Alexander Baturo


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Conference Publication

Year Publication
2017 (2017) Frontiers and Advances in Data Science (FADS) Proceedings What Drives the International Development Agenda? An NLP Analysis of the United Nations General Debate 1970--2016 [DOI]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Baturo, Alexander and Julia Gray (2024) 'Leaders in the United Nations General Assembly: Revitalization or politicization?'. Review of International Organizations, .
2024 Watanabe, Kohei; Baturo, Alexander (2024) 'Seeded Sequential LDA: A Semi-Supervised Algorithm for Topic-Specific Analysis of Sentences'. Social Science Computer Review, 42 (1). [DOI]
2024 Baturo, Alexander and Jakob Tolstrup (2024) 'Strategic Communication in Dictatorships: Performance, Patriotism, and Intimidation'. Journal of Politics, 86 (2).
2023 Baturo, A.; Gray, J. (2023) 'The Incentives of Leaders in International Organizations: Evidence from the UN General Assembly'. International Interactions, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Baturo, Alexander; Tolstrup, Jakob (2023) 'Incumbent takeovers'. Journal of Peace Research, 60 (2). [DOI]
2022 Baturo, Alexander (2022) 'When Incumbents Do Not Run: Presidential Succession and Democratization'. DEMOCRATIZATION (PRINT), 29 (1):74-92.
2022 Baturo, Alexander and Johan Elkink (2022) 'What Countries Select More Experienced Leaders?'. British Journal of Political Science, 52 (3):1455-1464.
2021 Baturo, Alexander and Julia Gray (2021) 'Delegating Diplomacy: Rhetoric Across Agents in the United Nations General Assembly'. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 87 (4):718-736.
2018 (2018) 'When Do Family Ties Matter? The Duration of Female Suffrage and Women'. Political Research Quarterly, 71 (3):695-709.
2018 (2018) 'Is There a Revolving Door to the Private Sector in Irish Politics'. IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES (PRINT), 33 (3):381-406.
2018 (2018) 'Bicameralism and Bicameral Reforms in Democracy and Dictatorship in Comparative Perspective'. TAIWAN JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY, 14 (1):1-29.
2018 Baturo, Alexander; Elgie, Robert (2018) 'Why do authoritarian regimes adopt bicameralism? Cooptation, control, and masking controversial reforms'. Democratization, 25 (5). [DOI]
2017 Baturo, Alexander and Niheer Dasandi (2017) 'What Drives the International Development Agenda? An NLP Analysis of the United Nations General Debate 1970--2016'. Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on the Frontiers and Advances in Data Science (FADS), :171-176.
2017 Baturo, Alexander and Johan Elkink (2017) 'On the Importance of Personal Sources of Power in Politics: Comparative Perspectives and Research Agenda'. French Politics, 15 (4):505-525.
2017 Baturo, Alexander (2017) 'Democracy, Development, and Career Trajectories of Former Political Leaders'. Comparative Political Studies, 50 (8):1023-1054.
2017 (2017) 'The United Nations General Debate: A New Approach to Understanding Government Preferences'. Research and Politics, 4 (2):1-9.
2017 Baturo, Alexander, Niheer Dasandi, and Slava Mikhaylov (2017) 'The United Nations General Debate: A New Approach to Understanding Government Preferences'. Research and Politics, 4 (2):1-9.
2016 Baturo, Alexander and Slava Mikhaylov (2016) 'Blair Disease? Business Careers of the Former Democratic Heads of State and Government'. Public Choice, 166 (3):335-354.
2016 Baturo, Alexander (2016) 'Cursus Honorum: Personal Background, Careers and Experience of Political Leaders in Democracy and Dictatorship --- New Data and Analyses'. Politics And Governance, 4 (2):138-157.
2016 Baturo, Alexander and Johan Elkink (2016) 'Dynamics of Regime Personalisation and Patron-Client Networks in Russia, 1999--2014'. Post-Soviet Affairs, 32 (1):75-98.
2014 Baturo, Alexander and Johan Elkink (2014) 'Office or Officeholder? Regime Deinstitutionalisation and Sources of Individual Political Influence'. Journal of Politics, 76 (3):859-872.
2014 Baturo, Alexander and Slava Mikhaylov (2014) 'Reading The Tea Leaves: Medvedev's Presidency Through Political Rhetoric Of Federal And Sub-National Actors'. Europe-Asia Studies, 66 (6):969-92.
2013 Baturo, Alexander and Slava Mikhaylov (2013) 'Life of Brian Revisited: Assessing Informational and Non-Informational Leadership Tools'. POLITICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH AND METHODS (PRINT), 1 (1):139-157.
2010 Baturo, Alexander (2010) 'The Stakes of Losing Office, Term Limits and Democracy'. British Journal of Political Science, 40 (3):635-662.
2009 Baturo, Alexander and Julia Gray (2009) 'Flatliners: Policy Diffusion and Ideology in the Flat Tax Revolution in Eastern Europe'. European Journal of Political Research, 48 (1):130-159.
2018 Baturo, Alexander and Julia Gray (2018) 'When Do Family Ties Matter? The Duration of Female Suffrage and Women'. Political Research Quarterly, 71 (3):695-709.


Year Publication
2024 Baturo, Alexander, Luca Anceschi and Francesco Cavatorta (2024) Personalism and Personalist Regimes in Theory and Comparative Context. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2021 Baturo, Alexander and Johan Elkink (2021) The New Kremlinology: Understanding Regime Personalisation in Russia. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2019 Baturo, Alexander and Robert Elgie (2019) The Politics of Presidential Term Limits. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2014 Baturo, Alexander (2014) Democracy, Dictatorship, and Term Limits. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan University Press.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2007 Baturo, Alexander (2007) 'Presidential Succession and Democratic Transitions' Institute for International Integration Studies Papers, IIIS Discussion Paper No. 209 .
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Research Interests