Fiachra O'Brolchain


Profile Photo
Fiachra obtained a BA in Philosophy and English from University College Dublin. Following this, he completed a Masters in Film Studies in UCD. After working in an academic publishing company, he obtained his doctorate from the school of Politics, International Studies, and Philosophy Queens University Belfast in 2009. He wrote his thesis on the patenting of biotechnological products (GM crops) in order to analyse issues of justice in relation to patenting, technology, international trade, and the environment. He has been lecturing History of Ideas and Philosophy of Science in DCU. He has worked on various aspects of applied ethics, including the ethical and social implications of virtual reality and social networking in association with the EU's Reverie Project, and the ethical implications of human enhancement technologies. He is currently working as a Marie Curie ASSISTID Fellow looking at the ethics of the development, use and distribution of assistive technologies (AT) for people with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2011 F. O’Brolcháin (2011) 'A Taste of Things to Come? GM Crops, Climate Change, and Intellectual Property Rights' 43 :60-70.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2016 F. O’Brolcháin, T. Jacquemard, D. Monaghan, N. O’Connor, P. Novitzky, B. Gordijn (2016) 'The Convergence of Virtual Reality and Social Networks – Threats to Privacy and Autonomy'. Science and Engineering Ethics, 22 (1):1-29.
2016 F. O’Brolcháin, S. de Colle, B. Gordijn (2016) 'The Ethics of Smart Stadia: A Stakeholder Theory Analysis of the Croke Park Project'. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M, .
2014 P. Novitzky, A. Smeaton, C. Chen, K. Irving, T. Jacquemard, F. O’Brolcháin, D. O’Mathuna, B. Gordijn (2014) 'A Review of Contemporary Work on the Ethics of Ambient Assisted Living Technologies for People with Dementia'. Science and Engineering Ethics, 21 (3).
2014 Jacquemard, T;Novitzky, P;O'Brolchain, F;Smeaton, AF;Gordijn, B (2014) 'Challenges and Opportunities of Lifelog Technologies: A Literature Review and Critical Analysis'. Science and Engineering Ethics, 20 :379-409.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2014 F. O’Brolcháin and B. Gordijn (2014) 'Brain-computer Interfaces and User Responsibility' In: London : Springer.
2014 F. O’Brolcháin and B. Gordijn (2014) 'Ethics of Brain-Computer Interfaces' In: London : Springer.
2013 F. O’Brolcháin and B. Gordijn (2013) 'Enhancement' In: New York : Springer.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2016 F. O’Brolcháin and B. Gordijn (2016) VSMM 2016 Assistive Technologies for People with Intellectual Disabilities: What is the State’s Responsibility? Kuala Lumpur, .
2016 F. O’Brolcháin and B. Gordijn (2016) Eben Research Conference THE ETHICS OF SMART STADIA: A STAKEHOLDER APPROACH Palermo, Italy, 08/09/2016-09/09/2016.
2014 Boran L, Delany D, O'Brolchain F, O'Connell-Kent J (2014) 2014 Annual Meeting - International Neuroethics Society Neuroscience of self-regulation: Ethical and legal implications for criminal culpability, prediction and rehabilitation of criminal behavior Washington, US, 13/11/2014-14/11/2014.
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