Gary Murphy


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Gary Murphy was born in in Cork City in 1968 and educated by the Christian Brothers at Sullivan's Quay. He later studied at UCC, BA 1990, MA 1992, and took his doctorate under Prof. Eunan O'Halpin in DCU in 1996. He has worked in DCU since 1995 and is now Full Professor of Politics in the School of Law and Government. He was the Head of the School of Law and Government between 2012 and 2018.

In 2007 Prof. Murphy was appointed DCU's first Dean of Graduate Studies and served in that position until 2011. He is a former editor of Irish Political Studies, the leading journal of political science in Ireland. He was President of the Political Studies Association of Ireland from 2009 to 2012. In 2011-12 he was visiting Fulbright Professor of Politics in the Center for European Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He was a Naughton Fellow and Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Keough Naughton Institute for Irish Studies at the University of Notre Dame in 2016 and 2019.

Prof. Murphy has published extensively on the politics of modern Ireland. In November 2021, Gill Books published his acclaimed biography of the former  Fianna Fáil leader and Taoiseach, Charles J. Haughey. Simply titled Haughey it was widely reviewed being described as “magisterial” in both the Irish Times, and the Mail on Sunday; “brilliant” in the Sunday Independent; “gripping” and “definitive” in the Sunday Times; and a “Shakespearean portrait of the most cunning of them all” in the Sunday Business Post. It was selected as a book of the year by the Irish Times, Sunday Independent, Sunday Business Post, Mail on Sunday, and Irish Examiner.

In 2016 Prof. Murphy's book "Electoral Competition in Ireland since 1987: the politics of triumph and despair" was published by Manchester University Press. It was also widely and positively reviewed as a major reinterpretation of modern Ireland. He is also a renowned authority on the regulation of lobbying and is co-author of the book "Regulating Lobbying: a global comparison". Originally published in 2010 by Manchester University Press, a second edition was published in 2019.

Prof. Murphy's work has received considerable external recognition and his research has been funded by the Irish Research Council, the Irish Department of the Environment, and the Fulbright Commission. He has appeared before a number of Irish Parliamentary Committees to speak on lobbying regulation, electoral reform, and parliamentary inquiries and his work has been cited in both Dáil Eireann and Seanad Eireann. His work on lobbying regulation has been presented to the Council of Europe's Venice Commission in Strasbourg, the Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee of the House of Commons in the UK, and both the Czech and Scottish parliaments. He acted as an adviser to the Government Reform Unit of the Irish Department of Public Expenditure and Reform on the introduction of the government's Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015. In November 2012 he was appointed by the Irish Minister of the Environment to the Local Electoral Area Boundary Committee whose report was published in May 2013 and formed the basis for the Irish local elections of 2014. 

Prof. Murphy appears regularly in the Irish print and broadcast media. He was an analyst for RTE on the 2007, 2011, 2016 and 2020 Irish General Elections, the 2011 and 2018 Irish presidential elections, the 2009, 2014 and 2019 local and European elections, the 2010, 2015, 2017 and 2019 British general elections and the 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020 US presidential elections. 


Year Publication
2010 Brian Girvin and Gary Murphy (eds) (2010) Continuity, Change and Crisis in Contemporary Ireland. : Routledge.
2010 Raj Chari, John Hogan and Gary Murphy (2010) Regulating Lobbying: A Global Comparison. : Manchester University Press.
2009 Gary Murphy (2009) In Search of the Promised Land: The Politics of Post-War Ireland. : Mercier Press.
2005 Brian Girvin and Gary Murphy(eds) (2005) The Lemass Era: Politics and Society in the Ireland of Seán Lemass. : UCD Press.
2003 Gary Murphy (2003) Economic Realignment and the Politics of EEC Entry: Ireland 1948-1972. : Maunsel Press.
2021 Gary Murphy (2021) Haughey. Dublin: Gill Books.
2019 Raj Chari, John Hogan, Gary Murphy, Michele Crepaz (2019) Regulating Lobbying: a global comparison. 2nd edition. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
2016 Murphy, G. (2016) Electoral competition in Ireland since 1987. [Link]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2018 Crepaz M.;Chari R.;Hogan J.;Murphy G. (2018) 'International dynamics in lobbying regulation' In: Lobbying in the European Union: Strategies, Dynamics and Trends. [DOI]
2017 Murphy G. (2017) 'Ireland' In: Lobbying in Europe: Public Affairs and the Lobbying Industry in 28 EU Countries. [DOI]
2016 Murphy G. (2016) 'The background to the election' In: How Ireland Voted 2016: The Election that Nobody Won. [DOI]
2015 Gary Murphy (2015) ''The Irish people should feel ashamed of themselves for what they had done': Party Politics and the Fianna Fail manifesto of 1977' In: Kevin Rafter and Mark O'Brien(Eds.). The State in Transition: Essays in honour of John Horgan. Dublin : New Island Press.
2012 O’Malley E.;Murphy G. (2012) 'RHPOs in Ireland: Ratcheting pay in the public sector' In: Rewards for High Public Office in Europe and North America. [DOI]
2011 Murphy G. (2011) 'Theodore Roosevelt, Presidential Power and the Regulation of the Market' In: A Companion to Theodore Roosevelt. [DOI]
2011 Murphy G. (2011) 'The background to the election' In: How Ireland Voted 2011: The Full Story of Ireland's Earthquake Election. [DOI]
2007 Murphy G. (2007) 'The background to the election' In: How Ireland Voted 2007: The Full Story of Ireland's General Election. [DOI]
2003 Murphy G. (2003) 'Pluralism and the politics of morality' In: Public Administration and Public Policy in Ireland: Theory and Methods. [DOI]
2015 Gary Murphy (2015) 'L'Irlande' In: Nathalie Brack, Jean-Michel De Waele, Jean-Benoit Pilet(Eds.). Les Démocraties Européenes: Institutions, elections et partis politiques, 3rd ed. Paris : Armand Colin.
2014 Gary Murphy and Theresa Reidy (2014) 'Presidential Elections: The Collapse of Partisanship?' In: John Coakley and Kevin Rafter(Eds.). The Irish Presidency: Power, Ceremony and Politics. Dublin : Irish Academic Press.
2014 Gary Murphy (2014) 'A Private Affair: Lobbying and Transparency in Modern Ireland' In: Mark O'Brien and Donnacha O Beachain(Eds.). Political Communication in the Republic of Ireland. Liverpool : Liverpool University Press.
2013 Gary Murphy (2013) 'A Dance of Strangers: Some thoughts on the Government - Interest Group Dynamic in Irish Public Policy Formulation' In: Deiric O'Broin and Mary Murphy(Eds.). Politics, Participation and Power: Civil Society and Public Policy in Ireland. Dublin : Glasnevin Press.
2012 Gary Murphy (2012) 'Seeking the Fianna Fáil vote: Why do Interest Groups Run for Office in Ireland in Radical or Redundant: Minor Parties in Irish Politics' In: Liam Weeks and Alistair Clark (eds.)(Eds.). Dublin : The History Press Ireland.
2012 Gary Murphy (2012) 'The Politics of Despair: Independent Newspapers and post-war Irish society in Independent Newspapers: A History, Four Courts Press' In: Mark O'Brien and Kevin Rafter(Eds.). Dublin : Four Courts Press.
2012 Eoin O'Malley and Gary Murphy (2012) 'RHPOs in Ireland: Ratcheting Pay in the Public Sector in Rewards for High Public Office in Europe and North America' In: B. Guy Peters and Marleen Brans (eds.)(Eds.). Abingdon : Routledge.
2011 Gary Murphy (2011) 'The Background to the Election in How Ireland Voted 2011: The Full Story of Ireland's Earthquake Election' In: Michael Gallagher and Michael Marsh(Eds.). Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
2011 Gary Murphy (2011) '“Champion of the consumer?: Theodore Roosevelt and the regulation of the market” A Companion to Theodore Roosevelt' In: Serge Ricard(Eds.). Sussex : Wiley Blackwell.
2010 Gary Murphy (2010) 'Interest groups in the policy-making process' In: John Coakley and Michael Gallagher(Eds.). Politics in the Republic of Ireland (5th ed). London : Routledge.
2010 Gary Murphy (2010) 'L’Irlande (Eire)' In: Jean-Michel De Waele and Paul Magnette(Eds.). Les Démocraties Européenes, 2nd ed. Paris : Armand Colin.
2010 Gary Murphy (2010) 'Access and Expectation: Interest Groups in Ireland' In: John Hogan, Paul Donnelly and Brendan O’Rourke(Eds.). Irish Business and Society: Reflections on Governing, Participating and Transforming in the 21st Century. Dublin : Gill and Macmillan.
2009 Gary Murphy, John Hogan and Raj Chari (2009) 'The Politics of Regulating Lobbyists: Assessing the attitudes of actors in the world of regulated lobbying ' In: Conor McGrath(Eds.). Interest Groups & Lobbying: Volume One – The United States, and Comparative Studies. Lewiston : Edwin Mellen Press.
2008 Gary Murphy (2008) 'Ireland' In: Jean-Michel De Waele and Paul Magnette (eds)(Eds.). European Democracies. : Armand Colin.
2007 Gary Murphy (2007) 'Commentary on J.P. O'Carroll's Strokes, cute hoors and sneaking regarders: the influence of local culture on Irish political style' In: Conor McGrath and Eoin O'Malley(Eds.). Irish Political Studies Reader: Key Contributions. : Routledge.
2007 Gary Murphy (2007) 'The Background to the Election' In: Michael Gallagher and Michael Marsh(Eds.). How Ireland Voted 2007. : Palgrave.
2005 Gary Murphy (2005) 'From Economic Nationalism to European Union' In: Brian Girvin and Gary Murphy(Eds.). The Lemass Era: Politics and Society in the Ireland of Seán Lemass. : 0.
2005 Gary Murphy (2005) '‘Ireland’' In: Transparency International(Eds.). Global Corruption Report, 2005. : 0.
2005 Gary Murphy (2005) 'Interest groups in the policy-making process' In: John Coakley & Michael Gallagher (eds.), Politics in the Republic of Ireland, 4th ed., Routledge, 2004(Eds.). Politics in the Republic of Ireland, 4th ed.. : 0.
2005 Gary Murphy (2005) '‘Payments for No Political Response? Political Corruption and Tribunals of Inquiry in Ireland, 1991-2003’' In: John Garrard and James L. Newell(Eds.). Scandals in Past and Contemporary Politics. : 0.
2005 Brian Girvin and Gary Murphy (2005) '‘Whose Ireland? The Lemass Era’' In: Brian Girvin and Gary Murphy(Eds.). The Lemass Era: Politics and Society in the Ireland of Seán Lemass. : 0.
2004 Gary Murphy (2004) ''An exercise that had to be undertaken': the Marshall Plan and the genesis of Ireland's involvement in European integration' In: Till Geiger and Michael Kennedy (eds.), Ireland, Europe and the Marshall Plan, Four Courts Press, 2004(Eds.). Ireland, Europe and the Marshall Plan. : 0.
2003 Gary Murphy (2003) 'Pluralism and the politics of morality' In: Maura Adshead and Michelle Millar (eds.), Public Administration and Public Policy in Ireland: Theory and Methods, Routledge, 2003(Eds.). Public Administration and Policy in Ireland: Theory and Methods. : 0.
2003 Gary Murphy (2003) 'The Background to the Election' In: Michael Gallagher, Michael Marsh and Paul Mitchell (eds.), How Ireland Voted 2002, Palgrave, 2003(Eds.). How Ireland Voted 2002. : 0.
2001 Gary Murphy (2001) 'The view from Merrion Square: The American Embassy in Ireland, 1956-1966' In: Hiram Morgan (ed.), Information, media and power through the ages, UCD Press, 2001(Eds.). Information, Media and Power through the ages. : 0.
2000 Gary Murphy (2000) ''A wider perspective': Ireland's view of Western Europe in the 1950s' In: Michael Kennedy & Joseph Morrison Skelly (eds.), Irish Foreign Policy, 1919-1969: From independence to internationalism, Four Courts Press, 2000(Eds.). Irish Foreign Policy, 1919-1966: From Independence to Internationalism. : 0.
1999 Gary Murphy (1999) 'The role of interest groups in the policy making process' In: John Coakley & Michael Gallagher (eds.), Politics in the Republic of Ireland, 3rd ed., Routledge, 1999(Eds.). Politics in the Republic of Ireland. : 0.
2021 Gary Murphy (2021) 'Open Government' In: The Oxford Handbook of Irish Politics. Oxford : Oxford University Press. [DOI]
2021 Gary Murphy (2021) 'The Road to the Election' In: How Ireland Voted 2020: The End of an Era. London : Palgrave.
2012 Murphy, G. (2012) 'Interest groups in the policy-making process' In: Politics in the Republic of Ireland. [Link]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2017 Murphy, G (2017) 'Lobbying regulation in Ireland: Fool's errand or finest hour?'. Administration, 65 :127-144. [DOI]
2017 O'Malley, E;Murphy, G (2017) 'The leadership difference? Context and choice in Fianna Fail's party leadership'. Irish Political Studies, 32 :118-140. [DOI]
2015 Gary Murphy (2015) ''Residents are fearful that their community will die around them': some thoughts from inside the 2013 Local Electoral Area Boundary Committee'. IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES (PRINT), 30 :555-574.
2015 Murphy G. (2015) 'Residents are Fearful that Their Community will Die Around Them: Some Thoughts from Inside the 2013 Local Electoral Area Boundary Committee'. Irish Political Studies, 30 (4):555-574. [DOI]
2011 Hogan J.;Murphy G.;Chari R. (2011) 'Regulating the Influence Game in Australia'. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 57 (1):102-113. [DOI]
2011 Hogan J.;Chari R.;Murphy G. (2011) 'Regulating Australia's lobbyists: Coming full circle to promote democracy?'. Journal of Public Affairs, 11 (1):35-48. [DOI]
2011 Hogan, J;Murphy, G;Chari, R (2011) 'Regulating the Influence Game in Australia'. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 57 :102-113. [DOI]
2010 Murphy G. (2010) 'Influencing political decision-making: Interest groups and elections in independent Ireland'. Irish Political Studies, 25 (4):563-580. [DOI]
2008 Murphy, G;Hogan, J (2008) 'Fianna Fail, the Trade Union Movement and the Politics of Macroeconomic Crises, 1970-82'. Irish Political Studies, 23 :577-598. [DOI]
2008 Murphy, G;Puirseil, N (2008) ''Is it a New Allowance?' Irish Entry to the EEC and Popular Opinion'. Irish Political Studies, 23 :533-553. [DOI]
2007 Chari, R;Murphy, G;Hogan, J (2007) 'Regulating lobbyists: A comparative analysis of the United States, Canada, Germany and the European Union'. Political Quarterly, 78 :422-438.
2002 Murphy, G (2002) ''Mr-Roosevelt-is-guilty': Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for Constitutionalism, 1910-1912'. Journal of American Studies, 36 :441-457.
2012 Gary Murphy and Theresa Reidy (2012) 'Presidential Elections in Ireland: From Partisan Predictability to the End of Loyalty'. IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES (PRINT), 27 :615-634.
2011 Gary Murphy with Sean Farrell, Ciara Meehan and Kevin Rafter (2011) 'Assessing the Irish General Election of 2011: A Roundtable'. New Hibernia Review, 15 :36-53.
2011 John Hogan, Gary Murphy, Raj Chari (2011) 'Regulating the Influence Game in Australia'. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF POLITICS AND HISTORY (ONLINE), 57 :102-113.
2011 Gary Murphy and Conor McGrath (2011) 'The Curious Case of Lobbying in Ireland'. Journal of Public Affairs, 11 :71-73.
2011 Gary Murphy, John Hogan, Raj Chari (2011) 'Lobbying Regulation in Ireland: Some thoughts from the international evidence'. Journal of Public Affairs, 11 :111-119.
2011 John Hogan, Raj Chari, Gary Murphy (2011) 'Regulating Australia's lobbyists: coming full circle to promote democracy?'. Journal of Public Affairs, 11 :35-48.
2010 Gary Murphy (2010) 'Influencing Political Decision Making: Interest Groups and Elections in Independent Ireland'. IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES (PRINT), 25 :563-580.
2008 John Hogan, Gary Murphy, Raj Chari (2008) 'Next door they have regulation but not here ... Assessing the opinions of actors in the opaque world of unregulated lobbying'. CANADIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW, 2 :125-151.
2008 Gary Murphy (2008) 'Continuity, Change and Crisis in Ireland: An Afterword'. IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES (PRINT), 23 :649-652.
2008 Gary Murphy and John Hogan (2008) 'Fianna Fail, the Trade Union Movement and the Politics of Macroeconomic Crises, 1970-82 '. IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES (PRINT), 23 :577-598.
2008 Gary Murphy and Niamh Puirseil (2008) ''Is it a New Allowance?' Irish Entry to the EEC and Popular Opinion '. IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES (PRINT), 23 :533-553.
2007 Raj Chari, Gary Murphy, John Hogan (2007) 'Regulating Lobbyists: A Comparative Analysis of the United States, Canada, Germany and the European Union'. THE POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 78 :422-438.
2007 Gary Murphy (2007) 'Le caractere versatile de la gouvernance en Irlande'. TELESCOPE: REVUE D'ANALYSE COMPAREE EN ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE, 13 :22-36.
2006 Gary Murphy (2006) 'Assessing the Relationship between Neoliberalism and Political Corruption:The Fianna Fáil–Progressive Democrat Coalition, 1997–2006'. IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES (PRINT), 21 :297-317.
2003 Gary Murphy (2003) 'Towards a Corporate State? Sean Lemass and the Realignment of Interest Groups in the Policy Process 1948-1964'. 51. No.1-2, 'Ireland Develops: Administration and Social Policy 1953-2003'. A special edition of Administration 'Celebrating 50 Years' bringing together a selection of the best articles pub :105-118.
2002 Gary Murphy (2002) 'Mr. Roosevelt is guilty: Theodore Roosevelt and the crusade for constitutionalism, 1910-1912'. Journal of American Studies, 36, no.3 :441-457.
2002 Gary Murphy (2002) 'The Irish Government, the National Farmers Association, and the European Economic Community, 1955-1964'. New Hibernia Review, 6, no.4 :68-84.
2001 Gary Murphy (2001) 'A Measurement of the extent of our sovereignty at the moment: Sovereignty and the question of Irish entry to the EEC, new evidence from the archives'. IRISH STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (PRINT), 12 :191-202.
2001 Gary Murphy and John Hogan (2001) 'From Guild to Union: the evolution of the Dublin Bricklayers' Society, 1670-1888'. IRISH JOURNAL OF LABOUR HISTORY, 26 :17-24.
2000 Gary Murphy (2000) 'A culture of sleaze: Political Corruption and the Irish body politic, 1997-2000'. IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES (PRINT), 15 :193-200.
1999 Gary Murphy (1999) 'Towards a Corporate State: Sean Lemass and the realignment of interest groups in the policy process, 1948-1964'. 47, no1 :86-102.
1998 Gary Murphy (1998) 'The 1997 General Election in the Republic of Ireland'. IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES (PRINT), 13 :127-134.
1997 Gary Murphy (1997) 'Government, Interest Groups and the Irish move to Europe, 1957-1963'. IRISH STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (PRINT), 8 :57-68.
1996 Gary Murphy (1996) 'Fostering a spurious progeny: The trade union movement and Europe, 1955-1964'. IRISH JOURNAL OF LABOUR HISTORY, 21 :61-70.
1995 Gary Murphy (1995) 'Back to the Constitution: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Republican Party Division, 1910-1912'. Irish Journal of American Studies, 4 :109-126.

Other Journal

Year Publication
1997 Gary Murphy (1997) 'Towards a corporate state? Sean Lemass and the realignment of interest groups in the policy process 1948 - 1964' .
1997 Gary Murphy (1997) 'Towards a corporate state: Sean Lemass and the realignment of interest groups in the policy process, 1948-1964' 23 :1-14.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2004 Gary Murphy (2004) Tanaka Business School Seminar Assessing tribunals of inquiry as accurate barometers of political corruption in Ireland Imperial College, London, 12/02/2004-12/02/2004.
2003 Gary Murphy (2003) American Irish Historical Society We fully realise what the community is: Sean Lemass and the politics of EEC entry New York City, 30/05/2003-.
2003 Gary Murphy (2003) American Conference for Irish Studies Political Corruption or merely Political Scandal? The Flood and Moriarty tribunals of inquiry University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis/St. Paul, 04/06/2003-08/06/2003.
2002 Gary Murphy (2002) American Conference of Irish Studies From Rome to Nice: Irish Sovereignty Revisited Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 05/06/2002-09/06/2002.
2001 Gary Murphy (2001) Dublin University History Society Dublin's view of Paris and Rome: The Irish Response to Early European Integration Trinity College, Dublin, 29/11/2001-.
2001 Gary Murphy (2001) Research seminar in politics Political contributions or political corruption? Tribunals of inquiry and payments to politicians in Ireland University of Glasgow, 22/01/2001-.
2001 Gary Murphy (2001) Lecture to the Department of Political Science, Trinity College, Dublin 'Access and Expectation': Interest group influence in the Irish policy process, an assessment Trinity College, Dublin, 16/01/2001-.
2001 Gary Murphy (2001) International Partnership of Business Schools international jury Government on the web: How the internet has revolutionised the teaching of government and politics Lancaster University, 06/07/2001-07/07/2001.
2001 Gary Murphy (2001) Research Seminar in Contemporary Irish History The Tortuous Path Revisited: New evidence on the Irish applications to join the EEC, 1961-1972 Trinity College, Dublin, 31/01/2001-.
2001 Gary Murphy (2001) Political Scandals Past and Present: International Conference Payments for no political response: political corruption and tribunals of inquiry in Ireland, 1991-2001 University of Salford, 21/06/2001-23/06/2001.
2001 Gary Murphy (2001) Fourth International Political Marketing Conference 'Marketing a Referendum: The role of interest groups in Irish Referenda since 1983 Dublin City University, 06/10/2001-08/10/2001.
2000 Gary Murphy (2000) American Conference for Irish Studies Guardian of the nation's finances: Sean MacEntee and the stability of the Irish State Limerick, 27/06/2000-02/07/2000.
2000 Gary Murphy (2000) Internation Partnership of Business Schools, International Jury Bismarck if he was dead: the importance of a knowledge of history for business students Northeastern University, Boston MA, 06/07/2000-07/07/2000.
2000 Gary Murphy and Colm Kearney (2000) Political Studies Association of Ireland, Annual Conference Crony Capitalism and the Celtic Tiger: Does the Irish body politic need cleansing? Cork, 13/10/2000-15/10/2000.
1999 Gary Murphy (1999) The biennial conference of historians in Ireland The view from Merrion Square: The American Embassy in Ireland, 1956-1966 University College, Cork, 20/05/1999-23/05/1999.
1999 Gary Murphy (1999) The Marshall Plan and Ireland. A conference of the Irish Association for Contemporary European Studies Persuading the Americans: The Irish administrative and political response to Marshall aid Dublin, 29/01/1999-.
1998 Gary Murphy (1998) Theodore Roosevelt and the Dawn of the American Century The importance of the Constitution in the political philosophy of Theodore Roosevelt: The case of 1910-1912 Siena College, Albany, New York, 18/04/1998-19/04/1998.
1998 Gary Murphy (1998) Research Seminar in International Relations The road to April 10: How the Northern Ireland peace deal was brokered Purdue University, Indiana, 21/04/1998-.
1997 Gary Murphy (1997) Irish Historical Society The politics of economic interdependence with Europe: Ireland 1967-1963 Dublin, 11/03/1997-.
1997 Gary Murphy (1997) Aspects of Europe: a conference of the Irish Association for Contemporary European Studies Published in Conference Proceedings, pp.1-12 Ireland, the EEC and NATO, 1957-1964 Dublin, 11/04/1997-.
1997 Gary Murphy (1997) Economic and Social History Society of Ireland, annual conference 'But there are more important things ...' The politics of Fianna Fail's economic policy, 1948-1964 St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, 19/09/1997-21/09/1997.
1996 Gary Murphy (1996) Royal Irish Academy's National Committee for the study of international affairs Government, Interest Groups and the Irish move to Europe, Ireland 1956-1964 Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 05/12/1996-.
1996 Gary Murphy (1996) Irish Association for American Studies We battle for the Lord: Theodore Roosevelt and the importance of religion for the Progressive Party Limerick, 29/03/1996-31/03/1996.
1996 Gary Murphy (1996) Economic and Social History Society of Ireland, annual conference Writing a new history of political economy, Ireland 1948-1964 Trinity College, Dublin, 20/09/1996-22/09/1996.
1996 Gary Murphy (1996) Political Studies Association of Ireland, annual conference Financial Ideology and the politics of economic realignment, Ireland 1948-1964 Limerick, 17/10/1996-19/10/1996.
1995 Gary Murphy (1995) Irish Association for American Studies, annual conference 'Back to the Constitution: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Republican Party division in the Progressive era Dublin, 31/03/1995-02/04/1995.
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2022) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Research Interests

Irish Politics; Interest Group Behaviour; Lobbying Regulation

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Keogh ,Katherine PhD-track Supervisor
Mooney ,John PhD-track Supervisor