DCU academic Dr. Christine Loscher in 100 top women in science, technology, engineering and maths
DCU academic Dr Christine Loscher was highlighted in the Silicon's Republic's Women Invent Tomorrow campaign. The campaign aims at celebrating great role models in and from Ireland in the areas of science, technology, engineering and maths.
Dr Christine Loscher is director of Dublin City University (DCU) Health Technologies Research and Enterprise Hub, and a researcher in the Food for Health Ireland (FHI) consortium, an Enterprise Ireland-supported initiative that links academics with major Irish dairy and ingredients companies to mine milk and other foods for potential bioactives. Through FHI, Loscher has started to work with researchers at Teagasc, Moorepark, to look for ingredients that could help infants with milk allergies. Aside from her lab research, Loscher also directs the BioAT-structured PhD programme, and she is to be the academic lead in a new nano-bioanalytical research facility being built on the DCU campus.
More information can be found here.