Aisling McMahon


Contact Details

Assistant Professor in Psychotherapy
Profile Photo

I am an Assistant Professor in Psychotherapy in the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health at DCU and Chair of the DCU Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision.

I trained initially as a clinical psychologist (B.A., M.A., M.Psych.Sc., University College Dublin) and then also as a humanistic and integrative psychotherapist (Dip.Psych, Institute of Creative Counselling and Psychotherapy), followed later by a Doctorate in Psychotherapy (London Metanoia Institute/Middlesex University). I have also trained as a group analyst (MSc., University College Dublin) and conduct weekly group analytic psychotherapy in DCU's Healthy Living Centre I am an Associate Fellow of the Psychological Society of Ireland, an accredited member and supervisor with the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, and a member of the Irish Group Analytic Society.

I have worked in various settings over the last 30 years, including the Irish prison service, community-based and inpatient adult psychiatric services, a community care HSE service for children and adolescents, and private practice. Having engaged in sessional teaching through most of my career, I took up this full-time academic post in DCU in 2015, which has facilitated development of my specialist teaching and research interests in clinical supervision and practitioner development. 

Since 2015, I have supervised 14 Masters and 9 Doctorate research studies across various areas of clinical supervision and psychotherapy practice, and I have been an examiner for 20 doctorates in Ireland and internationally. Enquiries in relation to PhD research supervision in relation to clinical supervision and psychotherapy are welcome.


Year Publication
2020 Hawkins, P. & McMahon, A. (2020) Supervision in the Helping Professions. London: McGraw-Hill Open University Press.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Patrick Hallinan; Aisling McMahon (2023) 'Supporting relational, trauma-informed social care work with autistic adults: Evaluation of a reflective supervision group pilot'. British Journal of Social Work, .
2023 Aisling McMahon (2023) 'A narrative review of group analytic literature on clinical supervision: Seeking coherence and correspondence'. Group Analysis, .
2023 Kovič, D.; McMahon, A. (2023) 'Building trust: supervisees’ experience of power dynamics in transdisciplinary workplace supervision'. Journal of Social Work Practice, 37 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 McMahon, A., Seery, C., Moorehouse, S., & O’Brien, G. (2022) 'Analysis of supervisory interventions in a transdisciplinary youth mental health service'. Psychological Services, .
2022 McMahon, A.; Jennings, C.; O’Brien, G. (2022) 'A naturalistic, observational study of the Seven-Eyed model of supervision'. Clinical Supervisor, 41 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Reynolds, D.; McMahon, A.; McMahon, J. (2022) 'Being held through pain: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of experiences of receiving a peer support intervention for family members of individuals with mental illness'. COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH, 22 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Finan, Stephanie; McMahon, Aisling; Russell, Siobhan (2022) 'At What Cost am I Doing This? An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of burnout among private practitioner psychotherapists'. COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH, 22 (1). [DOI]
2020 McMahon, A. (2020) 'Five reflective touchstones to foster supervisor humility'. Clinical Supervisor, 39 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 McMahon, Aisling; Ledden, Kathryn (2019) 'Recording client sessions during psychotherapy training: From an absurd idea to potent learning'. COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH, 19 (3). [DOI]
2019 McLaughlin, Á.; Casey, B.; McMahon, A. (2019) 'Planning and implementing group supervision: a case study from homeless social care practice'. Journal of Social Work Practice, 33 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 McMahon, A. (2018) 'Irish clinical and counselling psychologists' experiences and views of mandatory personal therapy during training: A polarisation of ethical concerns'. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 25 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 McMahon, Aisling; Rodillas, Rhea Rose (2020) 'Personal development groups during psychotherapy training: Irish students' expectations and experiences of vulnerability, safety and growth'. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 33 (2). [DOI]
2018 McMahon, Aisling (2018) 'Part of me feels like there must be something missing: a phenomenological exploration of practising psychotherapy as a clinical psychologist'. BRITISH JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE & COUNSELLING, 46 (2). [DOI]
2017 McMahon, A. & Hevey,D (2017) ''It has taken me a long time to get to this point of quiet confidence': Factors related to clinical psychologists' confidence in practising psychotherapy'. Clinical Psychologist, 21 :195-205. [DOI]
2014 McMahon, A (2014) 'Four guiding principles for the supervisory relationship'. REFLECTIVE PRACTIVE, 15 (3) :333-346. [DOI]
2014 McMahon, A. & Errity,D (2014) 'From new vistas to lifelines: Psychologists' satisfaction with supervision and confidence in supervising'. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 21 :264-275. [DOI]
2012 McMahon, A (2012) ''It's hard to feel on the ball': Practising psychotherapy as a clinical psychologist'. Irish Journal of Psychology, 33 :1-16. [DOI]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2014 McMahon, A (2014) 'Being a group supervisor: Dynamics, challenges and rewards' 72 :21-32.
2014 McMahon, A. (2014) 'Sorca McGrath in conversation with Aisling McMahon' 74 :3-14.
2014 McMahon, A (2014) 'Reflections on the dynamics of being a group supervisor' 40 :280-285.
2010 McMahon, A (2010) 'The value of allowing space to receive and work with the client's idiom' 60 :16-20.
2009 McMahon,A (2009) 'Understanding resistance in psychotherapy: The paradox of both wanting and fearing change' 9 :9-13.
2009 McMahon,A (2009) 'The fear of change: Understanding and working with client resistance in psychotherapy' 35 :352-356.
1997 McMahon, A (1997) 'The role of therapy in prison' 28 :25-28.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Aisling McMahon (2023) 18th International GASi Symposium Clinical supervision theory and practice: What has group analysis to contribute? Belgrade, Serbia, .
2023 Aisling McMahon; Stephanie Finan; et al. (2023) 54th Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference Supervising the supervisors: An observational, participatory action research study of metasupervision Dublin, Ireland, .
2022 Aisling McMahon (2022) 17th European Congress of Psychology Career-long clinical supervision: Fostering practitioner resilience and competency Ljubljiana, Slovenia, .
2022 McMahon, A., Jennings, C. & O'Brien, G. (2022) 6th International Conference on Youth Mental Health A naturalistic, observational study of the Seven-Eyed model of clinical supervision in Jigsaw youth mental health services Copenhagen, Denmark, .
2022 Stephanie Finan, Aisling McMahon & Siobhan Russell (2022) 4th International Meeting on Well-Being and Performance in Clinical Practice (WELLMED 4) ‘At what cost am I doing this?’ An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the experience of burnout among private practitioner psychotherapists Aridaia, Greece, .
2021 Kovic, D., & McMahon, A. (2021) 3rd Dublin City University Supervision Conference Building trust in an ‘arranged marriage’: Supervisees’ experience of power dynamics in workplace supervision Virtual, .
2021 Scherb, E., Timulak, L., Iwakabe, S., Durao, M., Kerman, B., McMahon, A., Axelrad, T., Basangri, S., & Notaerts, L. (2021) 2021 Annual Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference Systematic case studies in the context of Covid-19 pandemics (structured panel discussion) Virtual, .
2021 McMahon, A., Jennings, C., & O’Brien, G. (2021) 2021 Annual Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference Evaluating, illustrating and guiding supervision competence: A naturalistic multiple case study using the SAGE protocol Virtual, .
2020 Hawkins, P., & McMahon, A. (2020) 14th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision (IICCS) The Seven-Eyed model of supervision: An experiential deep dive into applying it in practice (invited pre-conference workshop) Virtual (University of Redlands, California), .
2019 McMahon, A., Jennings, C., & Seery, C. (2019) 2019 Annual Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference What happens in post-qualification supervisory practice? A longitudinal observational study of supervisory dyads in an Irish mental health service Buenos Aires, Argentina, .
2018 McMahon, A. (2018) Annual Society for Psychotherapy Research conference Irish clinical and counselling psychologists’ experiences and views of mandatory personal therapy during training: A polarisation of ethical concerns Amsterdam, Holland, .
2018 McMahon, A., Gray, S., & McDonnell Murray, R. (2018) 2018 Annual Psychological Society of Ireland conference Transitioning from practitioner to supervisor Wexford, Ireland, .
2018 McMahon, A. (2018) Dublin City University 2nd International Interdisciplinary Supervision Conference Group supervision: Balancing creativity and containment Dublin, Ireland, .
2018 Glover, R. & McMahon. A. (2018) Dublin City University 2nd International Interdisciplinary Supervision Conference Co-organiser and host of conference Dublin, Ireland, .
2017 McMahon, A. (2017) 2017 Annual Psychological Society of Ireland conference, Limerick, Ireland Invited presenter, pre-conference workshop day: Providing career-long supervision: Engaging with structure and process Limerick, Ireland, .
2017 Glover, R., McMahon, A., Moore, G., (2017) Annual Society for Psychotherapy Research conference An exploration of Irish post graduate students’ views and experiences of integrative psychotherapy supervision Toronto Canada, .
2017 McMahon, A. (2017) 2017 Annual British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy conference From ‘an absurd idea’ to ‘exceptional learning’: Attitudes regarding recording client sessions during psychotherapy training Chester, England, .
2017 McMahon, A. (2017) 1st Conference on Supervised Practice of Psychologists Invited keynote speech: Four guiding principles for the supervisory relationship Ljubljana, Slovenia, .
2017 McMahon, A. (2017) 2017 Annual Society for Psychotherapy Research conference An exploration of personal awareness groups during psychotherapy training Toronto, Canada, .
2016 Glover, R., McMahon, A (2016) 2016 Dublin City University International Interdisciplinary Supervision Conference Co-organiser of supervision conference Dublin Ireland, .
2016 McMahon, A. (2016) 2016 Dublin City University International Interdisciplinary Supervision Conference Practitioner research in supervision: Exploring opportunities Dublin Ireland, .
2016 Aisling McMahon & Kathryn Ledden (2016) 2016 Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference From ‘an absurd idea’ to ‘exceptional learning’: Attitudes regarding recording psychotherapy sessions with clients during professional training Athlone, Ireland, .
2016 McMahon, A. (2016) 2016 Dublin City University public lecture series The meaning of maturity Dublin, Ireland, .
2014 McMahon, A. (2014) 2014 Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference Creative supervision workshop Kilkenny, Ireland, .
2014 McMahon, A. (2014) 2014 Annual Psychological Society of Ireland conference Chair of PSI supervision policy discussion forum Kilkenny, Ireland, .
2013 McMahon, A. (2013) 2013 Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference Process supervision workshop: Intricacies, challenges and rewards for supervisors Sligo, Ireland, .
2012 McMahon, A. (2012) 2012 Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference The vulnerable underbelly, strength or weakness? Irish psychologists' experiences of engaging in personal therapy Cork, Ireland, .
2012 Nolan, M., Cronin, H., Rushe, H. & McMahon, A. (2012) 2012 Annual Psychological Society of Ireland conference Clinicians using IPA as a qualitative methodology: Results, reflections and experiences: Symposium Cork, Ireland, .
2011 McMahon, A. (2011) 2011 Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference Psychologists practising psychotherapy: What makes a confident therapist? Galway, Ireland, .
2011 McMahon, A. (2011) 2011 Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference Psychologists and supervision: Are our needs being met? Galway, Ireland, .
2010 McMahon, A. (2010) 2010 AGM of the Clinical Division of the Psychological Society of Ireland Invited AGM talk: Resilience and vulnerability in practising psychotherapy: Challenges, needs and opportunities Dublin, Ireland, .
2010 McMahon, A. (2010) 2010 Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference Psychodynamic psychotherapy workshop: Engaging with insight, emotional immediacy and authentic relationship Athlone, Ireland, .
1988 McMahon, A. (1988) 11th Annual Congress of Psychology Students of Ireland The relationship between internal self-schemas and external self-representation Jordanstown, Northern Ireland, .

Book Review

Year Publication
2017 McMahon, A. (2017) Book review, Better late than never: The reparative therapeutic relationship in regression to dependence, by L. Price. BREV

Review Articles

Year Publication
2014 McMahon, A (2014) Book review: Beyond the frustrated self: Overcoming avoidant patterns and opening to life, by Barbara Dowds. REV
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Psychological Society of Ireland Associate Fellow 01/09/1988 -
Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration Member 01/06/2016 -
Society for Psychotherapy Research Member 01/06/2016 -
Irish Group Analytic Society Member 01/01/2020 -
Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy Accredited Member and Supervisor 01/09/2007 -


Committee Function From / To
Editorial Board of Inside Out, Journal of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy 01/01/2013 - 31/01/2020


Journal Role
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Reviewer
British Journal of Guidance and Counselling Reviewer
Reflective Practice Reviewer
The Clinical Supervisor Reviewer
Psychotherapy Research Reviewer
European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling Reviewer
Frontiers in Psychology Reviewer
Australian Psychologist Reviewer
Journal of Clinical Psychology Reviewer

Other Activities

External examiner for the Doctorate in Counselling Psychology, Trinity College Dublin; 2018-2022
External examiner for the Doctorate in Psychotherapy by Professional Studies, London Metanoia Inst/Middlesex University, 2019-
External examiner for the MSc in Clinical Supervision, Trinity College Dublin, 2020-2022

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
Ongoing Consultancy Provision of bespoke training workshops in clinical supervision for organisations and services nationally and internationally

Research Interests

My research work explores the field of practitioner competence, aiming to contribute to our understanding of  what facilitates and enables best practice from training to retirement.

My main research agenda involves exploring and developing our understanding of post-qualification clinical supervision, its intricacies and challenges, and how it may facilitate continued professional development and resilience for practitioners throughout their careers.

I also engage in research in relation to mental health practitioner training, exploring key issues such as mandatory personal therapy, personal development groups and supervision during training. 

I also supervise Doctorate and Master's students in relation to various aspects of psychotherapy and supervision practice, including qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods methodologies.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
HSE NCS LMCM DNCC Supervision workshops DCU PI 18/04/2024 17/09/2024
Lucena Supervision Training DCU PI 17/11/2023 16/06/2024
Gheel supervision consultancy DCU PI 01/11/2023 30/06/2024
2023 NEPS Supervision training DCU PI 08/09/2023 07/11/2023
CRC Supervision Workshops DCU PI 19/09/2022 30/06/2023
Supervision workshop Surrey Counselling Training Ltd.m(SCT) DCU PI 04/04/2022 30/04/2022
March 2022 NEPS supervision training DCU PI 24/03/2022 29/04/2022
Supervision training Relationships Scotland DCU PI 03/10/2022 30/11/2022
Supervision training seminar IACP Supervisors Forum (SF) DCU PI 05/03/2022 06/05/2022
Gheel supervision 2021-22 DCU PI 23/11/2021 30/06/2022
2021 Gheel Supervision workshops DCU PI 27/05/2021 21/09/2021
April 2021 NEPS Supervision Training DCU PI 26/04/2021 26/04/2021
2021 Jigsaw Supervision Training DCU PI 20/09/2021 20/12/2021
Supervision Training, Monaghan Education Centre DCU PI 13/11/2021 31/12/2021
2020 Group supervision Gheel Autism Services DCU PI 29/09/2020 22/12/2020
June-Sept 2020 NEPS supervision training DCU PI 26/06/2020 21/09/2020
March 2020 NEPS supervision training DCU PI 02/03/2020 23/03/2020
EFPA Supervision Training Workshop DCU PI 10/01/2020 10/01/2020
Supervisory Dyads Study DCU PI 19/11/2018 30/11/2019
Vocational Training (supervision workshops) with National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) DCU PI 27/09/2019 21/10/2019
Supervision workshop: Vocational training DCU PI 30/05/2019 30/05/2019
EFPA Clinical Supervision Training DCU PI 25/05/2018 24/06/2018
Workshop on clinical supervision - 2018 DCU PI 26/04/2018 25/05/2018
Workshops on clinical supervision - 2017 DCU PI 14/09/2017 25/01/2018
Willow Grove - Supervision Training 25th Nov 2016 DCU PI 25/11/2016 25/11/2016

Contract Researchers

Researcher Name Project Funding Body
Dr Ciaran Jennings Supervisory Dyads study

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Noone ,Kathleen Doctor of Psychotherapy Supervisor
Meehan ,Gerard Doctor of Psychotherapy Supervisor

External Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
External Dr. Gillian O'Brien Jigsaw Youth Mental Health Services Other

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2023 NS616
2022 Humanistic Approaches:Theory & Practice NS5025
2022 Professional Supervision Practice NS622
2022 Integrative Psychotherapy 1 NS582
2022 Research Approaches NS5032
2020 Professional Practice Portfolio 4 NS5034
2020 NS5018