Jane Suiter


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Jane Suiter is Professor in the School of Communications, her research focus is on the information environment in the public sphere and in particular on scaling up  deliberation and tackling disinformation. 

Jane is director of DCU's  Institute for Future Media, Democracy and Society. She was awarded an IRC Laureate in 2022 for COMDEL 
Examining the Potential of Communicative Deliberation for Climate Action, IRCLA/2022/3896. She is currently a partner on HE_SCALEDEM. Previously she led a WP on H2020-EUComMeet and led as PI on H2020 ICT28 Provenance, a multimillion interdisciplinary project to combat disinformation and on JOLT, a Marie Curie ITN on harnessing digital technologies in communication. 

She has been involved in various research and oversight capacities on the Irish Citizens' Assembly (2012-2022) ) and was a founder member of We the Citizens (2011), Ireland’s first deliberative experiment. She is a member of the OECD's FutureDemocracy network and on the advisory board of the Federation of Innovation in Democracy Europe (FIDE)  and has also advised in Scotland and elsewhere on citizens' assemblies. Jane has testified at the OECD, the European Parliament, the UN and the UNDP as well as the  Oireachtas. She was the joint winner of the Brown Democracy Medal in 2019 and the President's Award for Research. She was awarded the prestigious title of the Irish Research Council's Researcher of the Year in 2020.

She has published in 30 plus journals including Science,  International Journal of Political Science, Electoral Studies, Politics and the International Journal of Communication and is the author of three books including Reimagining Democracy: Lessons in Deliberative Democracy from the Irish Frontline published by Cornell University Press and 
Disinformation and Manipulation in Digital Media with Dr Eileen Culloty

Her research is comparative: besides Ireland, her recent projects have included all European democracies as well as most of the OECD.  Jane is a Visiting Fellow at Stanford University and the Reuters Institute, Oxford University.  Jane is a frequent contributor to broadcast and print media and is a former journalist having worked as Economics Editor at The Irish Times and for other media such as the FT Group and AP Dow Jones.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2025 Suiter, J. (2025) 'Ireland’s deliberative journey to tackle the climate crisis'. Common Knowledge, .
2025 Suiter, J.; Saude, K.; McNally, B. (2025) 'Climate change assemblies as spaces for the potential mitigation of climate policy misperceptions: A survey experiment'. Environmental Science and Policy, 164 . [Link] [DOI]
2025 Peredes, F., Couddou, A., Suiter, J. (2025) 'Politics and Governance'. Politics And Governance, .
2023 Deligiaouri, A.; Suiter, J. (2023) 'Oscillating Between Representation and Participation in Deliberative Fora and the Question of Legitimacy: Can ‘Hybrid Representative Democracy’ be the Remedy?'. Representation, 59 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Farrell, D.M.; Suiter, J.; Cunningham, K.; Harris, C. (2023) 'When Mini-Publics and Maxi-Publics Coincide: Ireland’s National Debate on Abortion'. Representation, 59 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Muradova, L.; Culloty, E.; Suiter, J. (2023) 'Misperceptions and Minipublics: Does Endorsement of Expert Information by a Minipublic Influence Misperceptions in the Wider Public?'. Political Communication, 40 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Salgado, S.; Luengo, Ó.G.; Papathanassopoulos, S.; Suiter, J.; Stępińska, A. (2022) 'Crisis and populism: a comparative study of populist and non-populist candidates and rhetoric in the news media coverage of election campaigns'. European Politics And Society, 23 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Suiter, J.; M Farrell, D.; Harris, C.; Murphy, P. (2022) 'Measuring Epistemic Deliberation on Polarized Issues: The Case of Abortion Provision in Ireland'. Political Studies Review, 20 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Suiter, Jane; Paredes, Felipe; McMancs, Alberto Coddou (2022) 'WHERE NOW FOR CHILE?'. Policy and Practice, (35).
2022 Muradova, L.; Suiter, J. (2022) 'Public compliance with difficult political decisions in times of a pandemic: does citizen deliberation help?'. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 34 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Harris, C.; Farrell, D.M.; Suiter, J.; Brennan, M. (2021) 'Women’s voices in a deliberative assembly: An analysis of gender rates of participation in Ireland’s Convention on the Constitution 2012–2014'. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 23 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Park, K.; Suiter, J. (2021) 'Hybrid media consumption and production in #ge2020: the battle to own ‘change’'. Irish Political Studies, 36 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Deligiaouri, A.; Suiter, J. (2021) 'A policy impact tool: Measuring the policy impact of public participation in deliberative e-rulemaking'. Policy and Internet, 13 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Deligiaouri, A.; Suiter, J. (2021) 'Evaluation of public consultations and citizens’ participation in 2015 Better Regulation Agenda of the EU and the need for a deliberative e-rulemaking initiative in the EU'. European Politics And Society, 22 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Deligiaouri, Anastasia; Suiter, Jane (2021) 'Oscillating Between Representation and Participation in Deliberative Fora and the Question of Legitimacy: Can ‘Hybrid Representative Democracy’ be the Remedy?'. Representation, (0):1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/00344893.2021.1950040
2021 Suiter J; Farrell DM; Harris C; Murphy P (2021) 'Political Studies Review'. Political Studies Review, . [Link] https://doi.org/10.1177/14789299211020909
2021 Suiter J (2021) 'Irish Studies in International Affairs'. IRISH STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (ONLINE), . [Link] https://doi-org.dcu.idm.oclc.org/10.3318/isia.2021.32b.23
2020 O’Malley, E.; Farrell, D.M.; Suiter, J. (2020) 'Does talking matter? A quasi-experiment assessing the impact of deliberation and information on opinion change'. International Political Science Review, 41 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Suiter, Jane; Muradova, Lala; Gastil, John; Farrell, David M. (2020) 'Scaling up Deliberation: Testing the Potential of Mini-Publics to Enhance the Deliberative Capacity of Citizens'. Swiss Political Science Review, 26 (3). [DOI]
2020 Elkink, J.A.; Farrell, D.M.; Marien, S.; Reidy, T.; Suiter, J. (2020) 'The death of conservative Ireland? The 2018 abortion referendum'. Electoral Studies, 65 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Farrell, D.M.; Suiter, J.; Harris, C.; Cunningham, K. (2020) 'The Effects of Mixed Membership in a Deliberative Forum: The Irish Constitutional Convention of 2012–2014'. Political Studies, 68 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Suiter, J.; Reidy, T. (2020) 'Does Deliberation Help Deliver Informed Electorates: Evidence from Irish Referendum Votes'. Representation, 56 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Deligiaouri, Anastasia; Suiter, Jane (2020) 'A policy impact tool: Measuring the policy impact of public participation in deliberative e‐rulemaking'. Policy and Internet, (13):349-365. https://doi.org/10.1002/poi3.254
2020 Suiter, Jane; Fletcher, Richard (2020) 'Polarization and partisanship: Key drivers of distrust in media old and new?'. European Journal of Communication, 35 (5). [DOI]
2020 ANTONIS KALOGEROPOULOSJANE SUITERLINARDS UDRISMARK EISENEGGER (2020) 'News Media Trust and News Consumption: Factors Related to Trust in News in 35 Countries'. International Journal of Communication, 13 :3672-3693. [Link]
2020 Jane Suiter (2020) 'Does Deliberation Help Deliver Informed Electorates: Evidence from Irish Referendum Votes'. Representation, . https://doi.org/10.1080/00344893.2019.1704848
2020 Jane Suiter, Richard Fletcher (2020) 'Polarization and partisanship: Key drivers of distrust in media old and new?'. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION (ONLINE), . https://doi.org/10.1177/0267323120903685
2019 Culloty, Eileen; Suiter, Jane (2019) 'Journalism Norms and the Absence of Media Populism in the Irish General Election 2016'. MEDIATED CAMPAIGNS AND POPULISM IN EUROPE, . [DOI]
2019 Dryzek, J.S.; Bächtiger, A.; Chambers, S.; Cohen, J.; Druckman, J.N.; Felicetti, A.; Fishkin, J.S.; Farrell, D.M.; Fung, A.; Gutmann, A.; Landemore, H.; Mansbridge, J.; Marien, S.; Neblo, M.A.; Niemeyer, S.; Setälä, M.; Slothuus, R.; Suiter, J.; Thompson, D.; Warren, M.E. (2019) 'The crisis of democracy and the science of deliberation'. Science, 363 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Deligiaouri, Anastasia; Suiter, Jane (2019) 'Assessing Democracy In Vitro, In Vivo, and In Actu and the Role of Democratic Theory Today'. Democratic Theory-An Interdisciplinary Journal, 6 (2). [DOI]
2019 Kalogeropoulos, Antonis; Suiter, Jane; Udris, Linards; Eisenegger, Mark (2019) 'News Media Trust and News Consumption: Factors Related to Trust in News in 35 Countries'. International Journal of Communication, 13 .
2019 Culloty, E.; Murphy, P.; Brereton, P.; Suiter, J.; Smeaton, A.F.; Zhang, D. (2019) 'Researching Visual Representations of Climate Change'. Environmental Communication, 13 . [Link] https://doi.org/10.1080/17524032.2018.1533877
2019 Corbu, Nicoleta; Bos, Linda; Schemer, Christian; Schulz, Anne; Matthes, Joerg; de Vreese, Claes H.; Aalberg, Toril; Suiter, Jane (2019) 'Cognitive Responses to Populist Communication The Impact of Populist Message Elements on Blame Attribution and Stereotyping'. COMMUNICATING POPULISM: COMPARING ACTOR PERCEPTIONS, MEDIA COVERAGE, AND EFFECTS ON CITIZENS IN EUROPE, . [DOI]
2018 Reidy, Theresa; Suiter, Jane (2018) 'Political fragmentation on the march: Campaign effects in 2016'. POST-CRISIS IRISH VOTER, .
2018 Reidy, T.; Suiter, J.; Breen, M. (2018) 'Boom and bust: Economic voting in Ireland'. Politics, 38 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Siapera, E.; Boudourides, M.; Lenis, S.; Suiter, J. (2018) 'Refugees and Network Publics on Twitter: Networked Framing, Affect, and Capture'. Social Media And Society, 4 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Suiter, J.; Culloty, E.; Greene, D.; Siapera, E. (2018) 'Hybrid media and populist currents in Ireland’s 2016 General Election'. European Journal of Communication, 33 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Hameleers, M.; Bos, L.; Fawzi, N.; Reinemann, C.; Andreadis, I.; Corbu, N.; Schemer, C.; Schulz, A.; Shaefer, T.; Aalberg, T.; Axelsson, S.; Berganza, R.; Cremonesi, C.; Dahlberg, S.; de Vreese, C.H.; Hess, A.; Kartsounidou, E.; Kasprowicz, D.; Matthes, J.; Negrea-Busuioc, E.; Ringdal, S.; Salgado, S.; Sanders, K.; Schmuck, D.; Stromback, J.; Suiter, J.; Boomgaarden, H.; Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K.; Weiss-Yaniv, N. (2018) 'Start Spreading the News: A Comparative Experiment on the Effects of Populist Communication on Political Engagement in Sixteen European Countries'. International Journal of Press/Politics, 23 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Farrell, David M.; Suiter, Jane; Harris, Clodagh (2017) 'The challenge of reforming a voter-friendly' electoral system: the debates over Ireland's single transferable vote'. Irish Political Studies, 32 (2). [DOI]
2017 Suiter, Jane (2017) 'Ireland The Rise of Populism on the Left and Among Independents'. POPULIST POLITICAL COMMUNICATION IN EUROPE, .
2017 Reidy, T; Suiter, J (2017) 'Who is the Populist Irish Voter?'. Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 46 :117-131.
2017 Elkink, Johan A.; Farrell, David M.; Reidy, Theresa; Suiter, Jane (2017) 'Understanding the 2015 marriage referendum in Ireland: context, campaign, and conservative Ireland'. Irish Political Studies, 32 (3). [DOI]
2017 Lynch, C; O' Malley, E; Reidy, T; Farrell, DM; Suiter, J (2017) 'Dail reforms since 2011: Pathway to power for the 'puny' parliament?'. Administration, 65 :37-57. [DOI]
2017 O’Brien, A.; Suiter, J. (2017) 'Best and worst practice: a case study of qualitative gender balance in Irish broadcasting'. Media, Culture and Society, 39 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Anne O'Brien, Jane Suiter (2017) 'Best and worst practice: a case study of qualitative gender balance in Irish broadcasting'. MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY, . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Farrell D.; Suiter J.; Harris C. (2016) 'The challenge of reforming a ‘voter-friendly’ electoral system: the debates over Ireland’s single transferable vote'. Irish Political Studies, :1-18. [DOI]
2016 Suiter, Jane; Farrell, David M.; O'Malley, Eoin (2016) 'When do deliberative citizens change their opinions? Evidence from the Irish Citizens' Assembly'. International Political Science Review, 37 (2). [DOI]
2016 Suiter, J.; Farrell, D.M.; O’Malley, E. (2016) 'When do deliberative citizens change their opinions? Evidence from the Irish Citizens’ Assembly'. International Political Science Review, 37 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Dr Jane Suiter, Dr Theresa Reidy (2015) 'New Directions in Referendums, Politics and Campaigns'. .
2015 Reidy, T.; Suiter, J. (2015) 'Do rules matter? Categorizing the regulation of referendum campaigns'. Electoral Studies, 38 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Suiter, J.; Reidy, T. (2015) 'It's the campaign learning stupid: An examination of a volatile irish referendum'. Parliamentary Affairs, 68 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Suiter, Jane (2015) 'Political Campaigns and Social Media: A Study of #mhe13 in Ireland'. Irish Political Studies, 30 (2). [DOI]
2014 Suiter Jane, O'Malley E (2014) 'Chieftains Delivering: Testing Different Measures of “Pork” on an Irish Data Set of Discretionary Sports Grants'. JOURNAL OF ELECTIONS, PUBLIC OPINION AND PARTIES (ONLINE), 24 :115-124. [DOI]
2014 Jane Suiter, Theresa Reidy (2014) 'It’s the campaign learning stupid: An examination of a volatile Irish referendum'. PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (PRINT), . [DOI]
2014 Calfano, Brian R.; Oldmixon, Elizabeth A.; Suiter, Jane (2014) 'Who and What Affects the First Estate? An Analysis of Clergy Attitudes on Cultural and Economic Issues'. Politics, 34 (4). [DOI]
2014 Suiter, J.; O'Malley, E. (2014) 'Yes, minister: The impact of decision-making rules on geographically targeted particularistic spending'. Parliamentary Affairs, . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Oldmixon, E.A.; Suiter, J.; Calfano, B.R. (2014) 'Assessing clergy attitudes: Ideology and institutional superiors'. Journal of Church and State, 56 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Jane Suiter, Elizabeth Oldmixon, Brain Calfano (2013) 'Assessing Clergy Attitudes: Ideology and Institutional Superiors'. JOURNAL OF CHURCH AND STATE (PRINT), 55 . [DOI]
2013 Farrell, D.M.; O'Malley, E.; Suiter, J. (2013) 'Deliberative democracy in action irish-style: The 2011 we the citizens pilot Citizens' assembly'. Irish Political Studies, 28 . [Link] [DOI]
2008 Suiter Jane (2008) 'The Dail Election 2007'. IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES (PRINT), 23 :99-110.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2020 Culloty, E. and Suiter J. (2020) 'How Disinformation and Far-Right Activism is Shaping Public Debates on Immigration' In: Handbook on Migration and Technology. Northampton : Elgar.
2016 Suiter, J. (2016) 'Ireland: The rise of populism on the left and among independents' In: POPULIST POLITICAL COMMUNICATION IN EUROPE. [Link] [DOI]
2016 Farrell, D.M.; Harris, C.; Suiter, J. (2016) 'Bringing people into the heart of constitutional design: The Irish constitutional convention of 2012-14' In: Participatory Constitutional Change: The People as Amenders of the Constitution. [Link] [DOI]
2017 Suiter, J., Farrell, D.M. (2017) 'La convenció constitucional d'Irlanda (2012-2014)' In: Els processos constituents al món. Barcelona : IDEES. [Link]
2016 Suiter, J (2016) 'The Rise of Populism on the Left and Among Independents' In: Populist Political Communication in Europe. London : Routledge. [Link]
2017 Gallagher, M; Suiter, J. (2017) 'Pathological Parochialism or a Valuable Service? Attitudes to the constituency role of Irish Parliamentarians' In: A Conservative Revolution; Electoral change in 21st Century Ireland. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
2016 Suiter, J, Farrell, D.M., Harris, C. (2016) 'Bringing people into the heart of Irish constitutional design: The Irish Constitutional Convention of 2012-2014' In: Participatory Constitutional Change. London : Routledge.
2016 Suiter, J, Farrell, D.M., Harris, C. (2016) 'Comparative Constitutional Change' In: Participatory Constitutional Change. London : Routledge.
2016 Farrell, D.M.; Suiter, J. (2016) 'The election in context' In: How Ireland Voted 2016: The Election that Nobody Won. [Link] [DOI]
2016 Thomsen, S.R.; Suiter, J. (2016) 'Candidates, parties and constituency relations: A study in irish clientelism' In: The Act of Voting: Identities, Institutions and Locale. [Link] [DOI]
2016 Dr Jane Suiter. Soren Risbjerg Thomsen (2016) 'Candidates, parties and constituency relations: a study in Irish clientalism' In: Johann A Elkink, David M. Fa`rrell(Eds.). The Act of Voting. Oxford : Routledge.
2015 Dr Jane Suiter (2015) 'Feeding the Negative? Referendum Votes in Ireland' In: Alessandro Nai Annemarie Walter(Eds.). New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning Why Attack Politics Matters. Florence : ECPR Press.
2013 Suiter Jane (2013) 'A Constitutional Moment: Taking Advantage of a Confluence of Events' In: Eoin Carolan(Eds.). Dublin : Bloomsbury Porfessional.
2012 Suiter J (2012) 'Ireland’s Journey to the third way: the hi-social model?' In: Paul Daly, Ronan O'Brien, Paul Rouse(Eds.). Cork : Collins Press.
2012 Suiter J (2012) 'Ireland in The Oxford Companion to Comparative Politics' In: Craig N. Murphy, Margaret E. Crahan, Joel Krieger(Eds.). Oxford : Oxford University Press.
2012 Farrell D, O'Malley E. Suiter J (2012) 'The 2011 We the Citizens Pilot Citizens’ Assembly'' In: Gemma Careny, Clodagh Harris(Eds.). Dublin : PSAI Press.
2011 Farrell David, Suiter Jane; (2011) 'Party Policy and the Election' In: Deirdre McCarthy(Eds.). Dublin : RTE Guide Publications.
2011 Suiter Jane, Farrell David (2011) 'The Parties' Manifestos' In: Gallagher Michael, Michael Marsh(Eds.). Basingstoke : Palgrave MacMillan.
2021 Culloty, E.; Suiter, J. (2021) 'Anti-immigration disinformation' In: The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism. [Link]


Year Publication
2021 Culloty, E. and Suiter, J. (2021) Disinformation and Manipulation in Digital Media: Information Pathologies. London: Routledge. [Link]
2019 Jane Suiter, David Farrell (2019) Reimagining Democracy: Lessons in Deliberative Democracy from the Irish Front Line. Pennsylvania: Cornell University Press. [Link]
2016 Reauchamps M, Suiter J (2016) Constitutional deliberative democracy in Europe. Brussells: ECPR Press.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2016 Suiter, Jane (2016) 'Post Truth Politics' 7 (4) :25-27. [Link] [DOI]
2012 Marsh, M., Suiter, J., and Reidy, T. (2012) 'Report on Reasons Behind Voter Behaviour in the Oireachtas Inquiry Referendum 2011 

' :1-47.
2012 Dr Jane Suiter (2012) 'Lack of debate on referendum reveals need for change' The Irish Times .
2012 Dr Jane Suiter (2012) 'State finally takes tentative steps to lift shroud of secrecy that held us back' The Irish Times .
2011 Dr Jane Suiter (2011) 'Clear decision making can tackle political corruption' The Irish Times .
2010 Dr Jane Suiter (2010) 'Political patronage still controls the purse strings' The Irish Times .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2019 Suiter J Muradova L Gastil J Farrell DM (2019) ECPR General Conference Scaling up deliberation: testing the efficacy of a voting aid in an Irish referendum
2017 Farrell, David M.; Harris, Clodagh; Suiter, Jane (2017) PARTICIPATORY CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE: THE PEOPLE AS AMENDERS OF THE CONSTITUTION Bringing people into the heart of constitutional design The Irish Constitutional Convention of 2012-14
2016 Suiter, Jane; Farrell, David M.; Harris, Clodagh (2016) CONSTITUTIONAL DELIBERATIVE DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE The Irish Constitutional Convention: A Case of 'High Legitimacy'?
2016 Suiter, Jane; Reuchamps, Min (2016) CONSTITUTIONAL DELIBERATIVE DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE A Constitutional Turn for Deliberative Democracy in Europe?
2016 Thomsen, Soren Risbjerg; Suiter, Jane (2016) ACT OF VOTING: IDENTITIES, INSTITUTIONS AND LOCALE Candidates, parties and constituency relations A study in Irish clientelism

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2019 Culloty, E. and Suiter J. (2019) Fifth International Journal of Press/Politics Conference Understanding Susceptibility to Anti-Immigrant Disinformation Loughborough, 15/09/2019-17/09/2019.
2020 Muradova Huseynova, L., Suiter, J. and Culloty, E. (2020) ECPR General Conference 2020 Covid-19 Disinformation and Minipublics Online, 24/08/2020-28/09/2020.
2019 Culloty, E. & Suiter, J. (2019) International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2019 Beyond Fact-Checking and Verification: Incorporating Citizen Needs into Disinformation Countermeasures Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 07/07/2019-11/07/2019.
2019 Culloty, E. & Suiter, J. (2019) ECPR General Conference 2019 Countering the Spread of Political Disinformation. Presented at ECPR General Conference 2019, University of Wrocław, 04-07 September 2019 University of Wrocław, 04/09/2019-07/09/2019.
2017 Suiter, J., Nair, B. and Lynn, T. (2017) ECIU Workshop - Menace or Blessing? The Role of Direct Democracy in the Process of Political Representation The role of social media in driving participation and engagement in referendums Frankfurt, Germany, 06/04/2017-06/05/2017.
2015 Eugenia Siapera, Jane Suiter (2015) Negotiating News Culture Assembling Journalism: Conflict, adaptation and mutual conditioning in the new journalistic landscape Oxford, 28/10/2015-30/10/2015.
2013 Suiter Jane, Theresa Reidy (2013) New Directions in Referendums; Politics and Campaigns The Rules of the Game, campaign regulations at referendums ? Dublin, Ireland, 09/05/2013-.
2012 Suiter J. Farrell D, O'Malley E (2012) Politics, Culture and Society in a Changing Ireland Differing Capacities: Views of members of a citizen assembly University Of Ulster, Magee Campus, Londonderry, 19/10/2012-21/10/2012.
2012 Suiter J, Farrell D, O'Malley E (2012) The 2012 Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) conference Differing Reactions; ResDiffering reactions and differing capacities: Evidence from an exercise in Deliberative Democracy Oxford, 07/09/2012-09/09/2012.
2012 Suiter J, Reidy T (2012) Politics, Culture and Society in a Changing Ireland It’s the campaign learning stupid. An examination of a volatile Irish referendum University Of Ulster, Magee Campus, Londonderry, 19/10/2012-21/10/2012.
2012 Suiter J, O'Malley E, Farrell D (2012) Deliberation in practice: the use of mini-publics in contemporary democracies Differing Capacities, Differing Reactions: Evidence from an exercise in deliberative democracy Royal Irish Academy, 02/11/2012-.
2011 Calfano B, Oldmixon E, Suiter J (2011) APSA Annual Meeting 2011 Clergy as Political Elites Seattke, WA, 01/09/2011-04/09/2011.
2011 Suiter J, Reidy T (2011) 6th ECPR General Conference Economic Voting In Ireland Revisited, Boom and Bust University of Iceland, 25/08/2011-27/08/2011.

Published Report

Year Publication
2019 Kirk, N., Culloty, E., Casey, E., Teeling, L., Park, K., Colm, K. and Suiter, J. (2019) Elect Check: A Report on Political Advertising Online During the 2019 European Election. Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, .
2019 Culloty, E., Smeaton, A., Suiter, J.,Murphy, P., Zhang, D., Brereton, P., and Robbins, D. (2019) Climate Change in Irish Media. Dublin. Environmental Protection Agency, .
2019 Kirk, N., Culloty, E., Colm, K. and Suiter, J. (2019) Reuters Digital News Report 2019: Ireland. Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, .
2018 Culloty, E., Cunningham, K., McNamara, P. & Suiter, J. (2018) Reuters Digital News Report 2018: Ireland. Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, .

Discussion Paper

Year Publication
2018 Suiter, J.; Culloty, E., Kirk, N. & Lokot, T. (2018) Submission to the Public Consultation on Regulation of Online Political Advertising in Ireland. DP


Year Publication
2019 Dryzek, John S.; Baechtiger, Andre; Chambers, Simone; Cohen, Joshua; Druckman, James N.; Felicetti, Andrea; Fishkin, James S.; Farrell, David M.; Fung, Archon; Gutmann, Amy; Landemore, Helene; Mansbridge, Jane; Marien, Sofie; Neblo, Michael A.; Niemeyer, Simon; Setala, Maija; Slothuus, Rune; Suiter, Jane; Thompson, Dennis; Warren, Mark E. (2019) The crisis of democracy and the science of deliberation. ED [DOI]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2023 Suiter, J.; Deligiaouri, A. (2023) Introduction to the Special Issue From Mini-publics to Mass Publics. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Reidy, T.; Suiter, J. (2023) Does Social Media Use Matter? A Case Study of the 2018 Irish Abortion Referendum. [Link] [DOI]
2021 Suiter, J. (2021) A modest proposal: Building a deliberative system in Northern Ireland1. [Link] [DOI]
2021 Suiter, J. (2021) A reply. [Link] [DOI]
2019 Farrell, D.M.; Suiter, J.; Harris, C. (2019) ‘Systematizing’ constitutional deliberation: the 2016–18 citizens’ assembly in Ireland. [Link] [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Research Interests

Jane is Professor of Political Communication and director of FuJo, the Institute for Future Media and Democracy and Society at DCU overseeing a large number of projects examining information and communication within the public sphere.

Teaching Interests

Political Communication, Deliberative Communication, Social Media and Democracy, Research Methods

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2020 Newsdays CM368
2022 Social Media, Journalism and Democracy CM5630
2022 Newsday CM506
2022 Critical Thinking & Independent Learning CM153
2020 Video Journalism CM374