses, 13 (1). [DOI] | |
2017 | Tracy, Tony; Flynn, Roddy (2017) 'Contemporary Irish Film: From the National to the Transnational'. Eire-Ireland, 52 (1-2). | |
2016 | Dr. Roderick Flynn and Tony Tracy (2016) 'Quantifying national cinema. An analysis of productions funded by the Irish Film Board/ Bord Scannán na hÉireann 1993-2013'. Film Studies, 6 . | |
2016 | Coulter C.; Browne H.; Flynn R.; Hetherington V.; Titley G. (2016) ''These people protesting might not be so strident if their own jobs were on the line': Representations of the 'economic consequences' of opposition to the Iraq war in the Irish national press'. Media, War and Conflict, 9 (2):113-136. [DOI] | |
2015 | Roderick Flynn (2015) 'Public Service Broadcasting without Public Service Broadcasters'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL TELEVISION, 6 . | |
2015 | Flynn, R. (2015) 'Public service broadcasting beyond public service broadcasters'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL TELEVISION, 6 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2015 | Flynn, Roddy (2015) 'It Is Against the Basic Concepts of Good Government to Subject Our People to Rosemary Clooney at the Public Expense: Imported Programming on Early Irish Television'. Eire-Ireland, 50 (1-2). [DOI] | |
2015 | Flynn, R; Tracy, T (2015) 'Calvary'. Estudios Irlandeses, :191-196. | |
2014 | Dr. Roderick Flynn and Tony Tracy (2014) 'Split Screens: The Year in Review 2013'. Estudios Irlandeses, 9 . | |
2014 | Dr. Roderick Flynn, Iain MacMenamin, Eoin O’Malley and Kevin Rafter (2014) '). The impact of the economic crisis on media framing: Evidence from three elections in Ireland'. EUROPEAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW (PRINT), 6 :433-488. | |
2014 | O'Malley, E.; Brandenburg, H.; Flynn, R.; McMenamin, I.; Rafter, K. (2014) 'The impact of the economic crisis on media framing: Evidence from three elections in Ireland'. European Political Science Review, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2014 | Rafter, K.; Flynn, R.; McMenamin, I.; O’Malley, E. (2014) 'Does commercial orientation matter for policy-game framing? A content analysis of television and radio news programmes on public and private stations'. European Journal of Communication, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2014 | Dr. Roderick Flynn, Iain MacMenamin, Eoin O’Malley and Kevin Rafter (2014) '“Does commercial orientation matter for policy-game framing? A content analysis of television and radio news programmes on public and private stations”'. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION (PRINT), 29 . | |
2013 | Dr. Roderick Flynn and Tony Tracy (2013) 'The Feature Film in an Age of Digital Reproduction'. Estudios Irlandeses, 8 . | |
2013 | McMenamin, I.; Flynn, R.; O'Malley, E.; Rafter, K. (2013) 'Commercialism and Election Framing: A Content Analysis of Twelve Newspapers in the 2011 Irish General Election'. International Journal of Press/Politics, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2013 | Dr. Roderick Flynn (2013) 'Whither Now for Section 481?'. Estudios Irlandeses, 8 . | |
2007 | Roderick Flynn (2007) 'Raiders of the Lost Archives � The Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on the Film Industry 1942'. Irish Communications Review, Vol :30-41. | |
2005 | Roderick Flynn (2005) 'What's 'new' about the New International Division of Cultural Labour? Film Policy in Ireland 1932 - 1960 '. * :*-*. | |
2004 | Roderick Flynn (2004) 'Tackling the Directive: Television Without Frontiers, Transnational Broadcasting, and Irish Soccer in Trends in Communication'. 12, No. 2&3 :131-152. | |
2003 | Roderick Flynn and Aphra Kerr (2003) 'Revisiting Globalisation Through the Movie and Digital Games Industries '. CONVERGENCE (PRINT), 9 . | |
2000 | Preston P Flynn R (2000) 'Rethinking universal service: Citizenship consumption norms and the telephone'. Information Society, 16 :91-98. | |
2000 | Preston, P; Flynn, R (2000) 'Rethinking universal service: Citizenship, consumption norms, and the telephone'. Information Society, 16 (2). | |
1999 | Flynn, R; Preston, P (1999) 'The long-run diffusion and techno-economic performance of national telephone networks: a case study of Ireland, 1922-1998'. Telecommunications Policy, 23 (5). | |
1999 | Flynn R Preston P (1999) 'The long-run diffusion and techno-economic performance of national telephone networks: a case study of Ireland 1922-1998'. Telecommunications Policy, 23 :437-457. | |
2020 | Pablo Artero, Juan; Flynn, Roderick; Guzek, Damian (2020) 'Media Concentration and the Rise of Multinational Companies'. HANDBOOK OF EUROPEAN COMMUNICATION HISTORY, . | |
2020 | Flynn, Roderick (2020) 'European Film Since the 1890s A Media Sector in the Shadow of Hollywood'. HANDBOOK OF EUROPEAN COMMUNICATION HISTORY, . | |
2019 | Flynn, Roderick (2019) 'Irish Film Industry and Policy'. COMPANION TO BRITISH AND IRISH CINEMA, . | |
2016 | Flynn, R.; Tracy, T. (2016) 'Quantifying National Cinema: A Case Study of the Irish Film Board 1993-2013'. Film Studies, 14 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2016 | Coulter, C.; Browne, H.; Flynn, R.; Hetherington, V.; Titley, G. (2016) ''These people protesting might not be so strident if their own jobs were on the line': Representations of the 'economic consequences' of opposition to the Iraq war in the Irish national press'. Media, War and Conflict, 9 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2000 | Preston, P.; Flynn, R. (2000) 'Rethinking universal service: Citizenship, consumption norms, and the telephone'. Information Society, 16 . [Link] [DOI] | |
1999 | Flynn, R.; Preston, P. (1999) 'Long-run diffusion and techno-economic performance of national telephone networks: a case study of Ireland, 1922-1998'. Telecommunications Policy, 23 . [Link] [DOI] |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
Dr. Roderick Flynn . | ||
2021 | Alexandros Antoniou, Amedeo Arena, Mark D. Cole, Christina Etteldorf, Roderick Flynn, Pascal Kamina, Carles Llorens, Roman Lukyanov, Marina Piolino, Jörg Ukrow, Krzysztof Wojciechowski, Lorna Woods, Sebastian Zeitzmann (2021) 'Transparency of Media Ownership' Irish Special, 2021 (2) . [Link] | |
2012 | Iain McMenamin , Roderick Flynn , Eoin O'Malley , Kevin Rafter (2012) 'Explaining election frames: A content analysis of twelve newspapers in the 2011 Irish general election ' . |
Conference Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Roddy Flynn; Dawn Wheatley (2024) RIPE PSM 2024 Squaring the circle: using public funds to support commercial provision of public service media content Nova Institute of Communication, Lisbon, 15/05/2024-18/05/2024. | |
2023 | Roddy Flynn (2023) Spotlight Conference, Irish Film Institute Keynote Address IFI, Dublin, 26/04/2023-26/04/2023. | |
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2022 | • Lokot T., Deligiaouri A., Cornia A. and Flynn R. (2022) 11th Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union “Perceptions of Europeanization in the Irish media in times of crisis” Rome (Italy), . | |
2019 | (2019) International Association for the Study of Irish Literature The Invisibles: Accommodating Production for the International Market in Irish Cinema Trinity College Dublin, 22/07/2019-26/07/2019. | |
2018 | (2018) Sport, Media and the Cultural Industries in Ireland A Level Playing Field? Media Sports Rights since 1997 Dublin City University, 22/05/2018-22/05/2018. [DOI] | |
2017 | (2017) Public Funding of Private Media Public Funding of Private Media Dublin City University, 22/06/2017-22/06/2017. | |
2016 | Roderick Flynn (2016) Irish cinema: the national and the international' Where there are film historians, there are revisionists Trinity College Dublin, 20/05/2016-20/06/2016. | |
2016 | Roderick Flynn (2016) EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network) First in Line - Pioneering examples of Flipped Learning Budapest, Hungary, 14/06/2016-17/06/2016. | |
2016 | Roderick Flynn (2016) 1916, Cinema and Revolution International Conference Plus Sinn Feiner Que Vous: Managing 1916 Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway, 25/05/2016-27/05/2016. | |
2014 | Roderick Flynn (2014) ECREA Annual Conference Public Service Broadcasting Without Public Service Broadcasters Lisbon, Portugal, 12/11/2014-14/11/2014. | |
2013 | Roderick Flynn (2013) MEDIA MONITORING IN THE DIGITAL AGE Representation of Disability in the Irish Media Huston School of Media, NUIG, 22/05/2013-24/05/2013. | |
2013 | Roderick Flynn (2013) A National Cinema in the Global Age? The Irish Film Board at 20: tracing the development of policy and practice Irish Film Institute, 28/04/2013-28/04/2013. | |
2013 | Roderick Flynn (2013) European Film Cultures: ECREA Film Studies Section Interim Conference Navigating culture and commerce: the Irish Film Board’s equivocal strategy 1993 – 2013 Lund, Sweden, 08/11/2013-09/11/2013. | |
2013 | Roderick Flynn (2013) International Association of Media and Communications Research (IAMCR) Separating Public Service Broadcasting from Public Service Broadcasters Dublin City University, 25/06/2013-29/06/2013. | |
2013 | Roderick Flynn (2013) Modernism, Memory & Media: Ireland 1913-16 Plus Sinn Feiner Que Vous NUI Maynooth, 21/06/2013-22/06/2013. | |
2011 | Roderick Flynn (2011) Masculinities in Irish Popular Culture Gabriel Byrne Huston School of Media, NUIG, 23/09/2011-23/09/2011. | |
2010 | Roddy Flynn (2010) European Cinema Research Forum - Is There Such a Thing as European Cinema? Digital film-making in Europe: The saviour of indigenous cinema or a calling card for Hollywood? Exeter, UK, 02/07/2010-04/07/2010. | |
2010 | Roderick Flynn and Debbie Ging (2010) ECREA 3rd European Communication Conference Written on the skin? A quantitative and qualitative analysis of Irish-mediated advertising's treatment of male and female ageing. Hamburg, Germany, 12/10/2010-15/10/2010. | |
2010 | Roddy Flynn (2010) Irish Association Irish Literature and Culture: New and Old Knowledges Digitally Accented - new Digital Cinema in Ireland NUIM Maynooth, Ireland, 26/07/2010-30/07/2010. | |
2010 | Roderick Flynn (2010) ECREA 3rd European Communication Conference Digital film-making in Europe – the saviour of indigenous cinema or a calling card for Hollywood? Hamburg, Germany, 12/10/2010-15/10/2010. | |
2008 | Roddy Flynn (2008) Symposium on the Irish Cinema Institution State film policy 1945–2005 NUI Maynooth, 18/09/2008-18/09/2008. | |
2008 | Roddy Flynn & Debbie Ging (2008) Irish Media Research Network Representations of people with disability in the Irish broadcast media NUI Maynooth, 19/09/2008-20/09/2008. | |
2008 | Roddy Flynn (2008) European Cinema Research Forum Cinema and State: Irish Film Policy 1945 - 2008 Dublin Institute of Technology, 12/07/2008-13/07/2008. | |
2007 | Roddy Flynn (2007) Screening Irish America Policing Hollywood:The Irish Department of External Affairs and International Productions in Ireland 1946 – 1960 William Jefferson Clinton Centre. UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, 13/04/2007-15/04/2007. | |
2007 | Roddy Flynn and Gavan Titley (2007) Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference The ‘Special Relationship’ Between Ireland and the United States: Representations of the Iraq War in the Irish National Press 11/05/2007-11/05/2007. | |
2007 | Roddy Flynn (2007) Irish Media Research Network Annual Conference Mediating the New Ireland – A prologue Digital Hub, 15/06/2007-15/06/2007. | |
2007 | Roddy Flynn (2007) AMERICAN CONFERENCE FOR IRISH STUDIES NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007 Policing Hollywood:The Irish Department of External Affairs and International Productions in Ireland 1946 – 1960 CUNY Institute for Irish American Studies, New York City, USA, 18/04/2007-21/04/2007. | |
2007 | Roddy Flynn (2007) Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference Irish film as network enterprise: how Castell’s Information Age illuminates our understanding of the audiovisual sector/audiovisual policy in Ireland University of Limerick, 11/05/2007-13/05/2007. | |
2006 | Harry Browne, Colin Coulter, Roddy Flynn, Vanessa Hetherington and Gavan Titley (2006) The US and Iraq: Reflections and Projections Conference ‘From Boston to Baghdad? Discourses of US Interest and Irish Exceptionality in Irish Press Coverage of the Iraq War’ William Jefferson Clinton Auditorium, Belfield, NUI Dublin, 24/11/2006-24/11/2006. | |
2006 | Flynn, Roddy (2006) John Huston Centenary Conference The Huston Report Huston School of Digital Media, NUI Galway, 23/11/2006-24/11/2006. | |
2004 | Roderick Flynn (2004) Offscreen Spaces Conference Ireland and the New International Division of Cultural Labour University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, 28/07/2004-30/07/2004. | |
2004 | Roderick Flynn (2004) DCU Joint Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Conference Tackling the Directive: a case study in the relationship between state, braodcasters and academics DCU, 24/09/2004-25/09/2004. | |
2002 | Roderick Flynn and Aphra Kerr (2002) Media in Transition 2 Revisiting Globalisation through the movie and digital games industries MIT, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA, 10/05/2002-12/05/2002. | |
2002 | Roderick Flynn and Aphra Kerr (2002) DCU Joint Faculty of Humanities Conference Is Hollywood Doomed?: The Dream Factory response to new games media St Patricks, Drumcondra, 22/02/2002-23/02/2002. | |
1998 | Roderick Flynn (1998) IAMCR Conference Telecommunications and National Development: An Empirical Analysis Glasgow, Scotland, 25/07/1998-31/07/1998. |
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Roddy Flynn (2023) Monitoring media pluralism in the digital era : application of the media pluralism monitor in the European Union, Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey in the year 2022. Country report : Ireland. European University Institute, . [DOI] | |
2023 | (2023) European Media Ownership: Ireland Country Report. Media Ownership Monitor, . [Link] | |
2022 | Roddy Flynn (2022) Monitoring media pluralism in the digital era : application of the Media Pluralism Monitor in the European Union, Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey in the year 2021. Country report : Ireland. European University Institute, . [DOI] | |
2020 | Roddy Flynn (2020) Monitoring Media Pluralism in the Digital Era: Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor in the European Union, Albania and Turkey in the years 2018-2019 Country report: Ireland. European University Institute, . | |
2017 | Roddy Flynn; Trisha Dunleavy (2017) CONTESTABLE FUNDING FOR PUBLIC SERVICE CONTENT. European Broadcasting Union, . | |
2017 | Roddy Flynn (2017) Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 Monitoring Risks for Media Pluralism in the EU and Beyond Country report: Ireland. European University Institute, . | |
2009 | Dr. Roderick Flynn and Dr Debbie Ging (2009) The Representation and Portrayal of People with Disabilities in Irish Broadcasting. Broadcasting Commission of Ireland, . |
Other Publication
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Roddy Flynn; Claire English; Shane Murphy (2024) Media Ownership Monitor Ireland Online Resource. [Link] | |
2024 | (2024) [Link] | |
2012 | Flynn, Roderick (2012) FILM EXHIBITION AND DISTRIBUTION IN IRELAND, 1909-2010. | |
2001 | Flynn, R (2001) Changing channels: the prospects for television in a digital world. |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Roddy Flynn (2018) The Drummer and the Keeper. | |
2018 | (2018) Meetings with Ivor. [Link] |
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Professional Associations
Research Interests
Audiovisual Policy in Ireland, Europe and the US, Telecommunications Policy, Broadcasting Policy, , Social History of Communications. Political Economy of the Media. History of Media Technology.