Research Support Services - EU Funding - Structural Funding
Research Support Services
EU Funding - Structural Funding
Structural and Cohesion Funding (SF)
EU funding for the poorer regions of Europe and to support the integration of Europe’s infrastructure.
3 Objectives
- Convergence – for regions whose GDP is below 75% of EU average
- Regional Competitiveness & Employment.
- Territorial Cooperation – cooperation between regions
- Cross-boarder cooperation
- Transnational cooperation
- Interregional cooperation
Some Structural Funding Programmes that may be of interest to DCU staff:
Interreg is the EU's Programme of structural funding for strengthening social and economic cohesion throughout Europe by supporting projects and actions in three axes: A - Cross-border; B - Trans-national; and C - Interregional. Interreg IV (2007-2013) is made up of a large number of A,B & C Programmes. DCU staff may be interested in the following Interreg programmes:
- Interreg IVA - Ireland - Wales
- Interreg IVA - Northern Ireland, the Border Region of Ireland and Western Scotland
- Interreg IVB - Atlantic Area
- Interreg IVB - North West Europe
- Interreg IVB - Northern Periphery Programme
- Interreg IVC
- The PEACE III Programme is a distinctive EU Programme aimed at reinforcing progress towards a peaceful and stable society and promoting reconciliation. It will assist Northern Ireland and the Border Region and will specifically focus on reconciling communities and contributing towards a shared society. Download the Peace III programme