Research and Innovation Support - 6th Framework Programme for Research and Development
office of the vice-president for research
6th framework programme for research and development
6 th Framework Programme for Research and Development
The EU 6 th Framework Programme (FP6) is the European Union's main instrument for funding research in Europe. FP6 runs from 2003-2006 and the overall budget covering the four-year period is €17.5 billion . Funding is available for three blocks of activities.
Focusing and Integrating European Research
This is mainly achieved by Seven thematic priority areas that have been identified by the EU to ensure that Europe becomes the most competitive and dynamic, knowledge-based economy in the world.
Structuring the European Research Area (ERA)
This is concerned developing the structural weaknesses of the ERA. Ireland has achieved great success using the Marie Curie Schemes that enable researchers at various stages of their career to travel between countries to perform their work. Activities within this programme are applicable to all fields of research.
Strengthening the Foundations of the ERA
The objective of this action is to stimulate the coherent development of research and innovation policy in Europe by supporting programme coordination and joint actions conducted at national and regional level as well as among European organisations. Activities within this programme are applicable to all fields of research.
Click here for a list of related EU websites.
Enterprise Ireland have a website specific to Irish involvement in European Framework Programmes.
The table below shows all these activities and click the text for hyperlinks to the relevant EU websites: -