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Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Shows attendees at DFA roundtable event on DCU glasnevin campus

DCU hosts Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for EU Policy roundtable events

Last Thursday saw the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Dublin City University host a team of representatives from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for two roundtable conversations. The first discussion covered EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans, and the afternoon session examined EU-UK Relations.

The events, which took place under the Chatham House Rule, were designed to facilitate open exchange of information between relevant DCU researchers from the School of Law and Government, DCU Conflict Institute, and Dublin European Law Institute, and Department officials.

The first session covered Ireland’s expansion of its diplomatic footprint in the Western Balkans, and planned new strategy for the area. Specifically, those present spoke about Ireland’s existing relations with countries in the region and the strategic context going forward.

The afternoon saw researchers and government officials discuss the outlook for future relations between the UK and the EU, as well as Ireland’s own priorities in this context.

Both conversations were preceded by presentations, by Associate Dean for Research Dr Gëzim Visoka for the first session and Vice President for Research Prof John Doyle for the second.