Research - Postgraduate Resources
postgraduate resources
The Research Advisory Panel makes €430,000 approx. available annually from the Research Committee budget to stimulate DCU research activity, through a number of competitive funding schemes. This page is dedicated to providing information on these schemes.
Research support schemes managed by the Research Advisory Panel wer
e evaluated in 2003 and the review report is available in .pdf format. Click here to download the report. New schemes, calls and criteria for the 2004/2005 academic year have recently been announced - see details of the current programmes below.
Please note that all Calls require researchers to maintain research profiles in DCU Research Support System. Please make sure to access your profile to update it or create a new profile for yourself before Calls are announced. A user manual is available to help you use the system.
All documents below are available in MS Word or PDF format.
- Research Career Start Programme (new criteria in 03/04)
- Research Travel Programme (both conf. & research visit)
- President's Research Awards (current Call)
- Criteria for Establishing a University Designated Research Centre
- Criteria for 3-Yearly Review of UDRCs
- UDRC Recurrent Funding Awards for 2004
- Postgraduate Accommodation Scholarships
- Postgraduate Travel Awards (ongoing Call)
Research Career Start Programme
The programme aims to support academic staff at the early stages of their research career at DCU (or to restart their research career in unusual cases). Staff with a contract for the period of the research programme, who have not previously received funding under the scheme, may submit proposals for a variety of research aims, up to a proposal cost ceiling of 40,000 Euro, over three years.
One call for proposals is issued annually, for 2005/2006 applicants the closing date is 5:00 PM on Friday, 2nd December 2005 . Application criteria are available to view below. You can also view the successful applications for the 2004/2005 call.
- Research Career Start Criteria, 2005/2006 (PDF file)
- Research Career Start Application Form, 2005/2006 (.doc file)
The following were awarded RAP Career Start Fellowships in 2004/2005: -
Humanities and Social Sciences Panel: -
Science and Engineering Panel: -
- Dr. Nick Gathergood €40,000
- Dr. Conor Brennan €38,150
- Dr. Caitriona Lally €40,000
- Dr. Joseph Stokes €39,548
- Dr. Mary O’Connell €8,900
This programme, similarly to the The objective of the Research Travel Programme is to provide travel and subsistence support to enable academic staff members to attend and present papers at major international conferences and to make research visits which will enhance research collaborations. The budget available for the programmme is 40,000 Euro. Funding may be sought under the scheme up to a maximum of 5,000 Euro. One application, per Call, per individual may be submitted. Applicants should not have received funding for conference travel from the Research Committee or Research Advisory Panel in the previous 3 years. Application criteria are available to view below.
Closing date for Call II 2005/2006 is 5pm Friday November 18th 2005.
- Research Travel Programme Criteria, 2005/2006 (PDF file)
- Research Travel Programme Application Form, 2005/2006 (.doc file)
The President's Research Award programme was instituted in 1998 to reward the outstanding achievements of two researchers at DCU. Two separate awards are made by the President each year on Research Day - the first is for research in the Humanities and related areas, the second is for research in the Sciences, Engineering and related areas. The value of each award is € 2,500.
The winners of the President's Research Awards for 2004 are Prof. Richard O'Kennedy (School of Biotechnology) and Dr. Colum Kenny (School of Communications).
A copy of the criteria for the scheme is available below.
AgendaCriteria for Establishment of a University Designated Research Centre (UDRC)
The University Designated Research Centre establishment scheme allows research teams with sufficient critical mass to achieve the status of a University Designated Research Centre (UDRC). Status as a UDRC allows for the identification and branding of significant areas of research expertise at DCU and supports research income generation. An internal funding scheme is dedicated to providing recurrent funding support to successful UDRCs (see below). Please click below to get further information on criteria and an application form.
Criteria for 3-Yearly Review of UDRCs
The purpose of the 3-yearly review of UDRCs is to assess the continuing relevance of UDRC designation and status to DCU research centres applying the UDRC development model for 3 years or more. The process should provide an opportunity for UDRCs to consider the impact of designation status to date and to demonstrate to the Research Advisory Panel the appropriateness of UDRC status to planned future development. The first such review of UDRC's has recently been completed. Click below to get further information on the review process and assessment criteria. The annual report is a central instrument in the review, this year's template is provided here.
- UDRC 3-Yearly Review Criteria (.pdf)
- Annual Report Template, 2003 (.pdf)
UDRC Recurrent Funding Scheme 2004
The following awards were made to UDRC's in 2004
- Centre for Translational and Textual Studies (CTTS): €30,000
- Materials Processing Research Centre (MPRC): €26,450
- Centre for International Studies (CIS): €40,000
- Centre for Digital Video Processing (CDVP): €26,727
- Centre for Research in Management Learning and Development (CRMLD): €6,768
Postgraduate Accommodation Scholarships
Dublin City University, through its Postgraduate Accommodation Scholarships, recognises outstanding achievement at undergraduate level by students commencing the first year of their Masters or PhD programme by full-time research at DCU in academic year 2010/11. Only students who have registered on or after 1st April 2010, and who will thus be considered first year students in 2010/11, are eligible to apply. Up to FIVE scholarships may be awarded annually.Accommodation Scholarships consist of rental expenses in the Postgraduate Residences for one year starting in September 2010. Postgraduate Accommodation Scholarship Criteria (pdf)
The closing date for applications is Thursday 1 July 2010. Candidates must also submit an online application to Postgraduate Residences by Thursday 1 July 2010.
Postgraduate Travel Awards
Each postgraduate research student (full-time or part-time) can apply for one €500 travel grant in the period of his or her studentship.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. See below for the application procedure and to download an application form which must be sent, fully completed, to Tanya Keogh in the Graduate Research Office (#5296).
- Instructions on how to apply (PDF)
- Application Form (PDF)
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