Research Newsletter - Issue 63: Events

STILL CONNECTING: Doing Engaged Research & Innovation Online

Date: 23rd April, 11-12 noon

COVID-19 has set many challenges for Irish researchers; particularly those who work with the public, policy makers or patients to better understand and address Ireland's complex societal challenges - climate change, gender equality, housing, health and wellbeing etc. This webinar will showcase how engaged research teams have adapted their practice during the pandemic in order to deliver projects. The event will also launch a new Campus Engage How to Guide: Doing Engaged Research Workshops Online and provide opportunity to consider how the Irish research community is faring with online platforms - the successes and the challenges. This Guide is informed by experienced facilitator Michael Foley, and Campus Engage Engaged Research Working Group members, colleagues from civic society organisations and higher education.  

This webinar is for anyone doing, or wanting to do, engaged research: researchers in HEIs, government agencies, non-governmental agencies, policy makers, public service providers, practitioners, patients, members of the public.

Guest speakers and *societal challenges featured include:

• Dr. Mary-Clare O’Sullivan, Secretary, Citizen’s Assembly: *Gender Equality

• Evan Boyle, Engaged Researcher, MaREI, SFI Centre: *Climate Change and Emission Reductions

• Kevin McQuaid, Dementia Research Advisory Team Member, Alzheimer Society of Ireland,: *Health & Wellbeing

• Dr Laura O’Philbin, Engaged Researcher, Alzheimer Society of Ireland: *Health & Wellbeing

• Prof Maura Adshead, Head of UL Engagement, University of Limerick: *Reforming Local Government

Register for the webinar here.


ERAGAS GHG Breakfast Club for Post-Docs and PhD students

Date: 9-10am 23rd April and 8-9am 30th April

ERA-GAS is the ERA-NET Cofund for monitoring & mitigation of Greenhouse gases from agri- and silvi-culture. The aim of ERA-GAS is to strengthen the transnational coordination of research programmes and provide added value to research and innovation on greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation in the European Research Area. ERA-GAS is inviting interested post-docs and PhD students for the Breakfast Club sessions. The first three will be on April 16th, 23rd and 30th. The initiative will include presentations from eminent scientists on cutting edge research topics related to GHG monitoring and mitigation from agriculture and forestry, and career development presentations for PhD students and post-docs.

See this news item for more information, the programme and registration.


Horizon Europe and the Humanities: What to expect?

Date: 26th April, 11.00-12.30

The event aims to build understanding of the Horizon Europe programme and raise awareness of how the arts and humanities are present in it. Pease register here.

Chair: Prof. Noel Fitzpatrick (TU Dublin), IHA Working Group on Horizon Europe.

Introductory remarks: Joseph Moore


  • Dr Gabi Lombardo
  • Dr Geraldine Canny
  • Prof. Seán Ryder
  • Sarah Jayne Smith
  • Garrett Murray


HRB Horizon Europe Health Launch

Date: 27th April 2021, 10:30-12:30

This event is being organised by the Irish Health Research Board and will provide an overview of the Horizon Europe Health Cluster, as well as offer practical advice for researchers submitting proposals.

Running from 2021-2027, Horizon Europe will be the most ambitious Research and Innovation programme in the world with a budget of €95 billion. The health cluster has a budget of €7.7 billion

Indicative Agenda

  • Overview Horizon Europe Cluster 1 health - European Commission Representative
  • Success in Horizon 2020 and views from funded researchers
  • Update from health NCPs
  • Health Opportunities in European Research Council (EIC)

Registrations can be made through Eventbrite here.


Who is the Author ? Opportunities and Challenges in Interdisciplinary Work

Date: 27th April 2021, 14:00 – 15:30

In this webinar hosted by UCD, speakers will reflect on their experiences of collaboration between Arts and Humanities and STEM disciplines. They will address authorship traditions in these disciplines, and how co-authorship can bring benefits to both disciplines, through wider range of publication options, higher impacts - by reaching a broader audience - and more public engagement. How do we improve communication across different research cultures?

• Dr. Karen Wade: “Reflections on early career experiences in an interdisciplinary area”

• Dr. Derek Greene: "Interdisciplinary Authorship: A STEM Perspective"

• Professor Gerardine Meaney: “Long Term Perspectives - a Rapidly evolving Field”

The Eventbrite link for registration is here.


EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2021

Date: 27th - 30th April 2021

The Knowledge Valorisation Week will showcase excellent examples of strategies and tools to boost the uptake of research results that benefit all. It will connect policy makers and stakeholders from across Europe and nudge dialogue and knowledge sharing. Enhancing knowledge valorisation capacities and skills in the Union is crucial to accelerate the use of science-based solutions and inventions for the recovery and the twin green and digital transitions.

A series of webinars with outstanding professionals presenting best practices from ten EU Member States, sharing their experiences of challenges and successes, and replying to questions. Full Programme available here. All webinars will be webstreamed but to actively participate in the event (via SLIDO), register here.


University of Essex Climate Crisis Impact Dialogue

Date: 29th April 2021

The University of Essex is leading an ‘Impact Dialogue’ to build the understanding of the key social, behavioural and system challenges that prevent us from tackling the climate crisis, and to identify where research can be applied to bring solutions. The aim of the ‘Impact Dialogue’ is to bring together academic and non-academic stakeholders (such as government, industry, NGOs, and any other interested organisations), to give insight into the challenges that they face within their sector and communities, which social science academics from across the YERUN network can explore in new opportunities for impactful collaboration.

The Dialogue will culminate with an online workshop on Thursday 29th April. Registrants are invited to participate in the workshop and to share their insights and perspectives online in the weeks leading up to the session. Click here to register and contribute.


KTI Webinar: Irish Innovation in Connected Health, Wellbeing and Ageing

Date: 11th May 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the key role played by data and digital technologies in connected health, wellbeing, and design of age-friendly technologies for community services. At this “Unlocking Knowledge Transfer” webinar, you can hear how businesses and researchers can collaborate to advance new technologies and address societal challenges in this space.

Speakers include:

  • Martha Cahill, National Contact Point for Health, Horizon Europe
  • Margaret Curran, Manager, Caredoc
  • Suzanne Smith, Research Centre & Living Lab Manager, NetwellCASALA, Dundalk Institute of Technology

The link for registration is here.  


EdTech in a virtual world – Webinar & Brokerage Event

Date: 12th May 2021

Enterprise Europe Ireland ( in collaboration with Enterprise Ireland’s EdTech Sectoral Department are hosting a virtual Webinar  and Brokerage event, focusing on the accelerated digitalisation of EdTech. EdTech has many different definitions & meanings but put simply it is “applying digital technology to deliver a new form of learning architecture”. EdTech encompasses every aspect of our daily lives – formal education, informal education and work. How people consume learning is continuously evolving, supported by innovative EdTech solutions including, AI, AR/VR, Gamification, Micro Learning & Personalised Learning. The event will include plenary sessions and targeted 1:1 meetings. More information and registration link can be found here.


Security Mission Information & Innovation Group (SMI2G) - Brokerage Event

Date: 31st May - 1st June

The Security Mission Information & Innovation Group (SMI2G), consisting of SEREN4, EARTO Security & Defence research Working Group, EOS, IMGS, ECSO and ENLETS, is organizing a two-day event to discuss the upcoming 2021 Civil Security for Society calls of Horizon Europe. This event will be structured around keynote speeches, panel discussions and a brokerage event, all related to the first calls of Cluster 3 - Civil Security for Society.

Main topics

  • Better protect the EU and its citizens against Crime and Terrorism
  • Effective management of EU external borders
  • Resilient Infrastructure
  • Increased Cybersecurity
  • Disaster-Resilient Society for Europe
  • Strengthened Security Research and Innovation

Why participate?

  • Networking possibilities
  • Consortium building for new projects
  • Information about several interesting initiatives and developments in the European security domain

More information can be found here.