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Research Development and Support
DCU visit to Beijing

Strengthening DCU-China Collaborations

DCU's research relationship with Chinese Universities is a long one. This collaboration is particularly strong in the Engineering disciplines and it is currently being facilitated by Science Foundation Ireland under the programme for strategic cooperation. 

Dr. Gabriel-Miro Muntean from DCU visited the State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) and the National Engineering Laboratory for Next Generation Internet Interconnection Devices at Beijing Jiaotong University (BJU) in early July 2014. The visit involved a series of invited presentations and discussions about research ideas and further research collaborations with Head of Schools as well as PhD and Master students.  

This fruitful research collaboration between BUPT, BJU and DCU  has outputted more than 10 top international journals and other conference publications in the last four years.

More details about the researchers involved can be found by visiting their pages: 

Dr. Gabriel-Miro Muntean (

Prof. Changqiao Xu (