Marcia Kirwan


Contact Details

Associate Professor
T:Ext. 6003
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Dr Marcia Kirwan is an Associate Professor at the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health, Dublin. She qualified as a nurse from St. Bartholomew's Hospital and City University, London, and subsequently as a midwife from the University of Wales, Cardiff. Marcia currently teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate level across programmes within the school. She is committed to teaching excellence and has experience in programme management, module development and quality monitoring. Marcia has over 30 years nursing and healthcare experience including specialist nursing roles, and national leadership roles. Her postgraduate qualifications include an MSc in Education and Training Management and a PhD from DCU.

Marcia's research lies within three distinct but overlapping themes: patient safety, missed or rationed nursing care and health workforce planning, and her collaborations on this work extend across many European countries. In-keeping with that focus on patient safety and nursing research she is currently PI on a 4 year HRB funded project (2022-2026) COST2CARE:Addressing the economic and human cost of hospital acquired and nurse-sensitive adverse events in older patients through optimal use of routine discharge data and measurement of missed nursing care. This project aims to contribute to safer hospital care and reduced healthcare costs associated with older patients in acute hospitals in Ireland, through routinely collected hospital discharge data (HIPE) and routine measurement of missed nursing care. She has represented Ireland on the management committee of a European COST Action Project CA 15208: Rationing – Missed Nursing Care: An International and multidimensional problem (RANCARE)and is currently part of a team working on a Cochrane Review on the substitution of nurses for physicians in hospital settings.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 Anne Matthews; Marcia Kirwan (2023) 'RESEARCHING HOW TO ‘RETAIN AND SUSTAIN’ THE NURSING AND MIDWIFERY PROFESSIONS: TIME TO INTERVENE TO IMPROVE THE PRACTICE ENVIRONMENT' In: Research Handbook on Contemporary Human Resource Management for Health Care. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
2022 Marcia Kirwan (2022) 'Ethical Issues and Decision-making in Practice' In: Understanding Decision-making in Nursing Practice. London : Sage.
2021 Kirwan M and Riklikiene O. (2021) 'Patient Safety Education for Nurses' In: Impacts of Rationing and Missed Nursing Care: Challenges and Solutions RANCARE Action. New York : Springer. [Link]
2020 Kirwan M., Matthews A (2020) 'Missed nursing care: the impact on patients, nurses and organisations' In: Connecting Healthcare Worker Well-Being, Patient Safety and Organisational Change. Aligning Perspectives on Health, Safety and Well-Being. New York : Springer. [Link]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Panczyk M; Cieslak I; Kirwan M; Wawrzuta D; Ma»kowski P; Dyk D; Gaworska-Krzeminska A; Grochans E; Kozka M; Lewko J; Uchmanowicz I; Jaworski M; Gotlib-Ma»kowska J (2024) 'Assessment of Social Media Literacy Among Nursing Students in Poland: Psychometric Evaluation of the Polish Version of the Perceived Social Media Literacy Scale'. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, .
2024 Connolly A; Kirwan M; Matthews A (2024) 'A scoping review of the methodological approaches used in retrospective chart reviews to validate adverse event rates in administrative data'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN HEALTHCARE, . [DOI]
2024 Kohanova, D.; Gurkova E; Kirwan M; Ziakova K; Kurukova R (2024) 'Nursing students' perceptions of unfinished nursing care: A cross-sectional study'. Nurse Education in Practice, 76 .
2024 Kohanová D; Kirwan M; Bartoníčková D; Gurková E; Žiaková K (2024) 'Examining the Perspectives of Nurse Managers on Missed Nursing Care in Surgical Units'. Journal of Nursing Administration, 54 (3). [Link] [DOI]
2023 Connolly A; Kirwan M; Matthews a (2023) 'Validation of the rates of adverse event incidence in administrative healthcare data through patient chart review: A scoping review protocol'. HRB Open Research, 6 (21).
2021 Kalánková, D.; Kirwan, M.; Bartoníčková, D.; Kurucová, R.; Žiaková, K.; Gurková, E. (2021) 'How adverse event reporting in the slovak republic is influenced by nurse characteristics and working arrangements: A cross-sectional study'. Kontakt, 23 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Lauren McCauley, Marcia Kirwan, Anne Matthews (2021) 'The factors contributing to missed care and non-compliance in infection prevention and control practices of nurses: A scoping review'. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, 3 . [Link]
2021 Kalánková, D; Bartoníčková, D; Kirwan, M; Gurková, E; Žiaková, K; Košútová, D (2021) 'Undergraduate nursing students' experiences of rationed nursing care - A qualitative study'. Nurse Education Today, 97 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 McCauley, L.; Kirwan, M.; Riklikiene, O.; Hinno, S. (2020) 'A SCOPING REVIEW: The role of the nurse manager as represented in the missed care literature'. Journal of Nursing Management, 28 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Phelan, A.; Kirwan, M. (2020) 'Contextualising missed care in two healthcare inquiries using a socio-ecological systems approach'. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Kalánková, D; Kirwan, M; Bartoníčková, D; Cubelo, F; Žiaková, K; Kurucová, R (2019) 'Missed, rationed or unfinished nursing care: A scoping review of patient outcomes'. Journal of Nursing Management, 28 (8). [DOI]
2020 Kirwan M and Schubert M (2020) 'Missed or rationed nursing care: Where to now for the Nurse Manager?'. Journal of Nursing Management, 28 (8):1767-1769. [DOI]
2019 Uchmanowicz, I.; Kirwan, M.; Riklikiene, O.; Wolfshaut–Wolak, R.; Gotlib, J.; Schubert, M. (2019) 'Validation of Polish version of the Basel Extent of Rationing of Nursing Care revised questionnaire'. PLoS ONE, 14 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Zelenikova, Renata; Drach-Zahavy, Anat; Gurkova, Elena; Papastavrou, Evridiki; Lemonidou, Chryssoula; Sermeus, Walter; Schubert, Maria; Suhonen, Riitta; Riklikiene, Olga; Acaroglu, Rengin; Andreou, Panayiota; Antonic, Darijana; Ausserhofer, Dietmar; Baret, Christophe; Bosch-Leertouwer, Helen; Bragadottir, Helga; Bruyneel, Luk; Millere, Inga; Christiansen, Karin; Ciutiene, Ruta; Cordeiro, Raul; Deklava, Liana; Dhaini, Suzanne; Drach-Zahavy, Anat; Eftathiou, Georgios; Ezra, Sigal; Pilan, Fuster; Leppee, Marcel; Gotlib, Joanna; Gurkova, Elena; Habermann, Monika; Halovsen, Kristin; Hamilton, Patti; Harvey, Clare; Hinno, Saima; Hjaltadottir, Ingibjorg; Jarosova, Darja; Jones, Terry; Kane, Raphaela; Kirwan, Marcia; Leino-Kilpi, Helena; Lopes, Mario A.; Ozsaban, Aysel; Palese, Alvisa; Patiraki, Elisabeth; Pavloska, Katina; Phelan, Amanda; Postolache, Paraschiva; Prga, Ivana; Rasch, Agripina; Diaz, Cristobal R.; Rochefort, Christian; Scott, Anne; Simon, Michael; Stemmer, Renate; Tichelaar, Erna; Toffoli, Luisa; Tonnessen, Siri; Uchmanowicz, Izabella; Vuckovic, Jasminka; Willis, Eileen; Xiao, Lily; Zelenikova, Renata; Zorcec, Tatjana (2019) 'Understanding the concept of missed nursing care from a cross-cultural perspective'. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75 (11). [DOI]
2019 Kirwan, M.; Riklikiene, O.; Gotlib, J.; Fuster, P.; Borta, M. (2019) 'Regulation and current status of patient safety content in pre-registration nurse education in 27 countries: Findings from the Rationing - Missed nursing care (RANCARE) COST Action project'. Nurse Education in Practice, 37 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Dunne, S., Lunn, C., Kirwan, M., Matthews, A. and Condell, S. (2015) 'Planning and Selecting Evaluation Designs for Leadership Training: A Toolkit for Nurse Managers and Educators'. Journal of Professional Nursing, .
2013 Scott, PA; Matthews, A; Kirwan, M (2013) 'What is nursing in the 21st century and what does the 21st century health system require of nursing?'. Nursing philosophy : an international journal for healthcare professionals, 15 (1). [DOI]
2013 Kirwan M, Matthews A & Scott A. (2013) '2013. The impact of the work environment of nurses on patient safety outcomes: A multi-level modelling approach. International Journal Of Nursing Studies, 50, 2, pp253-263'. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50 :253-263.
2010 K Heery, R Brady, M Cronin, M Kirwan, C Scuffil, J Sweeney, E Lawlor (2010) 'HAEMOVIGILANCE REPORTING IN IRELAND: 2000–2008'. Vox Sanguinis, 99 :466-467.
2007 Gray,A., Hearnshaw, K., Izatt, C., Kirwan, M., Murray, S. and Shreeve, K. (2007) 'Safe Transfusion of Blood and Blood Components. Nursing Standard'. NURSING STANDARD, 21 :40-47.
2006 Laspina S; Kirwan M; Sweeney J; Keane-Egan P; Lundy D; Sheehan M; O'Connor S; Scuffil C; Lawlor E (2006) 'Transfusion Associated Circulatory Overload and Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury - The Irish Experience: SP165'. Transfusion, 46 .

Other Journal

Year Publication
2020 Kalankova, D, Kirwan, M, Bartonickova, D, Kurucová R, Žiaková K, Gurková E (2020) 'How adverse event reporting in the Slovak Republic is influenced by nurse characteristics and working arrangements: a cross-sectional study' . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Kirwan, Marcia (2016) 'Bedside Rationing of Nursing Care: a European Union Response' 6 (2) :31-32.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2023 CONNOLLY A; KIRWAN M; MATTHEWS A (2023) International Society for Quality in Healthcare’s 39th International Conference Validation of The Rates of Adverse Event Incidence in Administrative Healthcare Data Through Patient Chart Review: A Scoping Review Seoul, South Korea, 27/08/2023-30/08/2023, [Link]
2020 Kalánková, D.; Kirwan, M.; Bartoníčková, D.; Cubelo, F.; Žiaková, K.; Kurucová, R. (2020) Missed, rationed or unfinished nursing care: A scoping review of patient outcomes [Link] [DOI]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2019 Kalanokova, D., Bartonickova, D., Kurocova, R, Ziakova K and Kirwan M (2019) Unfinished nursing care, nurse-related organizational variables and patient safety culture Patient-related outcomes and the phenomenon of missed care, rationing of care and unfinished care Comenius University in Bratislava, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Department of Nursing, 24/05/2019-.
2018 Cordeiro RA, Kirwan M, Diaz RC, Fuster P and Riklikiene O (2018) VISIBILITY AND KNOWLEDGE ABOUT RATIONING CARE PHENOMENON, WORKSHOP RANCARE Guidelines for nursing managers: Good practices on promoting patient safety through minimizing missed care Malaga, Spain, 26/09/2018-27/09/2018.
2017 Kirwan M and Riklikiene O (2017) 1st RANCARE Conference: the Challenges of Nursing Care Rationing A strategy for exploration of nurse education on teaching patient safety in Europe Limassol, Cyprus, 23/02/2017-23/02/2017.
2018 Kirwan M (2018) 22nd International Philosophy of Nursing Conference (IPONS) Patient Safety in pre-registration nurse education explored in 27 countries through the RANCARE project NUI Galway, 23/08/2018-25/08/2018.
2018 Kirwan M (2018) 22nd International Philosophy of Nursing Conference (IPONS) Patient safety minimising missed nursing care: best practice guidelines for nursing care managers NUI Galway, 23/08/2018-25/08/2018.
2018 Lambert V, O’Connor O, Matthews A, Corrigan C, Kirwan M, Doyle P (2018) The value of patient and public involvement in research, healthcare and health planning, 4th Annual SPHeRE Conference Engaging with the public to co-produce a framework for public involvement in national clinical guideline development and audit Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 11/01/2018-11/01/2018.
2018 Lambert V, O’Connor O, Matthews A, Corrigan C, Kirwan M, Doyle P [Poster Presentation ], Cochrane Colloquim, , 16-SEP-18 - 18-SEP-18 [Details] (2018) Cochrane Collaboration: Annual Colloquium olving the public when developing national clinical guidelines or audit Edinburgh Scotland UK, .
2018 Lambert V, O’Connor O, Matthews A, Corrigan C, Kirwan M, Doyle P (2018) Cochrane Colloquim Engaging with the public to co-produce a framework for involving the public when developing national clinical guidelines or audit Edinburgh UK, 16/09/2018-18/09/2018.
2017 Lambert V, O’Toole S, Matthews A, Corrigan C, Kirwan M, Doyle P, O’Connor O, Fitzsimons J. (2017) International Conference on Communication in Healthcare and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference, American Academy on Communication in Healthcare Development of a Framework for Patient and Public Involvement in National Clinical Guidelines and National Clinical Audit Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 08/10/2017-11/10/2017.
2017 Lambert V, Kirwan M, O’Connor O, Corrigan C. (2017) 2nd National Patient Safety Office Conference Public Involvement in Clinical Effectiveness Processes. Workshop The Printworks, Dublin Castle, 25/10/2017-26/10/2017.
2017 Prof. Olga Riklikiene and Dr. Marcia Kirwan (2017) 1st RANCARE Conference: The challenges of Nursing Care Rationing A strategy for exploration of nursing education on teaching patient safety in Europe and wider Limassol, Cyprus, .
2017 Lambert V, O’Toole S, Matthews A, Corrigan C, Kirwan M, Doyle P, O’Connor O, Fitzsimons J. (2017) International Conference on Communication in Healthcare and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference, American Academy on Communication in Healthcare Development of a Framework for Patient and Public Involvement in National Clinical Guidelines and National Clinical Audit. [Oral Presentation] Baltimore, .
2014 Kirwan M, Matthews A, Scott PA, Lehwaldt D (2014) WELL-Med: Well being and Performance in Medical Practice Levels of Emotional Exhaustion and the Impact on Nurse Outcomes: Results from 12 European Countries Alexandroupolis, Greece, 28/05/2014-01/06/2014.
2014 Matthews A, Kirwan M and Scott PA (2014) WELL-Med: Well being and Performance in Medical Practice An Examination of the Psychometric Properties of the Maslach Burnout Inventory in Two Nursing Studies in Ireland Alexandroupolis, Greece, 28/05/2014-01/06/2014.
2013 Scott PA, Matthews A, Kirwan M (2013) International Conference on Nursing Workforce and Quality of Care in European Hospitals Work environment and nurse reported outcomes: Findings of interest from Ireland, RN4CAST study Basel, Switzerland, 14/09/2013-15/09/2013.
2013 Matthews A, Kirwan M, Scott PA, (2013) International Council of Nurses (ICN): Workforce Forum Safe staffing levels?: From research to action Dublin, 25/09/2013-25/09/2013.
2013 Kirwan M, Cahill F and Mealy K. (2013) 3RD National Patient Safety Conference Clinical Audit: A National Agenda Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin, 24/05/2013-24/05/2013.
2012 Matthews A., Scott PA., Lehwaldt D., Kirwan M., Morris R., Staines A. (2012) Irish Forum for Global Health International Annual Conference An exploration of the hospital and ward factors associated with high levels of overseas-trained nurses in general hospitals in Ireland: using Irish RN4CAST study results RCSI, Dublin, 02/02/2012-03/02/2012.
2011 Kirwan M, Matthews A, Scott PA, Lehwaldt D, Staines A, Morris R (2011) 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery The Impact of the Work Environment of Nurses on Patient Safety Outcomes Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 10/11/2011-10/11/2011.
2010 Cronin, M, Kirwan, M., O Reilly, O., Harrington, T. and Lawlor, E. (2010) Serious Hazards of Transfusion Annual Conference 2010 Annual Conference Educational opportunities for blood donation and transfusion practitioners. 2010. . Displayed at , United Kingdom Manchester, UK, 06/07/2010-06/07/2010.
2010 Kirwan M, Scott PA, Matthews A, Lehwaldt D, Staines A (2010) National Council for the Professional development of Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland 10th Annual Conference: Quality and Innovation: Achieving Excellence in Patient Care A study of the impact of nursing characteristics and practice environments on quality and safety in general hospitals in Ireland Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin, 10/11/2010-10/11/2010.
2008 Cronin, M., Kirwan,M., Lundy, D., Sweeney, J., Brady, R., O’Connor, A., Scuffil, C., Dunne, C., Laspina, S. and Lawlor, E. (2008) European Haemovigilance Network 10th Annual Seminar An Exploration of Reported Transfusion Associated Circulatory Overload and Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury in Ireland 2000-2006 Frankfurt, Germany, 01/03/2008-01/03/2008.
2007 Kirwan M (2007) 2007 European School of Transfusion Medicine, Residential course on Optimal use of Blood and Blood Components The role of the haemovigilance nurse in hospital transfusion Practice San Sebastian, Spain, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.
2007 Kirwan M (2007) European Haemovigilance Network,9th Annual Seminar Addressing Learning Needs Detailed the learning needs assessment and curriculum planning processes involved in the development of Haemovigilance Modules at DCU Dublin Castle, Ireland, 27/02/2007-28/02/2007.
2007 Kirwan, M, Sweeney, J, Sheahan, M, Laspina, S, Harkin, D, Scuffil C, Lundy D, Cronin, M, Brady, R, Carolan, M, Lawlor, E. (2007) European Haemovigilance Network 9th Annual Seminar Haemovigilance Reporting in Ireland 2000-2005 Dublin Castle, Ireland, 27/02/2007-28/02/2007.
2006 Kirwan M (2006) National Haemovigilance Office, Annual Conference Introduction to Irish Haemovigilance Handbook for Hospital based Haemovigilance Portlaoise, 01/10/2006-01/10/2006.
2006 Sheahan, M, Sweeney, J, Laspina, S, Harkin, D, Scuffil, C, Kirwan M, Lundy D, Cronin, M, Lawlor, E. (2006) EHN 8th Annual Seminar Haemovigilance Reporting in Ireland 2000-2004 Porto, Portugal. 2006 Porto, Portugal, 01/03/2006-01/03/2006.
2006 Laspina, S, Kirwan, M, Sweeney, J, Keane-Egan, P, Lundy, D, Sheahan, M, O’Connor, S, Scuffil, C, Lawlor E. (2006) American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) Annual Meeting Transfusion Associated Circulatory Overload and Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury – The Irish Experience Miami, Florida, 21/10/2006-24/10/2006.
2004 Kirwan, M., Keane-Egan, P., Harkin, D, Sheahan, M. and Lawlor, E. (2004) National Haemovigilance Office Annual Conference Audit of Level of Satisfaction Amongst Hospital based Haemovigilance Staff with the Support Offered by the National Haemovigilance Office Naas, Co Kildare, 01/10/2004-02/10/2004.


Year Publication
2006 Laspina, S; Kirwan, M; Sweeney, J; Keane-Egan, P; Lundy, D; Sheehan, M; O'Connor, S; Scuffil, C; Lawlor, E (2006) Transfusion Associated Circulatory Overload and Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury - the Irish experience. OXFORD: ABST

Commissioned Report

Year Publication
2018 Lambert V, O'Toole S, O'Connor O, Matthews A, Corrigan C, Kirwan M, Doyle P, Fitzsimons J (2018) Framework for Public Involvement in Clinical Effectiveness Processes. Dublin, Ireland: COMMREP [Link]
2017 Lambert V, O'Toole S, O'Connor O, Matthews A, Corrigan C, Kirwan M, Doyle P, Fitzsimons J (2017) Development of a Framework for Patient and Public Involvement in NCEC's Clinical Effectiveness Processes of National Clinical Guidelines and Audit. COMMREP


Year Publication
2015 Jefferies, P., Kirwan, M. and Matthews, A. (2015) NWP 2015 Evaluation Summary. REPORT
2012 Matthews, A, Kirwan M, Kane R and Scott PA (2012) Leading in Uncertain Times: Evaluation of pilot programme 2012. Confidential report to Research Alliance Committee, National Leadership and Innovation Centre for Nursing & Midwifery, HSE. REPORT
2015 Jefferies, P., Staines, A., Kirwan, M., Matthews, A., Lehwaldt, D., and Scott, P.A. (2015) Secondary Analysis of Irish RN4CAST data using the Irish nurse survey and HIPE data from 2009. REPORT
2015 Jefferies, P., Kirwan, M. and Matthews, A. (2015) Literature Review to support the Taskforce on Staffing and Skill Mix for Nursing, Department of Health. REPORT
2005 Lawlor E, Kirwan M, Cronin M, Brady R, Lundy D and Sweeney J. (2005) National Haemovigilance Office Annual Report 2005. Irish Blood Transfusion Service. REPORT
2004 Lawlor E, Kirwan M, Harkin D, Sheahan M and Sweeney J. (2004) National Haemovigilance Office Annual Report 2004. Irish Blood Transfusion Service. REPORT

Guidelines for Practice

Year Publication

Published Report

Year Publication
2013 Scott, P.A., Kirwan, M., Matthews, A., Lehwaldt, D., Morris, R. and Staines, A. (2013) Report of the Irish RN4CAST study 2009-2011. A nursing workforce under strain. DCU, .

Other Publication

Year Publication
2019 Scott, PA; Suhonen, R; Kirwan, M (2019) Missed care, care left undone: Organization ethics and the appropriate use of the nursing resource. [DOI]
2020 Kirwan, M.; Schubert, M. (2020) Missed or rationed nursing care: Where to now for the nurse manager?. [Link] [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Other Activities

Guest Editor on Journal of Nursing Management Special Issue on Missed Care
Guest Editor -Nursing Philosophy Special Issue on Missed Care

Research Interests

Patient Safety and Quality of Care; Healthcare and Nursing Workforce Planning; Nursing Research; Rationing of Nursing Care.

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022-2023 Quantitative Research Methods NS296
2022-2023 Marginalisation and Health NS142