Anne Parle-Mcdermott

Anne Parle-McDermott is Professor in Genetics at the School of Biotechnology and the DCU Biotechnology Lead for Biodesign Europe. She is Principal Investigator of the Molecular Genetics Laboratory and a PI of the National Institute of Cellular Biotechnology and the Water Institute. Her research interests are in the complementary areas of functional genetics as it relates to human health and the application of DNA-based methodologies for diagnostics and biosensor development. She teaches a range of modules on Eukaryotic genetics and genomics and associated nucleic acid based molecular technologies.
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2014 | Parle-McDermott, A (2014) 'Methods to Study Translated Pseudogenes: In Vitro Translation, Fusion with a Tag/Reporter Gene, and Complementation Assay' In: PSEUDOGENES: FUNCTIONS AND PROTOCOLS. TOTOWA : HUMANA PRESS INC. [DOI] | |
2021 | Parle-McDermott, A.;Bookey, N.;Meleady, P.;Drago, P. (2021) 'Methods to Study Translated Pseudogenes: Recombinant Expression and Complementation, Targeted Proteomics, and RNA Profiling' In: Methods in Molecular Biology. [Link] [DOI] |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Williams, MA;O'Grady, J;Ball, B;Carlsson, J;de Eyto, E;McGinnity, P;Jennings, E;Regan, F;Parle-McDermott, A (2019) 'The application of CRISPR-Cas for single species identification from environmental DNA'. Molecular Ecology Resources, . [DOI] | |
2018 | Harrison A.;Pentieva K.;Ozaki M.;McNulty H.;Parle-McDermott A. (2018) 'Assessment of candidate folate sensitive-differentially methylated regions in a randomised controlled trial of continued folic acid supplementation during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy'. Annals of Human Genetics, . [DOI] | |
2016 | Pentieva, K;Selhub, J;Paul, L;Molloy, AM;McNulty, B;Ward, M;Marshall, B;Dornan, J;Reilly, R;Parle-McDermott, A;Bradbury, I;Ozaki, M;Scott, JM;McNulty, H (2016) 'Evidence from a Randomized Trial That Exposure to Supplemental Folic Acid at Recommended Levels during Pregnancy Does Not Lead to Increased Unmetabolized Folic Acid Concentrations in Maternal or Cord Blood'. Journal of Nutrition, 146 :494-500. [DOI] | |
2015 | Hughes L.;Carton R.;Minguzzi S.;McEntee G.;Deinum E.;O'Connell M.;Parle-McDermott A. (2015) 'An active second dihydrofolate reductase enzyme is not a feature of rat and mouse, but they do have activity in their mitochondria'. FEBS Letters, 589 (15):1855-1862. [DOI] | |
2015 | Ozaki M.;Molloy A.;Mills J.;Fan R.;Wang Y.;Gibney E.;Shane B.;Brody L.;Parle-McDermott A. (2015) 'The Dihydrofolate Reductase 19 bp Polymorphism Is Not Associated with Biomarkers of Folate Status in Healthy Young Adults, Irrespective of Folic Acid Intake1-3'. Journal of Nutrition, 145 (10):2207-2211. [DOI] | |
2014 | Minguzzi S.;Selcuklu S.;Spillane C.;Parle-Mcdermott A. (2014) 'An NTD-Associated Polymorphism in the 3' UTR of MTHFD1L can Affect Disease Risk by Altering miRNA Binding'. Human Mutation, 35 (1):96-104. [DOI] | |
2014 | Pangilinan F.;Molloy A.;Mills J.;Troendle J.;Parle-McDermott A.;Kay D.;Browne M.;McGrath E.;Abaan H.;Sutton M.;Kirke P.;Caggana M.;Shane B.;Scott J.;Brody L. (2014) 'Replication and exploratory analysis of 24 candidate risk polymorphisms for neural tube defects'. BMC Medical Genetics, 15 (1). [DOI] | |
2013 | Boilson A, Staines A, Kelleher CC, Daly L, Shirley I, Shrivastava A, Bailey SW, Alverson PB, Ayling JE, McDermott AP, MacCooey A, Scott JM, Sweeney MR. (2013) 'Unmetabolized folic acid prevalence is widespread in the older Irish population despite the lack of a mandatory fortification program'. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION (PRINT), American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 96 :613-621. | |
2012 | Pangilinan F.;Molloy A.;Mills J.;Troendle J.;Parle-McDermott A.;Signore C.;O'Leary V.;Chines P.;Seay J.;Geiler-Samerotte K.;Mitchell A.;VanderMeer J.;Krebs K.;Sanchez A.;Cornman-Homonoff J.;Stone N.;Conley M.;Kirke P.;Shane B.;Scott J.;Brody L. (2012) 'Evaluation of common genetic variants in 82 candidate genes as risk factors for neural tube defects'. BMC Medical Genetics, 13 . [DOI] | |
2012 | Carroll N.;Hughes L.;McEntee G.;Parle-McDermott A. (2012) 'Investigation of the molecular response to folate metabolism inhibition'. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 23 (11):1531-1536. [DOI] | |
2012 | Minguzzi S.;Molloy A.;Peadar K.;Mills J.;Scott J.;Troendle J.;Pangilinan F.;Brody L.;Parle-McDermott A. (2012) 'Genotyping of a tri-allelic polymorphism by a novel melting curve assay in MTHFD1L: An association study of nonsyndromic Cleft in Ireland'. BMC Medical Genetics, 13 . [DOI] | |
2011 | McEntee G.;Minguzzi S.;O'Brien K.;Larbi N.;Loscher C.;O'́faǵaín C.;Parle-McDermott A. (2011) 'The former annotated human pseudogene dihydrofolate reductase-like 1 (DHFRL1) is expressed and functional'. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108 (37):15157-15162. [DOI] | |
2011 | Parle-McDermott A.;Ozaki M. (2011) 'The impact of nutrition on differential methylated regions of the genome'. Advances In Nutrition, 2 (6):463-471. [DOI] | |
2009 | Parle-McDermott, A;Pangilinan, F;O'Brien, KK;Mills, JL;Magee, AM;Troendle, J;Sutton, M;Scott, JM;Kirke, PN;Molloy, AM;Brody, LC (2009) 'A Common Variant in MTHFD1L is Associated With Neural Tube Defects and mRNA Splicing Efficiency'. Human Mutation, 30 :1650-1656. [DOI] | |
2009 | Carroll, N;Pangilinan, F;Molloy, A;Troendle, J;Mills, J;Kirke, P;Brody, L;Scott, J;Parle-McDermott, A (2009) 'Analysis of the MTHFD1 promoter and risk of neural tube defects'. Human Genetics, 125 :247-256. [DOI] | |
2008 | Mills, JL;Molloy, AM;Parle-McDermott, A;Troendle, JF;Brody, LC;Conley, MR;Cox, C;Pangilinan, F;Orr, DJA;Earley, M;McKiernan, E;Lynn, EC;Doyle, A;Scott, JM;Kirke, PN (2008) 'Folate-related gene polymorphisms as risk factors for cleft lip and cleft palate'. Birth Defects Research Part A - Clinical and Molecular Teratology, 82 :636-643. [DOI] | |
2007 | Parle-McDermott, A;Pangilinan, F;Mills, JL;Kirke, PN;Gibney, ER;Troendle, J;O'Leary, VB;Molloy, AM;Conley, M;Scott, JM;Brody, LC (2007) 'The 19-bp deletion polymorphism in intron-1 of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) may decrease rather than increase risk for spina bifida in the Irish population'. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 143A :1174-1180. [DOI] | |
2007 | Parle-McDermott A.;Pangilinan F.;Mills J.;Kirke P.;Gibney E.;Troendle J.;O'Leary V.;Molloy A.;Conley M.;Scott J.;Brody L. (2007) 'The 19-bp deletion polymorphism in intron-1 of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) May decrease rather than increase risk for spina bifida in the Irish population'. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 143 (11):1174-1180. [DOI] | |
2006 | Parle-McDermott A, Mills JL, Molloy AM, Carroll N, Kirke PN, Cox C, Conley MR, Pangilinan FJ, Brody LC, (2006) 'The MTHFR 1298CC and 677TT genotypes have opposite associations with red cell folate levels'. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 88 :290-294. | |
2006 | Parle-McDermott A, Kirke PN, Mills JL, Molloy AM, Cox C, O'leary VB, Pangilinan F, Conley M, Cleary L, Brody LC, Scott JM. (2006) 'Confirmation of the R653Q polymorphism of the trifunctional C1-synthase enzyme as a maternal risk for neural tube defects in the Irish population'. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS (PRINT), 14 :768-772. | |
2005 | Parle-McDermott et al (2005) 'Parle-McDermott A, Pangilinan F, Mills JL, Signore CC, Molloy AM, Cotter A,Conley M, Cox C, Kirke PN, Scott JM, Brody LC. A polymorphism in the MTHFD1 gene increases a mother's risk of having an unexplained second trimester pregnancy loss. Mol Hum Reprod'. 11 :477-480. | |
2005 | Parle-McDermott et al (2005) 'Parle-McDermott A, Mills JL, Kirke PN, Cox C, Signore CC, Kirke S, Molloy AM, O'Leary VB, Pangilinan FJ, O'Herlihy C, Brody LC, Scott JM. MTHFD1 R653Q polymorphism is a maternal genetic risk factor for severe abruptio placentae. Am J Med Genet A'. 132 :365-368. | |
2003 | Parle-McDermott et al. (2003) 'Parle-McDermott A, Mills JL, Kirke PN, O'Leary VB, Swanson DA, Pangilinan F, Conley M, Molloy AM, Cox C, Scott JM, Brody LC. Analysis of the MTHFR 1298A-->C and 677C-->T polymorphisms as risk factors for neural tube defects. J Hum Genet'. 48 :190-193. | |
2003 | Parle-McDermott et al (2003) 'Parle-McDermott A, McManus EJ, Mills JL, O'Leary VB, Pangilinan F, Cox C, Weiler A, Molloy AM, Conley M, Watson D, Scott JM, Brody LC, Kirke PN; Birth Defects Research Group. Polymorphisms within the vitamin B12 dependent methylmalonyl-coA mutase are not risk factors for neural tube defects. Mol Genet Metab'. 80 :463-468. | |
2002 | Parle-McDermott* (corresponding) (2002) 'Brody LC, Conley M, Cox C, Kirke PN, McKeever MP, Mills JL, Molloy AM, O'Leary VB, Parle-McDermott A*, Scott JM, Swanson DA. A polymorphism, R653Q, in the trifunctional enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/ methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase/formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase is a maternal genetic risk factor for neural tube defects: report of the Birth Defects Research Group. Am J Hum Genet'. 71 :1207-1215. | |
2000 | Parle-McDermott et al. (2000) 'Parle-McDermott A, McWilliam P, Tighe O, Dunican D, Croke DT. Serial analysis of gene expression identifies putative metastasis-associated transcripts in colon tumour cell lines. Br J Cancer'. 83 :725-728. | |
1996 | Parle-McDermott et al. (1996) 'Parle-McDermott AG, Hand NJ, Goulding SE, Wolfe KH.Sequence of 29 kb around the PDR10 locus on the right arm of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XV: similarity to part of chromosome I. Yeast'. 12 :999-1004. | |
1996 | Mahe Y, Parle-McDermott A, Nourani A, Delahodde A, Lamprecht A, Kuchler K. (1996) 'The ATP-binding cassette multidrug transporter Snq2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a novel target for the transcription factors Pdr1 and Pdr3'. Molecular Microbiology, 20 :109-117. | |
2021 | Yusuf, A;O'Flynn, D;White, B;Holland, L;Parle-McDermott, A;Lawler, J;McCloughlin, T;Harold, D;Huerta, B;Regan, F (2021) 'Monitoring of emerging contaminants of concern in the aquatic environment: a review of studies showing the application of effect-based measures'. Analytical methods : advancing methods and applications, . [DOI] | |
2021 | Williams, MA, Hernandez C, O'Sullivan, AM, April J, Regan F, Bernatchez L, Parle-McDermott A (2021) 'Comparing CRISPR-Cas and qPCR eDNA assays for the detection of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)'. 3 (1):297-304. | |
2021 | Williams, MA, Hernandez C, O'Sullivan, AM, April J, Regan F, Bernatchez L, Parle-McDermott A (2021) 'Comparing CRISPR-Cas and qPCR eDNA assays for the detection of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)'. 3 (1):297-304. | |
2021 | Williams, M.A.;Hernandez, C.;O'Sullivan, A.M.;April, J.;Regan, F.;Bernatchez, L.;Parle-McDermott, A. (2021) 'Comparing CRISPR-Cas and qPCR eDNA assays for the detection of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)'. Environmental DNA, 3 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2021 | O'Flynn D;Lawler J;Yusuf A;Parle-McDermott A;Harold D;Mc Cloughlin T;Holland L;Regan F;White B; (2021) 'A review of pharmaceutical occurrence and pathways in the aquatic environment in the context of a changing climate and the COVID-19 pandemic'. Analytical Methods, 13 (5). [DOI] | |
2021 | Azeez, Y.;O'Flynn, D.;White, B.;Holland, L.;Parle-McDermott, A.;Lawler, J.;McCloughlin, T.;Harold, D.;Huerta, B. (2021) 'Monitoring of emerging contaminants of concern in the aquatic environment: a review of studies showing the application of effect-based measures'. Analytical Methods, . [DOI] | |
2021 | Cassedy, A;Della Bartola, M;Parle-McDermott, A;Mullins, E;O'Kennedy, R (2021) 'A one-step reverse transcription recombinase polymerase amplification assay for lateral flow-based visual detection of PVY'. Analytical Biochemistry, . [DOI] | |
2021 | Cassedy A;Parle-McDermott A;O'Kennedy R; (2021) 'Virus Detection: A Review of the Current and Emerging Molecular and Immunological Methods'. Frontiers In Molecular Biosciences, 8 . [DOI] |
Conference Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2010 | Carroll, N;Parle-McDermott, A (2010) The impact of the MTHFR 677C > T polymorphism on RUNX1 DNA methylation patterns. CAMBRIDGE: ABST [DOI] |
Online Article
Year | Publication | |
2014 | Parle-McDermott A. (2014) Methods to study translated pseudogenes: In vitro translation, fusion with a tag/reporter gene, and complementation assay. ELEA [DOI] |
Publications letters
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Pangilinan F;Finlay EK;Molloy AM;Abaan HO;Shane B;Mills JL;Brody LC;Parle-McDermott A; (2021) A dihydrofolate reductase 2 (DHFR2) variant is associated with risk of neural tube defects in an Irish cohort but not in a United Kingdom cohort. LETT [DOI] |
Review Articles
Year | Publication | |
2011 | Harrison A.;Parle-McDermott A. (2011) DNA methylation: A timeline of methods and applications. REV [DOI] |
Other Publication
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2022) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Research Interests
Prof Anne Parle-McDermott is Principal Investigator (PI) of the Molecular Genetics Laboratory based in the School of Biotechnology. She is also a PI of the National Institute of Cellular Biotechnology and the Water Institute at DCU. Her research interests lie within the domains of basic and health-related research and the application of DNA-based methodologies for diagnostics and biosensor development.
The basic and health-related aspects of her research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanism of how folate nutrition plays such an important role in human health ranging from pregnancy to ageing using a combination of genetics, genomics, biochemistry and cell biology methodologies. This research will have relevance for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of common human disease.
The applied aspects to her research are centred around DNA-based technologies for diagnostics and biosensor development. Prof Parle-McDermott has over 25 years of experience working with DNA and the concepts, expertise and this wealth of knowledge are now being applied to a range of diagnostic and biosensing challenges including species detection in environmental DNA (eDNA), contamination in the food and beverage industry and human health monitoring.
The basic and health-related aspects of her research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanism of how folate nutrition plays such an important role in human health ranging from pregnancy to ageing using a combination of genetics, genomics, biochemistry and cell biology methodologies. This research will have relevance for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of common human disease.
The applied aspects to her research are centred around DNA-based technologies for diagnostics and biosensor development. Prof Parle-McDermott has over 25 years of experience working with DNA and the concepts, expertise and this wealth of knowledge are now being applied to a range of diagnostic and biosensing challenges including species detection in environmental DNA (eDNA), contamination in the food and beverage industry and human health monitoring.