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“Best Paper” Award for DCU at European Association for Machine Translation 2014

“Best Paper” Award for DCU at European Association for Machine Translation 2014

Researchers affiliated with the Center for Translations and Textual Studies (CTTS) and CNGL at DCU, in collaboration with researchers in Brazil and industry, have won “best paper” at the EAMT 2014 conference (European Association for Machine Translation).

The paper entitled “Does post-editing increase usability? A study with Brazilian Portuguese as Target Language” was co-authored by PhD student Sheila Castilho, Sharon O’Brien, Prof. Fabio Alves (UFMG Brazil) and Morgan O’Brien (McAfee, Ireland). The paper can be downloaded at:

The research is a result of collaboration funded by Science Foundation Ireland through the “Research Brazil-Ireland” fund:

For more information please visit CTTS website.