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Research Development and Support

DCU research and innovation partnership with Salamanca University

Dublin City University has signed a new Memorandum of Understanding in the areas of Research and Innovation with Salamanca University which aims to increase the success in International Research and Innovation projects, with the by strengthening and expanding their mutual relations. The University of Salamanca has been a focal point of culture and learning since its founding in 1218.

Please find below a list of areas and key resources that Salamanca University can offer : 



Information and Communications Technology

USAL institution have many different research groups focused on intelligent systems, agents and multiagent systems, bioinformatics, educational technology, ambient intelligence, web engineering, development and application of intelligent sensors and computer systems to engineering and architecture applications, semiconductor devices or 3D modelling

  • BISITEBioinformatics, Intelligent Systems and Educational Technology. BISITE also works in related areas such as Artificial intelligence, Smart cities, e-Health, Energy efficiency, Movility, Multi-agent Systems, Locating systems, among others.
  • Institute for Research inArt and Animation Technology (ATA). A multidisciplinary initiative to strengthen the work of several research groups at the University of Salamanca active in the field of digital creation.
  • Institute for FundamentalPhysics and Mathematics. The aim is to develop both basic and oriented, theoretical research in Fundamental Physics and Mathematics

Biotechnology, healthcare and pharmaceuticals

  • Cancer Research Centre. (CIC) A centre focused on cancer research characterized by integrating competitive and excellence on cancer research at three levels : basic, clinical and translational or applied .
  • Neuroscience Institute (INCyL). A centre focused on scientific research in the nervous system and its pathologies.
  • Institute of FunctionalBiology and Genomics (IBFG). The Institute´s main research interest is understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate cell growth and division, cell morphogenesis, and the replication and expression of the genome.
  • Spanish-Portuguese Centrefor Agricultural Research (CIALE). Its objectives are the research in agricultural field,  in the areas of biodiversity, genetic improvement, crop production, plant protection and water resources
  • National DNA Bank. The National DNA Bank is a service provided by the University of Salamanca that receives, processes and stores DNA, plasma and cell samples from voluntary donors along with relevant information on health and lifestyle habits related to the samples. The DNA samples and the information related to these correspond to a sample of the population residing in Spain, both healthy and people with different pathologies
  • Institute for BiomedicalResearch of Salamanca (IBSAL) The IBSAL is a space for biomedical research, focusing on basic, clinical, epidemiological and health services, which integrates and coordinates biomedical research carried out at the University Hospital of Salamanca
  • Flow Cytometry Service.- State of the art service in research and biomedical applications in the field of flow cytometry, supported by main manufacturing and diagnostic companies.

Manufacturing competitiveness

  • Spanish Pulsed LasersCentre (CLPU) is the scientific and technological infrastructure dedicated to ultra-intense lasers research and development. The CLPU is an infrastructure for the breakthrough research and innovation
  • Centre for Water Research and Technological Development. It is oriented to develop R & D in the area of water resources to meet the demand for technologies, products and services which foster innovation and improve competitiveness
  • Nanotechnology facilities. Clean room, nanolithography equipment, solar cells lab, Thz lab, and graphene production systems.

Innovation in Services and business processes

  • Institute for the Study of Science and Technology (IECYT) Is a specialized research center that aims to meet the social demand for information on the operation and structure of the scientific- technological systems, their management and their social, economic and political impact.
  • Multidisciplinary Business Institute. Its mission is to develop the skills, abilities and values of individuals and business organizations to strengthen their contribution to economic development
  • Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies (IEMYR) is a university institute dedicated to the development , coordination and promotion of research in the various fields of the cultures of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the modern age , with special emphasis on studies of language history, history literature and ideas, cultural and university history, history of books and digital publishing.
  • Institute of CommunityIntegration. It is a national reference centre for training, research and consultancy in the field of disability , designed to enhance , facilitate and enhance the quality of life and self-determination of people in socially disadvantaged and in different contexts throughout their life cycle.


If you are interested in creating a partnership with any researchers from Salamanca University (eg. H2020 project ), please contact Dr. Domingo Sánchez-Zarza at DCU Research Support Office.


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