Janine Bosak picture

DCU Business School Academic Awarded Prestigious James M. Flaherty Visiting Professorship

Dr Janine Bosak, Senior Lecturer in the HRM and Organisational Psychology Group at Dublin City University Business School has been awarded the prestigious James M. Flaherty Visiting Professorship by the Ireland Canada University Foundation (ICUF). The ICUF aims to encourage and facilitate links between scholars in Ireland and Canada and as part of this the ICUF supports up to two Irish professors travelling to Canada and up to two Canadian professors travelling to Ireland.

The awardee Dr Janine Bosak will teach and conduct research together with Professor Denis ChĂȘnevert at HEC MontrĂ©al, one of the leading business schools in Canada, on the topic of reducing costs of burnout for individuals, patientcare and jospital performance using evidence from Canadian and Irish hospitals. For more information on the ICUF and James M. Flaherty Awards please see their website here.