Research Output: School of Law and Government
International Economic Law: New Approaches and Issues (Springer, 2023) - Mariela De Amstalden, Niall Moran and Henok Asmelash
The Law & Politics of Brexit. Volume 5. The Trade & Cooperation Agreement (forthcoming) - Federico Fabbrini
‘Legal questions surrounding EU sanctions of Russia and associated individuals and entities’, Special Edition ‘Law in a Time of Crises’, The Irish Jurist 2023 - Niall Moran
‘Copy thy neighbor: Spatial interdependences in the democracy-repression nexus', Journal of Human Rights - Roman Gabriel Olar
'The interests, ideas, and institutions shaping public participation in local climate change governance in Ireland'. Local Environment. - Valesca Lima, Paul M Wagner
'The ‘situatedness’ of security in postcolonial spaces. Examining the historical and spatial trajectories of localised practices in Tunisia', Cambridge Review of International Affairs - Cuccu, Fabrizio Leonardo
'European Defense Union ASAP: The Act in Support of Ammunitions Production and the development of EU Defense Capabilities in Response to the War in Ukraine', European Foreign Affairs Review - Federico Fabbrini
'NATO in Kosovo and the Logic of Successful Security Practices', International Affairs - Edward Newman, Gezim Visoka
“Their Lives Don’t Matter to Politicians”: The Necropolitical Ecology of Thailand’s Dangerous and Unequal Roads’, Political Geography - Danny Marks
"Indigeneity in Politics: Recovering the Lost Ground", Special Issue, Frontiers in Political Science Comparative Governance - Harihar Bhattacharyya, Lajwanti Chatani, Jivanta Schottli
"Explaining Policy Drift—An Analytical Template Drawn from the World’s Most Populous Democracy", Asia Policy - Jivanta Schottli
‘The (International) Politics of Content Takedowns: Theory, Practice, Ethics’. Policy & Internet- James Fitzgerald, and A. D. Lokmanoglu
‘Political audience and non-linear securitisation: Revisiting Israel–Iran relations and the making of the 1979 Islamic Revolution’. European Journal of International Security - Eldad Ben Aharon
"The Challenges in Addressing Non-Recent Abuses in Ireland: Critical Engagements with Transitional Justice", International Journal of Transitional Justice - James Gallen
‘When “branding” meets “building:” the consequences of nation branding on identity in Kyrgyzstan and Estonia’, Journal of Baltic Studies - Abel Polese and Arzuu Sheranova
'A conversation with Monica Cornejo, Andrea Pető and Paola Rivetti on the book Religion, Gender, and Populism in the Mediterranean', ,Journal of Intercultural Studies - Alberta Giorgi, Júlia Garraio, Teresa Toldy, Monica Cornejo, Andrea Peto & Paola Rivetti
'The reception of Iran's state propaganda by the Italian far right: Recasting the diffusion of authoritarian discourse and narratives'. Italian Political Science Review / Rivista Italiana Di Scienza Politica - Rivetti, P.
‘Re-Assessing The Possibilities and Limits of Liberal Feminism and Women’s Rights Activism in Iran’, Afriche Orienti - Rivetti Paola, Saeidi Shirin
‘Anti-“Gender Ideology” and the Transnational Diffusion of Authoritarianism: Examining A Common Discursive Space Between Iran and Italy’, Afriche Orienti - Rivetti Paola, Ghaffari Rassa
“Institutionalising an emergency response: ‘Protection of Civilians’ sites at UN bases in South Sudan as a way to deal with violence against communities”, Civil Wars - Walt Kilroy and Klem Ryan
“Funding the War in Ukraine: the European Peace Facility, the Macro Financial Assistance Instrument and the Slow Rise of a Fiscal Capacity in the EU” Politics and Governance -Federico Fabbrini
“La separazione dei poteri nell’Unione europea”, Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico - Federico Fabbrini
“The ‘European’ Future of American Abortion Law: Dobbs, Federalism and Constitutional Equality” Columbia Journal of Transnational Law - Federico Fabbrini
Book Chapters
"Il confine dell’Iran" - in Sui confini d’Europa. Storie di frontiere e migrazioni - Paola Rivetti
"Anti-Money Laundering" - in Research Handbook on the Enforcement of EU Law - Christy A. Petit
"The Abuse Crises in the Irish Christian Churches" - in The Oxford Handbook of Religion in Modern Ireland - James Gallen
"Fiscal Capacity" - in Elgar Encyclopedia of EU Law - Federico Fabbrini
"Review and Reform: Options for Deepening EU-UK Cooperation in a Renewing Europe" - in The Law & Politics of Brexit. Volume V: The Trade & Cooperation Agreement - Federico Fabbrini
"Introduction" - in The Law & Politics of Brexit. Volume V: The Trade & Cooperation Agreement - Federico Fabbrini
"Next Generation EU" - in Europa: Tra Presente e Futuro - Federico Fabbrini
"All at the Same Time: Coexistence of Tradition and Modernity in India" - in Global Economic Elites and the New Spirit of Capitalism: Careers and Collective Mindsets of Economic Elites Compared - Jivanta Schottli - Editors: Markus Pohlmann, Friederike Elias - Publisher: Springer, 2023.
"Higher Education in Refugee Camps via Collaborative Blended Learning: The Impact and Benefits for Refugees and Their Student Tutors" - Book chapter in Teaching Refugee and Displaced Students: What Every Educator Should Know - P. O’Keeffe - Publisher: Springer Texts in Education, 1st ed. 2023 Edition.
"Islamist women’s mobilization and agency in the Arab Uprisings and their aftermath in Egypt" - Book chapter in Women, Agency and Religion: Social and Legal Issues in the Mediterranean Public Space - E. Biagini, P. Rivetti (forthcoming 2023) - Editors: A. Ferrari, I. Valenzi - Publisher: Routledge.
"Researching social movements in hybrid regimes and repressive contexts. Lessons learnt from conducting fieldwork in Iran and Turkey" - Book chapter in Handbook on Research Methods and Applications in Social Movements - Paola Rivetti
"Il confine dell’Iran" - Sui confini d’Europa. Storie di frontiere e migrazioni - Paola Rivetti (2023) - Editor: Gabriele Proglio
"Next Generation EU" - Book chapter in Europa - Federico Fabbrini
Policy Reports
Christy. A. Petit, 'Ireland-France: the new economic momentum between two European neighbours, Multiplying opportunities and investing in sustainability and the digital economy', Publication for the Department of Foreign Affairs - Embassy of Ireland in France
Niels Kirst, Rule of Law Conditionality (December 20, 2023). REBUILD Centre Working Paper No. 13 (2023)
Niels Kirst, "Hungarian Blackmail and Ukrainian Accession Talks – The 2023 December European Council Summit" (December 2023), DCU Brexit Institute Blog Post
Niels Kirst, "Kühne Vorschläge des EU-Parlaments" (18 December 2023), Legal Tribune Online (LTO) Blog Post, URL:
David Keane, ‘Israel, Palestine and CERD’s Early Warning and Urgent Action Procedure’ Opinio Juris (9 November 2023)
Federico Fabbrini, “Covid-19, Human Rights and Judicial Review in Transatlantic Perspective”, Horizon Europe REGROUP WP D.6.1.
Tanya Ni Mhuirthile, Appointed to the Drafting Committee for the Council of Europe Resolution on Intersex Rights.
Tanya Ni Mhuirthile, 'Legal Analysis to Support the Drafting of a Recommendation on Intersex Rights' (Council of Europe. 2023)
Tanya Ni Mhuirthile Presented a paper, Legal Issues to Consider When Framing International Human Rights Law to Protect the Rights of Intersex People' (Inaugural Meeting of the Drafting Committee of the Intersex Recommendation, Council of Europe, Paris, September 2023)