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Research Development and Support

Irish Research Council project call deadline information

For anyone interested in applying to the Irish Research Council project calls (Starter, Interdisciplinary and Policy & Society) please note the following important deadlines and pieces of advice, with updates from the IRC:

1. The last chance to submit any queries relating to any of the schemes is this Thursday 11th June.

2. Please create a draft application on the IRC Smart Simple submission system as soon as possible (particularly in light of the query deadline and any issues that may arise with your application).

3. Reminder that the IPAS deadline is this day week, 12pm Mon 15th (IPAS submission required to get Research Office endorsement).

4. For the Interdisciplinary call (New Horizons Strand Two), in order to obtain the 300 word NCP endorsement, please send me a few lines that I can submit to the NCP, along with the Societal Challenge you are aligning to (or let me know if you have contacted the NCP directly yourself).  Unless I hear from you, I will send the abstract from each proposal submitted to IPAS to the relevant NCP (once the Societal Challenge has been indicated).  Many of the NCP's will be in DCU this week as part of DCU H2020 week.  Register for an event an avail of the opportunity to meet with them.  You can check out the schedule here.

4. For further information, you can download the slides from Helen Burke's 13th May presentation on the schemes here.

If you have any queries please feel free to contact Helen Burke in RIS.