Thomas Brady


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Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2018 Brady T.;Falk M.;Watt C. (2018) 'Noncrossing partitions and milnor fibers'. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 18 (7):3821-3838.
2010 Brady T.;McCammond J. (2010) 'Braids, posets and orthoschemes'. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 10 (4):2277-2314.
2010 Brady T.;Watt C. (2010) 'From permutahedron to associahedron'. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 53 (2):299-310.
2010 Brady T.;Kenny A.;Watt C. (2010) 'Climbing elements in finite coxeter groups'. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 17 (1).
2008 Brady T.;Burillo J.;Cleary S.;Stein M. (2008) 'Pure braid subgroups of braided Thompson's groups'. Publicacions Matematiques, 52 (1):57-89.
2008 Brady, T;Watt, C (2008) 'Non-crossing partition lattices in finite real reflection groups'. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 360 :1983-2005.
2007 Athanasiadis, CA;Brady, T;Watt, C (2007) 'Shellability of noncrossing partition lattices'. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 135 :939-949.
2006 Athanasiadis, CA;Brady, T;McCammond, J;Watt, C (2006) 'h-vectors of generalized associahedra and noncrossing partitions'. International Mathematics Research Notices, .
2006 Brady, T;Watt, C (2006) 'On products of Euclidean reflections'. American Mathematical Monthly, 113 :826-829.
2002 Brady, T;Watt, C (2002) 'A partial order on the orthogonal group'. Communications in Algebra, 30 :3749-3754.
2002 Brady, T;Watt, C (2002) 'K(pi, 1)'s for Artin groups of finite type'. Geometriae Dedicata, 94 :225-250.
2001 Brady, T (2001) 'A partial order on the symmetric group and new K(pi,1)' s for the braid groups'. Advances in Mathematics, 161 :20-40.
2000 Brady, T (2000) 'Artin groups of finite type with three generators'. Michigan Mathematical Journal, 47 :313-324.
2000 Brady, Thomas; McCammond, Jonathan P. (2000) 'Three-generator Artin groups of large type are biautomatic'. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 151 :01-09.
2000 Brady, T;McCammond, JP (2000) 'Three-generator Artin groups of large type are biautomatic'. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 151 :1-9.
1996 Brady, Thomas (1996) 'Complexes of non-positive curvature and automorphisms of the $4$-punctured sphere. '. ARCHIVES DER MATHEMATIK, 67 :173-176.
1995 Brady, Thomas (1995) 'Complexes of nonpositive curvature for extensions of $F\sb 2$ by $ Z$'. TOPOLOGY APPLICATIONS, 63 :267-275.
1994 Brady, Thomas (1994) 'Automorphism groups of punctured surfaces'. TOPOLOGY APPLICATIONS, 55 :47-66.
1994 Brady, T. (1994) 'Automatic structures on ${\rm Aut}(F\sb 2)$'. ARCHIVES DER MATHEMATIK, 63 :97-102.
1993 Brady, Thomas (1993) 'Free resolutions for semi-direct products'. JOURNAL OF TOHOKU MATHEMATICS, 2 :535-537.
1993 Brady, Thomas (1993) 'The integral cohomology of ${\rm Out}\sb {+}(F\sb 3)$. '. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 87 :123-167.
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