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Research Development and Support
Project team members Prof. R.T. Rajendrakumar, Mr. K.S. Ranjith and Dr. E. McGlynn

Indo-Ireland bilateral project funding supported studies of ZnO nanorod arrays recently published in top tier journal “Crystal Growth and Design”

A ground-breaking study of ZnO nanorod arrays by K.S. Ranjith, R.T. Rajendrakumar, R. Pandian and E. McGlynn (of Bharathiar University, India, IGCAR, India and Dublin City University, Ireland, respectively) has recently appeared in the top tier journal “Crystal Growth and Design” (published by the American Chemical Society). ZnO is an environmentally friendly and nontoxic II-VI material. There has been tremendous interest recently in one dimensional ZnO nanostructures. These nanostructures have large surface areas per unit volume and are very promising for many applications in catalysis and sensing, where the surface to volume ratio is a limiting factor in terms of device operation.

This work is the continuation of a well-established collaboration between R.T. Rajendrakumar and Enda McGlynn, since Prof. Rajendrakumar worked with Enda in the School of Physical Sciences and National Centre for Plasma Science & Technology in DCU from 2005 to 2007. The DCU International Visitors Programme and Indo-Ireland bilateral project funding (DST/INT/IRE/P-16/2011) have both supported the continuation of this collaboration, enabling an extended visit by Prof. Rajendrakumar in 2009, and visits by Enda to India in 2011 and by Prof. Rajendrakumar’s PhD student, Kugalur Shanmugam Ranjith, to DCU in 2012.

Full article can be found here.