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Research Newsletter - Issue 58: Spotlight

DCU Research Project Administration (RPA)

Need help building a budget for an upcoming EU call? No time for formatting and updating proposal documents? Rather be working on research than proposal Gantt Charts? 

Consider contacting us at Research Project Administration to find the solution!

Since 2014, the Research Project Administration (RPA) Team (formerly, STEP), have managed research projects for DCU researchers who have engaged and budgeted for our services.

The RPA team take care of all aspects of project management for all major funding agencies, both national and international. The team have many years' experience and knowledge and have either solved any problem before or know someone who has!

The range of services and expertise on the team is very wide, including research project management (all deliverables submitted, all reporting deadlines met, budget and spend monitoring, planning), and event management (small and large scale, conferences, symposia, workshops, meetings etc.), with RPA working with all parties, internal and external, on your behalf.

New in 2020!!

RPA now also support pre-award funding applications for PI’s who intend to coordinate H2020, MSCA, ERC and COST proposals*. We will coordinate the preparation of the H2020 proposal with the PI and his/her team, in collaboration with the relevant Research Development Officer. Information management and consolidation, meeting and call scheduling, tables and indexing, editing and budget building, working to the deadline and ensuring all relevant information is completed on the relevant online portal – with all of these tasks in hand, the PI is able to focus on the technical aspects of their research proposal.

Ask for further details! Email rpa.enquiries@dcu.ie or please visit https://www.dcu.ie/step   

*RPA assist in preparing the application for EI Coordinator Support and the support is paid for from this funding.