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Research and Innovation Support - Europa Websites

office of the vice-president for research

europa websites

  1. Gateway to the European Union
  2. Home page of the European Commission
  3. EU documents (green papers, white papers, COM, SEC and C papers). Useful for non-technical part of proposal.
  4. The gateway to news and information about Scientific Research and Technological Development in the European Union
  5. EUROPA FP6 Home page
  6. The main and general objective of SINAPSE e-network is to make better use of scientific knowledge in policy making. SINAPSE is open to all scientists, scientific organisations and anyone with an interest in science.
  7. This provides direct free access to European Union law and the Official Journal of the European Union.
  8. Lisbon Strategy web site. Heads of State and Government of the European Union met in Lisbon in 2000 and launched a series of ambitious reforms at national and European level. By establishing an effective internal market, by boosting research and innovation and by improving education, to name only a few reform efforts, they aimed to make the European Union "the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world" by 2010.