Research Newsletter - Issue 64: Good News

Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund

Congratulations to Prof. Nicholas Dunne and his colleagues from Biodesign Europe and I-Form, who are part of an exciting €5.4 million consortium that aims to revolutionise the treatment of complex bone fractures.

The consortium was awarded €3.4 million under the National Development Plan’s Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund with an additional €2 million provided by the industry partners PBC BioMed, and DCU Alpha-based Dolmen Design and Innovation. Prof. Nicholas Dunne, Executive Director of Biodesign Europe, and a funded Investigator at I-Form will act as the Academic Lead along with colleagues Dr Tanya Levingstone (Biodesign  Europe & I-Form) and Prof. Helen McCarthy (Biodesign Europe).


Career-FIT Plus Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards

Congratulations to Dr Brian Davis (School of Computing) and Prof. Christine Loscher (School of Biotechnology) who have successfully supported 2 EI Career-FIT Plus Cofund Fellowships awardees. These projects will be run in collaboration between Enterprise Ireland Technology centres and enterprise partners. Dr Davis' project is being supported by Learnovate Technology Centre and Prof. Loscher’s project by Food for Health Ireland. We would like to wish the postdoctoral fellows the very best for their projects and we look forward to hearing the results.