Emer Ní Bhrádaigh


Profile Photo
PhD in Entrepreneurship, TCD; Grad Dip in Statistics, TCD; MBS (Hons) International Marketing, UCD; BA (Hons) Irish & German, UCD; Fellow of National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship. Principal Investigator (with Peter Tiernan) of Accelerating Campus Entrepreneurship post-graduate entrepreneurship education module (funded by HEA); Principal Investigator (with Úna Redmond) of Erasmus+ Strategy for Change social innovation project (led by Glasgow Caledonian University). Leader of Ashoka Changemaker Campus network membership. Academic chair of ISBE 2012 conference; member of ICSB 2014 (Dublin) Scientific Committe; current Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences nominee to DCU Quality Promotion Committee; founding mentor of DCU Enactus social entrepreneurship society (5 times national winners since 2012).
Research interests include Gaeltacht entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. PhD supervision enquiries welcome.
Chair of Irish Social Finance Centre. Board member of Clann Credo Social Finance Investment Fund. Earlier career in financial software industry, arts sector and university fundraising and development.

Spéis ar leith i dtaighde ar fhiontraíocht Ghaeltachta agus ar fhiontraíocht shóisialta in earnáil dheonach na Gaeilge. Taithí na mblianta ag léachtóireacht trí mheán na Gaeilge in Fiontar DCU, agus anois in Fiontar agus Scoil na Gaeilge, ar fhiontraíocht, ceannaireacht, margaíocht, soch-theangeolaíocht &rl. Spéis ar leith i bhforbairt na Gaeltachta. Fáilte roimh mhic léinn ar mian leo tabhairt faoi thaighde PhD sna réimsí sin.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2003 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2003) Dáil Thuamhan Fiontraíocht i nGaeltacht Chontae na Gaillimhe - 1926 go dáta Limerick, Ireland, 24/10/2003-25/10/2003.
2001 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2001) Encounter - Enterprise and the Entrepreneurial Culture What are the conditions for Entrepreneurial Success - Fiontar as a case history Cardiff, Wales, 02/11/2001-04/11/2001.
2016 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2016) HEInnovate: Ignite, Inspire, Innovate HEInnovate: Ignite, Inspire, Innovate Brussels, Belgium, 19/05/2016-20/05/2016.
2014 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2014) Social Entrepreneurs - Have Your Say! Capacity Building in the Higher Education Sector Strasbourg, France, 16/01/2014-17/01/2014.
2013 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2013) DCU-JNU Joint Conference The work of the Morrow will Largely Consist of the Impossible of Today: the legacy of Horace Plunkett's Co-operatives in Gaeltacht Areas New Delhi, India, 28/01/2013-29/01/2013.
2009 Ní Bhrádaigh (2009) NorDubCo Seminar Series (proceedings to be published) Social Enterprise in the Gaeltacht: some insights from a longitudinal study DCU, 23/10/2009-23/10/2009.
2016 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer & Dunne, Ciaran (2016) ISIRC: International Social Innovation Research Conference Fostering Social Innovators in the Irish Higher Education System: a review of the Enactus model Glasgow, Scotland, 05/09/2016-07/09/2016.
2014 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer, Pat Borchert & Thomas Lechler (2014) ICSB: International Council for Small Business The Role of Quality Management for Customer Satisfaction in Micro-businesses Dublin, Ireland, 11/06/2014-14/06/2014.
2013 Stinchfield, Bryan & Emer Ní Bhrádaigh (2013) Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Blow-Ins, Locals and Natives: Socio-Cultural Embededdness, Venture Capabilities and Performance Lyon, France, 05/06/2013-08/06/2013.
2010 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2010) Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Collective Effervescence: how social entrepreneurship emerged and evolved in a minority community Lausanne, Switzerland, 09/06/2010-12/06/2010.
2010 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2010) Richard Cantillon Summer Schoool Collective Productive Effervescence: the place of entrepreneurship in our education and training sytstems Tralee, 08/09/2010-10/09/2010.
2010 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2010) Gaelscoileanna Annual Conference Margaocht agus Tioms Airgid: deiseanna agus straitis do Ghaelscoileanna Tullamore, 19/11/2010-20/11/2010.
2009 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2009) Richard Cantillon Summer School The Importance of Language and Culture for Entrepreneurship Ballyheigue, 15/07/2009-17/07/2009.
2009 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2009) ICSB: International Council for Small Business Social Entrepreneurship: a precursor to for-profit entrepreneurship in peripheral communities Seoul, Korea, 21/06/2009-02/06/2009.
2009 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2009) LIKE - Lille International Knowledge Exchange Développer l'Esprit d'Entreprise et d'Initiative Lille, France, 15/09/2009-15/09/2009.
2009 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2009) Oireachtas na Gaeilge Ré na Nuálaíochta tagtha don Ghaeilge: na deiseanna a eascraíonn as dúshláin Letterkenney, 28/10/2009-01/11/2009.
2008 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2008) Pedagogical Approaches to Entrepreneurship Teaching Entrepreneurship through the medium of Irish: an opportunity for innovation University of Limerick, 28/05/2008-28/05/2008.
2008 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2008) Fís Forbartha Pobail don Ghaeltacht - Ról na nEagras Pobail Fiontraíocht Phobail sa Ghaeltacht: súil siar agus súil ar aghaidh Corcaigh, 29/10/2008-29/10/2008.
2007 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2007) International Council for Small Business Indigenous Development: the Role of Community, State, Civil Sector and Corporations, Workshop Presentation Turku, Finland, 13/06/2007-15/06/2007.
2007 Anderson, Robert B., Jean-Marie Nkongolo-Bakenda, Leo P. Dana, Kevin G. Hindle, Emer Ní Bhrádaigh & Louw van der Walt (2007) Academy of Management (American) Enterprise, People and Place: Community Development in the New Economy Philadelphia, 03/08/2007-08/08/2007.
2007 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2007) Irish Academy of Management Developing Entrepreneurship in a Marginal Region Belfast, 03/09/2007-05/09/2007.
2007 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2007) 5th Rural Entrepreneurship Conference The Connemara Coastal Community's Use of its Marine Resources Lincoln, England, 22/02/2007-23/02/2007.
2006 Walsh, John, Emer Ní Bhrádaigh & Steve McCarron (2006) Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge Mapáil na Gaeltachta: ó Choimisiún na Gaeltachta go dtí an teicneolaíocht dhigiteach NUIG, 13/10/2006-13/10/2006.
2006 McCarron, Stephen, Emer Ní Bhrádaigh, John Walsh & Patrick Duffy (2006) Conference of Irish Geographers Spatial Evolution of the Gaeltacht UCD, Dublin, 05/05/2006-07/05/2006.
2006 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2006) CommENT (Community Engagement in Entrepreneurship) A Century of Community Integrated Linguistic Tourism Hamner Springs, New Zealand, 22/02/2006-24/02/2006.
2006 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer & John A. Murray (2006) Babson Entrepreneurship Conference On the Emergence of Entrepreneurial Activity - a longitudinal regional study 1891 - 2003 Bloomington, Indiana, 07/06/2006-09/06/2006.
2006 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2006) TG4: Súil Siar TG4@10: an léargas fiontraíochta Galway, 25/11/2006-25/11/2006.
2005 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer & Stephen McCarron (2005) Irish Academy of Management Spatial Analysis of Rural Enterprise in Ireland - possibilities and limitations GMIT, Galway, 08/09/2005-09/09/2005.
2004 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2004) Irish Academy of Management Conference Gaeltacht Entrepreneurship: Gaeltarra Éireann and Údarás na Gaeltachta Funded Enterprises 1958-2003 Trinity College Dublin, 02/09/2004-03/09/2004.
2004 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer & John Walsh (2004) Local and Global: Contested Terrains Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Conference Foras Feasa na Fiontraíochta: ról na fiontraíochta in earnáil na Gaeilge Dublin City University, 24/09/2004-25/09/2004.
2004 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2004) Local and Global: Contested Terrains Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Conference Gaeltacht Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship among Locals and Non-Locals in the Galway Gaeltacht 1958-2002 Dublin City University, 24/09/2004-25/09/2004.
2003 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2003) ICSB: International Council for Small Business, 48th World Conference The Patterns and Evolution of Entrepreneurship in the Gaeltacht Belfast, 15/06/2003-18/06/2003.
2002 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2002) RENT XVI: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business The Pattern and Evolution of Entrepreneurship in a Peripheral, Minority Language Region - a pilot study of a Co Galway Gaeltacht Village Barcelona, Spain, 21/11/2002-22/11/2002.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2016 Stinchfield, Bryan & Emer Ní Bhrádaigh (2016) 'Blow-ins, locals and natives: socio-cultural embeddedness in Ireland's Gaeltachts'. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 28 (1):1-19. Link
2008 Ní Bhrádaigh, E (2008) 'Entrepreneurship Capital Emerging in a Coastal Community'. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 6 (3):390-406.
2007 Ní Bhrádaigh, Emer (2007) 'The Overlooked Rugged Communitarians of Ireland'. Journal of Enterprising Communities, 1 (2):155-161. Link
2007 Ní Bhrádaigh, E (2007) 'The Overlooked Rugged Communitarians of Ireland'. JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISING COMMUNITIES: PEOPLE AND PLACES IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY, 1 :155-161.
2007 Ní Bhrádaigh, E (2007) 'Gaeltacht Entrepreneurship: an Opportunity for Integrated Development, yet Peripheral in Many Ways'. Irish Journal Of Management, 28 :22-26. Link
2005 Walsh, J, S McCarron, E Ní Bhrádaigh (2005) 'Mapping the Gaeltacht: towards a geographical definition of the Irish-Speaking Districts'. Administration, 53 :16-27. Link
2007 Ní Bhrádaigh E.;McCarron S.;Walsh J.;Duffy P. (2007) 'Using GIS to map the evolution of the Gaeltacht'. Irish Geography, 40 (1):99-108. Link

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2008 Ní Bhrádaigh, E (2008) 'TG4@10: an léargas fiontraíochta' In: Indreabhán, Co na Gaillimhe : Cló Iar-Chonnachta.
2007 Ní Bhrádaigh, E (2007) 'Sure weren't we always self-sufficient, didn't we have to be! - entrepreneurship in the Gaeltacht of Ireland' In: Cheltenham : Edward Elgar. Link
2006 Ní Bhrádaigh, E, JA Murray (2006) 'On the Emergence of Entrepreneurial Activity - a longitudinal regional study 1891 - 2003' In: Babson College, MA : Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship. Link
2005 Ní Bhrádaigh, E (2005) 'Fiontraíocht i nGaeltacht na Gaillimhe - 1926 go dáta' In: Rath Cairn : Carbad.
2002 Ní Bhrádaigh, E (2002) 'Graduate Entrepreneurship Success - and all because of a minority language' In: Aachen : Shaker Verlag.
1997 Ní Bhrádaigh, E (1997) 'Arts Marketing: a review of research and issues' In: Dublin : Oak Tree Press Management Series.

Commissioned Report

Year Publication
2009 Ní Dhuigneáin, Muireann, Emer Ní Bhrádaigh, Cora Cregan, Orlaith Tunney, Catherine Lyster & Louise Simpson (2009) Do Ghairm le Gaeilge / Your Career with Irish. Dublin Ireland: COMMREP
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2021) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Research Interests

Entrepreneurship, especially in minority groups, including minority language groups, and Gaeltacht; Social entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship education; Social entrepreneurship. Enquiries welcome from students interested in undertaking Masters / PhD research in any of these topics.
Cuirtear fáilte roimh fhiosruithe ó mhic léinn ar spéis leo taighde a dhéanamh ar aon cheann de na hábhair thuasluaite, forbairt na Gaeltachta agus an fhiontraíocht shóisialta in earnáil dheonach na Gaeilge ach go háirithe.