Maura Conway


Profile Photo
Maura Conway is Paddy Moriarty Professor of Government and International Studies in the School of Law and Government at Dublin City University (DCU); professor of Cyber Threats in CYTREC at Swansea University, UK; and Coordinator of VOX-Pol, a EU-funded project on violent online political extremism ( Prof. Conway’s principal research interests are in the area of terrorism and the Internet, including cyberterrorism, the functioning and effectiveness of extremist and terrorist online content, and online radicalisation. She is the author of over 40 articles and chapters in her specialist area(s). Her research has appeared in, amongst others, Studies in Conflict & TerrorismMedia, War & ConflictParliamentary Affairs, and Social Science Computer Review. Prof. Conway has presented her findings before the United Nations in New York, the Commission of the European Union in Brussels, the UK House of Lords, and elsewhere. She is a member of the Academic Advisory Board of Europol’s Counter-terrorism Centre and a member of the Editorial Board of Terrorism and Political Violence.

BA (Legal Science, Sociology & Politics), National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), 1997; MA (International Relations), University of Limerick (UL), 1998; PhD (Political Science) Trinity College Dublin (TCD), 2006.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2022 Scrivens, R., Gaudette, T., Conway, M. and Holt, T.J. (2022) 'Right-wing extremists’ use of the internet: Emerging trends in the empirical literature' In: Right-wing extremism in Canada and the United States. London : Palgrave Macmillan.
2020 Ryan Scrivens, Paul Gill, Maura Conway (2020) 'The Role of the Internet in Facilitating Violent Extremism and Terrorism: Suggestions for Progressing Research' In: Palgrave Handbook of International Cybercrime and Cyberdeviance. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
2020 Conway, M. (2020) 'Media, fear and the hyperreal: The construction of cyberterrorism asthe ultimate threat to criticalinfrastructures' In: Securing ‘the Homeland’: Critical Infrastructure, Risk and (In)Security. [Link] [DOI]
2019 Ryan Scrivens, Maura Conway (2019) 'The Roles of “Old” and “New” Media Tools and Technologies in the Facilitation of Violent Extremism and Terrorism' In: The Human Factor of Cybercrime. New York : Routledge.
2018 Maura Conway (2018) 'Is Cyberterrorism a Real threat? Yes: Why We Should Start from This Assumption' In: Contemporary Debates on Terrorism (2nd edition). New York : Routledge.
2016 Conway, M. (2016) 'Terrorist use of the internet and the challenges of governing cyberspace' In: Power and Security in the Information Age: Investigating the Role of the State in Cyberspace. [Link] [DOI]
2016 Conway, M. (2016) 'Determining the role of the internet in violent extremism and terrorism: Six suggestions for progressing research' In: Violent Extremism Online: New Perspectives on Terrorism and the Internet. [Link] [DOI]
2015 Maura Conway , Clive Waker (2015) 'Countering terrorism via the Internet' In: Routledge Handbook of Law and Terrorism. London : Routledge.
2015 Conway, M. & C. Walker (2015) 'Online Counterterrorism' In: C. Walker and G. Lennon(Eds.). Handbook of Law and Terrorism. London & New York : Routledge.
2014 Maura Conway (2014) 'Reality Check: assessing the (un)likelihood of cyberterrorism' In: Cyber Terrorism: Understanding, Assessment and Response. New York : Springer.
2014 Conway, M. (2014) 'From “Cyberterrorism” to “Online Radicalism' In: Mahmoud Eid(Eds.). Exchanging Terrorism Oxygen for Media Airwaves: The Age of Terroredia. Pennsylvania, USA : IGI Global.
2013 Conway, M. (2013) 'Terrorist use of the internet and the challenges of governing cyberspace' In: Power and Security in the Information Age: Investigating the Role of the State in Cyberspace. [Link]
2012 Maura Conway (2012) 'Von al-Zarqawi bis al-Awlaki: Das Internet als neue Form des radikalen Milieus' In: Radikale Milieus: Das soziale Umfeld terroristischer Gruppen. Frankfurt and New York : Campus.
2012 Conway, M. (2012) 'What is Cyberterrorism and How Real is the Threat? A Review of the Academic Literature, 1996 - 2009' In: Pauline Reich and Eduardo Gelbstein(Eds.). Pennsylvania : IGI Global.
2008 Conway, M. (2008) 'Terrorist use of the internet and the challenges of governing cyberspace' In: Power and Security in the Information Age: Investigating the Role of the State in Cyberspace. [Link]
2008 Conway, M. (2008) 'Media, Fear and the Hyperreal: The Construction of Cyberterrorism as the Ultimate Threat to Critical Infrastructures' In: Myriam Dunn(Eds.). Securing The Homeland: Critical Infrastructure, Risk and (In)Security. London : Ashgate.
2007 Maura Conway (2007) 'Terrorism and the making of the 'New Middle East'' In: New media and the new Middle East. : Palgrave Macmillan.
2007 Conway, M. (2007) 'Terrorism and the Making of the ‘New Middle East': New Media Strategies of Hizbollah and al Qaeda' In: Philip Seib(Eds.). New Media in the New Middle East. London : Palgrave.
2007 Conway, M. (2007) 'Cyberterrorism: Hype and Reality' In: Leigh Armistead(Eds.). Information Warfare: Separating Hype From Reality. Virginia, USA : Potomac Books.
2007 Conway, M. (2007) '‘Terrorism & New Media: The Cyber Battle Space' In: James Forest(Eds.). Countering Terrorism in the 21st Century (3 vols.). Connecticut, USA : Praeger Security International.
2007 Conway, M. (2007) 'Terrorism, the Internet, and International Relations: The Governance Conundrum' In: Myriam Dunn(Eds.). Power and Security in the Information Age: Investigating the Role of the State in Cyberspace. London: : Ashgate.
2007 Maura Conway (2007) 'Cyberterrorism: hype and reality' In: Information warfare: separating hype from reality. : Potomac Books, Inc.
2007 Conway, M. (2007) 'Terror TV? Hizbollah's Al Manar Television' In: James Forest(Eds.). Countering Terrorism in the 21st Century (3 vols.). Connecticut, USA : Praeger Security International.
2007 Maura Conway (2007) 'Terrorism, the Internet, and international relations: the governance conundrum' In: Power and Security in the Information Age: Investigating the Role of the State in Cyberspace. : Ashgate.
2007 Maura Conway (2007) 'Terrorism and new media: the cyber-battlespace' In: Countering terrorism and insurgency in the 21st century. Westport, CT : Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
2005 Conway, M. (2005) 'Cybercortical Warfare: Hizbollah's Internet Strategy' In: Sarah Oates, Diana Owen and Rachel Gibson(Eds.). The Internet and Politics: Citizens, Voters and Activists. London : Routledge.
2005 Maura Conway (2005) 'Terrorist web sites: their contents, functioning and effectiveness' In: Media and conflict in the twenty-first century. : Palgrave Macmillan.
2004 Conway, M. (2004) 'Code Wars: Steganography, Signals Intelligence, and Terrorism' In: David Clarke(Eds.). Technology and Terrorism. : 0.
2004 Maura Conway (2004) 'Cyberterrorism: media myth or clear and present danger?' In: War and virtual war: the challenges to communities. Amsterdam/New York : Rodopi.
2003 Maura Conway (2003) 'Terrorism and IT: cyberterrorism and terrorist organisations online' In: Terrorism and counterterrorism: understanding the new security environment, readings and interpretations. United States : McGraw-Hill.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2020 Maura Conway, Stuart Macdonald (Ed.). (2020) Islamic State’s Online Activity and Responses. London: Routledge,
2017 Maura Conway, Lee Jarvis, Orla Lehane, Stuart Macdonald, Lella Nouri (Ed.). (2017) Terrorists' Use of the Internet. The Netherlands: IOS Press,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2025 Whittaker, J., Pearson, E., Mattheis, A.A., Baaken, T., Zeiger, S., Atamuradova, F. and Conway, M. (2025) 'Catch 22: Institutional ethics and researcher welfare within online extremism and terrorism research'. New Media and Society, .
2023 Conway, M. and Macdonald, S. (2023) 'Introduction to special issue: The practicalities and complexities of (regulating) online terrorist content moderation'. STUDIES IN CONFLICT & TERRORISM, .
2022 Mehran, W.; Herron, S.; Miller, B.; Lemieux, A.F.; Conway, M. (2022) 'Two Sides of the Same Coin? A Largescale Comparative Analysis of Extreme Right and Jihadi Online Text(s)'. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Watkin, A.L.; Gerrand, V.; Conway, M. (2022) 'Introduction: Exploring societal resilience to online polarization and extremism'. First Monday, 27 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Watkin, A.L.; Conway, M. (2022) 'Building social capital to counter polarization and extremism? A comparative analysis of tech platforms’ official blog posts'. First Monday, 27 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Conway, M. (2021) 'Online Extremism and Terrorism Research Ethics: Researcher Safety, Informed Consent, and the Need for Tailored Guidelines'. Terrorism and Political Violence, 33 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Conway, M. (2020) 'Routing the Extreme Right: Challenges for Social Media Platforms'. RUSI Journal, 165 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Maura Conway, Moign Khawaja, Suraj Lakhani, Jeremy Reffin (2020) 'A Snapshot of the Syrian Jihadi Online Ecology: Differential Disruption, Community Strength, and Preferred Platforms'. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, .
2020 Maura Conway (2020) 'The Major Social Media Platforms Routed IS, Why Can’t They Do the Same to the Extreme Right?'. RUSI Journal, .
2020 Scrivens, Ryan; Conway, Maura (2020) 'The roles of 'old' and 'new' media tools and technologies in the facilitation of violent extremism and terrorism'. HUMAN FACTOR OF CYBERCRIME, .
2020 Maura Conway (2020) 'Researching Online Violent Extremism and Terrorism: Ethics Issues'. Terrorism and Political Violence, .
2020 Weeda Mehran, Stephen Herron, Ben Miller, Maura Conway, Anthony F. Lemieux (2020) '‘Two Sides of the Same Coin? Comparative Analysis of Texts by Far-right and Violent Jihadi Extremists'. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, .
2019 Conway, M.; Khawaja, M.; Lakhani, S.; Reffin, J.; Robertson, A.; Weir, D. (2019) 'Disrupting daesh: Measuring takedown of online terrorist material and its impacts'. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 42 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Conway, Maura (2017) 'Determining the Role of the Internet in Violent Extremism and Terrorism: Six Suggestions for Progressing Research'. STUDIES IN CONFLICT & TERRORISM, 40 (1). [DOI]
2017 Gill, P.; Corner, E.; Conway, M.; Thornton, A.; Bloom, M.; Horgan, J. (2017) 'Terrorist Use of the Internet by the Numbers: Quantifying Behaviors, Patterns, and Processes'. Criminology and Public Policy, 16 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Walker, C.; Conway, M. (2015) 'Online terrorism and online laws'. Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward Terrorism and Genocide, 8 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 O’Callaghan, D.; Greene, D.; Conway, M.; Carthy, J.; Cunningham, P. (2015) 'Down the (White) Rabbit Hole: The Extreme Right and Online Recommender Systems'. Social Science Computer Review, 33 . [Link] [DOI]
2012 Conway, M. (2012) 'Introduction: Terrorism and contemporary mediascapes - reanimating research on media and terrorism'. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 5 . [Link] [DOI]
2012 Conway, M.; McInerney, L. (2012) 'What's love got to do with it? Framing 'JihadJane' in the US press'. Media, War and Conflict, 5 . [Link] [DOI]
2012 Maura Conway (2012) '‘From al-Zarqawi to al-Awlaki: The Emergence and Development of an Online Radical Milieu’ CTX: Combating Terrorism Exchange'. 2 :12-22.
2012 Bowman-Grieve, L.; Conway, M. (2012) 'Exploring the form and function of dissident Irish Republican online discourses'. Media, War and Conflict, 5 . [Link] [DOI]
2011 Conway, M. (2011) 'Privacy and security: Against cyberterrorism'. Communications of the ACM, 54 . [Link] [DOI]
2011 Maura Conway (2011) 'Against Cyberterrorism: Why cyber-based terrorist attacks are unlikely to occur'. Communications of the ACM, 54 :26-28.
2010 Maura Conway (2010) 'The 'T' word: a review of Richard English's terrorism: how to respond (Oxford University Press 2009)'. 30 .
2007 Maura Conway (2007) 'Terrorism and Internet governance: core issues'. DISARMAMENT FORUM, 2007 :23-34.
2006 Conway, Maura (2006) 'Terrorism and the Internet: New media - New threat?'. Parliamentary Affairs, 59 (2). [DOI]
2006 Conway, M. (2006) 'Terrorist Use of the Internet and Fighting Back'. INFORMATION & SECURITY, 19 :9-30.
2003 Conway, M. (2003) 'What is Cyberterrorism? The Story so Far'. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION WARFARE (PRINT), 2 :33-42.
2003 Maura Conway (2003) 'Cyberterrorism: the story so far'. 2 :33-42.
2003 Maura Conway (2003) 'Hackers as terrorists? Why it doesn't compute '. COMPUTER FRAUD & SECURITY, 2003 :10-13.
2003 Conway, M. (2003) 'Code Wars: Steganography, Signals Intelligence, and Terrorism'. KNOWLEDGE, TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY, 16 :45-62.
2002 Conway, M. (2002) 'Public Diplomacy and the Politics of Self-Representation: The Case of in JOURNAL OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS'. 4 .
2002 Conway, M. (2002) 'Reality Bytes: Cyberterrorism and Terrorist Use of the Internet'. 7 .

Other Journal

Year Publication
2012 Conway, M. (2012) 'From al-Zarqawi to al-Awlaki: The Emergence and Development of an Online Radical Milieu' 2 :12-22.
2011 Conway, M. (2011) 'Against Cyberterrorism' 54 :26-28.
2009 Conway, M. (2009) 'Le Cyber-Terrorisme: Le Discours des Médias Américains et ses Impacts' 39 :81-94.
2008 Maura Conway (2008) 'Terrorism and the making of the 'New Middle East': new media strategies of Hizbollah and al Qaeda' .
2008 Maura Conway (2008) 'Media, fear and the hyperreal: the construction of cyberterrorism as the ultimate threat to critical infrastructures' .
2008 Maura Conway (2008) 'Cybercortical warfare: Hizbollah's internet strategy' .
2008 Maura Conway (2008) 'Code wars: steganography, signals intelligence, and terrorism' .
2008 Maura Conway (2008) 'Terror TV? An exploration of Hizbollah���s Al-Manar television' .
2007 Conway, M. (2007) 'Terrorism and Internet Governance: Core Issues' 2007 :23-33.
2004 Conway, M. (2004) 'Nitro to the Net' 60 :19-22.
2002 Conway, M. (2002) 'Cyberterrorism' 101 :436-442.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2017 Conway, Maura; Parker, Jodie; Looney, Sean (2017) TERRORISTS' USE OF THE INTERNET: ASSESSMENT AND RESPONSE Online Jihadi Instructional Content: The Role of Magazines [DOI]
2014 O'Callaghan, D.; Prucha, N.; Greene, D.; Conway, M.; Carthy, J.; Cunningham, P. (2014) ASONAM 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining Online social media in the Syria conflict: Encompassing the extremes and the in-betweens [Link] [DOI]
2013 O'Callaghan, D.; Greene, D.; Conway, M.; Carthy, J.; Cunningham, P. (2013) Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM Web Science Conference, WebSci'13 Uncovering the wider structure of extreme right communities spanning popular online networks [Link] [DOI]
2013 O'Callaghan, D.; Greene, D.; Conway, M.; Carthy, J.; Cunningham, P. (2013) An analysis of interactions within and between extreme right communities in social media [Link] [DOI]
2009 Bermingham, A.; Conway, M.; Mclnerney, L.; O'Hare, N.; Smeaton, A.F. (2009) Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2009 Combining social network analysis and sentiment analysis to explore the potential for online radicalisation [Link] [DOI]
2008 Conway, M.; McInerney, L. (2008) Jihadi video and auto-radicalisation: Evidence from an exploratory YouTube study [Link] [DOI]
2008 Conway, Maura; McInerney, Lisa (2008) Jihadi Video and Auto-radicalisation: Evidence from an Exploratory YouTube Study

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2015 (2015) Roundtable participant, ‘Irish Foreign Policy Strategic Review,’ sponsored by the Standing Committee on International Affairs of the Royal Irish Academy Department of Foreign Affairs, Iveagh House, Dublin, 31/03/2015-31/03/2015.
2015 Conway, M. (2015) Invited presentation at meeting of European Joint Initiative on Internet and Counterterrorism, hosted by Irish Department of Justice ‘Crowd-sourced Jihad and How to Respond’ Dublin Castle, 24/02/2015-24/02/2015.
2014 (2014) Second Plenary Meeting of the EU’s Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) European Commission (DG Home Affairs), Brussels, Belgium, 16/06/2014-16/06/2014.
2014 (2014) Countering Online Radicalisation (Expert Level) European Commission (DG Home Affairs), Brussels, Belgium, 04/02/2014-04/02/2014.
2014 Conway, M., D. O’Callaghan, D. Greene, J. Carthy, P. Cunningham, N. Prucha (2014) IEEE/ACM International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2014) ‘Online Social Media in the Syria Conflict: Encompassing the Extremes and the In-Betweens’ Beijing, China, 17/08/2014-20/08/2014.
2014 Conway, M. (2014) Invited presentation at the workshop New Terrorists, New Terrorism: The Enablers and Constraints of Cyber- and Bio-Terrorism, hosted by the University of St. Andrews and Imperial College ‘On the (Un)Likelihood of Cyberterrorism' Pembroke College, University of Oxford, UK, 31/08/2014-02/09/2014.
2014 Conway, M. (2014) Invited presentation at Workshop on Extremism and Terrorism Online, Centre for Excellence in National Security (CENS), S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University 'Social Media Analytics and Online Extremism: The Pros and Cons of Employing Cutting-Edge ‘Big Data’ Tools' Singapore, 13/10/2014-14/10/2014.
2014 Conway, M. (2014) Paper presented at the International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference ‘Performing Gender in Extreme Right Cyberspaces: The Women of Stormfront' Toronto, Canada, 26/03/2014-29/03/2014.
2014 (2014) Invited remarks to High Level Conference on ‘Strengthening the EU’s Response to Violent Extremism: From Ideas to Action,’ hosted by the European Commission (DG Home Affairs) Brussels, Belgium, 17/06/2014-17/06/2014.
2014 Conway, M. (2014) Invited presentation at Terrorists’ Use of the Internet: A Symposium ‘Violent Online Radicalisation?: Weighing the Role of the Internet in Past, Present, and Future Terrorism’ University of Swansea, UK, 05/06/2014-06/06/2014.
2014 Conway, M. (2014) Religious Extremism in Syria: A New Launching Pad for Global Terrorism?, hosted by the Terrorism Research Initiative and the University of Vienna ‘Assessing the Role of Social Media in the Syria Conflict’ Vienna, Austria, 02/05/2014-02/05/2014.
2013 Conway M., D. O’Callaghan, D. Greene, J. Carthy, P. Cunningham (2013) WebSci’13 ‘Uncovering the Wider Structure of Extreme Right Communities Spanning Popular Online Networks’ Paris, France, 01/05/2013-05/05/2013.
2013 Conway, M. (2013) Invited presentation at EU Terrorism Working Party meeting, in conjunction with An Garda Síochána (Irish National Police & Security Service) ‘VOX-Pol: Network of Excellence in Research on Violent Online Political Extremism.’ Brussels, Belgium, 06/03/2013-06/03/2013.
2013 (2013) High Level Conference on Empowering Local Actors to Prevent Violent Extremism, hosted by The European Commission, DG Home Affairs Brussels, Belgium, 29/01/2013-29/01/2013.
2013 (2013) ‘Online Radicalisation and Digital Freedom,’ hosted by European Foundation for Democracy (EFD) and Marietje Schaake MEP (ALDE/NL) European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium, 28/05/2013-28/05/2013.
2013 (2013) 10th Anglo-Israel Colloquium, Ethics and Responsibility in an Interconnected World Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Jerusalem, Israel, 14/11/2013-16/11/2013.
2013 Conway, M. (2013) International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference ‘Born or Made? Irish Republicans, British Jihadis, and the Diffusion of Radicalisation Discourse in the UK' San Francisco, CA, USA, 03/04/2013-06/04/2013.
2013 Conway, M. (2013) International Association of Media and Communication Researchers (IAMCR) Annual Conference ‘Virtual Gender-Switching in the Violent Online Jihad? An Exploratory Analysis of the Prevalence, Roles, and Influence of Women in the Jihadisphere' Dublin City University, 25/06/2013-29/06/2013.
2013 (2013) Inaugural Plenary Meeting of the EU’s Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN), hosted by The European Commission, DG Home Affairs Brussels, Belgium, 28/01/2013-28/01/2013.
2013 (2013) Panellist, ‘Non-traditional Use of Social Media,’ forum on Social Media Lessons Learned for International Organizations ATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, 30/05/2013-30/05/2013.
2013 Conway, M. (2013) Invited remarks at CleanIT Final Symposium ‘Tackling Violent Online Political Extremism: An Academic Perspective' Brussels, Belgium, 30/01/2013-30/01/2013.
2012 Conway, M. (2012) Invited presentation to YouTube Community Engagement Team ‘On Violent Online Political Extremism' YouTube European Headquarters, Google Dock, Dublin, 18/10/2012-18/10/2012.
2012 Conway, M., D. O’Callaghan, D. Greene, J. Carthy, P. Cunningham (2012) 3rd International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2012) An Analysis of Interactions within and Between Extreme Right Communities in Social Media Bristol, UK, 24/09/2012-24/09/2012.
2012 Conway, M. (2012) Invited presentation at Workshop on Social Media and Counterterrorism ‘From al-Zarqawi to al-Awlaki: The Emergence of the Violent Online Radical Milieu.’ US Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA, 19/06/2012-20/06/2012.
2012 Conway, M. (2012) Invited presentation at the Seminar on Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism, in conjunction with the Office of the US Secretary for Defense and the US Defense Threats Reduction Agency at the ‘From al-Zarqawi to al-Awlaki: The Emergence of the Violent Online Radical Milieu' George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Garmisch, Germany, 17/07/2012-17/07/2012.
2012 (2012) Inaugural meeting of RAN@, the Internet and social media sub-group of the EU’s Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN), hosted by Google Ideas and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue London, UK, 14/11/2012-14/11/2012.
2012 Conway, M. (2012) Invited lecture at the 25th ISODARCO Winter Course on Security in Cyberspace: Targeting Nations, Infrastructures, Individuals ‘Reflecting on the Relationship Between Terrorism and the Internet: From Cyberterrorism to Violent Online Radicalisation’ Andalo, Italy, 08/01/2012-15/01/2012.
2012 (2012) Final working meeting of the Dutch government-led CleanIT Project, in conjunction with the Austrian Ministry of the Interior Vienna, Austria, 05/11/2012-06/11/2012.
2012 Conway, M. (2012) ‘Three Arguments Against Cyberterrorism' Invited presentation at Cyberterrorism Workshop University of Swansea, UK, 13/09/2012-14/09/2012.
2012 Conway, M. (2012) International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention What a Difference a Decade Makes: Assessing the Role of the Internet in Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Ten Years After 9/11 San Diego, CA, USA, 01/04/2012-04/04/2012.
2012 Conway, M., P. Dewan, P. Kumaraguru, and L. McInerney (2012) Internet, Politics, Policy 2012: Big Data, Big Challenges? 'White Pride Worldwide’: A Meta-Analysis of Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University, UK, 20/09/2012-21/09/2012.
2011 Conway, M. (2011) Seminar on 'Radikale Milieus: Zur Rolle des sozialen Umfeldes terroristischer Gruppen' The Internet and New Forms of Radical Milieus University of Bielefeld, Germany, 07/03/2011-09/03/2012.
2011 Conway, M. (2011) International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference Violent Online Radicalisation: Weighing the Role of the Internet in Contemporary Terrorism Montreal, Canada, 16/03/2011-19/03/2011.
2011 Conway, M. (2011) Invited presentation to students of the MLitt in Terrorism Studies, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV) What Role for the Internet in Violent Radicalisation? University of St. Andrews, UK, 10/02/2011-11/02/2011.
2011 Conway, M. and K. McDonagh (2011) Invited presentation at the 14th International Civil-Military Relations Seminar: Radicalization—Extremism—Terrorism ‘Radicalisation and Counter-Terrorism’ Austrian Defence Academy, Vienna, Austria, 15/11/2011-18/11/2011.
2011 Conway, M. (2011) Invited presentation at the The Future of Terrorism II workshop, in conjunction with the International Center for the Study of Terrorism (ICST) at Pennsylvania State University and the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV) at the University of St. Andrews and sponsored by the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) ‘Violent Online Political Extremism: Current and Future Directions.’ Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, 19/10/2011-21/10/2011.
2011 Conway, M. (2011) European Commission Joint Research Centre (Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Global Security and Crisis Management) Workshop on Tools to Detect Violent Radical Content on the Internet Brussels, Belgium, 06/06/2011-06/07/2011.
2011 (2011) ‘Wilton Park’ conference on 'Tackling Online Jihad: Understanding the Issues and How to Respond?' UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office at Wiston House, West Sussex, UK, 31/01/2011-02/02/2011.
2011 Conway, M. (2011) Mid-West Political Science Association (MPSA) Annual Conference Born or Made? Irish Republicans, British Jihadis, and the UK's Radicalisation Discourse Chicago, USA, 31/03/2011-03/04/2011.
2011 Conway, M. (2011) CounterTerror Expo The Contemporary Terrorist Threat and the Internet Earls Court, London, UK, 19/04/2011-20/04/2011.
2011 Conway, M. Fitzgerald, J. (2011) British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference Between 'Post-Politics' and 'Bio-Politics': What Space for Right-Wing Terrorism? Manchester Conference Centre, UK, 27/04/2011-29/04/2011.
2010 Conway, Maura (2010) First European Meeting on Terrorist Threats and the Fight Against Terrorism The Cyberterrorism Threat Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, Paris, France, 11/02/2010-12/02/2010.
2010 Conway, Maura (2010) International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention Hizbollah's New Cool: Internet Influences? New Orleans, USA, 17/02/2010-20/02/2010.
2010 Conway, M. McInerney, L. (2010) Internet, Politics, Policy 2010 Online Jihadi Networks: A Role for 'Females'? Oxford Internet Institute (OII), 16/09/2010-17/09/2010.
2009 Conway, Maura (2009) Reframing the Nation: Media Publics and Strategic Narratives Strategic Narratives: Next Steps Open University, London, 18/05/2009-19/05/2009.
2009 Conway, Maura (2009) Media and Radicalisation: Closing Symposium The 'Old' Versus 'New' Terrorism Debate: What Can We Learn from Terrorists’ Online Presence? Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, 15/09/2009-.
2009 Conway, Maura (2009) Workshop on The Current State of Research into the Role of the Internet in Radicalisation Processes Terrorism and the Internet: What We have Learned To-Date University of North Carolina, USA, 18/11/2009-20/11/2009.
2009 Conway, Maura (2009) Scoping Workshop on Digital Media and Security Research on Terrorism and the Internet: Methodological Issues University of Warwick, UK, 21/05/2009-22/05/2009.
2009 Conway, Maura & Lisa McInerney (DCU) (2009) Workshop on 'European Datawars: Fighting Terrorism through Data' Connecting the Dots: In Defence of Data-Driven Terrorism Research University of Amsterdam, 11/06/2009-12/06/2009.
2009 Conway, Maura (2009) International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference The Global War on Terror and the Future(s) of the Net: Legislative Responses to Terrorist Internet Use New York, USA, 15/02/2009-17/02/2009.
2009 Conway, Maura (2009) Re-Inventing the Mediterranean? The Middle East and Europe after Lisbon and Union for the Mediterranean Online Radicalisation?: Content Aimed at Influencing Middle Eastern Diaspora Youth in Europe Centre for Middle East Studies, University of Southern Denmark, 02/12/2009-04/12/2009.
2009 Conway, M. Bermingham, A. McInerney, L. O'Hare, N. Smeaton, A.F. (2009) ASONAM (Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining) Conference Combining Social Network Analysis and Sentiment Analysis to Explore the Potential for Online Radicalisation Hellenic-American University, Athens, Greece, 20/07/2009-22/07/2009.
2008 Conway, Maura (2008) 22nd Asia-Pacific Roundtable Contemporary Cyber Threats: Terrorism Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia, 04/06/2008-04/06/2008.
2008 Conway, Maura (2008) [Invited Lecture] Terrorism & Media Clinton Institute for American Studies, University College Dublin (UCD), 01/04/2008-01/04/2008.
2008 Conway, Maura (2008) British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference 'Broadcast Yourself': Terrorism, Reality TV, and the YouTube Generation University of Exeter, UK, 15/12/2008-17/12/2008.
2008 Conway, Maura (2008) ISA pre-Conference Workshop entitled 'Framing a Research Frontier: Cyberinfrastructure Policy in Global Perspective' organised in conjunction with ISA International Communication Section The Emerging Cyberinfrastructure Landscape: US, UK, & EU Approaches San Francisco, USA, 25/03/2008-25/03/2008.
2008 Conway, Maura (2008) International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference Assessing the Quiet Online ‘War on Terrorism’ San Francisco, USA, 26/03/2008-29/03/2008.
2008 Conway, Maura (2008) Terrorism & the Internet: An Overview Infantry School, Irish Military College, Curragh, 05/03/2008-05/03/2008.
2008 Conway, Maura & McInerney, Lisa (DCU) (2008) Web 2.0: An International Conference 'Broadcast Yourself': A History & Categorisation of Terrorist Video Propaganda New Political Communication Unit, Royal Holloway, University of London, 17/04/2008-18/04/2008.
2008 Conway, Maura (2008) Seminar series entitled An Exploration of the War on Terror: Representations, Risk and Government Strategies Terrorism and Web 2.0 Institute for Advanced Study, University of Warwick,UK, 23/04/2008-23/04/2008.
2008 Conway, Maura (2008) 25th Anniversary Conference of the Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies New Media, New Generation, ‘New’ Middle East? Hizbollah’s Role University of Southern Denmark, 26/09/2008-27/09/2008.
2007 Conway, Maura (2007) British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference ‘Blogging and/in the Middle East: History, Types, Discourses, Impacts.’ Cambridge University, UK, 17/12/2007-19/12/2007.
2007 Conway, Maura (2007) International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference Info-War, Info-Peace: Computer Games/Gaming in the Theory & Practice of International Relations Chicago, USA, 28/02/2007-03/03/2007.
2007 Conway, Maura & Mahmoud Eid (University of Ottawa) (2007) Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Conference A Comparative Analysis of Online Representations in English and Arabic of the US & EU by Political Violence Groups in the Middle East Montreal, Canada, 17/11/2007-20/11/2007.
2007 Conway, Maura (2007) Processes of Violent Radicalisation: The Role of the Internet Terrorism and the Internet: An Overview Office of the Director General of Justice, Security and Freedom of the European Commission, Bru, 20/03/2007-20/03/2007.
2007 Conway, Maura (2007) Preventing Cyber-Warfare: ICTs and International Security ICTs and International Security: Cyberwar & Cyberterrorism United Nations, New York, 16/10/2007-16/10/2007.
2007 Conway, Maura (2007) EuroMed conference on 'Preventing Incitement to Terrorism and Radicalisation: What Role for the Media?' Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin, 21/05/2007-21/05/2007.
2007 Conway, Maura (2007) Joint BISA-PSA Workshop on Security, Aesthetics & Visual Culture ‘Broadcast Yourself': Terrorism, the Internet, & Reality TV Queens University Belfast, 10/11/2007-10/11/2007.
2007 Conway, Maura (2007) The Long-Term Impact of the Internet? Ditchley Foundation, Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, 01/06/2007-03/06/2007.
2007 Conway, Maura (2007) ECPR’s Sixth Pan-European Conference on International Relations Broadcast Yourself: Terrorism, Reality TV, and the YouTube Generation University of Turin, Italy, 12/09/2007-15/09/2007.
2007 Conway, Maura (2007) Media, War & Conflict Journal Launch Conference Hizbollah’s Media Strategy: An Integrated Approach Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 19/04/2007-20/04/2007.
2007 Conway, Maura (2007) Weaponizing the Media Roundtable on Weaponizing the Media Amsterdam,the Netherlands, 02/02/2007-02/02/2007.
2006 Conway, M. (2006) International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference Islamists, International Relations, and the Internet San Diego, California, 22/03/2006-25/03/2006.
2006 Conway, Maura (2006) St. Antony’s International Review (STAIR) conference on 'The Internet: Power and Governance in a Digitised World' Terrorist use of the Internet and the Challenges of Governing Cyberspace St. Antony's College, Oxford University, 06/12/2006-06/12/2006.
2006 Conway, M. (2006) Fourth International Conference on Information (Info ’06) Islamists and the Internet University College Cork, 01/08/2006-05/08/2006.
2006 Conway, Maura (2006) British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference Ethnopolitical Mobilization Online: The Case of Ulster Loyalism University College Cork, 18/12/2006-20/12/2006.
2006 Conway, Maura & Reilly, Paul (University of Glasgow) (2006) 'Information, Communication, & Society' (iCS): Tenth Anniversary International Symposium “Functional Democrats” Online: A Comparative Study of the Websites of Hamas and Sinn Fein University of York, UK, 20/09/2006-22/09/2006.
2006 Conway, M. (2006) Twentieth International Political Science Association (IPSA) Congress Terrorist Use of the Internet and Fighting Back (Revised) Fukuoka, Japan, 09/07/2006-13/07/2006.
2006 Conway, Maura (2006) Can Terrorism be Comprehensively Eradicated? Ditchley Foundation, Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, 08/12/2006-10/12/2006.
2006 Conway, M. (2006) Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) workshop on 'Terrorism in the UK' Terrorism and the Internet: The UK Experience RUSI, Whitehall, London, 05/05/2006-05/05/2006.
2005 Conway, M. (2005) Critical Infrastructure Protection Workshop Cyberterrorism and the Media: A Study in the Construction of Reality (Revised Version) Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 12/09/2005-12/09/2005.
2005 Conway, Maura (2005) Fourth annual Commercial Information Technology for Military Operations (CITMO) Workshop entitled 'Information Technology and Terrorism: The Impact of Emerging Commercial Capabilities' Terrorist Use of the Net and Fighting Back Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 15/06/2005-17/06/2005.
2005 Conway, M. (2005) British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference C4I: Islamists, International Relations, Intelligence, and the Internet University of St. Andrews, Scotland, 19/12/2005-21/12/2005.
2005 Conway, Maura (2005) Guest Speaker Series Terrorist Use of the Net Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, 16/02/2005-16/02/2005.
2005 Conway, M. (2005) Cybersafety: Safety and Security in a Networked World Terrorist Use of the Net and Fighting Back Said Business School, Oxford University, 08/09/2005-10/09/2005.
2005 Conway, M. (2005) First International Conference on the Information Revolution and the Changing Face of International Relations and Security Cyberterrorism and the Media: A Study in the Construction of Reality Lucerne, Switzerland, 23/05/2005-25/05/2005.
2005 Conway, M. (2005) Turkish National Police Conference on Democracy & Global Security Striking Back at Terrorist Net Users: The Role of Law Enforcement Istanbul, Turkey, 09/06/2005-11/06/2005.
2005 Conway, Maura (2005) Guest Speaker Series Cyberterrorism and the Media: A Study in the Construction of ‘Reality Danish Institute of International Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, 13/09/2005-13/09/2005.
2004 Conway, M. (2004) International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference Terrorist Web Sites: An Empirical Analysis Montreal, Canada, 17/03/2004-20/03/2004.
2004 Conway, Maura (2004) Guest Speaker Series So You Wanna’ Be a Cyberterrorist? Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, 05/01/2004-05/01/2004.
2004 Conway, M. (2004) Third European Conference on Information Warfare Cyberterrorism: Academic Perspectives Royal Holloway, University of London, 28/06/2004-29/06/2004.
2004 Conway, Maura (2004) Special session on ‘Migration, Borders, Resources, and Security’ for HM Forces Breaching Border Security: The Role of the Internet University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education, 21/04/2004-23/04/2004.
2004 Conway, M. (2004) British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference Terrorist Web Sites: Leveraging the Power of Information University of Warwick, UK, 20/12/2004-22/12/2004.
2003 Conway, M. (2003) Guest Speaker Series Reality Bytes: Cyberterrorism and Terrorist Organisations Online Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV), University of St. Andrews, 05/11/2003-05/11/2003.
2003 Conway, M. (2003) Local-Global Seminar Series Women and Terrorism: Towards a Research Agenda Institute for International Integration Studies (IIIS), TCD, 12/02/2003-12/02/2003.
2003 Conway, M. (2003) European Conference on Information Warfare (ECIW 03) Code Wars: Steganography, Signals Intelligence, and Terrorism University of Reading, UK, 30/06/2003-01/07/2003.
2003 Conway, M. (2003) Department of Peace Studies Postgraduate Conference Cyberterrorism and Terrorist ‘Use’ of the Internet Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, 23/05/2003-23/05/2003.
2003 Conway, M. (2003) British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference What are the Functions of Terrorist Web Sites? A Comparison with Political Party, NGO, and Hate Sites University of Birmingham, UK, 15/12/2003-17/12/2003.
2003 Conway, M. (2003) Terrorism and the Internet Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, 09/04/2003-09/04/2003.
2003 Conway, M. (2003) Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI) Postgraduate Conference What are the Functions of Terrorist Web Sites? Developing a Framework for Analysis Trinity College Dublin, 20/06/2003-20/06/2003.
2003 Conway, M. (2003) European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) 2003 Joint Workshop on The Changing Media and Civil Society The Changing Media and Uncivil Society University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 28/03/2003-01/04/2003.
2003 Conway, M. (2003) International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference Terrorism and IT: Cyberterrorism and Terrorist Organisations Online Portland, OR, USA, 25/02/2003-01/03/2003.
2002 Conway, M. (2002) American Political Science Association Annual Conference Terrorism and Telecommunications: An Analysis of Terrorist Use of the Internet Hynes Convention Centre, Boston, 29/08/2002-01/09/2002.
2002 Conway, M. (2002) War and Virtual War: The Challenge to Communities What is Cyberterrorism? Mansfield College, Oxford University, 16/07/2002-18/07/2002.
2002 Conway, M. (2002) European Conference on Information Warfare and Security Cyberterrorism: The Story So Far Brunel University, London, 08/07/2002-09/07/2002.
2002 Conway, M. (2002) Trinity College Dublin-Dublin City University Joint IR Seminar Terrorism, IT, and Global Politics: The Aftermath of September 11th (Revised Version) Dublin City University, 05/02/2002-05/02/2002.
2002 Conway, M. (2002) Media Representation of Islamic Societies and War Public Diplomacy and the Politics of Self-Representation: The Case of University of Sussex, UK, 01/07/2002-02/07/2002.
2001 Conway, M (2001) British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference Terrorism, IT, and Global Politics: The Aftermath of September 11th University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 17/12/2001-19/12/2001.
2001 Conway, M. (2001) ECPR 4th Pan-European International Relations Conference Reality Bytes: ‘Cyberterrorism’ and Terrorist Organisation(s) Online University of Kent at Canterbury, 06/09/2001-09/09/2001.

Published Report

Year Publication
2024 Conway, M., Mattheis, A.A., McCafferty, S. and Mohamed, M.H. (2024) Violent Extremism and Terrorism Online in 2023: The Year in Review. Publications Office of the European Union, .
2023 Pearson, E., Whittaker, J., Baaken, T., Zeiger, S., Atamuradova, F. and Conway, M. (2023) Online extremism and terrorism researchers’ security, safety, and resilience: findings from the field. VOX-Pol, .
2022 Conway, M. and Looney, S. (2022) Back to the future? Twenty first century extremist and terrorist websites. Publications Office of the European Union, .
2022 Looney, S., Conway, M. and Watkin, A.L. (2022) Violent extremism and terrorism online in 2021: The year in review. Publications Office of the European Union, .
2022 Macdonald, S., Yilmaz, K., Herath, C., Berger, J.M., Lakhani, S., Nouri, L. and Conway, M. (2022) The European Far-right online: An exploratory twitter outlink analysis of German & French Far-right online ecosystems. RESOLVE Network, .
2020 Maura Conway (2020) Violent Extremism and Terrorism Online in 2019: The Year in Review. VOX-Pol, .
2019 Maura Conway, Matti Pohjonen (2019) Europe’s Online Extreme Right: A Snapshot of 2016 Versus 2018 Activity. DG Justice and Home Affairs, .
2019 Maura Conway (2019) Violent Extremism and Terrorism Online in 2018: The Year in Review. VOX-Pol, .
2019 Maura Conway, Ryan Scrivens, Logan Macnair (2019) Right-Wing Extremists’ Persistent Online Presence: History and Contemporary Trends. International Centre for Counter-terrorism (ICCT), .
2018 Maura Conway, Sheelagh Brady (2018) A New Virtual Battlefield: How to Prevent Online Radicalisation in the Cyber Security Realm of the Western Balkans. Regional Cooperation Council, .
2018 Maura Conway, Michael Courtney (2018) Violent Extremism and Terrorism Online in 2017: The Year in Review. VOX-Pol, .
2017 Maura Conway, Moign Khawaja, Suraj Lakhani, Jeremy Reffin, Andrew Robertson, David Weir (2017) Disrupting Daesh: Measuring Takedown of Online Terrorist Material and Its Impacts. VOX-Pol, .
2016 Maura Conway (2016) Violent Extremism and Terrorism Online in 2016: The Year in Review. VOX-Pol, .
2015 Paul Gill, Emily Corner, Amy Thornton, Maura Conway (2015) What are the Roles of the Internet in Terrorism? Measuring Online Behaviours of Convicted UK Terrorists. VOX-Pol, .


Year Publication
2020 Conway, Maura; Macdonald, Stuart (2020) Introduction to the Special Issue: Extremism and Terrorism Online-Widening the Research Base. ED [DOI]
2019 Conway, Maura; Macdonald, Stuart (2019) Introduction to the Special Issue: Islamic State's Online Activity and Responses, 2014-2017. ED [DOI]
2011 Conway, Maura (2011) Privacy and Security Against Cyberterrorism. ED [DOI]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2014 Conway, Maura (2014) Media and Terrorism: Global Perspectives.
2012 Conway, M.; McInerney, L. (2012) Terrorism in 'old' and 'new' media. [Link] [DOI]
2019 Conway, M.; Macdonald, S. (2019) Introduction to the special issue: Islamic state’s online activity and responses, 2014–2017. [Link] [DOI]
2010 Conway, M. (2010) The 'T' Word: Review of Richard English's Terrorism: How to Respond (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009).
2007 Conway, M. (2007) Review of Yonah Alexander's 'Counterterrorism Strategies: Successes and Failures of Six Nations' (Washington DC: Potomac Books, 2006) in e-Extreme.
2007 Conway, M. (2007) Review of Pramod K. Nayar's Virtual Worlds: Culture and Politics in the Age of Cybertechnology (New Delhi & London: Sage) for the Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies.


Year Publication
2015 Conway, M.; Walker, C. (2015) Countering terrorism via the internet. [Link]
2013 Conway, M. (2013) Terrorist use of the internet and the challenges of governing cyberspace. [Link]
2008 Conway, M. (2008) Terrorist use of the internet and the challenges of governing cyberspace. [Link]
2005 Conway, M. (2005) Cybercortical warfare: Hizbollah's Internet strategy. [Link] [DOI]
2005 Conway, M. (2005) Terrorist web sites: Their contents, functioning, and effectiveness. [Link] [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
International Studies Association (ISA) Member of Executive Commitee of International Communication Section (2007 - 2010); Conference Programme Chair (2010 - 2011) -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2017 DCU President's Research Award Dublin City University


Committee Function From / To
Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict -
Terrorism and Political Violence -


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Trinity College Dublin PhD
NUIG B.A. Legal Science, Sociology and Politics Law, Sociology, Politics
University of Limerick M.A. International Studies International Relations and Security


Journal Role
Journal of Communication Reviewer
Social Science Computer Review Reviewer
British Journal of Politics and International Relations Reviewer
Media, War and Conflict Reviewer
Critical Studies on Terrorism Reviewer
Journal of Information Technology and Politics Reviewer
Millennium-Journal Of International Studies Reviewer
New Media and Society Reviewer
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Reviewer
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism Reviewer
Sociology Compass Reviewer
French Politics Reviewer
Culture, Theory and Critique Reviewer
European Journal of Political Research Reviewer
International Journal of Press/Politics Reviewer
International Security Reviewer
Journal of Communication Inquiry Reviewer
Political Communication Reviewer
Review of International Studies Reviewer
Science and Engineering Ethics Reviewer
Scientific Reports Reviewer
Irish Political Studies Reviewer

Research Interests

Terrorism and the Internet, particularly the conceptualisation and portrayal of cyberterrorism, the functioning and effectiveness of terrorist websites/online content, violent online radicalisation