Research and Innovation Support - SFI- PIYRA
Office of the Vice-President for Research
SFI-E.T.S. Walton Visitor Awards 2008-09
Science Foundation Ireland - Walton Visitor Awards 2008-09.
SFI’s E.T.S. Walton Visitor Awards programme enables highly qualified academic and industrial researchers resident outside Ireland to carry out research projects of their own choice in Ireland. Applications may be submitted for research stays normally of three to twelve continuous months.
All details in relation to eligibility for this scheme can be downloaded from the SFI website
Procedure to obtain DCU nomination: -
Interested candidates are requested to submit a nomination proposal to OVPR, which will be subject to internal review. This nomination should be emailed to as a single document by 5:00 pm on Monday 17 November 2008, and should contain the following:
a)Up to a five-page CV including a list of publications, patents and previous funding.
b)One-page justification of how your proposed program of work fits with existing research efforts at DCU, and why DCU is the ideal location for you and your research and who would be your DCU sponsor.
c)Summary of the proposed research, including the objectives (One page)
d)Summary of the potential value and impact of the proposed research programme to Ireland and/or the international research field (max 1 page)
e)Draft budget
Please ensure that you have read the SFI eligibility criteria before applying to DCU.