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Research Development and Support

Researcher development workshops for June


Financial Management for National and European Research Projects

Financial Management for National and European Research Projects- 9th June 2015, 9.30am - 1.00pm

Target Audience: Principal Investigators (PI's), Senior Research Fellows, Research Fellow and Postdoctoral Researchers

The course aims to assist participants:

  • Understand the Research project Cycle in DCU, from application to final report
  • Understand the Principle Investigator responsibilities as a Grant Manager
  • Be aware of common problems and issues that arise during the project life cycle from a financial and accounting perspective

Course Fee: Nil

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Communications Training for Academics and Researchers

Communications Training for Academics and Researchers- 10th or 11th June 2015, 9.00am - 4.45pm           

Target Audience: DCU researchers and academics who wish to learn how to communicate the impact of their research.

The course aims to assist participants:

  • Learn the art of talking about their research
  • Understand and create impact through the media
  • How an idea becomes a story in print
  • Taking part in a documentary or producing a podcast
  • The dos and don’ts of broadcast media
  • Put their training into practice through mock interviews for print, broadcast and documentaries (participants must select two of these options)

The workshop is delivered by:

  • Claire O’Connell is a freelance journalist, writing regularly for the Irish Times and Silicon Republic, among other publications, on science, health and innovation.  Claire has a PhD in cell biology from UCD and has worked as a post-doctoral researcher in Glasgow and Sydney.  She graduated with a Masters in Science Communication from DCU.  Her thesis was on the use of biography to communicate science to a wide audience.
  • Shaun O’Boyle combines his background as a scientist with a love of entertainment and culture to produce events and media that present science to non-specialist audiences.  He is Events Officer at the Science Gallery, staging productions such as TEDxDublin and Dublin Maker, and has also worked as a producer on Futureproof, Newstalk’s weekly science show.
  • Dr Padraig Murphy leads the MSc in Science Communication at DCU and is Director of the Societal Impact Research Platform.
  • Martin Molony is Programme Director of DCU’s BSC in Multimedia and delivers modules in Communications, Press & PR across all four DCU faculties.

Course Fee: €200

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Academic Speed Reading

Academic Speed Reading- 11th June 2015, 9.30am – 1.00pm

Target Audience:  Academic and Research staff

In order for academic reading to be effective, it needs to be a combination of efficient (in terms of speed and retention), strategic (in terms of appropriately targeted) and critical.  This workshop will give you a number of tools to help you to read more quickly, more strategically and more critically.

Aims of the workshop:

  • Techniques to increase speed of reading, comprehension and retention including dealing with complex and difficult material
  • Ways to improve information selection, absorption, retention and recall
  • Methods and questions to improve your critical reading strategies and habits.

There will be a small amount (1 hour max) of pre-work for this course that will be sent out about a week before the event.

 Course Fee:  €45.00

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Budget Preparation for Research Proposals

Budget Preparation for Research Proposals- 16th June 2015, 9.30am – 1.00pm

Target Audience: Principal Investigators (PI's), Senior Research Fellows, Research Fellow and Postdoctoral Researchers

Aims and Objectives of this course are to:

  • Provide guidance to participants on budget preparation for proposals for funding to National Fund, European Commission, or other funders such as charities or industrial sponsors
  • Increase the understanding of the internal DCU and external DCU sponsorship in relation to budget  

Course Fee: Nil

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