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Brazil PostDoc Opportunities | ICTs

Post-Doctoral Opportunities for Brazilian Researchers

Priority Area: Information and Communication Technologies

PI NameResearch AreaProject Details - Please click for further information
Alan Smeaton Data Analytics This project will involve exploiting semantic relationships between co-occurring semantic concepts in video archives, with a view to improving both the range of semantic concepts, and their accuracy
Alan Smeaton Data Analytics The project is to use large-scale semantic resources such as the Linked Object Datacloud, DBPedia and Friend-of-a-Friend(FOAF) to enhance the descriptions of personal lifelogs
Alistair Sutherland 3D Vision Group To recognise the motion of the human body using 3D video streams from multiple cameras
Alistair Sutherland 3D Vision Group To monitor crowd behaviour on railway platforms using multiple streams from infra-red video cameras
Kevin Casey Cloud Computing The proposed project is to examine an online learning platform which has been used in teaching Computer Science at DCU for the last two years and which has been instrumented for the purposes of such analysis
Liam Barry Radio and Optical Communications This research project will explore novel applications and implementations of wavelength tuneable lasers in optically switched WDM metro and access networks
Maria Slowey Interface Design, HCI for Older Adults The Age-Friendly Technology project aims to prepare societies for the multi-faceted opportunities and challenges of an ageing population
PJ Byrne Modelling and Simulation Research Work as part of a team on a work package researching and developing a Simulation framework for Cloud Computing (CactoSim)
Qun Liu Centre for Global Intelligent Content  “Monolingual and Bilingual Text Quality Judgments with Translation Performance Prediction” project