Jim Rogers

Jim Rogers is an Associate Professor and Chair of PhD Studies at the School of Communications, Dublin City University. His core research interests centre on the media and cultural industries, music, and copyright.
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2025 | Jim Rogers (2025) 'Making a Racket: Inventing the Modern Music Business' In: Bombs Bursting In Air: Music and the State. Jackson : University Press of Mississippi. | |
2025 | Jim Rogers (2025) 'Maintaining a Racket: How the Contemporary Music Business Keeps On Keepin' In: Bombs Bursting In Air: Music and the State. Jackson : University Press of Mississippi. | |
2020 | Rogers, J. (2020) 'Re-conceptualizing the Record Industry – Audio-Visual Nexus in an Evolving Digital Environment' In: My Kind of Sound. Popular Music & Audiovisual Culture. Newcastle : Cambridge Scholar. | |
2017 | Rogers, J. (2017) 'Meet the New Boss: How copyright sustains oligopolistic power in the music industry' In: A Critical Guide to Intellectual Property. London : Zed Books. | |
2017 | Rogers, J. (2017) 'Deconstructing the Music Industry Ecosystem' In: Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research. [Link] [DOI] | |
2017 | Callahan, M. & J. Rogers (2017) 'Conclusions and Solutions' In: A Critical Guide to Intellectual Property. London : Zed Books. | |
2017 | Callahan, M. and J. Rogers (2017) 'Introduction: Why IP? Why Now?' In: A Critical Guide to Intellectual Property. London : Zed Books. | |
2016 | Rogers, J.; A. Cawley (2016) 'Striking a new note: assessing the position, value and restructuring of the digital music industry in the context of Ireland’s economic crisis' In: Networked Music Cultures: Contemporary Approaches, Emerging Issues. London : Palgrave. | |
2016 | Rogers, J. (2016) 'Payer pour la musique à l’ère du tout-gratuit-pour-tous: crise, droits d’auteur et omniprésence de la musique' In: Où va la Musique? Numérimorphose er nouvelles experiences d’écoute. Paris : Presses Des Mines. | |
2016 | Rogers, J. & P. Preston (2016) 'Crisis and Creative Destruction: New Modes of Appropriation in the Twenty-First Century Music Industry' In: Business Innovation and Disruption in the Music Industry. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar. | |
2016 | Rogers, J. (2016) 'De-constructing the Music Industry Ecosystem' In: De-constructing Media Convergence. London : Palgrave. | |
2016 | Rogers, J.; Preston, P. (2016) 'Crisis and creative destruction: New modes of appropriation in the twenty-first century music industry' In: Business Innovation and Disruption in the Music Industry. [Link] | |
2016 | Rogers, J.; Cawley, A. (2016) 'A Song for Ireland? Policy Discourse and Wealth Generation in the Music Industry in the Context of Digital Upheavals and Economic Crisis' In: Pop Music, Culture, and Identity. [Link] [DOI] | |
2013 | Preston, P.; Rogers, J. (2013) 'Convergence, crisis and the digital music economy' In: Media and Convergence Management. [Link] [DOI] | |
2010 | Preston, P.; Rogers, J. (2010) 'The three Cs of key music sector trends today: Commodification, concentration and convergence' In: Global Media Convergence and Cultural Transformation: Emerging Social Patterns and Characteristics. [Link] [DOI] |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2025 | Jim Rogers and Sergio Sparviero (2025) 'Copyright, the Music Business, and the Evolution of Performing Rights Organizations'. International Communication Gazette, 87 (4). | |
2025 | Jim Rogers and Sergio Sparviero (2025) 'Navigating Performing Rights in Music: Digital-Native Organizations, Changing Values, and Industry Shifts in the US and Beyond'. International Communication Gazette, 87 (4). | |
2023 | Rogers, J.; Sparviero, S.; Wikström, P. (2023) 'Royalty Collection Organizations: Private Interest Enterprises or Social Purpose Organisations?'. Political Economy of Communication, 10 . [Link] | |
2016 | Rogers, Jim; Cawley, Anthony (2016) 'A Song for Ireland? Policy Discourse and Wealth Generation in the Music Industry in the Context of Digital Upheavals and Economic Crisis'. NETWORKED MUSIC CULTURES: CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES, EMERGING ISSUES, . [DOI] | |
2014 | Rogers, J. (2014) 'The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same: Where power lies in the twenty-first century music industry'. CIVILISATIONS, 13 :33-50. | |
2014 | Rogers, J. (2014) 'Canary down the Mine: Music and Copyright at the Digital Coalface'. Socialism and Democracy, 28 (1):34-50. | |
2014 | Rogers, Jim; O'Boyle, Neil; Preston, Paschal; Fehr, Franziska (2014) 'The significance of small differences: Cultural diversity and broadcasting in Ireland'. European Journal of Communication, 29 (4). [DOI] | |
2014 | O’Boyle, N., J. Rogers, P. Preston, F. Fehr (2014) 'New Irish in the News'. Irish Communications Review, 14 :3-16. | |
2013 | O'Boyle, N. & F. Fehr, P. Preston & J. Rogers (2013) 'Who Needs or Delivers Diversity Training?'. JOURNALISM PRACTICE, 7 (3):300-313. | |
2013 | O’Boyle, N.; Fehr, F.; Preston, P.; Rogers, J. (2013) 'Who needs or delivers diversity training? The views of european journalists'. JOURNALISM PRACTICE, 7 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2012 | Preston, P.; Rogers, J. (2012) 'Crisis, digitalisation and the future of the internet'. Info, 14 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2011 | Rogers, J.; Spavriero, S. (2011) 'Same tune, different words: The creative destruction of the music'. Observatorio, 5 . [Link] | |
2011 | Van Audenhove, L.; Constantelou, A.; Poel, M.; Preston, P.; Rogers, J. (2011) 'Social networks, legal innovations and the “new” music industry'. Info, 13 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2011 | Rogers, J.; Sparviero, S. (2011) 'Understanding innovation in communication industries through alternative economic theories: The case of the music industry'. International Communication Gazette, 73 . [Link] [DOI] |
Other Journal
Conference Publication
Conference Contribution
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