Emma Mcevoy


Profile Photo

Dr Emma McEvoy is an Assistant Professor in Law at Dublin City University, School of Law and Government. Emma specialises in socio-economic law and, in particular, focuses on assessing how EU and private law facilitates small business operations, social inclusion and sustainable economic growth in the Internal Market. She is a recognised expert on public procurement law and socially responsible contracting practices. Her research has been published in reputed journals, which is well received and highly cited. Emma is engaged in policy oriented and engaged partnership research with the aim of promoting the use of law to advance social change in Ireland. Previously she contributed to the Irish Office of Government Procurement’s annual surveys of public procurement practice and co-authored the Cambers of Ireland’s report ‘A Strategic Procurement Policy for Ireland’. 

Emma was previously employed as an Assistant Lecturer in Law at Maynooth University, National University of Ireland. Prior to her move to DCU, she was employed Postdoctoral Researcher in EU Law on the €20 mn H2020 funded project “Supporting Independence and enhanced quality of life for Europe’s ageing population (SHAPES)” led by Maynooth University’s Assisting Living and Learning Institute (ALL). 

Emma has a strong record of securing external research funding. Notably, in 2019, she was appointed as a national expert on an 18-month European research project on ‘Promoting Social Considerations into Public Procurement Procedures for Social Economy Enterprises’ in a consortium with five European partners.

As a research-led educator, Emma translates her research findings into relevant teaching case studies. She strives to develop a supportive, collaborative and innovative learning environment for students. Emma currently coordinates modules on Moot Court Advocacy and Analysis, Advanced Company Law, and Advanced Property Law.


Book Chapter

Year Publication
2020 McEvoy, E. (2020) 'EU structural and investment funds and disability' In: Research Handbook on EU Disability Law. [Link] [DOI]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2013 (2013) 'Sustainable public procurement in practice: case study evidence from Ireland'. .
2023 Richard Lombard-Vance; Evelyn Soye; Delia Ferri; Emma McEvoy; malcolm maclachlan; Sari Sarlio-Siintola (2023) 'Applying the ‘Human Rights Model of Disability’ to Informed Consent: Experiences and Reflections from the SHAPES Project'. Disabilities, . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Emma McEvoy (2022) 'Procuring in a pandemic: assessing the use of the EU Public Procurement Directives, the Joint Procurement Agreement and advance purchase agreements'. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Katja Seidel; Melanie Labor; Richard Lombard-Vance; Emma McEvoy; Michael Cooke; Lucia D’Arino; Deirdre Desmond; Delia Ferri; Philip Franke; Ilenia Gheno; Sonja Grigoleit; Barbara Guerra; Artur Krukowski; Markéta Pešoutová; Ilia Pietri; David Prendergast; Rebecca Maguire; Marco Manso; A. Jamie Saris; Sari Sarlio-Siintola; Tatiana Silva; Eleni Zarogianni; Malcom MacLachlan; SHAPES Consortium (2022) 'Implementation of a pan-European ecosystem and an interoperable platform for Smart and Healthy Ageing in Europe: An Innovation Action research protocol'. Open Research Europe, . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Emma McEvoy; Delia Ferri (2021) 'Towards Person-Centred Integrated Care? Facilitating Smart and Healthy Ageing in Ireland'. Federalismi, . [Link]
2013 (2013) 'Mapping public procurement in Ireland'. Public Procurement Law Review, .
2012 McKevitt, D.; Davis, P.; Woldring, R.; Smith, K.; Flynn, A.; McEvoy, E. (2012) 'An exploration of management competencies in public sector procurement'. Journal of Public Procurement, . [Link]
2012 (2012) 'An exploration of management competencies in public sector procurement'. Journal of Public Procurement, .
2012 McKevitt, D.; Davis, P.; Woldring, R.; Smith, K.; Flynn, A.; McEvoy, E. (2012) 'An exploration of management competencies in public sector procurement'. Journal of Public Procurement, 12 . [Link]
2020 Emma MCEVOY; Delia FERRI (2020) 'The Role of the Joint Procurement Agreement during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Assessing Its Usefulness and Discussing Its Potential to Support a European Health Union'. European Journal of Risk Regulation, . [Link] [DOI]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2023 (2023) Irish Association of Law Teachers Ireland in the EU at 100 – What can we expect? Equitable access to pharmaceuticals?
2012 (2012) Enhancing transparency through the use of standardised procurement templates?

Published Report

Year Publication
2023 Emma McEvoy (2023) Assistance with the verification of compliance of national legislative measures implementing Directive (EU) 2018/844 on the energy performance of buildings. .
2023 Emma McEvoy (2023) Assistance with the verification of compliance of national legislative measures implementing Directive (EU) 2018/2002 on energy efficiency. .
2019 Emma McEvoy (2019) Mapping the ecosystem in which social economy enterprises operate, including access to public procurement contracts, in Ireland. .
2019 Emma McEvoy (2019) Matrix explaining how social considerations have been embedded in the Irish law transposing Directive 24/2014/EU. .
2017 Emma McEvoy; Michael Doherty (2017) Completeness and Compliance checks of national transposition measures and other legal assessment services in the field of EU Public Procurement Law. .
2016 Emma McEvoy; Louise Kennefick (2016) ‘WOC Warning on Crime. Strengthening knowledge and enhancing warning raising awareness on Public work’s corruption and Criminal Infiltration.’. .
2013 Anthony Flynn; Paul Davis; Emma McEvoy (2013) Are tenders on your radar? Procurers best practice guide. .
2012 (2012) Opportunities in public sector procurement: the national procurement service annual survey 2012. .

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 (2024) Irish Association of Law Teachers Improving Access to Orphan-Technologies and Orphan-Medicines for Patients with Rare Diseases in Ireland – A Classification of Pan-European Public Contracts Maynooth University, 15/11/2024-16/11/2024.
2024 (2024) Invited speaker at the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission National Conference Facilitating Social Enterprises in Public Contracts Dublin Castle, Dublin, .
2024 Emma McEvoy (2024) International Conference for Advancing Public Procurement Securing fast and affordable access to medicines for patients with rare diseases in Ireland Dublin City University, 10/11/2024-12/11/2024.

Commissioned Report

Year Publication
2024 (2024) Assessment of conformity of national legislative measures implementing Directive (EU) 2018/844 on the energy performance of buildings. Brussels: COMMREP


Year Publication
2025 (2025) Rethinking Smart and Healthy Ageing in Europe. Europe - Austria: Springer Nature. [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.


Employer Position From / To
Dublin City University Research Assistant 03/05/2011 - 30/12/2013
Maynooth University School of Law and Criminology Postdoctoral Researcher in Law 01/01/2020 - 01/01/2022
Maynooth University School of Law and Criminology Assistant Lecturer in Law 01/01/2018 - 01/01/2020
Dublin City University Assistant Professor in Law 01/08/2022 -
Technological University Dublin Assistant Lecturer in Law / Tutor 01/01/2016 - 01/01/2017

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Buying for Social Impact (BSI) grant 01/01/2018 01/01/2019
Facilitating ‘Small and Medium Size Enterprises’ (SMEs) Participation in Public Procurement award 01/01/2014 01/09/2016
A Legal Status for Social Enterprises in Ireland contract
Assistance with the verification of compliance of national legislative measures implementing Directive (EU) 2018/2002 on energy efficiency and Directive (EU) 2018/844 on the energy performance of buildings contract 01/01/2022 01/01/2024
Facilitating ‘Small and Medium Size Enterprises’ (SMEs) Participation in Public Procurement award 01/10/2016 01/10/2017
Study on Gap analysis on knowledge and skills and recommendations for future training needs on Medical Countermeasures National Expert 01/11/2023 01/11/2024
Improving Access to Orphan Medicines for Patients with Rare Diseases in Ireland – An EU Joint Public Procurement Solution Principal Investigator The aim of this project is to improve Irish citizen’s access to orphan medicines which treat rare diseases. The project will achieve this aim through the following objectives To identify the law underpinning the purchase of medicines for persons with rare diseases, more accurately referred to as ‘orphan medicines’. To investigate the appropriateness of the legal basis of the EU joint procurement mechanisms to secure affordable, safe and accessible orphan medicines on behalf of all participating EU Member States. To contribute to national and European policy on health, namely, policies relating to the procurement of rare medicines. This research project has been designed and will be carried out in full participation with Rare Diseases Ireland. 01/12/2023 01/12/2024

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2023 LG236
2023 LG352
2023 LG145
2023 LG352A
2023 LG386