Research and Innovation Support - IP Disclosure Forms
office of the vice-president for research
ip disclosure forms
The purpose of this Invention Disclosure Form is to record an invention so that INVENT at DCU can evaluate its patentability and commercial potential. It is essential that this form be filled out completely so that INVENT can accurately assess patentability and commercial potential. Because public disclosures impact the ability to obtain patent protection, inventions should be disclosed to INVENT as early as possible prior to presenting or publishing research results.
Researchers will be required to disclose IP when they have conceived and developed something new and useful, where the IP may need protection and/or where the invention, technology, software or multimedia product has commercial potential.
The Invention Disclosure Form enables the University to record the creation of IP and provides information to assist it determine the legal title and any third party claims to IP rights associated with the creation. Disclosure also enables the commercial potential of the invention to be assessed, and for appropriate measures to be taken to protect and, where possible, exploit the intellectual property commercially. The disclosure process is also vital for monitoring the University's compliance with the terms under which it receives funding, and will assist the University in its reporting of knowledge creation and protection activities.
In instances where IP is exploited the university patent policies provides for the distribution of IP-related income to the inventor(s) and university stakeholders.