Research Newsletter - Issue 99: Funding Opportunities
Please click on the headings below for further information:
The Erasmus+ Call for 2025 is now open. The press release provides an overview, while full application guidelines are given in the Erasmus+ Guide.
Selected application deadlines for 2025:
Capacity building in the field of Higher Education (CBHE): 6th February
Jean Monnet Actions: 12th February
Cooperation Partnerships: 5th March
Alliances for Innovation: 6th March
Erasmus+ Teacher Academies: 26th March
For full details about the Erasmus+ programme funding opportunities, and all the application deadlines, see the EU Erasmus+ homepage.
Call deadline: 10th January 2025
Met Éireann’s Research Call 2024 is open for researchers based at all Irish Higher Education Institutions. This program focuses on the following three research topics described on the call page in detail.
Topic 1: TRANSLATE Programme
Topic 2: Multi-hazard flood forecasting
Topic 3: Weather radar (Dual-Pol) applications
Award and duration: €400-600k and 24-48 months
Call deadline: 16th January 2025 (Step-1)
The Interreg North-West Europe Call 5 call focuses on transnational cooperation initiatives that can deliver concrete results for territorial challenges for the North-West Europe area under the following five priority areas.
Priority 1 - Climate and Environment
Priority 2 - Energy Transition
Priority 3 - Circular Economy
Priority 4 - Innovation and Resilience
Priority 5 - Inclusive Society
Transnational cooperation is fundamental for the Programme and is crucial in reaching stronger cohesion between its regions.
Eligibility: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Switzerland are eligible countries to participate in this call. The Programme encourages the following to join project applications:
Higher education institutes
Local, regional and national public authorities
NGOs and interest groups such as international organisations, trade unions, foundations, charities, voluntary associations, clubs etc.
Check out the Online Community Platform to browse project ideas that might be looking for expertise and profile match. You will need at least 3 partners from 3 different countries in the programme geographical area.
Co-finance: The maximum co-financing rate in NWE Programme is 60%.
You can drop an email to the National Contact Point Sarah at to get some tailored advice on how to make your project idea successful.
Call deadline: 18th Feb 2025 (for pre-proposals); 17th June 2025 (for full proposals)
The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) which will soon launch its Joint Transnational Call 2025 on the topic “Pharmacogenomic Strategies for Personalised Medicine (PGxPM2025).”
EP PerMed is a platform for joint R&I programming, co-funded by the European Commission, which brings together funding organisations across Europe and beyond to enhance international cooperation in personalised medicine research, innovation and implementation for the benefit of patients, citizens and society.
The call is expected to launch in mid-December 2024 and will be implemented in two stages, i.e. a pre- and a full-proposal phase. The total available budget for this call is €35 million (approx.) An information day is planned for 9th January 2025. (Finalised details and registration to follow.)
More information on the call objectives, the general eligibility conditions, participating countries and relevant contacts are available here .
For all the latest updates, you can also subscribe to the EP PerMed newsletter here.
Call deadline: 30th April 2025
The Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF) is a challenge-based funding managed by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and administered by Enterprise Ireland. DTIF is suitable for DCU researchers who are engaging in collaborative industrial research and/or experimental development towards a common objective. You should apply to DTIF if your project will potentially: alter markets, alter the way businesses operate, involve the creation of new products or contribute to the emergence of new business models.
Award and duration: Minimum €1.5 million and maximum three years
Call deadline: Rolling call
The Awards stream of Frontiers for the Future Programme (FFP) provides larger scale funding for innovative, collaborative and excellent research programmes that have the potential to deliver economic and societal impact.
Research Ireland will accept applications that are aligned to one or more of the 14 refreshed priority areas that fall within six broad Enterprise themes:
ICT Health
Climate Action and Sustainability
Manufacturing and Materials
Services and Business Processes
Eligibility: Applicants must have held a PhD or equivalent qualification for at least three years by proposal submission. Applicants are required to have demonstrated that they have been a senior author on at least three international peer-reviewed articles. This programme provides opportunities to address gender imbalance and to provide support for Emerging Investigators that may be returning to research after leave.
Call deadline: Rolling call
The EPSRC-RI partnership program supports joint research and technology development in the UK and Ireland in all areas of EPSRC’s remit which covers chemistry, engineering, information and communications technologies, materials, mathematical sciences and physics. A single joint proposal from applicants in both countries is submitted to EPSRC. Successful UK-based research groups will be funded by EPSRC and Republic of Ireland (ROI) based research groups will be funded by Research Ireland.
Potential applicants to the joint EPSRC-RI funding opportunity should submit an Expression of Interest using the form on the EPSRC website a minimum of 3 months prior to the planned submission date of the full proposal. Full proposals are expected to be submitted within 12 months of the invitation date provided when the Expression of Interest is approved.
Eligibility: ROI applicant must hold a PhD or equivalent and a permanent staff member of DCU or with a DCU contract that covers the period of the grant.
Award and duration: The total direct costs requested by the ROI applicants from Research Ireland is €500,000 for project durations of 12-60 months.
Call deadline: Rolling
The US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme involves funding agencies across three jurisdictions: United States of America, Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland. The overall goal of the Partnership is to increase the level of collaborative R&D amongst researchers and industry across the three jurisdictions.
The call focus is on the following seven thematic areas;
- Sensors & Sensor Networks
- Nanoscale Science & Engineering
- Telecommunications
- Energy & Sustainability
- Health
- Cyber Security (New Theme)
- Agriculture
Eligibility (for ROI applicant):
- The lead ROI applicant must be a member of the academic staff of an eligible Research Body (permanent or with a contract that covers the period of the award)
- The ROI applicant must hold, or have held an Research Ireland (RI) research award as either lead Principal Investigator (PI) or co‐PI.
- If the applicant is not an RI awardee, s/he is expected to have demonstrated research independence through securing at least one independent research grant as lead investigator or as co‐investigator.
- The applicant and any co‐applicant(s) must have held a Ph.D. or equivalent qualification for at least five years by the proposal deadline.
Award (for ROI applicant) and duration: €350k (direct costs excluding overheads); 3-5 years duration