Briege Casey


Profile Photo

Dr Briege Casey is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health at Dublin City University (DCU). She has worked in the areas of mental health, addiction and homelessness for over 30 years as a mental health nurse and academic in Ireland and the UK. She is interested in the development of inclusion health and arts and health approaches in education, research and healthcare practice and has published widely on these areas. She holds qualifications in Nursing (general, mental health, nurse tutor, MSc in Advanced Nursing) and Arts and Narrative study (BA Modern Arts, EdD Narrative Inquiry)

 Briege has held several senior positions within the School including programme chair roles in nursing and community health programmes, Director of Teaching and Learning, Post Graduate Convenor and more recently Academic Lead for Community Health. She has led the development of a range of educational programmes in Inclusion Health including the Undergraduate Certificate in Homeless Prevention and Intervention at DCU; a successful, part time, accredited programme addressing the educational/skill needs of key workers in the Irish homeless services, developed in partnership with major stakeholders in homeless sector services. More recently, she led the development and accreditation of the MSc in Health and Social Inclusion at DCU; a multidisciplinary programme offering options in Inclusion Health practice development and research. She is the founder and chairperson of The Nurses and Midwives for Inclusion Health Network, a professional interest group for nurses and midwives concerned with Inclusion Heath in practice, education and research. Recent completed funded research as PI includes Nurse-led COVID-19 interventions among homeless populations – a mixed methods study. Funded by Research Collaborative in Quality and Patient Safety (RCQPS) COVID-19 Award. Adult autism in homelessness: prevalence, experiences and support needs in an Irish context – a mixed methods study Funded by National Disability Authority, Ireland. Briege was the recipient of the DCU President’s Award for Distinctive Teaching Approaches 2013 and the winner of DCU President’s Award for Engagement 2018. She is a reviewer for the Journal of Advanced Nursing, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Qualitative Health Research, Psychology and Health and Health and Social Care in the Community.

Research interests include Inclusion Health Mental health Arts and health in Education Research and Practice Participatory narrative and arts–based research for improving health and social outcomes among marginalised groups.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2020 Casey, B and Murray, M (2020) 'Arts-based Research in the Social Sciences' In: Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research Design. California, London : SAGE.
2017 Casey B. (2017) 'Dementia and symbiosis in Waiting for Godot' In: Dementia and Literature: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Oxford : Routledge. [DOI]
2014 Casey B. (2014) 'From a different perspective: Interrogating nursing through art' In: Creative Practitioner Inquiry in the Helping Professions. Rotterdam : Sense Publishers. [DOI]
2011 Casey B.; Gordon E. (2011) 'Interpreting and responding to expressions of mental pain: The inner and outer dialogues of the mental health nurse' In: Nursing Issues: Psychiatric Nursing, Geriatric Nursing and Nursing Burnout.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2022 Briege Casey (2022) 'Screening for Autism Spectrum Condition Through Inner City Homeless Services in the Republic of Ireland'. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Sweeney, MR; Boilson, A; White, C; Nevin, M; Casey, B; Boylan, P; Staines, A (2022) 'Experiences of residents, family members and staff in residential care settings for older people during COVID-19: A mixed methods study'. Journal of Nursing Management, . [DOI]
2021 Casey, B.; Webb, M. (2021) 'Experiences of mental health support workers in mental healthcare practice: Three visual arts narratives'. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, . [Link] [DOI]
2019 McLaughlin Á.; Casey B.; McMahon A. (2019) 'Planning and implementing group supervision: a case study from homeless social care practice'. Journal of Social Work Practice, . [DOI]
2018 Casey B; Webb M; (2018) 'Imaging Journeys of Recovery and Learning: A Participatory Arts-Based Inquiry'. Qualitative Health Research, . [DOI]
2016 Casey B.; Proudfoot D.; Corbally M. (2016) 'Narrative in nursing research: An overview of three approaches'. Journal of Advanced Nursing, . [DOI]
2014 (2014) 'Education and Training Provision for Homeless Sector Workers: Contexts, Benefits and challenges'. Homeless in Europe FEANTSA, . [Link]
2013 (2013) 'Reflections on an In-House Academic Writing Retreat'. AISHE: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, . [Link]
2013 (2013) 'Strengths -based approaches in assessment practice'. The Irish Social Worker, . [Link]
2009 Casey, B (2009) 'Arts-based inquiry in nursing education'. Contemporary Nurse, 32 (1-2). [DOI]
2003 Casey, B.; Long, A. (2003) 'Meanings of madness: A literature review'. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, . [Link] [DOI]
2002 Casey B.; Long A. (2002) 'Reconciling voices'. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 9 (5):603-610. [DOI]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2021 Sweeney, M.R., Nevin, M., White, C., Boilson, A., Boylan, P., Staines, A., Casey. B. (2021) Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in residential care settings for older people in Ireland Trinity College Dublin, .
2001 Casey B (2001) An Bord Altranais Assessment of Competence Conference Report on the Pilot Project for the Assessment of Clinical Competence at St Vincent's Hospital Fairview Dublin, 13/09/2001-14/09/2001.


Year Publication

Online Article

Year Publication
2014 Casey, B (2014) Where now? We asked 18 people for one big idea to fix homelessness. ELEA


Year Publication
2010 Briege Casey (2010) Making an exhibition of ourselves: using narrative and arts-based inquiry with student nurses. University of Bristol: THES
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Research Interests

Narrative and arts-based approaches in healthcare interventions, research and education. Power and discourse in healthcare/educational contexts. Homelessness as a social issue and personal experience.