Odilla Finlayson


Profile Photo
Odilla is a senior lecturer in Science Education in the School of Chemical Sciences at Dublin City University (DCU). She was a recipient of the Teaching Fellowship in 2001 and the DCU President‘s Award for Teaching and Learning in 2007. She has served on the Education Council of the professional bodies RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) and ICI (Institute of Chemistry of Ireland) in several capacities and remains active on these bodies. She is involved in selection and training of the Irish teams for participation in the Olympiads IIJSO, EUSO and IChO and is the Country Co-ordinator for EUSO.

Review Articles

Year Publication
2014 Tsaparlis G.;Finlayson O. (2014) Physical chemistry education: Its multiple facets and aspects. REV

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2019 R Moynihan, P van Kampen, O E Finlayson and E McLoughlin (2019) GIREP-ICPE-EPEC 2017 Conference Developing second level students' understanding of the inverse square law and electric fields Link
2019 McLoughlin, E;Finlayson, OE;Erduran, S;Childs, PE (2019) BRIDGING RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN SCIENCE EDUCATION Bridging Research and Practice in Science Education Selected Papers from the ESERA 2017 Conference
2018 Chadwick, R. McLoughlin E. and Finlayson, O.E. (2018) SMEC 2018: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in STEM Education . In: Siún Nic Mhuirí eds. Teacher and student experience of inquiry in the context of socioscientific issues in Irish junior cycle science Dublin, Ireland, 25/06/2018- 26/06/2018 Link
2018 Richard Moynihan, Paul van Kampen, Odilla Finlayson and Eilish McLoughlin (2018) SMEC 2018: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in STEM Education . In: Siún Nic Mhuirí eds. Conceptual change in upper second level electrostatics – The use of structured inquiry
2018 Brigid Corrigan, Odilla Finlayson and Eilish McLoughlin (2018) SMEC2018: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in STEM Education . In: Siún Nic Mhuirí eds. Enhancing student conceptual understanding of energy using process drama as a conceptual metaphor Link
2018 Damienne Letmon, Odilla E. Finlayson and Eilish McLoughlin (2018) SMEC 2018: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in STEM Education . In: Siún Nic Mhuirí eds. Examining 50 years of upper second level physics science curriculum development in Ireland
2018 Chadwick, R. McLoughlin E. and Finlayson, O.E. (2018) ESERA 2017: Research, Practice and Collaboration in Science Education . In: Odilla E. Finlayson, Eilish McLoughlin, Sibel Erduran and Peter E. Childs eds. Assessment of Scientific Literacy Through Socio-Scientific Issues With Secondary School Science Students: A Pilot Study Link
2017 Richard Moynihan, Paul van Kampen, Odilla Finlayson, Eilish McLoughlin (2017) GIREP-ICPE-EPEC 2017 Developing second level students understanding of the inverse square law, and electric fields
2016 Ruth Chadwick, Eilish McLoughlin and Odilla Finlayson (2016) SMEC 2016: STEM Teacher Education - Initial and Continuing professional development Assessment and Development of Scientific Literacy Through Socio-Scientific Inquiry in Pre-Service Teacher Education Link
2016 Ruth Chadwick, Eilish McLoughlin and Odilla Finlayson (2016) SMEC 2016: STEM Teacher Education - Initial and Continuing professional development Assessment and Development of Scientific Literacy Through Socio-Scientific Inquiry in Pre-Service Teacher Education Link
2015 McLoughlin, E.;Finlayson,O; van Kampen P.;McCabe D; Brady, S. (2015) Proceedings of the International Conference on Women in Physics . In: AIP Publishing eds. Teaching, learning andassessment in inquiry-based science education
2014 Enda Carr, Eilish Mcloughlin and Odilla Finlayson (2014) SMEC 2014- Thinking Assessment in Science and Mathematics The Particulate Nature of Matter, Inquiry Based Learning and the Transformative Education of Junior Secondary School Students
2011 Richard Hoban, Odilla Finlayson and Brien Nolan (2011) Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education MEI4 . In: Therese Dooley, Dolores Corcoran and Miriam Ryan eds. Mathematical transfer: studies of students' abilities in transferring mathematical knowledge to chemistry Dublin, 22/09/2011- 23/09/2011 Link
2007 Lovatt, J;Finlayson, OE;James, P (2007) CHEMISTRY EDUCATION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE Evaluation of student engagement with two learning supports in the teaching of 1(st) year undergraduate chemistry
2015 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; McCabe, D.; Csapó, B.; Csíkos, C. (2015) ESERA 2015-Science Education Research: Engaging learners for a sustainable future . In: ESERA eds. STRATEGIES FOR ASSESSMENT OF INQUIRY LEARNING, SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES IN SCIENCE
2015 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; McCabe, D.; Jonsson, A. (2015) ESERA 2015-Science Education Research: Engaging learners for a sustainable future . In: ESERA eds. TEACHER EDUCATION IN INQUIRY AND ASSESSMENT ACROSS EUROPE –THE SAILS APPROACH
2015 McLoughlin E.;Finlayson O.;Van Kampen P.;McCabe D.;Brady S. (2015) AIP Conference Proceedings Teaching, learning, and assessing inquiry-based science education
2015 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; McCabe, D. (2015) New Perspectives in Science Education, Conference Proceedings Strategies for the Assessment of Inquiry Learning in Science (SAILS) A European Project in Science Teacher Education Italy,
2014 Kires, M.; Jeskova Z.; McLoughlin E.; McCabe D.; Finlayson O.; Ekborg M.; Ottander C. (2014) Proceedings of GIREP-MPTL International Conference on Teaching/Learning Physics: Integrating Research into Practice Teacher professional development in IBSE and assessment
2014 Ješková, Z.; Kireš, M.; McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Ottander, C.; Ekborg, M. (2014) Proceedings of GIREP-MPTL International Conference on Teaching/Learning Physics: Integrating Research into Practice IN-SERVICE AND PRE-SERVICE TEACHER EDUCATION IN IBSE – THE ESTABLISH APPROACH
2014 Odilla Finlayson, Eilish McLoughlin, James Lovatt, Deirdre McCabe and Paul van Kampen (2014) SMEC 2014- Thinking Assessment in Science and Mathematics . In: McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; Lovatt, J.; McCabe, D.; van Kampen, P eds. Teacher Education Programmes in Inquiry and Assessment across Europe Link
2014 McLoughlin,E.; Finlayson, O. (2014) Proceedings of GIREP-MPTL International Conference on Teaching/Lea rning Physics: Integrating Research into Practice Supporting teachers use and assessment of inquiry based science education in classroom practice Italy,
2014 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady S.; McCabe, D. (2014) SMEC 2014 - Thinking Assessment in Science and Mathematics . In: McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; Lovatt, J.; McCabe, D.; van Kampen, P eds. ESTABLISH - a model for widespread implementation of inquiry based science education Link
2013 Rannikmae, M.; Holbrook, J.; Kask, K.; Laius, A.; Teppo, M.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; McLoughlin, E. (2013) ESERA 2013 Conference proceedings Teachers’ and Students’ views on Industry-related Competences as a contribution to the symposium on ESTABLISH: Implementing of framework for Teacher education across Europe
2013 Ryan, S.; Finlayson, O.;McCloughlin T.;McLoughlin E. (2013) 10th biannual Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA): Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherent Learning Implementing New Pedagogies in Primary Science Cyprus,
2013 Barron, L.; Finlayson O.; McCabe, D.; Fazio, C.; Ottander, C.; Ekborg, M.; Parchmann, I.; Brady, S.; McLoughlin, E. (2013) ESERA 2013 Conference proceedings Profiling in-service teachers across Europe to determine their attitude to IBSE as a contribution to the symposium on ESTABLISH: Implementing of framework for Teacher education across Europe
2015 McLoughlin, E;Finlayson, O;van Kampen, P;McCabe, D;Brady, S (2015) WOMEN IN PHYSICS: 5TH IUPAP INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WOMEN IN PHYSICS Teaching, Learning, and Assessing Inquiry-based Science Education

Web Page

Year Publication
2012 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; McCabe, D.; Reynolds, S.; vanBuel, M.; van Kooten, J.; Andries, P.; (2012) SAILS project website. WEBP Link
2014 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2014) ESTABLISH project website. WEBP Link


Year Publication
2016 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; McCabe, D. (2016) SAILS project final report. REPORT Link
2015 Lundström, M.; Jönsson, A.; Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; Lovatt, J.; van Kampen, P; McCabe, D. (2015) SAILS project report: IBSE Teacher Education and Assessment Programme, Stage 2. REPORT Link
2015 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2015) SAILS project report: Report from EAP on teacher education programme and CoP. REPORT Link
2015 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2015) SAILS project report: Report from EAP on assessment materials (Part B). REPORT Link
2015 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2015) SAILS project report: SAILS dissemination activities. REPORT Link
2015 Csíkos, C.; Csapó, B.; Veres, G.; Adorján, F.; Radnóti, K.; Harrison, C.; Matthews, B.; Black, P.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; McCabe, D.; Finlayson, O. (2015) SAILS project report: Assessment frameworks and instruments for IBSE skills. REPORT Link
2015 Harrison, C.; Howard, S.; Matthews, B.; Finlayson, O.; Lovatt, J.; McCabe, D.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; SAILS consortium (2015) SAILS project report: Finalised evaluation materials for teacher education in IBSE with integrated assessment. REPORT Link
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2014) SAILS project report: Evaluation of implementation with pilot teachers - Part B. REPORT Link
2014 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S. (2014) ESTABLISH project final report. REPORT Link
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2014) SAILS project report: Activities of the Community of Practice (CoP) I. REPORT Link
2014 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2014) ESTABLISH project report: Science teacher training in IBSE - selected models. REPORT Link
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; McCabe, D.; Hinch, L.; Brady, S.; Barron, L. (2014) ESTABLISH project report: Final profile of pre-service science teachers’ attitude and understanding of IBSE. REPORT Link
2014 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2014) ESTABLISH project report: Effective models for science teacher training in IBSE. REPORT Link
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2014) SAILS project report:Activities of the Community of Practice (CoP) I. REPORT Link
2014 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2014) ESTABLISH project report: Nature and success of the dissemination strategy. REPORT Link
2014 Harrison, C.; Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; Friege, G.; Barth, M.; McCabe, D. (2014) SAILS project report: Evaluation of implementation with pilot teachers - Part B. REPORT Link
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2014) SAILS project report: European conference presentation on the SAILS CoP. REPORT Link
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2014) SAILS Networking activities. REPORT Link
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; McCabe, D.; Hinch, L.; Brady, S. (2014) ESTABLISH project report: Final profile of in-service science teachers’ attitude and understanding of IBSE. REPORT Link
2014 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2014) ESTABLISH project report: Engagement of stakeholders in IBSE. REPORT Link
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2014) Report from EAP on teacher education - Stage 1. REPORT Link
2014 Lundström, M.; Jönsson, A.; Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; McCabe, D. (2014) SAILS project report: IBSE Teacher Education and Assessment Programme, Stage 1. REPORT Link
2014 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2014) ESTABLISH project report:The impact of Inquiry Based Science Education on second level students. REPORT Link
2014 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; McCabe, D.; Hinch, L.; Brady, S.; Barron, L. (2014) ESTABLISH project report: Final profile of pre-service science teachers’ attitude and understanding of IBSE. REPORT Link
2014 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2014) ESTABLISH project report: The conduct, implementation and outcomes of ESTABLSH. REPORT Link
2013 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2013) ESTABLISH project report:Piloted, culturally adapted, teaching and learning IBSE units - Part III. REPORT Link
2013 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2013) ESTABLISH project report: Web-based IBSE materials for Teacher Education. REPORT Link
2013 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2013) SAILS project report: Assessment frameworks and instruments for IBSE skills - Part A. REPORT Link
2013 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2013) SAILS project report: IBSE Teacher Education. REPORT Link
2013 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2013) SAILS project report:Strategy for the assessment of skills and competencies suitable for IBSE. REPORT Link
2013 Harrison, C.; Black, P.; Csapó, B.; Csíkos, C.; Korom, E.; van Kampen, P.; Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin. E. and McCabe, D. (2013) SAILS project report: Report from evaluation of implementation with pilot teachers (Part A). REPORT Link
2013 Csapó, B.; Csíkos, C.; Korom, E.; Harrison, C.; Black, P.; Finlayson, O.; van Kampen, P.; McLoughlin, E.; McCabe, D. (2013) SAILS project report: Report on the assessment frameworks and instruments for IBSE skills-part a. REPORT Link
2013 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2013) SAILS project report: Report from EAP on assessment materials (Part A). REPORT Link
2012 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2012) ESTABLISH project report: Interim Web-based IBSE materials for science teacher education. REPORT Link
2012 McLoughlin,E.; Finlayson, O.; van Kampen, P.; McCabe, D. (2012) SAILS project report: How IBSE is involved in national curricula and assessment in the participating countries. REPORT Link
2012 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2012) ESTABLISH project report: Framework for Teacher Education Programme. REPORT Link
2012 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2012) ESTABLISH project report: Piloted, culturally adapted, teaching and learning IBSE units - Part II. REPORT Link
2012 McLoughlin,E.; Finlayson, O.; van Kampen, P. (2012) SAILS project report: Mapping the development of key skills and competencies onto skills developed in IBSE. REPORT Link
2012 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; van Kampen, P.; Lovatt, J.; SAILS consortium (2012) SAILS project report: Organisation of the Community of Practice (CoP) in each participating country. REPORT Link
2011 Finlayson, O.; Barron, L.; O’Brien, S.; McLoughlin, E.; Ekborg, M.; Ottander, C. (2011) ESTABLISH project report: Report on main obstacles to implementing inquiry and intervention programmes in IBSE. REPORT Link
2011 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2011) ESTABLISH project report: Effective instruments and tools for evaluation of IBSE with in-service and pre-service teachers. REPORT Link
2011 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2011) ESTABLISH project report: Effective instruments and tools for evaluation of IBSE with in-service and pre-service teachers. REPORT Link
2011 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2011) ESTABLISH project report: Key forces for driving change in classroom practice across participating countries. REPORT Link
2011 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2011) ESTABLISH project report: How IBSE is implemented and assessed across participating countries. REPORT Link
2011 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2011) ESTABLISH project report: Piloted, culturally adapted, teaching and learning IBSE units - Part I. REPORT Link
2010 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; ESTABLISH consortium (2010) ESTABLISH project report: Agreed framework for IBSE teaching and learning units. REPORT Link
2010 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; ESTABLISH consortium (2010) ESTABLISH project report: Guide for developing ESTABLISH Teaching and Learning Units. REPORT Link

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2019 Trimble, J., Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E. (2019) 13th International ESERA Conference, The beauty and pleasure of understanding: engaging with contemporary challenges through science education Questioning Strategies to Promote and Assess, Cognition Metacognition and Conceptual Understanding in Chemistry: An Analysis Bologna, .
2018 Brigid Corrigan, Odilla Finlayson and Eilish McLoughlin (2018) SMEC 2018: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in STEM Education Enhancing student conceptual understanding of energy using process drama as a conceptual metaphor Dublin, .
2018 Damienne Letmon, Odilla Finlayson and Eilish McLoughlin (2018) SMEC 2018: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in STEM Education 50 years of upper second level physics science curriculum development in Ireland within an European context Dublin, .
2017 Damienne Letmon, Odilla E Finlayson, Eilish McLoughlin (2017) GIREP-ICPE-EPEC 2017 Fifty years of development of upper secondary level physics in Ireland Dublin, .
2017 Enda Carr, Eilish McLoughlin, Odilla E Finlayson (2017) ESERA 2017 Capturing implicit knowledge elements in drawings using a personal construct psychology analysis approach Dublin, .
2014 Grimes, P., McLoughlin, E., Finlayson, O., & van Kampen, P. (2014) SMEC 2014 Teacher-Student Dialogue in the Inquiry Classroom Dublin, .
2003 O.E.Finlayson (2003) Variety in Chemistry Education * DCU, 31/08/2003-02/09/2003.
2019 Eilish McLoughlin and Odilla Finlayson (2019) ESERA2019: The beauty and pleasure of understanding: engaging with contemporary challenges through science education Challenges and opportunities for rethinking inquiry based science education Bologna, 26/08/2019-30/08/2019.
2003 O.E.Finlayson (2003) Nyholm Lecture meeting Problem based learning in Chemistry London, 17/03/2003-17/03/2003.
2017 Odilla Finlayson (2017) ESERA 2017: Research, practice and collaboration in science education 12th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Dublin, 21/08/2017-25/08/2017.
2004 Odilla Finlayson, Martin Henry, Tom McCloughlin, Eilish McLoughlin, Brian Trench, Paul van Kampen (2004) Science and Mathematics Education Conference - SMEC 2004 SMEC 2004 DCU, 23/09/2004-24/09/2004.
O.E.Finlayson Summer School for Science Teachers Approaches to Science Teaching DCU, .
2003 Oral Kelly, O Finalyson (2003) Variety in Chemistry Education in association with Irish Variety in Chenistry Teaching Problem Based Learning in the First Year Chemistry Lab - A work in progress DCU, 31/08/2003-02/09/2003.
2000 M.Feeley, M.J.Tiernan, O.E. Finlayson (2000) TMR Summer School on Green Chemistry Combustion of propane by ceria-zirconia and manganese-zirconia mixed oxides Venice, Italy, 04/09/2000-10/09/2000.
1994 M.Tiernan, O.E.Finlayson (1994) SURCAT meeting Catalytic oxidation for Hydrocarbon Removal Brunel,UK, 01/09/1994-04/09/1994.
2020 Trimble, J., Finlayson, O.E., Lovatt, J. (2020) 15th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education - Excellence and Innovation in Chemistry Teaching and Learning ECRICE 2020 Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, .
2019 Damienne Letmon; Odilla Finlayson; Eilish McLoughlin (2019) ESERA2019: The beauty and pleasure of understanding: engaging with contemporary challenges through science education 50 years of policy influences on UPPER secondary physical sciences curricula In Ireland Bologna, .
2019 Damienne Letmon, Eilish McLoughlin, Odilla Finlayson (2019) GIREP 2019: Teaching-learning contemporary physics, from research to practice Upper secondary physics curricula and policy in Ireland 1966–2016 Budapest, .
2018 Richard Moynihan, Paul van Kampen, Odilla Finlayson, Eilish McLoughlin (2018) SMEC 2018: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in STEM Education Conceptual Change in Upper Second Level Electrostatics – The Use of Structured Inquiry Dublin, .
2017 Stephen Comiskey, Eilish McLoughlin, Odilla Finlayson (2017) ESERA 2017 Improving pre-service teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) Dublin, .
2017 Leeanne Hinch, Odilla Finlayson, Eilish McLoughlin (2017) ESERA 2017 Influencing pre-service science teachers' approach to inquiry and assessment Dublin, .
2017 Leeanne Hinch, Odilla Finlayson, Eilish McLoughlin (2017) ESERA 2017 Influencing pre-service science teachers' approach to inquiry and assessment Dublin, .
2017 Richard Moynihan, Paul van Kampen, Odilla Finlayson, Eilish McLoughlin (2017) GIREP-ICPE-EPEC 2017 Developing second level students understanding of the inverse square law, and electrostatic fields Dublin, .
2017 Sheeran, K., Austin, S., Finlayson, O., Liston, M., mc Cloughlin,T., Murphy, C., Smith, G (2017) European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) The RDS STEM Learning programme: Challenging science facilitation Dublin, .
2017 Kerrie Whelan, Eilish McLoughlin, Odilla E Finlayson (2017) ESERA 2017 Supporting development of key skills through science Dublin, .
2017 Ruth Chadwick, Eilish McLoughlin, Odilla Finlayson (2017) ESERA 2017 Assessment of scientific literacy through socio-scientific issues with secondary school science students Dublin, .
2016 Louise McFadzean, Nichola Mortimer, Ruth Chadwick, Eilish McLoughlin and Odilla Finlayson (2016) SMEC 2016 Assessment of scientific literacy in the Scottish curriculum for excellence Dublin, .
2016 Leeanne Hinch, Odilla Finlayson and Eilish McLoughlin (2016) SMEC 2016 Evaluation of the Impact of SAILS IBSE and Assessment Teacher Education Programme Dublin, .
2016 Richard Moynihan, Paul van Kampen , Odilla Finlayson and Eilish McLoughlin (2016) SMEC 2016 Progress and difficulties in student's understanding of vector and field concepts in electrostatics: A qualitative study of a small group of upper secondary students Dublin, .
2016 Richard Moynihan, Paul van Kampen , Odilla Finlayson and Eilish McLoughlin (2016) SMEC 2016 Progress and difficulties in student's understanding of vector and field concepts in electrostatics: A qualitative study of a small group of upper secondary students Dublin, .
2016 Enda Carr, Odilla Finlayson and Eilish McLoughlin (2016) SMEC 2016 PCP as a bridge between Theory and Practice in Chemistry Education Dublin, .
2015 Eilish McLoughlin, Odilla Finlayson, Deirdre McCabe, Beno Csapo and Csaba Csikos (2015) ESERA2015 Strategies for assessment of inquiry learning, skills and competencies in science at secondary level Helsinki, .
2015 Odilla Finlayson, Eilish McLoughlin, Deirdre McCabe and Anders Jonsson (2015) ESERA 2015 Teacher education in inquiry and assessment across Europe – the SAILS Approach Helsinki, .
2011 Lovatt, J., McLoughlin, E., Finlayson, O.E., Murphy, P. (2011) Interdisciplinary experiences - collaborations and collisions Sixth annual Celsius Symposium on Science and Society Developing a Module in Interdisciplinary Science The Helix Gallery, Dublin City University, 10/06/2011-10/06/2011.
2011 McLoughlin E., Finlayson, O., Brady, S., McCormack, L., Salisbury, J., Geoghegan, R., Ellermeijer, T. and Ekbourg, M. (2011) European Science Education Research Association Conference- ESERA 2011 Developing Inquiry based science education teaching and learning materials Lyon, France, 05/09/2011-09/09/2011.
2011 McLoughlin, E., Finlayson, O., Lovatt, J. and Murphy, P., (2011) NAIRTL 5th Annual Conference and Galway Symposium on Higher Education Towards bridging the gap between science and humanities for first year science students National University of Ireland, Galway, .
2011 McLoughlin, E., Finlayson, O., Lovatt, J. and Murphy, P., (2011) Celsius Symposium Developing a Module in Interdisciplinary Science DCU, 10/06/2011-11/06/2011.
2011 O'Malley, P., Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E. (2011) Engaging Minds: Active learning, participation and collaboration in Higher education, NAIRTL 5th Annual Conference and Galway Symposium on Higher Education Sustaining Change - what happens after a research project? National University of Ireland, Galway, 09/06/2011-10/06/2011.
2011 McLoughlin, E., Finlayson, O., (2011) International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy Engaging first year science students through a multidisciplinary approach NUI, Maynooth, 06/01/2011-.
2010 McLoughlin, E., Finlayson, O., (2010) NAIRTL/ LIN Conference on Flexible Learning A multi-disciplinary approach for Science Learning Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, 06/10/2010-07/10/2010.
2010 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E. (2010) 10th European Conference on Research In Chemical Education Using a quantitative approach to investigate teaching and learning of undergraduate chemistry in the Micro symposium: How can research influence practice? Examples given by young researchers from different countries, representing a variety of research approaches: Krakow, Poland, 04/07/2010-09/07/2010.
2008 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E. (2008) Variety in Chemistry Education Expectations, Approaches to learning and Academic Achievement: Are there correlations for the first year undergraduate chemistry student? Dublin City University, Ireland, 28/08/2008-29/08/2008.
2008 Lovatt, J., Mc Crudden, E.B., Ramírez-García, S., Finlayson, O.E., O'Malley, P. (2008) 9th European Conference On Research In Chemical Education Selggog Abbey – a context laboratory problem for introductory undergraduate chemistry Istanbul, Turkey, 06/06/2008-09/06/2008.
2008 Lovatt, J., Mc Crudden, E.B., Ramírez-García, S., Finlayson, O.E., O'Malley, P. (2008) Sciences serving science: Cross-disciplinary issues in Mathematics & Science Education, SMEC 2008 Selggog Abbey - a context laboratory for 1st year undergraduate science students¬ Dublin City University Ireland, 11/09/2008-12/09/2008.
2008 McLoughlin, E., Finlayson, O., (2008) SMEC2008 A multidisciplinary approach- does it encourage engagement with all the sciences? Dublin City University, Ireland, 11/09/2008-12/09/2008.
2008 Finlayson, O., McLoughlin, E., (2008) European Conference on Research in Chemical Education - 9th ECRICE A multidisciplinary approach- does it encourage engagement with all the sciences? Istanbul, Turkey, 06/07/2008-09/07/2008.
2007 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E., Ramirez-Garcia, S. (2007) 2nd European Variety in Chemistry Education Modification of an expository laboratory for 1st year undergraduate chemistry Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 27/06/2007-30/06/2007.
2007 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E., Ramirez-Garcia, S. (2007) Variety in Chemistry Education Assessment for learning in undergraduate laboratory teaching University of Leicester, UK, 30/08/2007-30/08/2007.
2007 Finlayson, O.E., Lovatt, J., Ramirez-Garcia, S. (2007) 2nd European Variety in Chemistry Education Small-scale teaching within large groups – empowering the tutors in a 1sy year undergraduate chemistry laboratory Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 27/06/2007-30/06/2007.
2006 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E., James, P. (2006) 8th International ESERA Summer School Addressing the learning of chemistry at undergraduate level Braga, Portugal, 15/07/2006-22/07/2006.
2006 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E. (2006) SMEC, Interconnections between Science and Mathematics: 2nd Science and Mathematics Conference Monitoring Approaches to Learning in Undergraduate Chemistry St. Patrick’s College & Dublin City University, Ireland, 23/09/2006-24/09/2006.
2006 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E., James, P. (2006) 8th European Conference On Research In Chemical Education Evaluation of student engagement with a virtual learning environment (Moodle) in the teaching of 1st year undergraduate organic chemistry Budapest, Hungary, 31/08/2006-01/09/2006.
2006 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O., James, P. (2006) The 7th Variety In Irish Chemistry Teaching Meeting Evaluation of students engagement with moodle VLE in a 1st year organic chemistry blended learning module Dublin Institute of Technology,Ireland, 10/04/2006-10/04/2006.
2005 Lovatt, J., Finlayson, O.E., James, P. (2005) Fifth International ESERA Conference on Contributions of Research to Enhancing Students’ Interest in Learning Science Development and evaluation of approaches to student teaching and learning of chemistry at tertiary level using a VLE platform Barcelona, Spain, 01/08/2005-05/08/2005.
2016 Grimes, P., McLoughlin E., Finlayson, O. & van Kampen, P (2016) SMEC 2016: STEM Teacher Education - Initial and Continuing professional development Discourse in the Classroom: Patterns of Discourse in Pre-service Teachers' Explanations Dublin, .
2015 Hinch, L. McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson O (2015) ESERA2015 The effect of inquiry teacher education programmes on pre-service teachers Helsinki, .
2015 Grimes P., McDonald S., McLoughlin, E., Finlayson O., & van Kampen P. (2015) ESERA 2015 Professional vision of inquiry based science education: An analysis of the highlighting and coding practices of pre-service science teachers in Ireland and the U.S Helsinki, .
2018 Ruth Chadwick, Eilish McLoughlin, Odilla E. Finlayson (2018) SMEC 2018: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in STEM Education Teacher and Student Experience of Inquiry in the Context of SSI: A Comparison of Two Approaches Dublin, .
2017 Stephen Comiskey, Odilla E Finlayson, Eilish McLoughlin (2017) GIREP-ICPE-EPEC 2017 Examining Classroom Practice to Determine Preservice Physics Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Knowledge Dublin, .
2017 Ruth Chadwick, Odilla Finlayson, Eilish McLoughlin, (2017) GIREP-ICPE-EPEC 2017 Development and assessment of inquiry skills with pre-service teachers in the context of socioscientific issues Dublin, .
2016 McLoughlin, E., van Kampen P., Finlayson, O. (2016) GIREP 2016 Assessing Pre-Service Teachers Learning With Laboratory-Based Physics Activities Krakow, Poland, .
2014 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O (2014) SMEC 2014 - Thinking Assessment in Science and Mathematics Science Mathematcis Education Conference Dublin, .
2008 McCloughlin, TJJ., Finlayson, O. & Sheeran, K. (Eds.) (2008) Science Live for Teachers (SL4T) Proceedings of the primary science symposiun: science live for teachers Dublin, .
2009 McCloughlin, T., Finlayson, O., & Mulhall, C. (Eds.) (2009) Science Live for Teachers! (SL4T) Proceedings of the primary science symposium: Science Live for Teachers Dublin, .
2007 Finlayson, O., McCloughlin, T., & Steberger, A. (Eds.) (2007) Science Live for Teachers! (SL4T) Proceedings of the primary science symposium: Science Live for Teachers Dublin, .
2003 O.Kelly, O Finlayson (2003) Conference for Science Teachers Investigative science Sligo Education Center, 04/09/2003-.
O.E.Finlayson, O Kelly Variety in Chemistry Education PBL approach to teaching and learning chemistry University of Keele, .
2015 McLoughlin,E.; Finlayson, O. (2015) ESERA Implementing an interdisciplinary science module with first year undergraduate students Helsinki, .
2015 Hinch L.; McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O. (2015) ESERA Development of an instrument for evaluating teacher change following an IBSE and assessment teacher education programme Helsinki, .
2015 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O. (2015) NARST Models for teacher education and assessment of skills in inquiry based science education Chicago, .
2015 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; McCabe, D. (2015) BERA Strategies for the Assessment of Inquiry Learning in Science at Secondary Level Belfast, .
2015 Comiskey S., Finlayson, O., McLoughlin, E., (2015) BERA The Integration of 1:1 Technology at Lower Secondary Level: An Irish Case Study Belfast, .
2014 McLoughlin E., van Kampen P., McCabe D., Finlayson O. (2014) GIREP-MPTL International Conference on Teaching/Learning Physics: Integrating Research into Practice Strategies for Assessment of Inquiry-based Learning in Science Palermo, Italy, .
2014 van Kampen P., McLoughlin E., Sokolowska D., Finlayson O., McCabe D., Harrison C., Csapo (2014) GIREP-MPTL International Conference on Teaching Assessment opportunities in inquiry-based learning: Report on case studies Palermo, Italy, .
2014 Sokolowska D.;McLoughlin E.;van Kampen P.; Finlayson O.; McCabe D.; Harrison C.; Csapo, C. (2014) GIREP-MPTL International Conference on Teaching Assessment opportunities in inquiry-based learning Palermo, Italy, .
2013 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; Ellermeijer, T.; Kedzierska, E.; Ottander, C.; Dvořák, L.; Kires, M.; Fazio C. (2013) ICPE-EPEC The Development of Physics Teacher Programmes in inquiry based Science Education (ESTABLISH) Prague, .
2013 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson O.;Brady S.; Ellermeijer T.; Kedzierska E.; Dvořák L.; Kires M.; Fazio C. (2013) ICPE-EPEC The Development and Implementation of industry informed inquiry based Physics Teacher Education (ESTABLISH) Prague, .
2012 Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E.; Ottander, C.; Ekborg, M.;Kedzierska, E.; Ellermeijer, T. (2012) ICCE/ECRICE Teaching Chemistry through Inquiry – in-service teacher programme Rome, .
2012 McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; McCabe D. (2012) IOSTE NWE European Science and Technology in Action: Building links with Industry, Schools and Home (ESTABLISH) Limerick, .
O.E.Finlayson, O Kelly Variety in Chemistry Education Small scale reactions in Chemistry University of Keele, .
* * * *, .
2003 O.Kelly, O Finlayson (2003) Variety in Chemistry Education in association with Irish Variety in Chemistry Teaching Microscale Modules for Use in Introductory Chemistry DCU, 31/08/2003-02/09/2003.
1994 N.O'Hare, R.Langbien, O.E.Finlayson, M.Meaney (1994) SURCAT meeting Catalytic combustion of Volatile Organic Compounds Brunel,UK, 01/09/1994-04/09/1994.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2012 McLoughlin, E., Finlayson, O., Brady, S. (2012) 'Inquiry based science education providing authentic experiences for the classroom' 11 .
2010 Kelly, O.C. and Finlayson, O.E. (2010) 'Easing the transition from secondary school to higher education through recognition of the skills of our students' 6 :51-55. Link

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2020 Chadwick, R. McLoughlin E. and Finlayson, O.E. (2020) 'Development of pre-service science teachers as learners and teachers through inquiry into socioscientific issues'. International Journal of Science Education, .
2020 Gilligan, T;Lovett, J;McLoughlin, E;Murphy, C;Finlayson, O;Corriveau, K;McNally, S (2020) ''We practise every day': parents' attitudes towards early science learning and education among a sample of urban families in Ireland'. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, .
2020 R Moynihan, P van Kampen, O Finlayson, E McLoughlin (2020) 'Superposition of vectors and electric fields: a study using structured inquiry tutorial lessons with upper secondary level students'. Physics Education, 55 (2).
2020 Chadwick, R., McLoughlin, E. and Finlayson, O.E. (2020) 'Development of the skills and knowledge of inquiry in the context of socioscientific issues: A tale of two teachers'. Irish Educational Studies, .
2020 Kelly, R;McLoughlin, E;Finlayson, OE (2020) 'Interdisciplinary group work in higher education: A student perspective'. Issues in Educational Research, 30 :1005-1024.
2019 McDonald S.;Grimes P.;Doughty L.;Finlayson O.;McLoughlin E.;van Kampen P. (2019) 'A Workshop Approach to Developing the Professional Pedagogical Vision of Irish Secondary Preservice Science Teachers'. Journal of Science Teacher Education, .
2016 Moynihan R., Finlayson O., van Kampen P., McLoughlin, E. (2016) 'Helping lower secondary students develop conceptual understanding of electrostatic forces'. 98 (363).
2016 Kelly R.;McLoughlin E.;Finlayson O. (2016) 'Analysing student written solutions to investigate if problem-solving processes are evident throughout'. International Journal of Science Education, :1-19.
2015 Herzog, S;Finlayson, O;Hickmann, K;Parchmann, I (2015) 'Pores made to order - Structure-Property-Relationships under the magnifying lens of chemical education'. Chemkon, 22 :29-36.
2009 Kelly O.;Finlayson O. (2009) 'A hurdle too high? Students' experience of a PBL laboratory module'. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 10 (1):42-52.
2007 Kelly, OC;Finlayson, OE (2007) 'Providing solutions through problem-based learning for the undergraduate 1(st) year chemistry laboratory'. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 8 :347-361.
1998 Tiernan, MJ;Finlayson, OE (1998) 'Effects of ceria on the combustion activity and surface properties of Pt/Al2O3 catalysts'. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 19 :23-35.
1991 Curley, JW;Dreelan, MJ;Finlayson, OE (1991) 'HIGH TEMPERATURE STABILITY OF ALUMINA FIBRE'. Catalysis Today, 10 :401-404.
1989 DREELAN, MJ;FINLAYSON, OE (1989) 'THERMAL STABILIZATION OF ALUMINA FIBERS'. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section B: Biological, geological, and chemical science, 89 :411-417.
2015 Ješková Z.;Kireš M.;McLoughlin E.;Finlayson O.;Ottander C.;Ekborg M. (2015) 'In-service and pre-service teacher education in IBSE: The ESTABLISH approach'. Il Nuovo Cimento C - Colloquia on Physics, 38 (3).
2014 Mccormack L.;Finlayson O.;Mccloughlin T. (2014) 'The case programme implemented across the primary and secondary school transition in ireland'. International Journal of Science Education, 36 (17):2892-2917.
2013 Hoban R.;Finlayson O.;Nolan B. (2013) 'Transfer in chemistry: a study of students' abilities in transferring mathematical knowledge to chemistry'. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 44 (1):14-35.
2013 Lovatt J.;Finlayson O. (2013) 'Investigating the transition into third level science - Identifying a student profile'. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 14 (1):62-72.
2010 Byrne M.;Finlayson O.;Flood B.;Lyons O.;Willis P. (2010) 'A comparison of the learning approaches of accounting and science students at an Irish university'. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 34 (3):369-383.
2007 Lovatt J.;Finlayson O.;James P. (2007) 'Evaluation of student engagement with two learning supports in the teaching of 1st year undergraduate chemistry'. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 8 (4):390-402.
1992 N.D.McMillan, O.Finlayson etal (1992) 'The Fiber drop analyser:'. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 3 :746-*.
1984 O.E.Finlayson, J.K.A.Clarke, J.J.Rooney (1984) 'Mechanisms of 1,5-dehydrocyclisation and Isomerisation of Alkanes on Iridium, Rhodium, Palladium and Platinum Films'. Journal of the Chemical Society - Faraday Transactions, Faraday Transactions 80 :191-*.
1982 J.K.A.Clarke, O.E.Finlayson, J.J.Rooney (1982) 'Dehydrocyclisation of Alkanes'. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS (PRINT), * :1277-*.

Published Report

Year Publication
2002 O.E.Finlayson and L.Killen (2002) Case study of schools successful in science. *, .

Edited Book

Year Publication
2020 Anna De Ambrosis & Odilla Finlayson (Ed.). (2020) Italy: University of Bologna, Link
2019 McLoughlin, E., Finlayson, O.E., Erduran, S. and Childs, P.E (Ed.). (2019) Springer Nature Switzerland AG: Springer International Publishing, Link
2018 Finlayson, O.E., McLoughlin, E., Erduran, S. and Childs, P.E (Ed.). (2018) Europe: European Science Education Research Association, Link
2018 Odilla Finlayson & Roser Pinto (Ed.). (2018) Dublin: Dublin City University, Link
2016 Odilla Finlayson & Roser Pinto (Ed.). (2016) Finland: University of Helsinki, Link
2015 Finlayson, O.E., McLoughlin, E., Coyle, E., McCabe, D., Lovatt, J., van Kampen, P. (Eds) (Ed.). (2015) Dublin: CASTeL, Link
2015 Finlayson, O.E., McLoughlin, E., Coyle, E., McCabe, D., Lovatt, J., van Kampen, P. (Eds) (Ed.). (2015) Dublin: CASTeL,
2014 van Kampen, P.; McLoughlin, E.; Finlayson, O.; Brady, S.; Lovatt, J.; McCabe, D (Ed.). (2014) Dublin: Dublin City University,
2012 van Kampen, P.; Finlayson, O.; Nolan, B.; McLoughlin, E (Ed.). (2012) Dublin: Dublin City University,
2010 Finlayson, O., McLoughlin, E. , Brady, S. and McCabe, D (Ed.). (2010) Dublin: Dublin City University, Link
2010 Finlayson, O., McLoughlin, E. , Brady, S. and McCabe, D (Ed.). (2010) Dublin: Dublin City University, Link
2010 Finlayson, O., McLoughlin, E. , Brady, S. and McCabe, D (Ed.). (2010) Dublin: Dublin City University, Link
2010 van Kampen, P.; Ní Fhloinn, E.; Brady, S.; Breen, S.; McCormack, L (Ed.). (2010) Dublin: Dublin City University,
2010 Finlayson, O., McLoughlin, E. , Brady, S. and McCabe, D (Ed.). (2010) Dublin: Dublin City University, Link
2008 Valanides, N.; Finlayson, O.; McLoughlin, E (Ed.). (2008) Cyprus: University of Cyprus,

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2020 O. Finlayson, E. Mc Loughlin, S. Herzog and members of the FP7-project ESTABLISH (2020) 'Teaching and Learning Science From the Perspective of Industry Contexts' In: UK : Royal Society of Chemistry.
2019 Chadwick R., McLoughlin E. and Finlayson, O. (2019) 'Development and assessment of inquiry skills in the context of SSI with pre-service teachers' In: Springer Nature Switzerland AG : Springer International Publishing. Link
2017 Finlayson ,O. and McLoughlin, E. (2017) 'Building teacher confidence in inquiry and assessment: Experiences from a Pan-European Collaboration' In: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd : Springer Singapore.
2015 Odilla Finlayson, Iwona Maciejowska, Hana Čtrnáctová (2015) 'Inquiry Based Chemistry Instruction' In: Krakov : Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University.
2015 Dragica Trivić, Odilla Finlayson, James Lovatt, Lorraine McCormack (2015) 'Design of Learning and Assessment Tasks' In: Krakov : Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University.
2009 Goedhart, MJ;Finlayson, OE;Lindblom-Ylanne, S (2009) 'Research-based Teaching in Higher Level Chemistry Education' In: Innovative Methods Of Teaching And Learning Chemistry In Higher Education. CAMBRIDGE : ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY.
2008 Finlayson, O. and Mc Loughlin, E. (2008) 'A multidisciplinary approach - Recognising the relevance of all sciences in a first year science undergraduate course' In: Cyprus : CASTeL.
1992 Eds: TJDines, CHRochester and J Thomson (1992) 'Catalysis and Surface Characterisation' In: London : Royal Society of Chemistry.
2014 McLoughlin E.;Finlayson O. (2014) 'Interdisciplinary science: Integrative learning in first-year undergraduate science' In:
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2021) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Royal Society of Chemistry Member 01/01/1985 - 30/12/1899
Institute of Chemistry of Ireland Fellow 01/01/1983 - 30/12/1899

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/1991 IDA/Ulster Bank National Academic Enterprise Award
01/01/2007 DCU President‘s Award for Teaching and Learning DCU
01/01/2002 Teaching and Learning Fellow


Committee Function From / To
RSC Educational Division Ireland Region 01/01/2002 - 30/12/1999
National Research Support Fund Board 01/01/1995 - 01/12/1998
Materials Ireland 01/01/1995 - 01/01/1998
RIA National Committee for Chemistry 01/01/1992 - 01/01/1995
RSC Education Division Ireland Region 01/01/1992 - 01/01/1995
Institute of Chemistry of Ireland 01/01/1991 - 01/01/1996
Institute of Chemisty of Ireland 01/01/1991 - 01/01/1994


Employer Position From / To
Dublin City University (formally NIHE) Lecturer in Physical Chemistry - 01/03/2001
Institute of Technology Carlow Lecturer in Analytical Science - 31/08/1987
Dublin City University Senior Lecturer in Science Education - 30/12/1899
Radtech Ltd Research Chemist - 30/08/1985

Research Interests

She is actively involved in teacher education at both pre-service and in-service levels as well as science education to undergraduate science students. After 20 years working and researching in the area of heterogeneous catalysis, her research interests over the last 10 years are now focussed on science education, in particular on visualisation in chemistry teaching, inquiry based approaches in teaching science (chemistry) at all educational levels coupled with appropriate assessment of learning, and appropriate use of technology in teaching. She was the coordinator of the FP7 SAILS project and a member of the coordinating team on the FP7 ESTABLISH project.

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2020 Introductory Chemistry 1 CS101
2020 Interdisciplinary Science CS150
2022 Chemistry Lab for Science Education CS216
2020 Description of 2022_CS345 CS345
2020 Teaching & Assessing Senior Cycle Chemistry CS422
2022 Teaching & Assessing Senior Cycle Maths MS410
2020 Physics for Science Teachers 1 PS220
2020 Chemistry Lab & Spectros Workshop CS257