Lorna Fitzsimons

Dr. Lorna Fitzsimons is an Assistant Professor in the School of
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in DCU. Research expertise and
interests include the water-energy nexus: water and wastewater treatment; thermodynamics and exergy analysis; energy auditing,
modelling and benchmarking; LCA; control and automation for energy efficiency.
The focus of her PhD was the energy optimisation in the semiconductor
manufacturing industry (Intel). She
has coordinated and delivered two EPA funded projects which audited,
benchmarked and modelled the energy and resource efficiency of Irish wastewater
treatment plants: Increasing the resource
efficiency of Irish wastewater treatment plants (http://www.epa.ie/pubs/reports/research/water/researchreport168.html) and Optimal design of small Irish wastewater
treatment plants (http://www.epa.ie/pubs/reports/research/water/research255.html). Currently, she is a PI in three H2020 and national
energy and sustainability research projects which focus on the energy-water
nexus: ESIPP (https://esipp.ie/), Saltgae (http://saltgae.eu/), and ALICE (https://www.alice-wastewater-project.eu/). She has a
strong track record of funding success: EPA, H2020, SFI, Enterprise Ireland.
Conference Publication
Peer Reviewed Journal
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2021) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Research Interests
Water-energy nexus
Water treatment - Ultra-pure, desalination and wastewater
Energy modelling
Exergy analysis
Water treatment - Ultra-pure, desalination and wastewater
Energy modelling
Exergy analysis