Grant Repository

Grant Repository
The Research Development team has developed a shared repository of submitted grant applications drawn across all Faculties for use by staff. This repository includes examples of both successful and competitive unsuccessful grants, with accompanying peer review comments where available.
The main goals of setting up this grant repository are:
- To increase application quality and speed up the grant development process.
- To give researchers an immediate sense of the basic structure of particular grant applications, and how applicants approach the process of articulating the required information in each section.
- To allow researchers to view grants with which they are not associated and from subject areas that are akin but not identical to their own, and thus come closer to a reviewer’s perspective.
- To aid understanding of the standard that a successful grant must meet.
- To familiarise researchers with the kinds of comments/ objections reviewers make, allowing them to pre-empt reviewer criticism.
How does it work?
Access to the applications and associated material in the repository is restricted and applicants wishing to access an example application should get in touch with their Faculty Research Development Officer (RDO). Depending on the requirements of the applicant, the RDO will suggest potential applications that might be suitable.
Applicants are required to agree to confidentiality conditions in order to access an application from the repository. Additionally, they will agree to conform to the DCU Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy and use the material solely as guidance for developing their own applications.
When an application is selected it will be released as a personal hard copy to the researcher with the expectation that it is not further distributed. To avoid uncontrolled subsequent sharing, the application will be watermarked with the name of the researcher accessing the grant and the date.
While it is not obligatory, researchers who avail of the resource are encouraged where possible to contribute a suitable grant.
If you wish to request grant applications for a funding call, or would like to make available a successful grant you have had, please contact your Faculty RDO.
All documentation relating to the grant repository will be collected, stored and distributed in line with DCU Data Protection Policies. Full details of the processes that will be used can be found here [link to data protection notice]. In summary, grant application documentation provided by donors will be anonymised and stored in a password protected folder in a secure DCU network drive. Access to the material will only be provided to Research Development Team members directly involved in operation or use of the grant repository. Application material, will be given to applicants who have agreed to the confidentiality requirements.