Veronica Crosbie


Profile Photo

Veronica Crosbie is Assistant Professor in Migration and Intercultural Studies in SALIS, Dublin City University. She is Chair of the MA Refugee Integration. Other roles and responsibilities include Chair of the Places of Sanctuary Ireland (PoSI) network. She was instrumental in establishing DCU as the first University of Sanctuary in Ireland in 2016, which entails creating a culture of welcome for asylum seekers and refugees. In 2017, she co-hosted the colloquium Asylum Narratives and co-edited a special issue related to the theme for the journal Studies in Arts and Humanities, which was published in January 2019. 

Veronica has conducted participatory action research on integration through the arts with social enterprise BlueFire. More recently, her focus has turned to applying capability approach theory to asylum and refugee contexts, most notably concerning Direct Provision in Ireland, again using participatory action research methodology. She is also currently investigating the University of Sanctuary model as a framework for supporting and developing socially just institutes of higher education.

Her doctoral research focused on the development of capabilities for critical cosmopolitan citizenship in higher education. She has published on this theme in international peer-reviewed journals and edited book collections, as well as giving keynote lectures on the subject in South Africa, the UK and Spain. 


Year Publication
1995 Ms. Veronica E Crosbie (1995) Tourismus auf Deutsch. : CERT/Gill & MacMillan.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2013 Crosbie V. (2013) 'Capabilities and a pedagogy for global identities' In: Human Development and Capabilities: Re-imagining the University of the Twenty-First Century. London : Routledge. [DOI]
1999 Ms. Veronica E Crosbie (1999) 'Mapping the Intercultural Space: a BA in European Business Case Study' In: Theile, K. & Ó hÓgartaigh, C(Eds.). International Business Education. Ireland : Oaktree Press.
2010 Bruen, B., Péchenart, J., Crosbie, V., (2010) 'Learning to LOLIPOP: Developing an e-Portfolio and Integrating it into a First Year research and Study Skills Module' In: Donnelly, R., Harvey, J., and O’Rourke, K.C(Eds.). Donnelly, R., Harvey, J., and O’Rourke, K.C. Critical Design and Effective Tools For E-Learning in Higher Education: Theory into Practice. : Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
2009 Crosbie, V. and Sudhershan, A. (2009) 'Putting the Self into Assessment: evaluating linguistic and intercultural proficiency with LOLIPOP' In: Urkun, Z(Eds.). Issues in Assessing ESOL. Canterbury : IATEFL.
2007 Crosbie, V. (2007) 'Have portfolio, will travel: The Intercultural Dimension of the European Language Portfolio' In: Pearson-Evans, A. & Leahy, A(Eds.). Intercultural Spaces: Language, Culture, Identity. New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien : Peter Lang.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2006 Crosbie V. (2006) 'From policy to pedagogy: Widening the discourse and practice of the learning society in the european union'. Language and Intercultural Communication, 6 (3-4):234-242. [DOI]
2005 Crosbie V. (2005) 'Future directions for modern languages in the higher education landscape: An interview with alison phipps and mike gonzalez'. Language and Intercultural Communication, 5 (3-4):294-303. [DOI]
2018 Crosbie, V (2018) 'Intercultural Dialogue in Practice: BlueFire's Community Integration Activities Viewed Through a Participatory Action Research Capability Lens'. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 19 :198-215. [DOI]
2016 Bruen J.;Crosbie V.;Kelly N.;Loftus M.;Maillot A.;McGillicuddy Á.;Péchenart J. (2016) 'Teaching controversial topics in the humanities and social sciences in Ireland: Using structured academic controversy to develop multi-perspectivity in the learner'. Journal Of Social Science Education, 15 (3):18-25. [DOI]
2014 Crosbie V. (2014) 'Capabilities for intercultural dialogue'. Language and Intercultural Communication, 14 (1):91-107. [DOI]
2014 Crosbie V. (2014) 'Cosmopolitan capabilities in the HE language classroom'. Journal Of Social Science Education, 13 (2):24-38. [DOI]
2006 Ms. Veronica E Crosbie (2006) 'From policy to pedagogy: widening the discourse and practice of the learning society in the European Union'. Language and Intercultural Communication, 6 :234-242.
2005 Ms. Veronica E Crosbie (2005) 'Future Directions for Modern Languages in the Higher Education Landscape: An Interview with Alison Phipps and Mike Gonzalez'. Language and Intercultural Communication, 5 :294-303.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2019 Crosbie, V. and Maillot, A. (2019) 'Asylum Narratives: Introduction' 4 (2) :1-4. [Link]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2018 Crosbie, V. (2018) 70 años de Educando para una cultura democrática / 70 years of education for cultural democracy “Capabilities for social justice in higher education in Ireland: the University of Sanctuary model” Universidad Católica de Valencia, Spain, 10/12/2018-.
2016 Veronica Crosbie (2016) Capability and Diversity in a Global society; Human Development and Capability Association annual international conference Intercultural dialogue in practice Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, 01/09/2016-03/09/2016.
2015 Crosbie, V. (2015) Intercultural Dialogue as Social Practice. IALIC annual conference Intercultural dialogue in practice: a collaborative investigation of BlueFire’s integration activities in an Irish metropolitan setting Peking University, Beijing, China, 26/11/2015-29/11/2015.
2015 Crosbie, V. (2015) Capabilities on the move: mobility and asspirations Precarious lives: justice and gender equality for migrant women in Ireland Georgetown University, Washington DC, 10/09/2015-13/09/2015.
2011 Crosbie, V. (2011) HDCA: Innovation, Development and Human Capabilities A Curriculum of Capabilities for Language and Intercultural Studies in Higher Education The Hague, The Netherlands, 05/09/2011-08/09/2011.
2011 Crosbie, V. (2011) SALIS Research seminar A curriculum of Capabilities for Languages in Higher Education: Continuing the conversation Dublin City University, 27/10/2011-27/10/2011.
2010 Crosbie, V (2010) Internationalisation of the Curriculum for Global Citizenship: Policies, Practices and Pitfalls Developing a Critical Cosmopolitan Curriculum for the HE Language Classroom Oxford Brookes University, UK, 17/06/2010-18/06/2010.
2010 Crosbie, V. (2010) SALIS Research Conversations Revisiting the Curricula in the Era of Globalisation 31/03/2010-.
2009 Crosbie, V. (2009) Capability and Education Network Seminar Generating a capability space in the HE Language Classroom Institute of Education, London, 23/10/2009-23/10/2009.
2009 Crosbie, V. (2009) Human Development and Capability Association Power and Pedagogy in Higher Education Lima, Peru, 10/09/2009-12/09/2009.
2009 Crosbie, V. (2009) SALIS Research Seminar Power and participation in the language classroom: towards a pedagogy of capability development Dublin City University, 08/10/2009-08/10/2009.
2008 Crosbie, V. (2008) 'Faith, Hospitality and Shopping: Re-imagining intercultural dialogue': International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication (IALIC) Re-imagining Cultural Democracy: lessons from the headscarf debate Glasgow University, Scotland, 31/10/2008-02/11/2008.
2008 Crosbie, V. & Sudhershan, A. (2008) Issues in Assessing ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages): TEA SIG IATEFL Putting the Self into Assessment: evaluating linguistic and intercultural proficiency with LOLIPOP Teachers' Club, Dublin, Ireland, 17/10/2008-18/10/2008.
2007 Crosbie, V. (2007) Learning together: Reshaping Higher Education in a global age New Pedagogies for the Cosmopolitan Undergraduate: generating a space for capability and identity development in the HE language classroom Institute of Education, University of London, 22/07/2007-24/07/2007.
2007 (2007) 'Ideas Changing History', Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) International Conference The New School, New York City, 17/09/2007-20/09/2007.
2006 Crosbie, V., Pechenart, J., Kennedy, F. Sudhershan, A. (2006) EUROCALL: Integrating CALL into Study Programmes (Self)-Assessing the Intercultural Dimension of Language Learning through LOLIPOP University of Granada, Spain, 04/09/2006-07/09/2006.
2006 (2006) Language Policy in Ireland Dublin Castle, 01/02/2006-02/02/2006.
2005 Crosbie, V. (2005) Europe Inside Out: International Association of Language and Intercultural Communication (IALIC) annual conference From policy to pedagogy: widening the discourse and practice of the learning society in the European Union Haute Ecole Francisco Ferrer, Brussels, Belgium, 09/12/2005-11/12/2005.
2004 Crosbie, V. (2004) Politics, Plurilingualism and Linguistic Identity: International Association of Language and Intercultural Communication (IALIC) 5th Annual conference Dublin City University, 11/11/2004-14/11/2004.
2003 Crosbie, V. , Bruen, J., Péchenart, J. (2003) Intercultural Spaces Have portfolio, will travel: the intercultural dimension of the European Language Portfolio Dublin City University, 07/11/2003-08/11/2003.
2018 Crosbie, V. (2018) Interculturality in a Precarious Future: Multiple Contexts, Multiple Voices Radical love, hospitality and capabilities: musings on migration and critical cosmopolitanism in higher education settings University of Leeds, 26/10/2018-26/10/2018.
2018 Crosbie, V., Daniel, J., McKinley, P. (2018) Human Development and Capability Association: Human Development and Social Inclusion in an Urbanizing World University of Sanctuary Narratives: promoting a culture of welcome for inclusive, socially just societies Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, 30/08/2018-01/09/2018.
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2022) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
International Association of Language and Intercultural Communication (IALIC) Conference organiser, 5th Annual conference, DCU, 2004; Vice-chair of association (2010 - 2017) -
Human Development and Capability Association HDCA) Fellow -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
President's award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Fellowship in Teaching and Learning
T&L small project award
European Language Label


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University of Sheffield Ed.D Education studies
Heriot - Watt, Moray House Centre for Education Ov M.A. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
University of Dublin, Trinity College Ed Higher Diploma in Applied Linguistics & Language Learning
University of Dublin, Trinity College Ed Higher Diploma in Education
University College Dublin B.A. Arts: German, History


Language Reading Writing Speaking
German Fluent Functional Fluent
Spanish Basic Basic Basic
French Basic Basic
Japanese Basic

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
DCU Language Services: Lecture to French teachers of English on the European Language Portfolio (July 2006)
Medical Council Ireland

Research Interests

Capabilities approach, cosmopolitan citizenship, critical pedagogy, intercultural studies, multiculturalism, migrant studies, participatory action research

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Intercultural Communication LC121
2022 Issues in Multiculturalism LC4770
2022 Media and Communication Skills EN206
2022 English Language Skills:Globalisation EN103