Miriam Judge


Profile Photo
Currently a lecturer and former Programme Chair (2010-2013) on the multimedia programmme in the School of Communications. Also served as School Research Convenor (2006-2011). Previously worked in the audio visual industry as a Corporate Video Producer/Director, researcher and scriptwriter and in the computer industry in a training and instructional design capacity. My Phd work was in the area of ICT in Education and my research work to date has built on my expertise in that area.


Year Publication
2004 Dr Miriam M Judge (2004) Building a Networked Educational Community. A Case Study of the Dundalk Learning Network. : National Centre for Technology in Ireland.
2003 Dr Miriam M Judge (2003) Wired for Learning in Ireland. An IBM/Department of Education and Science Collaborative Partnership. : National Centre for Technology in Ireland.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 Judge, M. (2023) 'IMPLEMENTING THE DALDIS E-ASSESSMENT PROJECT IN IRISH SCHOOLS' In: Innovating Assessment and Feedback Design in Teacher Education: Transforming Practice. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Shonfield, M. Yildiz, M., Williamson-Leadley, S., Judge, M. et al., (2020) 'Cross-Cultural Alignments, Fertilization, Differentiation: Bridging the Gaps through Technology' In: Learners & Learning Contexts: New Alignments for the Digital Age (e-book). Canada : EduSummIT2019. [Link]
2020 Judge, Miriam (2020) 'Computer Based Training and School Adoption – A Socio-cultural Perspective' In: Encyclopaedia of Education and Information Technologies. Switzerland : Springer Nature. [DOI]
2017 Castellini Da Silva, Ricardo & Judge, Miriam (2017) (2017) ''Media and Information Literacy'' In: Micool Best Practices eBook. Dublin : MICOOL Project.
2017 Castellini Da Silva, Ricardo & Judge, Miriam (2017) (2017) ''Media and Information Literacy' In: Micool Best Practices eBook. Dublin : Micool Project' In: MICOOL Best-Practices. Online : MICOOL. [Link]
2017 Castellini Da Silva, Ricardo & Judge, Miriam (2017) 'Media and Information Literacy' In: Micool Best Practices eBook. Dublin : Micool Project. [Link]
2017 Shonfeld, M., Passey, D., Appleby, L., Judge, M., Saito, T., & Smitts, A. (2017) 'Digital Agency to Empower Equity in Education' In: Rethinking Learning in a Digital Age (e-Book). Bulgaria : EduSummIT2017.
2010 Judge, M. (2010) 'Documenting teachers' and students' experiences with interactive whiteboards in Ireland: Key findings from an Irish pilot project' In: Interactive Whiteboards for Education: Theory, Research and Practice. [Link] [DOI]
2007 Dr Miriam Judge (2007) 'Teachers and the Consumption of ICT: a sociocultural analysis of a technology based change project in schools' In: John Horgan, Barbara O Connor & Helena Sheehan(Eds.). Mapping Irish Media: Critical Explorations. Newman House, 86 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2 : University College Dublin Press.
2004 Judge, Miriam (2004) 'The Wired for Learning Project in Ireland: A classic tale of Technology, School Culture and the Problem of Change:' In: Pedro Isaias, Piet Kommers, Maggie McPhearson(Eds.). e-Society 2004 - Proceedings of the International Conference. : 0.
2002 Judge, Miriam (2002) 'Introducing ICT into Irish Schools. A Case Study Report - Interim Findings' In: Philip Barker & Samuel Rebelsky(Eds.). Proceedings of Ed-media 2002: World Conference on educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. : 0.
2000 Judge, Miriam (2000) 'Using action research as a means of exploring organisational culture' In: Action Research in Ireland. 3 Wills Road, Branksome, Poole, Dorset BH12 INQ.UK : September Books.
1988 Judge, Miriam (1988) 'Computer Mediated Communications and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning' In: Third European Conference on integrating Information and Communications Technology in the Curriculum. : 0.
1988 Judge, Miriam; Tweedy, Ed. Sherry, Liz (1988) 'Video Conferencing in the Classroom' In: Third European Conference on integrating information and communications technology in the curriculum: Conference Proceedings. : 0.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Ifenthaler, D.; Majumdar, R.; Gorissen, P.; Judge, M.; Mishra, S.; Raffaghelli, J.; Shimada, A. (2024) 'Artificial Intelligence in Education: Implications for Policymakers, Researchers, and Practitioners'. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Judge, M. (2021) 'Covid 19, school closures and the uptake of a digital assessment for learning pilot project during Ireland’s national lockdown'. Irish Educational Studies, 40 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Shonfeld, M.; Cotnam-Kappel, M.; Judge, M.; Ng, C.Y.; Ntebutse, J.G.; Williamson-Leadley, S.; Yildiz, M.N. (2021) 'Learning in digital environments: a model for cross-cultural alignment'. Educational Technology Research and Development, 69 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Galanciak, S., Weiss, A. & Judge. M. et al. (2018) 'Tablets for inclusive teaching and learning in a mainstream setting –a needs analysis'. International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum, 2 (5):1-10. [Link] [DOI]
2018 Passey, D.; Shonfeld, M.; Appleby, L.; Judge, M.; Saito, T.; Smits, A. (2018) 'Digital Agency: Empowering Equity in and through Education'. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 23 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Miriam Judgea & Declan Tuite (2015) 'Leaders or led? A qualitative analysis of how young people explore express and experiment via new media in an Irish higher education context'. Learning, Media and Technology, 39 (4):1-25. [Link] [DOI]
2015 Judge, M. & Tuite, D., (2015) 'Leaders or Led? A qualitative analysis of how young people explore, express and experiment via new media in an Irish higher education context'. Learning, Media and Technology, 42 (1):28-53. [DOI]
2014 Holland, C., Mulcahy, C., Judge, M. , Lovatt, J., Scanlon, G., Rami, J., Corrigan, T. & McSharry, M. (2014) 'A Case Study of Infusing Sustainability within Dublin City University, through engagement in the EU Tempus Reorienting University Curricula to Address Sustainability (RUCAS) project'. .
2014 Holland, C., Judge, M., Rami, J., Mulcahy, C.,, Ramzy, O., & Lofty, N. (2014) 'Evaluation of the Infusion of Sustainability within Heliopolis University and Suez Canal University, Egypt'. .
2013 Judge, M. (2013) 'Evaluating Cultural and Technical Obstacles in School-Based ICT Programs: An Analysis of Two Case Studies'. 4 (9B) :22-28.
2013 Judge, Miriam (2013) 'Evaluating Cultural and Technical Obstacles in School-Based ICT Programs: An analysis of Two Case Studies'. Creative Education, 4 (9B) :22-28. http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInforCitation.aspx?PaperID=37421
2013 Judge, Miriam (2013) 'Documenting Teachers and Students Experiences with Interactive Whiteboards in Ireland: Key Findings from an Irish Pilot Project'. DIGITAL LITERACY: CONCEPTS, METHODOLOGIES, TOOLS, AND APPLICATIONS, VOL I, . [DOI]
2013 Miriam Judge (2013) 'Evaluating Cultural and Technical Obstacles in School-Based ICT Programs: An Analysis of Two Case Studies'. Creative Education, . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Judge, M. (2013) 'Mapping out the ICT integration terrain in the school context: Identifying the challenges in an innovative project'. Irish Educational Studies, 32 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Holland, Charlotte; Judge, Miriam (2013) 'Future Learning Spaces: The Potential and Practice of Learning 2.0 in Higher Education'. SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE NEW ACADEMIC ENVIRONMENT: PEDAGOGICAL CHALLENGES, . [DOI]
2012 Holland, C., Mulcahy, C., Besong, F. & Judge, M. (2012) 'Ethical-values Pedagogical Model, Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability'. 14 (2) :40-52.
2012 Holland, C.; Mulcahy, C.; Besong, F.; Judge, M. (2012) 'Ethical-values pedagogical model'. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 14 . [Link] [DOI]
2012 Miriam Judge (2012) 'A contextual study of the exercise of personal agency by mobile phone use'. Journal of Strategic Change, . [Link] [DOI]
2012 D’Souza, D., Kumar, V., Judge, M. & O’ Regan, N. (2012) 'A Contextual Study of the Exercise of Personal Agency Mobile Phone Use'. STRATEGIC CHANGE, Vol. 21 (5-6) :285-297.
2012 D'Souza, D. Kumar, V., Judge, M., O'Regan, N. (2012) 'A Contextual Study of the Exercise of Personal Agency Mobile Phone Use'. Journal of Strategic Change, 21 (6):285-297. [DOI]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2010 Ging, D., & Judge, M. (2010) 'Someone Else’s Shoes : Developing a Serious Game for Educating Young people about Migration and Cultural Integration in Ireland”' .

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
Judge, M. MITE (Mobile Technology in Education) Ipods, Apps, Animation, Action! A Case study analysis of the impact of the I-Pod Touch Project on classroom practices and creativity in Irish Schools .
2021 Judge, M. (2021) NYIT SpeedTech Spring Conference The DALDIS Project and JCQuest -Keynote address New York Institute of Technology, 07/05/2021-08/05/2021.
2021 Judge, M. (2021) Adapting Digitally to a Changing Reality” – CESI Annual Teachers Technology Conference DALDIS - An e-Assessment for Learning Solution https://www.cesi.ie/conferences/adapting-digitally-to-a-changing-reality/, 27/02/2021-27/02/2021.
2017 Jeschawitz Timm & Judge Miriam (2017) World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE 2017) MusicKit: Developing a Tablet Based Explorative Learning Tool to support the Music Curriculum in early Primary Education in Ireland Dublin Castle, 03/07/2017-06/07/2017.
2017 Judge Miriam (2017) MiTE2017 (Mobile Technology in Teacher Education) Conference The Micool App Rubric: Developing a systematic general evaluation tool for content-based educational apps California State University, L.A, 12/01/2017-14/01/2017.
2017 Judge, Miriam (2017) World Conference on Computers in Education The Micool Project: A shared perspective on deploying mobile technologies in European Schools Dublin Castle, 03/07/2017-06/07/2017.
2016 Judge, M. (2016) Our Digital Strategy – making IT matter, CESI Teachers Annual ICT Conference: Dubl ResearchMeet@RangBianca https://www.cesi.ie/pw/researchmeetrangbianca/, .
2016 Judge, M. (2016) Our Digital Strategy – making IT matter, Dublin City University, 2016 ResearchMeet@RangBianca https://www.cesi.ie/pw/researchmeetrangbianca/, 27/02/2016-28/02/2016.
2015 Judge, M. (2015) MiTE Conference Galway Ipods, Apps, Animation, Action! A Case study analysis of the impact of the I-Pod Touch Project on classroom practices and creativity in Irish Schools http://www.gratek.ie/mite2015/conference_programme.php, 23/01/2015-24/01/2015.
2014 Judge, Miriam (2014) Spark the Imagination Spark the Imagination GMIT, Galway, 28/02/2014-01/03/2014.
2014 Judge, M. & Almond, M. (2014) AUCEI Conference 2014 Leading and supporting a cross-sectoral teacher professional development network in educational ICT Trinity College Dublin, 20/07/2014-23/07/2014.
2013 Judge, Miriam (2013) CESI 4.0 - Back to our Future CESI 4.0 Back to our Future GMIT, Galway, 22/02/2013-23/02/2013.
2013 Judge, M., O' Higgins, A. & O'Sullivan, W. (2013) SmartVet IWB Project conference What was Learned in Wicklow VEC - the experience, the process and the 'Irish Context' model of building the capacity of teachers and tutors to use IWBs and ICT effectively ETBI Training & Research Centre, Piper's Hill, Naas, Co. Kildare, 10/10/2013-10/10/2013.
2012 Judge, Miriam (2012) TEACHnology - Merging Teaching and Technology in Schools My Friends call us the Carlsberg School: Teachers' perceptions of an innovative insfrastrucutral project Portlaoise College, Laois, Ireland, 24/02/2012-25/02/2012.
2012 Holland, C., Mulcahy, C., Besong, F. & Judge, M. (2012) International Conference: New Technologies, Education for Sustainable Development and Critical Pedagogy Ethical-values Pedagogical Model University of Crete, 15/07/2012-17/07/2012.
2011 Judge, M. & Ging D (2011) Diverse 2011 Piloting a digital game for educating about migration; Initial feedback from the classroom Dublin City University, Ireland, 28/06/2011-30/06/2011.
2011 Ging, D. & Judge, M. (2011) Games and Learning Society Someone Else's Shoes: a prototype game for educating about development, migration and cultural integration University of Madison, Wisconsin, 15/06/2011-17/06/2011.
2011 Ging, D. & Judge, M. (2011) Migrant Lives Conference Someone Else's Shoes: Design and Development Dublin City University, 08/04/2011-08/04/2011.
2011 Judge, M. Morgan, T & Ging, D. (2011) ICT in Education - Changing Landscapes Using Someone Else's Shoes in the Classroom Portlaoise College, Laois, Ireland, 04/02/2011-05/02/2011.
2010 Judge, Miriam (2010) Creative Technology in Challenging Times Someone Else's Shoes - An Interactive Game on Multiculturalism: Design and Development Portlaoise College, Laois, Ireland, 05/02/2010-06/02/2010.
2008 Judge, Miriam (2008) Teachers using ICT (CESI Conference) The Interactive Whiteboard Pilot Project:- Key Findings Coláiste de hÍde, Tallaght, Dublin, Irealnd, 08/02/2008-09/02/2008.
2007 Judge, Miriam & McFadden Tom (2007) Connect, Create, Integrate VLE and The Thin Client Hermes Coláiste de h-Íde, Tymon North,Tallaght, 10/02/2007-12/02/2007.
2006 Judge, Miriam (2006) Mapping Transformations: the biennial interdisciplinary conference in the humanities and social sciences, hosted by Dublin City University Hermes – A Centrally managed Thin Client Server solution for Schools – Key Findings Dublin City University, 25/05/2006-27/05/2006.
2004 Judge, Miriam (2004) The Local and the Global Teachers Experiences with New Technologies. An analysis of the impact of local issues on implementation Dublin City University, 22/09/2004-23/09/2004.
1999 Judge, Miriam (1999) ICT in Education Video Conference in the Clasroom TRBDI, 25/08/1999-25/08/1999.
1998 Judge, Miriam (1998) Action Research and the Politics of Educational Knowledge Using action research as a means of exploring organisational culture Trinity College Dublin, 10/10/1998-10/10/1998.
1988 Judge, Miriam (1988) Third European Conference on integrating Information and Communications Technology in the Curriculum Computer Mediated Communications and Computer supported collaborative Learning Dublin City University, 17/08/1988-21/08/1988.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2020 Schonfeld, M. Yildiz, M. & Judge, M., 2020: Learning in the Covid-19 crisis: A Cross-cultural Alignment Model, EdMedia Roundtable, Amsterdam, June, 2020. (2020) EdMedia+Innovate Learning Online 2020 . In: https://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia eds. Learning in the Covid-19 crisis: A Cross-cultural Alignment Model [Link]
2017 Judge, M (2017) ICEduTech A case study analysis of Introducing IPads in a Portugese School under the Erasmus+ Micool Project Sydney, [DOI]
2015 Judge, M. (2015) British Educational Research Association Conference (BERA), Belfast, September 2015 Teacher CPD, Interactive Whiteboards and a transfer of innovation initiative. An analysis of challenges encountered in an Irish Project. Conference https://www.bera.ac.uk/conference/bera-conference-2015/programme/abstracts/main-conference-parallel-session-7, 14/09/2015- 17/09/2015
2012 D’Souza, D., Judge, M. & Kumar, V. (2012) BAM (Business and Management) 2012 : Management Research revisited: Prospects for Theory and Practice An investigation of the exercise of Personal Agency by mobile phone in Indian Culture Cardiff Business School, 11/09/2012- 13/09/2012
2008 Judge Miriam (2008) Ed-Media 2008 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermeida and Telecommunications . In: Joseph Luca & Edgar R. Weippl eds. The Thin Client Wireless Broadband Network Project in the Irish Primary School Sector - an analysis of baseline data Vienna, Austria, 30/06/2008- 04/07/2008 [DOI]
2007 Judge, Miriam (2007) Edmedia 2007: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications . In: Craig Montgomerie & Jane Seale eds. An Clar Bhan Idiorgniomhacha (Interactive Whiteboards): Early findings from an Irish Project Vancouver, Canada, 25/06/2007- 30/06/2007 [DOI]
2004 Judge, Miriam (2004) E-Society . In: Pedro Isais, Piet Komers & Maggie McPherson eds. Judge, Miriam, 2004, ‘The Wired for Learning Project in Ireland: A classic tale of Technology, School Culture and the Problem of Change:’ Avila, Spain, 16/07/2004- 19/07/2004 [DOI]
2002 Judge, Miriam (2002) EdMedia 2002: World Conference on Educational Mulitmedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications . In: Philip Barker & Samuel Rebelsky eds. Introducing ICT into Irish Schools. Interim findings Denver, Colorado, 21/06/2002- 26/06/2002 [DOI]

Commissioned Report

Year Publication
2009 Dr Miriam Judge (2009) The Hermes Project: Final Evaluation Report. COMMREP
2005 Judge, Miriam (2005) The Thin Client Wireless Broadband Schools Network: Interim Research Report. COMMREP
2002 Dr Miriam M Judge (2002) Wired for Learning - Interim Evaluation Report. Available from the National Centre for Technology in Education: COMMREP

Guidelines for Practice

Year Publication
2016 Mulligan, Donal & Judge Miriam (2016) The Micool App Rubric (www.micool.org). GFP [Link]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2017 Judge, M.; Tuite, D. (2017) Leaders or led? A qualitative analysis of how young people explore express and experiment via new media in an Irish higher education context. [Link] [DOI]
2003 Dr Miriam M Judge (2003) Introducing ICT into the Irish School System: An exploratory study of the impact of innovative technology models on schools participating in the Schools IT 2000 SIP Initiative. Dublin City University:
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
3rd Level Computing Forum Member 05/09/2016 - 27/08/2018
Computers in Education Society of Ireland National Executive Organiser 04/02/2008 - 28/02/2018

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/09/2001 Government of Ireland Senior Research Scholar Irish Research Council
01/12/2018 ICS Fellow Irish Computer Society
01/05/2006 DCU Career Start Fellowship DCU
01/02/2012 HSS Fellowship Award (2012-2013) DCU


Committee Function From / To


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Dublin City University M.Sc. Education Management
Dublin City University Ph.D. - ICT in Education

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Mobile Intercultural Cooperative Learning Principal Investigator The MICOOL Project involved seven institutions in six European countries to examine and research how innovative mobile devices change teaching and learning in the 21st Century classroom, and to devise and provide training for teachers working with this technology. The project comprised organisations from four Erasmus+ programme countries – Ireland, Germany, Poland and Portugal – and two partner countries – Switzerland and Montenegro. Collectively the project partners produced 6 intellectual outputs involving classroom app reviews, lesson plans, face to face and online training courses for teachers, an e-book and research publications - all available from the MICOOL website (www.micool.org.). 01/09/2015 31/08/2017
Computers, Creativity and the Flipped Classroom DCU P.I. IRC Award for PhD student Bianca Grogan, (RIP, May 2015) funded by the STEM stream of the Irish Research Council/Science Foundation Ireland Research Scholarship Scheme, 2014. 30/09/2014 30/08/2018
Mobile Intercultural Cooperative Learning - Erasmus Plus Project Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships – Field of School Education DCU PI 01/09/2015 31/08/2017
IRC Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship award to Bianca Ní Ghrógáin DCU PI 01/10/2014 30/09/2018
DALDIS - Digital Assessment for Learning informed by Data to motivate and incentivise students Principal Investigator The DALDIS project comprising 8 partners addresses open access e-assessment for learning through the application and dissemination of innovative assessment for learning techniques which are established in different curriculum contexts and then tested in schools across 6 European countries. The project's key objective is to evaluate 'assessment for learning' (AFL) informed by feedback using digital technology in years 5 through 9 with a focus on Science teaching (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Sciences) and modern foreign language (MFL) through the teaching of English and French. 01/01/2019 31/12/2022
Introducing ICT into the Irish School System. An Exploratory Study of of Innovation Technology and Schools IT 2000 Principal Investigator Government of Ireland Senior Research Scholar award for PhD research on ICT in Irish Schools and the IT 2000 SIP Initiative funded by the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences. 01/09/2001 30/08/2002
Digital Assessment for Learning informed by Data to motivate and incentivise students DCU PI 02/09/2019 31/08/2022

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Mc Donnell ,Marian PhD Supervisor
Mcsweeney ,Denis PhD Supervisor
Neary ,Felicity PhD-track Supervisor

External Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
External ICT-enabled Education for Sustainable Development EU Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme (2010-2012)
External Someone Elses Shoes Dublin City University
External Reorienting the University Curriculum for ESD EU Tempus IV Project (2010-2013)
External The CASE Research Project Centre for Cross Border Studies & DCU
External ICT Tomorrow Consortium International Institute of Infonomics

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2020 E-Learning: Theory and Design CM360
2022 Project Plan and Management CM595
2020 Writing for Media CM144
2022 Best Practice CM359
2021 Media Writing & Expression CM2130
2020 Crime, Policing and the Media CM261
2022 Project Development CM3790
2021 Advanced Video Production CM241