Niamh Gaynor


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Dr Niamh Gaynor holds a PhD in Sociology from Maynooth University, and an MSc in Rural Development and a BSc (hons) in Botany and Mathematics, both from University College Dublin.  Following her MSc in 1994, Niamh lived for three years in Benin, West Africa where she worked on a GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) natural resource management project dealing with the challenges of climate change in the Sahel within a multi-ethnic community.  On returning to Ireland in 1997, she worked with a number of development agencies and NGOs conducting field research and project evaluations in Africa and Central Europe.  In 2004, she was awarded an IRC (Irish Research Council) PhD scholarship and she completed her PhD in 2008. 

Niamh was appointed to DCU's School of Law and Government in 2009 where she is currently an Associate Professor.  She teaches courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.  At undergraduate level, courses taught include Introduction to Development and The Politics of sub-Saharan Africa.   At post-graduate level, courses taught include International Development Practice, The Political Economy of Development, Politics and Development in Africa and Research Methods.  Niamh has also served as MA programme Chair, BA Joint Honours Politics representative, and Teaching and Learning Coordinator within the School.

Niamh’s research focuses on how social and political inequalities are produced and reproduced. Her work to date has focused on exploring the conditions under which more marginalised groups and communities wield political influence at local and national levels.  She has conducted field research in a wide range of African countries (most recently, Burundi, DRC, Rwanda and Malawi), as well as in Ireland, collaborating with NGOs and public agencies in this research.  Her recent book (2022), Engendering Democracy in Africa: Women, Politics and Development is published by Routledge and is freely available on Open Access here.  She is currently working on a co-edited book on the history of development education in Ireland. This is co-edited with Eilish Dillon (Maynooth University), Gerard McCann (Queen's University) and Stephen McCloskey (Centre for Global Education, Belfast) and will be published in Open Access by Bloomsbury in 2024. 

Niamh serves on the editorial board of Policy and Practice - a Development Education Review. She also regularly serves as a reviewer for a wide range of international journals and book publishers.


Year Publication
2024 Eilish Dillon; Niamh Gaynor; Gerard McCann; Stephen McCloskey (2024) Global Education in Ireland: Critical Histories and Future Directions. London: Bloomsbury.
2022 Gaynor, N. (2022) Engendering Democracy in Africa: Women, Politics and Development. [Link]
2022 Davies, J.S., I. Blanco, I. Chorianopoulos, N. Gaynor, S. Griggs, P. Hamel, R. Kiel, M. Pill and H. Sullivan (2022) New Development in Urban Governance: Rethinking Collaboration in the Age of Austerity. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
2021 Antonella Acinapura, Niamh Gaynor, Bernie Grummell, Su-ming Khoo, Mags Liddy, Benjamin Mallon, Gabriela Martínez Sainz, Gerard McCann and Stephen McCloskey (2021) Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review: Fifteenth Anniversary Special Edition. Belfast: Centre for Global Education.
2017 Jonathan Davies, Ismael Blanco, Ioannis Chorianopoulos, Niamh Gaynor, Steven Griggs, Pierre Hamel, David Howarth, Roger Keil, Madeleine Pill, and Helen Sullivan (2017) Governing in and Against Austerity: International Lessons from Eight Cities. Leicester, UK: De Montfort University.
2016 Niamh Gaynor and Mairtin Cronin (2016) Community based approaches to tackling Gender-based violence in Malawi: Lessons and challenges of involving women and men. Ireland: ActionAid.
2014 Gaynor, Niamh (2014) Community mobilisation in Ituri, DRC: Approaches, strategies, successes and challenges. : Trocaire.
2013 Gaynor, Niamh (2013) Decentralisation, Conflict and Peacebuilding in Rwanda. : Trocaire.
2013 Gaynor, Niamh (2013) Gouvernance locale, conflits et consolidation de la paix en Republique Democratique du Congo. : Trocaire.
2013 Gaynor, Niamh (2013) Local governance, conflict and peacebuilding in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. : Trocaire.
2011 Gaynor, Niamh (2011) Opportunities for Citizen Participation in Local Governance in Burundi. : Trocaire.
2010 Gaynor, Niamh and Anne O'Brien (2010) Drivers of Change?: Community Radio in Ireland. : Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.
2010 Gaynor, Niamh (2010) Transforming Participation?: The Politics of Development in Malawi and Ireland, . : Palgrave Macmillan.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Niamh Gaynor (2024) 'Contesting understandings and (re)claiming citizenship in Global Education' In: Global Education in Ireland: Critical Histories and Future Directions. London : Bloomsbury.
2024 Niamh Gaynor; Eilish Dillon (2024) 'Global Education within Higher Education: Challenges and Contradictions in fuelling Ireland’s ‘knowledge economy’' In: Global Education in Ireland: Critical Histories and Future Directions. London : Bloomsbury.
2024 Niamh Gaynor (2024) 'Future Directions and Global Lessons' In: Global Education in Ireland: Critical Histories and Future Directions. London : Bloomsbury.
2023 Niamh Gaynor (2023) 'Local Civil Society Initiatives for Peacebuilding in North-East Congo' In: Civil Society Responses to Changing Civic Spaces. Basingstoke : Palgrave. [DOI]
2021 Gaynor, N. (2021) 'Borders and violence in Burundi: Regional responses, global responsibilities' In: Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration. [Link]
2021 Niamh Gaynor (2021) 'Development Education in Politically Interesting Times' In: Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review: Fifteenth Anniversary Special Edition. Belfast : Centre for Global Education.
2021 Niamh Gaynor (2021) 'Why the Migrant ‘Crisis’ is an Opportunity: Remittances, Aid and Global Responsibility' In: Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review: Fifteenth Anniversary Special Edition. Belfast : Centre for Global Education.
2019 Niamh Gaynor (2019) 'Beneath the veneer: Decentralisation and post-conflict reconstruction in Rwanda'' In: Post-conflict Reconstruction and Local Government. UK : Routledge.
2018 Adrian Bua, Ismael Blanco, Ioannis Chorianopoulos, Jonathan Davies, Niamh Gaynor, Steven Griggs, David Howarth (2018) 'The Urban Governance of Austerity in Europe' In: The Routledge Handbook of International Local Government. London : Routledge.
2015 Niamh Gaynor (2015) 'Globalising Higher Education: Challenges and Contradictions' In: Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review. Belfast : Centre for Global Education.
2018 Bua, A.; Davies, J.; Blanco, I.; Chorianopoulos, I.; Cortina-Oriol, M.; Feandeiro, A.; Gaynor, N.; Griggs, S.; Howarth, D.; Salazar, Y. (2018) 'The urban governance of austerity in Europe' In: The Routledge Handbook of International Local Government. [Link] [DOI]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2016 Gaynor, Niamh (2016) 'The politics of democracy and the global institutions: lessons and challenges for community development'. POLITICS, POWER AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, .
2023 Niamh Gaynor (2023) 'What does it mean to be an 'Active Citizen'? The Limitations and Opportunities posed by Different Understandings and Deployments of 'Citizenship''. Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review, .
2022 Niamh Gaynor (2022) 'Africa’s lion economies and their gendered impacts: lessons from Asia'. Review of African Political Economy, 49 (173):498-506. [DOI]
2020 Gaynor, N. (2020) 'Governing austerity in Dublin: Rationalization, resilience, and resistance'. Journal of Urban Affairs, 42 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Gaynor, N (2020) 'Neoliberalism, deliberation and dissent: Critical reflections on the ‘community activation’ turn in Ireland’s community development programme'. Community Development Journal, 55 (4):645-661.
2019 Niamh Gaynor (2019) 'Why the migrant ‘crisis’ is an opportunity: Remittances, aid and global responsibility'. Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review, 29 .
2019 Gaynor, Niamh; Cronin, Mairtin (2019) ''A woman's place...': community-based approaches to gender-based violence in Malawi'. Community Development Journal, 54 (2). [DOI]
2017 Gaynor, Niamh (2017) 'Beneath the veneer: Decentralisation and post-conflict reconstruction in Rwanda'. Third World Quarterly, Advance access: .
2017 Gaynor, N.; O’Brien, A. (2017) 'Community radio, democratic participation and the public sphere'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 25 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Gaynor, N. (2016) 'The limits to community-based conflict resolution in North-East Congo'. Community Development Journal, 51 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Gaynor, N. (2016) 'Challenges to Decentralisation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Beyond the Political Settlement'. Journal of International Development, 28 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Gaynor, N. (2016) 'Shopping to save the world? Reclaiming global citizenship within Irish universities'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 24 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Niamh Gaynor (2016) 'Rounds Pegs in Square Holes? Development Education, the Formal Sector and the Global Knowledge Economy'. Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review, Forthcoming .
2015 Gaynor, N. (2015) 'Poverty amid plenty: Structural violence and local governance in western Congo'. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 33 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Gaynor, Niamh and Anne O'Brien (2015) 'Community radio, democratic participation and the public sphere'. Irish Journal of Sociology, Advance access: .
2014 Gaynor, N. (2014) '‘A nation in a hurry’: The costs of local governance reforms in Rwanda'. Review of African Political Economy, 41 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Gaynor, N. (2014) 'Bringing the Citizen Back In: Supporting Decentralisation in Fragile States - A View from Burundi'. Development Policy Review, 32 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Gaynor, N. (2014) 'The tyranny of participation revisited: International support to local governance in burundi'. Community Development Journal, 49 . [Link] [DOI]
2012 Gaynor, N.; O'brien, A. (2012) 'Because it all begins with talk: Community radio as a vital element in community development'. Community Development Journal, 47 . [Link] [DOI]
2012 O'Brien, Anne and Niamh Gaynor (2012) 'Voice of the People? Objectives Versus Outcomes for Community Radio in Ireland'. THE RADIO JOURNAL, 10 :145-160.
2011 Gaynor, Niamh (2011) 'Associations, Deliberation and Democracy: The Case of Ireland's Social Partnership'. Politics and Society, 39 :497-520.
2011 Gaynor, N. (2011) 'In-active citizenship and the depoliticization of community development in Ireland'. Community Development Journal, 46 . [Link] [DOI]
2011 Gaynor, N.; O'BRIEN, A. (2011) 'Community radio in Ireland: Defeudalising the public sphere?'. Javnost, 18 . [Link]
2011 Gaynor, Niamh (2011) 'The global development project contested: The local politics of the PRSP process in Malawi'. Globalizations, 8 :17-30.
2010 Gaynor, N. (2010) 'Between citizenship and clientship: The politics of participatory governance in Malawi'. Journal of Southern African Studies, 36 . [Link] [DOI]
2010 Gaynor, N. (2010) ''But you can't compare Malawi and Ireland!' - shifting boundaries in a globalised world'. Development in Practice, 20 . [Link] [DOI]
2009 Gaynor, N. (2009) 'Deepening democracy within Ireland’s social partnership'. Irish Political Studies, 24 . [Link] [DOI]
2024 (2024) 'Peacebuilding, conflict and community development'. Community Development Journal, 59 (2):365-368.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2015 Gaynor, Niamh (2015) 'Peacebuilding from below: Structural violence and local conflict resolution in Western Congo' .
2014 Gaynor, Niamh (2014) 'La gouvernance locale et la gestion des conflits au Congo' .
2014 Gaynor, Niamh (2014) ''A Nation in a Hurry': Constructing a Developmental State in Rwanda' .
2013 Gaynor, Niamh and Anne O'Brien (2013) 'Community Radio and Democratic Participation' .
2013 Gaynor, Niamh (2013) 'The challenges of fast-track reform in Rwanda' .
2012 Gaynor, Niamh (2012) 'Plus ca change... Governance and Distributional Conflict in Burundi' .
2011 Gaynor, Niamh (2011) 'Globalising Resistance: Social Movement Activism in Malawi' .
2011 Gaynor, Niamh (2011) 'Imperialism and Africa: Local Resistance in Malawi' .
2010 Gaynor, Niamh (2010) 'Globalising higher education: Challenges and contradictions, Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review' 11 .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2021 Gaynor, Niamh (2021) EADI: European Association of Development Institutes Engendering local governance: Exploring the potential for political activism among women's groups in North-East Congo
2021 Gaynor, Niamh (2021) EADI: European Association of Development Institutes From conflict containment to conflict transformation: The successes and failures of collective action strategies in North-East Congo
2021 Niamh Gaynor (2021) European Association of Development and Research Institutes Engendering local governance: Exploring the potential for political activism among women’s groups in North-East Congo
2021 Gaynor, Niamh (2021) European Association of Development and Research Institutes From conflict containment to conflict transformation: The successes and limitations of collective action strategies in North-East Congo

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2022 Niamh Gaynor (2022) Development Studies of Ireland Annual Conference Engendering democracy in Africa: Beyond numbers Limerick, Ireland, .
2017 Niamh Gaynor (2017) Urban Affairs Association Governing Austerity in Dublin: Rationalisation, Resilience and Resistance Minneapolis, USA, 19/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2016 Niamh Gaynor and Mairtin Cronin (2016) Development Studies Association of Ireland “A Woman’s Place…” Tackling Gender-Based Violence in Malawi Dublin, 24/11/2016-25/11/2016.
2016 Niamh Gaynor and Mairtin Cronin (2016) Dakam: Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender and Women's Studies Community-based approaches to tackling gender-based violence in Malawi Istanbul, Turkey, 11/11/2016-12/11/2016.
2016 Niamh Gaynor (2016) Sociology Association of Ireland annual conferece Shopping to Save the World?: Reclaiming global citizenship within Irish universities Limerick, 13/05/2016-14/05/2016.
2016 Niamh Gaynor (2016) Sociology Association of Ireland annual conferece Global Discourses of Water Privatisation and its Socio-Political Effects in Africa University of Limerick, 13/05/2016-14/05/2016.
2015 Gaynor, Niamh (2015) Local Government in Post-War and Fragile Environments Local government and decentralisation in Rwanda University of Birmingham, 01/04/2015-01/04/2015.
2015 Gaynor, Niamh (2015) International Studies Association Peacebuilding from below: Structural violence and local conflict resolution in Western Congo New Orleans, USA, 18/02/2015-21/02/2015.
2015 Niamh Gaynor (2015) Conference on Local Government in Post-War and Fragile Environments Local government and decentralisation in Rwanda Birmingham, .
2014 Gaynor, Niamh (2014) Conference on Women’s Leadership, Peace and Sustainable Livelihoods in the DRC and Region   From liberal to liberating engagement: Thinking about donor strategies on women’s local political participation in the DRC NUI Galway, 01/07/2014-02/07/2014.
2014 Gaynor, Niamh (2014) Governance, Accountability and Citizen Empowerment: A Learning Workshop Plus ca change... The Politics of Decentralisation in Burundi European Union House, Dublin, 11/06/2014-12/06/2014.
2014 Gaynor, Niamh (2014) Political Science Association of Ireland When Quotas can do more Damage than Good - Thinking about Donor Strategies on Women’s Local Political Participation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo NUI Galway, 17/10/2014-18/10/2014.
2014 Gaynor, Niamh (2014) International Studies Association 'A Nation in a Hurry': Constructing a Developmental State in Rwanda Toronto, Canada, 26/03/2014-29/03/2014.
2014 Gaynor, Niamh (2014) Water: The Greatest Global Challenge - DCU Water Institute Beyond the Well: The local politics of sustainable water governance in the DRC DCU, Dublin, 27/11/2014-28/11/2014.
2014 Gaynor, Niamh (2014) Trocaire 40th Anniversary Conference - invited lecture La gouvernance locale et la gestion des conflits au Congo Kinshasa, DRC, 06/01/2014-11/01/2014.
2014 Gaynor, Niamh (2014) UNIDEV Summer School - Invited Keynote Speech Global Citizenship – A critical analysis of the concept and implications Dublin, 07/07/2014-10/07/2014.
2014 Gaynor, Niamh (2014) Belfast Human Rights Festival Human Rights in Contemporary Rwanda - Invited presentation Belfast, 08/12/2014-12/12/2014.
2013 Gaynor, Niamh (2013) Political Studies Association of Ireland 'A Nation in a Hurry': Constructing a Developmental State in Rwanda Trinity College Dublin, 18/10/2013-21/10/2013.
2013 Gaynor, Niamh and Anne O'Brien (2013) International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Community Radio and Democratic Participation Dublin City University, 26/06/2013-28/06/2013.
2012 Gaynor, Niamh (2012) Political Studies Association Plus ça change... Governance and Distributional Conflict in Burundi Belfast, 03/04/2012-05/04/2012.
2012 Gaynor, Niamh (2012) Trocaire Annual Conference - Invited lecture Supporting Citizen Participation in Local Governance: Lessons from Burundi Leixlip, Ireland, 01/10/2012-05/10/2012.
2012 Gaynor, Niamh (2012) Invited Lecture Supporting peace building and local governance in Burundi UCC, Cork, 16/01/2012-16/01/2012.
2012 Gaynor, Niamh (2012) Trocaire Learning Forum - Invited webinar presentation Opportunities for Citizen Participation in Local Governance in Burundi Maynooth, 25/07/2012-25/07/2012.
2012 Gaynor, Niamh (2012) Feminist Open Forum 'Impacts of and Resistance to Austerity among Women in Africa', Invited presentation Dublin, 26/04/2012-26/04/2012.
2011 Gaynor, Niamh (2011) Understanding the Crisis Understanding the Crisis: The Community Interest - Invited lecture NUI Maynooth, 18/02/2011-18/02/2011.
2011 Gaynor, Niamh (2011) Atelier sur la Décentralisation au Burundi: Trócaire Burundi - Invited lecture Des données et une analyse préliminaire sur les opportunités pour la participation citoyenne dans la gouvernance locale au Burundi Bujumbura, Burundi, 07/09/2011-08/09/2011.
2011 Gaynor, Niamh (2011) European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) Globalising resistance: Social movement activism in Malawi Uppsala, Sweden, 15/06/2011-18/06/2011.
2011 Gaynor, Niamh (2011) WorldWise Teacher Conference - Invited lecture From Aid to Understanding: Partnerships in Development Education Dublin, 08/04/2011-08/04/2011.
2011 Gaynor, Niamh and Anne O'Brien (2011) Sociological Association of Ireland Driving Change?: Community Radio in Ireland Cork, 05/05/2011-07/05/2011.
2010 Gaynor, Niamh (2010) Ireland Institute Lecture Series on The New International Order - Invited lecture Imperialism and Africa: Local resistance in Malawi Dublin, 15/05/2010-15/05/2010.
2009 Gaynor, Niamh (2009) Irish Aid Development Education Conference In from the margins: Development and internationalisation within Irish universities Limerick, Ireland, 16/10/2009-17/10/2009.
2008 Gaynor, Niamh (2008) International Sociological Association Annual Conference Developmental Partnerships: “Good Governance” or More of the Same?: A Comparative study of national development processes in Malawi and Ireland Barcelona, 05/09/2008-08/09/2008.
2008 Gaynor, Niamh (2008) Political Science Association Annual Post-Graduate Conference Participatory governance: Deepening or diluting democracy?: A comparative study of national development processes in Malawi and Ireland Dublin, Ireland, 25/04/2008-26/04/2008.
2008 Gaynor, Niamh (2008) Political Science Association of Ireland Annual Conference Is Social Partnership ‘anti-democratic’? Representative democracy in an era of participatory governance: Lessons from Malawi Galway, Ireland, 17/10/2008-19/10/2008.
2006 Gaynor, Niamh (2006) Irish Aid Development Education Conference The PRSP process in Malawi: Implications for Civil Society Dublin, 23/03/2006-23/03/2006.
2005 Gaynor, Niamh (2005) NIRSA Seminar Series, NUI Maynooth Global Discourses on Development and their Relevance to Ireland NUI Maynooth, 05/05/2005-05/05/2005.

Published Report

Year Publication
2016 Niamh Gaynor and Mairtin Cronin (2016) Community based approaches to tackling Gender-based violence in Malawi: Lessons and challenges of involving women and men. ActionAid, .

Commissioned Report

Year Publication
2010 Gaynor, Niamh (2010) Drivers of Change? Community Radio in Ireland, Broadcasting Authority of Ireland: Dublin. COMMREP


Year Publication


Year Publication
2007 Gaynor, Niamh (2007) Civic education in the classroom: Pedagogical Research Institute: Project Evaluation. REPORT
2007 Gaynor, Niamh (2007) Trócaire’s contribution within the Balkans: an assessment. REPORT
2007 Gaynor, Niamh (2007) Women as Leaders in Equality Programme: Programme Evaluation. REPORT
2007 Gaynor, Niamh (2007) Child rights education project: Kosovo Education Centre: Project Evaluation. REPORT
2006 Gaynor, Niamh (2006) Building Capacities for Quality Education. REPORT
2005 Gaynor, Niamh (2005) MEJN District Chapters Programme: A review of activities and impact. REPORT
2004 Gaynor, Niamh (2004) The Needs of Mosney’s Preschool Children. REPORT
2004 Gaynor, Niamh (2004) Child rights education project: Kosovo Education Centre : Project Evaluation”. REPORT
2004 Gaynor, Niamh (2004) Elements of Good Practice and Challenges for the Low Income Smallholder Household Initiative (LISHI). REPORT
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Sociology Association of Ireland Member -
International Sociology Association Global Development Committee member -
International Studies Association Peacebuilding and Global Development Committee member -
Development Studies Association member -
Political Studies Association of Ireland Member -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/03/2016 New Foundations Award Irish Research Council
01/02/2015 Governing Austerity Economic and Social Research Council
01/01/2013 Peacebuilding and Local Governance in the African Great Lakes Trocaire
01/01/2010 Community Radio Broadcasting Authority of Ireland


Committee Function From / To
Policy and Practice -

Research Interests

The politics of development, participation and governance - in Africa and in Ireland; civil society and community; media and development.