Teresa Hogan


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Teresa Hogan is professor of entrepreneurial finance at DCU Business School.  She is a member of the National Centre for Family Business and is the project manager for the Small Business Charter at DCU. 

Research: Her research interest lies in SME financing, working capital, venture capital, and acquisitions. Teresa has published in finance and entrepreneurship journals including; the Journal of Corporate Finance,  Global Finance Journal, Venture Capital, Journal of Technology Transfer, Journal of Small Business Management and International Small Business Journal.
Funded Projects: Marie Skłodowska-Curie, H2020,  European Training Network, Global India (2017) The impact of global acquisitions on the growth of indigenous high-tech software start-ups and the development of technology clusters in the local economy.
Irish Research Council (2013) Assessing the Impact of Publicly Funded Research and Development in Ireland. Programme of Research in Third Level Institutions (2008) Knowledge Sharing and Transfer in University Research Centres. 
Teaching:  Teresa specialises in teaching high-technology entrepreneurship to multi disciplinary groups. She was the first recipient of the President's Award for Contribution to the University in 1999 and shortlisted for Teaching and Learning Awards in 2006, 2013 and 2014.
She was Director of Doctoral Studies at DCU Business School from 2011 to 2014 and teaches a module on writing for PhD students. 

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Nolan, J., Hogan, T., & Hayden, M. T. (2024) 'Financial literacy practices on family farms'. Journal of Rural Studies, . [DOI]
2023 Burger, A.; Hogan, T.; Kotnik, P.; Rao, S.; Sakinç, M.E. (2023) 'Does acquisition lead to the growth of high-tech scale-ups? Evidence from Europe'. Research in International Business and Finance, 64 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Fitzsimons, M., Hogan, T. and Hayden, M.T. (2023) 'Tying the knot – linking bootstrapping and working capital management in established enterprises'. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, . [DOI]
2022 Hogan, T., Humphery-Jenner, M., Huong, T.L. and Powell, R. (2022) 'Market dominance, R&D grant funding, and innovation outcomes'. R&D MANAGEMENT, 52 :768-796. [DOI]
2021 Tiwari, A. Hogan, T. and O’Gorman, C. (2021) 'The good, the bad, and the ugly of ‘startup India'. Economic and Political Weekly (EPW), 56 (50). [Link]
2018 McGuinness G. Hogan T. Powell R. (2018) 'European trade credit use and SME survival'. Journal of Corporate Finance, 49 :81-103. [DOI]
2017 Hogan, T.; Hutson, E.; Drnevich, P. (2017) 'Drivers of External Equity Funding in Small High-Tech Ventures'. Journal of Small Business Management, 55 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Harney, B.; Monks, K.; Alexopoulos, A.; Buckley, F.; Hogan, T. (2014) 'University research scientists as knowledge workers: Contract status and employment opportunities'. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Boehm, D. N. and Hogan, T. (2014) 'A jack of all trades’ - The role of PIs in the establishment and management of stakeholder relationships and networks'. Journal of Technology Transfer, 39 (1). [DOI]
2014 Saez-Martinez, F. J., Gonzalez-Moreno, A. and Hogan, T. (2014) 'The role of university in eco-entrepreneurship: Evidence from the Eurobarometer survey on attitudes of European entrepreneurs towards eco-innovation'. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 13 (10). [DOI]
2013 Boehm, D.N.; Hogan, T. (2013) 'Science-to-business collaborations: A science-to-business marketing perspective on scientific knowledge commercialization'. Industrial Marketing Management, 42 . [Link] [DOI]
2006 Hogan, T. and Hutson, E. (2006) 'The relation between key events in the development phase and the financial structure of NTBFs in the software sector'. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2 (2):56-72. [DOI]
2005 Hogan, T. and Hutson, E. (2005) 'Capital structure in new technology-based firms: Evidence from the Irish software sector'. Global Finance Journal, 15 (3):369-387. [DOI]
2005 Hogan, T. and Hutson, E. (2005) 'What factors determine the use of venture capital? Evidence from the Irish software sector'. Venture Capital, 70 (3):259-283. [DOI]
1996 Foley, A. and Hogan, T. (1996) 'The Survival and Growth of Fast Growth Firms in Ireland'. Irish Banking Review, Autumn :2-12.
1998 Hogan, T. and Foley, A. (1998) 'Start-ups and Closures in Indigenous Manufacturing: An Analysis of the Census of Industrial Production 1986-1995'. Irish Banking Review, Autumn :38-46.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Vanessa Diaz- Moriana and Teresa Hogan (2024) 'Definitions of Family Business' In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Family Business. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800888722
2024 Vanessa Diaz- Moriana and Teresa Hogan (2024) 'Myths' In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Family Business. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800888722
2019 Vanessa, Diaz-Moriana,Teresa, Hogan,Eric, Clinton,Martina, Brophy (2019) 'Defining Family Business: A Closer Look at Definitional Heterogeneity' In: : Palrave Macmillan.
2011 T, Hogan,E, Hutson (2011) 'Understanding the Start-up Funding Process in Venture Capital Backed and Non-Venture Capital Backed Firms' In: : Edward Elgar Publishing.
2010 Teresa, Hogan,Elaine, Hutson (2010) 'How Useful is the Stage Model Theory in Explaining the Capital Structure of Venture Capital-Backed and Non-Venture Capital-Backed' In: : Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
2010 Teresa, Hogan,Quan, Zhou (2010) 'Defining University Spin-Offs' In: : Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
2008 Hogan, T. and Hutson, E. (2008) 'The high technology pecking order in spinoffs and non-spinoffs in the Irish software sector, IN A. Groen, R. Oakey, P. Van Der Sijde and G. Cooke (eds' In: The high technology pecking order in spinoffs and non-spinoffs in the Irish software sector . pp163-184(Eds.). New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium V1. UK : Emerald.
2007 Hogan, Teresa and Hutson, Elaine (2007) 'What factors determine the use of venture capital? Evidence from the Irish software sector' In: B. Clarysse, J. Roure and T. Schamp (eds) Entrepreneurship and the Financial Community: Starting up and Growing New Businesses. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar.
2007 Hogan, T. and Hutson, E. (2007) 'Capital structure in new technology-based firms: venture capital-backed versus non-venture capital-backed firms in the Irish software sector' In: N G. N. Gregoriou, M. Kooli and R. Kräussl (eds) Venture Capital in Europe. Oxford : Elsevier Press.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2009 Finian Buckley , John Brogan , Jason Flynn , Kathy Monks , Teresa Hogan , Angelos Alexopoulos (2009) 'Doctoral competencies and graduate research education: focus and fit with the knowledge economy?' .
2000 Hogan, Teresa (2000) 'Fostering Entrepreneurship - The Role of the University in Enterprise Education, ' X :57-62.
1996 Teresa Hogan , Anthony Foley (1996) 'Fast growth firms in Ireland - an empirical assessment' .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2020 Teresa, Teresa,Anish, Anish,Colm, Colm (2020) Growth Via Acquisitions and Post-Acquisition Integration: A Case of Indian E-Commerce Unicorn – Flipkart RENT XXXIV ON LINE Conference November
2019 Margaret, Margaret,Teresa, Teresa (2019) Bootstrapping and Working Capital Management - A Synthesis 4th ENTFIN Entrepreneurial Finance Conference [Link]
2019 John, John,Teresa, Teresa (2019) Financial Literacy – A Quantitative Problem with a Qualitative Solution 32nd Annual Irish Accounting and Finance Association Conference
2019 Teresa, Teresa,Patricia, Patricia,Anze, Anze,Mustafa, Mustafa (2019) Does acquisition solve the growing pains of high-tech entrepreneurial firms? Evidence from Europe 4th ENTFIN Entrepreneurial Finance Conference [Link]
2019 Margaret, Margaret,Teresa, Teresa (2019) Bootstrapping and Working Capital Management - A Synthesis 32nd Annual Irish Accounting and Finance Association Conference [Link]
2019 Anze, Anze,Teresa, Teresa,Patricia, Patricia,Mustafa, Mustafa (2019) Does acquisition solve the growing pains of high-tech entrepreneurial firms? Evidence from Europe Irish Academy of Finance
2018 Teresa, Teresa,Dawn, Dawn,David, David,Elaine, Elaine (2018) 2018 The impact of high-tech acquisitions on the regional economy, evidence from Ireland Third Entrepreneurial Finance ENTFIN Conference, Politecnico di Milano, Italy June 26-27
2018 Teresa, Teresa,David, David (2018) The impact of human and venture capital on the acquisition of high-tech firms RENT XXXIII Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business
2015 Gerard, Gerard,Teresa, Teresa (2015) An investigation of working capital and trade credit use amongst European SMEs over the financial crisis The 13th INFINITI Conference on International Finance
2015 Huong, Huong,Powell, Powell,Teresa, Teresa,Mark, Mark (2015) Measuring the Economic Returns to Investment in Innovation Australian Finance and Banking Conference
2015 M, M,T, T (2015) SME Performance: The Influence of Social Ties, Financial Management and Bootstrapping RENT (Research In Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXIX
2015 Diana, Diana,Teresa, Teresa,James, James (2015) Science to Business (S2B) Knowledge Transfer in Context: An Ecosystems Approach examining Bavaria and Ireland Technology Transfer Society T2S Conference
2015 Huong, Huong,Powell, Powell,Teresa, Teresa,Mark, Mark (2015) Measuring the Economic Returns to Investment in Innovation 14th Infiniti Conference, Trinity College Dublin
2015 Huong, Huong,Powell, Powell,Teresa, Teresa,Mark, Mark (2015) Measuring the Economic Returns to Investment in Innovation Irish Academy of Management
2014 Fitzsimons,Margaret; Hogan,Teresa (2014) Research In Entrepreneurship and Small Business RENT ( XXVIII) - - Conference Financing Practices in SMEs Luxembourg,
2014 Gerard, Gerard,Teresa, Teresa (2014) Bank credit and trade credit: Evidence from SMEs over the financial crisis Irish Economic Association Annual Conference
2013 G, G,T, T (2013) The role of trade credit in the financing of Irish SMEs Irish Accounting and Finance Association
2013 G., G.,T, T (2013) Trade credit and the financial crisis: Evidence from Irish SMEs 11th INFINITI Conference on International Finance
2012 D.N, D.N,T, T,B, B (2012) Academic Researchers as boundary spanners in Science to Business (S2B) Knowledge Transfer: A Stakeholder Analysis of Ireland and Germany InterTradeIreland Annual Innovation Conference
2012 G. P, G. P,T., T. (2012) SME Capital Structure: A panel data analysis of the pecking order in Ireland, Scotland and England, 2002-2009 25th Irish Accounting and Finance Association (IAFA) Conference
2012 T, T (2012) The Role of High-Technology Acquisitions in Open Innovation: Evidence from the Irish Software Cluster RENT XXVI
2012 Boehm,D.N; Hogan,T (2012) Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting A jack of all trades' - The role of PIs in the establishment and management of stakeholder relationships and networks Massachusetts,
2012 McGuinness,Gerard; Hogan,T. (2012) Irish Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference SME Capital Structure: A panel data analysis of the pecking order in Ireland, England and Scotland 2002-2009 Ireland,
2012 Boehm,D.N; Hogan,T. (2012) 32nd Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Scientific knowledge commercialisation: How are Science-to-Business networks established Texas,
2012 M, M,T, T (2012) Bootstrapping under conditions of credit restriction: Evidence from Ireland 35th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE)
2012 G. P, G. P,T, T (2012) SME Capital Structure: A panel data analysis of the pecking order in Ireland, Scotland and England, 2002-2009 10th INFINITI Conference on International Finance
2012 Boehm,D.N; Hogan,T (2012) 28th IMP Conference Contextualising Science-to-Business relationships and networks: Experiences from German and Irish ecosystems Italy,
2012 D., D.,T., T. (2012) Contextualising Science-to-Business networks: Scientific knowledge commercialisation in Irish and German ecosystems 11th World Congress of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management
2012 Hogan,Teresa (2012) CCSE workshop on Academic Policy and the Knowledge Theory of Entrepreneurship Science to Business (S2B) Knowledge Transfer in Context: An Ecosystems Approach Examining Bavaria and Ireland Germany,
2011 T, T (2011) The Performance of the Irish Software Cluster: Exits, Acquisitions and IPOs 2nd International Conference on Networks, Learning and Entrepreneurship
2011 F, F,K, K,A, A,B, B,T, T (2011) ’Exploring University Research Centres as Collaborative Communities: An Emerging Agenda' British Academy of Management Annual Conference
2011 T, T (2011) The Acquisition Strategies of Acquirers� of Software Development Firms in Ireland 34th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, University of Sheffield
2011 F, F,K, K,A, A,B, B,T, T (2011) Towards an Understanding of Collaborative Activities in University Research Centres European Academy of Management
2011 F, F,K, K,A, A,B, B,T, T (2011) Conceptualising collaborative innovation in the entrepreneurial university: Evidence from Irish university research centres High Technology Small Firms Conference
2011 D.N, D.N,T, T (2011) Collaborative networks for radical innovation: A S2B marketing approach to scientific knowledge commercialisation The 27th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference, Strathclyde University
2010 F, F,K, K,A, A,B, B,T, T (2010) Complexities and tensions in collaborative activities: Emerging evidence from university research centres Irish Social Science Platform, University of Limerick
2010 F, F,K, K,A, A,B, B,T, T (2010) Human capital infrastructure and career trajectories for university research scientists: Helping or hindering innovative activity? The 6th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, VU University
2010 F, F,K, K,A, A,B, B,T, T (2010) Trust as a context phenomenon: some evidence from two science research contexts 5th International Trust Workshop
2010 T, T,DN, DN (2010) Commercialisation of scientific knowledge in Ireland - Policy making within an ecosystem approach The 8th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER)
2009 Harney,B; Monks,K; Alexopoulos,A; Buckley,F; Hogan,T (2009) British Academy of Management Annual Conference 'Exploring University Research Centres as Collaborative Communities: An Emerging Agenda' United Kingdom,
2009 Monks,K; Alexopoulos,A; Harney,B; Buckley,F; Hogan,T (2009) High Technology Small Firms Conference Conceptualising collaborative innovation in the entrepreneurial university: Evidence from Irish university research centres UK,
2009 F, F,K, K,B, B,A, A,T, T (2009) Exploring URCs as collaborative communities: An emerging research agenda British Academy of Management Conference, Brighton Centre
2009 Harney,B; Monks,K; Alexopoulos,A; Buckley,F; Hogan,T (2009) The 6th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, VU University Human capital infrastructure and career trajectories for university research scientists: Helping or hindering innovative activity? The Netherlands,
2009 D.N, D.N,T., T. (2009) Commercialisation of scientific knowledge in Ireland - A holistic research paradigm to bridge the divide of research and policy-making Irish Social Science Platform Annual Conference - Social Science Research and Policy Making: Bridging the Divide, NUI Galway
2009 T, T,E, E (2009) Understanding the start-up funding process in venture capital backed and non-venture capital backed firms Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT) XXIII Conference
2009 Monks,K; Alexopoulos,A; Harney,B; Buckley,F; Hogan,T (2009) British Academy of Management Annual Conference ’Exploring University Research Centres as Collaborative Communities: An Emerging Agenda' UK,
2009 F, F,K, K,A, A,B, B,T, T (2009) Experiencing the divide: University researchers and employment opportunities Irish Social Science Platform Annual Conference
2009 F, F,K, K,A, A,B, B,T, T (2009) Conceptualising Collaborative Processes In University Research Centres Irish Academy of Management, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
2008 Hogan, Teresa; Hutson, Elaine (2008) NEW TECHNOLOGY-BASED FIRMS IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM, VOL 6 The High-Technology Pecking Order in Spinoffs and Non-Spinoffs in the Irish Software Sector
2008 T, T,Q, Q (2008) Modelling University Research Centre in the Triple Helix Framework: The Case of Ireland 1st Irish Social Sciences Platform (ISSP) Conference, Dublin City University
2008 C, C,T, T (2008) The New Economy in Ireland: A Study of the Impact of the ICT Producing Sector in Ireland 1st Irish Social Sciences Platform (ISSP) Conference, Dublin City University
2008 Hogan T.; Hutson E. (2008) New Technology Based Firms in the New Millennium The high-technology pecking order in spinoffs and non-spinoffs in the irish software sector [DOI]
2008 F, F,K, K,A, A,T, T (2008) Knowledge Intensive Firms (KIFs) in the Knowledge Economy: From Molecules to Anti-Matter 1st Irish Social Sciences Platform (ISSP)
2008 Monks,K; Buckley,F; Alexopolous,A; Flynn,J; Hogan,T (2008) 2nd ISSP (Irish Social Science Platform) Conference, DCU Doctoral Competencies and Graduate Research Education: Focus and Fit with the Knowledge Economy Ireland,
2008 F, F,K, K,A, A,J, J,T, T (2008) Doctoral Competencies and Graduate Research Education: Focus and Fit with the Knowledge Economy 1st ISSP (Irish Social Science Platform) Conference, DCU
2008 T, T,C, C (2008) The new economy in Ireland: a study of the impact of the ICT producing sector in Ireland Irish Acaedmy of Management
2007 T, T,E, E (2007) How Useful is Corporate Finance Theory in Explaining the Capital Structure of Venture Capital-backed Firms The 14th Annual High Technology Small Firms Conference, Manchester Business School
2007 T, T,Q, Q (2007) Defining University Spin-Offs: A Review of the Literature and Case Study from Ireland The 14th Annual High Technology Small Firm Conference, Manchester Business School
2007 T, T,Q, Q (2007) A Definition of University Spin-offs: Case Study Evidence from Ireland. Irish Academy of Management Conference Irish Academy of Management (IAM) Conference, Queens University

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2011 Hogan, T. (2011) 2nd International Conference on Networks, Learning and Entrepreneurship, Waterford, Dec. 7-8. The Performance of the Irish Software Cluster: Exits, Acquisitions and IPOs Waterford, 07/12/2011-08/12/2011.
2011 Hogan, T. (2011) 34th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference The Acquisition Strategies of Acquirers’ of Software Development Firms in Ireland University of Sheffield, 09/11/2011-10/11/2011.
2011 Boehm, D. N. and Hogan T. (2011) The 27th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference Collaborative networks for radical innovation: A S2B marketing approach to scientific knowledge commercialisation Strathclyde University Glasgow, 30/08/2011-03/09/2011.
2009 Boehm, D. N., and Hogan, T. (2009) Irish Social Science Platform Annual Conference Commercialisation of scientific knowledge in Ireland - A holistic research paradigm to bridge the divide of research and policy-making Galway, 01/12/2009-02/12/2009.
2009 Alexopoulos, A., Hogan, T., Harney, B., Monks, K., and Buckley, F. (2009) 17th Annual High Technology Small Firms Conference Conceptualising collaborative innovation in the entrepreneurial university: Evidence from Irish university research centres Manchester, 28/05/2009-29/05/2009.
2009 Alexopoulos, A., Harney, B., Monks, K., Hogan, T. and Buckley, F. (2009) British Academy of Management Annual Conference 'Exploring University Research Centres as Collaborative Communities: An Emerging Agenda' Brighton, 15/09/2009-17/09/2009.
2009 Harney, B., Monks, K., Alexopoulos, A., Buckley, F., and Hogan, T (2009) The 6th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network Human capital infrastructure and career trajectories for university research scientists: Helping or hindering innovative activity? VU University, The Netherlands, 13/11/2009-14/11/2009.
2008 Zhou, Q. and Hogan, T. (2008) Irish Academy of Management (IAM) Annual Conference Modelling University Research Centre in the Triple Helix Framework: The Case of Ireland, Modelling University Research Centre in the Triple Helix Framework: The Case of Ireland Dublin City University, 05/09/2008-07/09/2008.
2008 Hogan, T. and O’Gorman, C. (2008) 1st Irish Social Sciences Platform (ISSP) Conference The New Economy in Ireland: A Study of the Impact of the ICT Producing Sector in Ireland Dublin City University, 11/09/2008-12/09/2008.
2008 Zhou, Q. and Hogan, T. (2008) 1st Irish Social Sciences Platform (ISSP) Conference Modelling University Research Centre in the Triple Helix Framework: The Case of Ireland Dublin City University, 11/09/2008-12/09/2008.
2008 Hogan, T. and O’Gorman, C. (2008) Irish Academy of Management (IAM) Annual Conference The New Economy in Ireland: A Study of the Impact of the ICT Producing Sector in Ireland Dublin City University, 05/09/2008-07/09/2008.
2007 Hogan, T. and Hutson, E. (2007) The 14th Annual High Technology Small Firms Conference How Useful is Corporate Finance Theory in Explaining the Capital Structure of Venture Capital-backed Firms Manchester Business School, 14/06/2007-15/06/2007.
2007 Hogan, T. and Zhou, Q. (2007) Irish Academy of Management (IAM) Conference A Definition of University Spin-offs: Case Study Evidence from Ireland. Irish Academy of Management Conference Queens University, Belfast, 03/09/2007-05/09/2007.
2007 Hogan, T. and Zhou, Q. (2007) The 14th Annual High Technology Small Firm Conference Defining University Spin-Offs: A Review of the Literature and Case Study from Ireland Manchester Business School, 14/06/2007-15/06/2007.
2006 Hogan, T. and Hutson, E. (2006) The 14th Annual High Technology Small Firms Conference The relation between key events in the development phase and the financial structure of NTBFs in the software sector Enschede, Holland, 11/05/2006-13/05/2006.
2006 Hogan, T. and Hutson, E. (2006) Irish Academy of Management Conference Capital structure in new technology-based firms: venture capital-backed versus non-venture capital-backed firms in the Irish software sector University College Cork, 07/09/2006-08/09/2006.
2005 Hogan, Teresa and Hutson, Elaine, (2005) 13th Annual High Tech Small Firms Conference The high technology pecking order in spin-off and non-spin off NTBFs in the Irish software sector Manchester Business School, 26/05/2005-27/05/2005.
2005 Hogan, Teresa and Hutson, Elaine, (2005) Global Finance Conference Information asymmetry and capital structure in SMEs: new technology-based firms in the Irish software sector Dublin, 27/06/2005-29/06/2005.
2005 Hogan, Teresa and Hutson, Elaine, (2005) Financial Management Association Annual Meeting Information asymmetry and capital structure in SMEs: new technology-based firms in the Irish software sector Chicago, 12/10/2005-15/10/2005.
2005 Hogan, Teresa and Hutson, Elaine, (2005) Irish Accounting and Finance Association Conference Information asymmetry and capital structure in SMEs: new technology-based firms in the Irish software sector Limerick, 14/05/2005-15/05/2005.
2005 Hogan, Teresa and Hutson, Elaine, (2005) Southern Finance Association Annual Meeting Information asymmetry and capital structure in SMEs: new technology-based firms in the Irish software sector Key West, Florida, 16/11/2005-19/11/2005.
2004 Hogan, Teresa and Hutson, Elaine (2004) EU-sponsored conference: the Gate2Growth Specialised Research Workshop Managing Growth: The Role of Private Equity What factors determine the use of venture capital? Evidence from the software sector Barcelona, 12/11/2004-12/11/2004.
2004 Hogan, Teresa and Hutson, Elaine (2004) Irish Academy of Management Spillover from MNEs: spin-offs, firm size and financing in the indigenous Irish software sector Trinity College Dublin, 02/09/2004-03/09/2004.
2004 Hogan, Teresa and Hutson, Elaine (2004) Conference, Basel, June 30-July 3. (2004) European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Capital structure in new technology-based firms: Evidence from the Irish software sector Basel, 30/06/2004-03/07/2004.
2004 Hogan, Teresa and Hutson, Elaine (2004) The EIASM RENT XVIII Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference What factors determine the use of venture capital? Evidence from the Irish software sector Copenhagen, 25/11/2004-26/11/2004.
2004 Hogan, Teresa and Hutson. E. (2004) Global Finance Conference Capital Structure in new technology-based firms: Evidence from the Irish software sector Las Vegas, 04/04/2004-07/04/2004.
2003 Hogan, T. (2003) Proceedings of the International Council for Small Business ICSB World Conference The formation process in new technology-based firms: an empirical investigation Belfast, 15/06/2003-18/06/2003.
2003 Hogan, Teresa (2003) Annual High Technology Small Firms Conference The impact of human capital on the financing of new technology-based firms in the software sector Manchester Business School, Manchester, 12/06/2003-13/06/2003.
2002 Hogan, Teresa . (2002) EIASM RENT XVI Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference How useful is the stage model in explaining the financing of new technology-based firms: an empirical investigation Barcelona, 21/11/2002-22/11/2002.
2000 Hogan, Teresa (2000) EIASM Rent XIV Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business What does Corporate Finance have to say to the Fast Growth Enterprise Prague, 22/11/2000-24/11/2000.
2000 Hogan, Teresa (2000) Annual Small Business and Enterprise Development Conference Toward a Theory of Finance for Fast Growth Firms University of Manchester, Manchester, 10/04/2000-11/04/2000.
1996 Hogan, Teresa and Anthony Foley (1996) Entrepreneurship Research Conference The Financial Structure of Fast Growth Firms in Ireland Belfast, 07/11/1996-08/11/1996.
1995 Hogan, Teresa and Anthony Foley (1995) Entrepreneurship Research Conference Fast growth firms in Ireland, An empirical assessment UCD, Dublin, 03/11/1995-04/11/1995.

Working Paper

Year Publication
2009 Alexopoulos, A., Harney, Brian., Monks, K., Buckley, F., and Hogan, T (2009) Conceptualising collaborative processes in university research centres. WP
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
International Council for Small Business ICSB 01/01/2003 - 01/12/2004
Gate2Growth Academic Network for academics, researchers and other experts in entrepreneurship, innovation and finance, sponsored by the European Commission 01/12/2004 -
INTRE - Irish Network of Teachers and Researchers of Entrepreneurship 01/11/2003 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/05/1999 President's Award for Contribution to the University
01/04/2004 Best Paper Award at Global Finance Conference
01/06/2002 Government of Ireland Senior Research Scholarship
01/06/2001 Government of Ireland Senior Research Scholarship

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Graduate Training Elements (Business) GTEBS