Research Development and Support
Resources on Research Ethics
- Tusla Children First E-Learning Training Programme
- Guidance for developing ethical research projects involving children (2012)
- Ethical Review and Children's Research in Ireland (2010)
- The Ethics Journey in Children's Research: Checklist
- Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC) Project - resource repository
- ERIC Guidance on Informed Consent
- WHO Informed Assent Form Template for Children/Minors
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics: Involving children and young people in health research - getting it right
- Keeping Children Safe - Policies and Procedures supporting Child Protection at DCU
- DCU Garda vetting process for those undertaking relevant work or activities with children or vulnerable persons
Please email rec@dcu.ie for suggestions to add other topics or resources.
Ethics resources for specific research topics
European Textbook on Ethics in Research
Conducting research abroad
Research Involving Children
- Guidance for developing ethical research projects involving children (2012)
- Ethical Review and Children's Research in Ireland (2010)
- The Ethics Journey in Children's Research: Checklist
- Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC) Project - resource repository
- ERIC Guidance on Informed Consent
- WHO Informed Assent Form Template for Children/Minors
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics: Involving children and young people in health research - getting it right
- Keeping Children Safe - Policies and Procedures supporting Child Protection at DCU
- DCU Garda vetting process for those undertaking relevant work or activities with children or vulnerable persons
Research Involving Human Tissues
Internet-based Research
- Internet research and Social Media Data in Research - section 3.3, EC guidelines (2018) Ethics in Social Sciences and Humanities
- UK Research Integrity Office (2016) Guidance Note on Good Practice in Internet-Mediated Research
- Felzmann H. (2013) Ethical Issues in Internet Research: International Good Practice and Irish Research Ethics Documents. IN: Internet Research, Theory and Practice: Perspectives from Ireland. Cathy Fowley et al. (pdf)
- British Pyschological Society (2013) Ethics Guidelines for Internet-mediated Research. INF206/1.2013. Leicester: Author. (pdf)
- AOIR (Association of Internet Researchers) Ethics Working Committee: Ethical Decision-Making and Internet Research
Research in Disaster Settings
Incentives for Research
Data Protection and Management
- EC guidelines on Ethics and Data Protection
- DCU presentation on Personal Data Law and Research (pdf)
- DCU Personal Data Protection Helpsheet (pdf)
- DPC of Ireland Guidance Note on Anonymisation and Pseudonymisation
- DPC of Ireland Guidance Note on Research in the Health Sector
- DCU Data Protection Policy
- DCU Freedom of Information
- Data management planning - see resources on Research Integrity webpage
Insider Research
Health-related Research Involving Human Participants
- CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines for Health-related Research Involving Humans
- CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines for Epidemiological Studies
- Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects
- CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research involving Human Subjects
Use of Deception, Covert Research in Social Science and Humanities