Ronaldo Munck

Professor Ronnie Munck is Head of Civic Engagement at DCU and a Visiting Professor of International Development at the University of Liverpool and St. Mary's University, Nova Scotia. He has authored or edited more than 30 books on various topics related to globalisation, international development and social movements as well as over 100 academic journal articles. His books have been translated into French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic, Korean, Turkish, Chinese and Japanese. He is the founding chair of the Development Studies Association of Ireland and of Campus Engage, the national platform for civic engagement in Ireland.
He serves on the editorial boards of a number of international journals including Globalizations, Global Social Policy, Global Discourse, Global Labour, Labour History, Review: Journal of the Fernand Braudel Centre, the Canadian Journal of Development Studies and Latin American Perspectives. He has acted as External Examiner at Cambridge University, the London School of Economics, University of Warwick, Queen's University Belfast, the Open University, University of Sussex, University of Lancaster, University of Florence, Leiden University, the Institute of Social Studies: The Hague and University of Sydney.
Professor Munck has led research consortiums around social engagement/innovation themes funded by The British Academy, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), The Nuffield Foundation, Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Liverpool City Council, Trocaire, The Horizon Fund (EU), ESRC Seminar Series, EU Peace and Reconciliation Fund, EU Corporate Social Responsibility Project, Irish Congress of Trade Unions Equality Committee Project, EU AGIS framework, EU Science and Society framework, Enterprise Ireland, HEA/Irish Aid Programme of Strategic Co-operation.
He is a lead author for the International Panel on Social Progress led by Amartya Sen based on his expertise around globalization and social exclusion. The IPSP will deliver in the fall of 2017 a global report on the perspectives for social progress in the various regions of the world in the coming decades. The aim is to contribute to focusing public and academic attention on the policy and research questions having to do with the promotion of social justice in the world for the coming generations.
See Ronaldo Muncks interview by E- International Relations 'the world's leading open access website for scholars of international politics which has previously featured Noam Chomsky, Joseph Nye, Cynthia Enloe and Johan Galtung'
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