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Faculty Research Integrity Advocates

DCU seeks to support researchers in adopting best practice in responsible research behaviour and, more generally, to promote a research environment in the University that is underpinned by a culture of research integrity and is based on good governance. To this end, we have put in place a Research Integrity Advocate role in each faculty with the following main responsibilities:

  • Engaging with Research Support and the Graduate Studies Office to promote Research Integrity online training for both faculty staff and postgraduate research students;
  • Meeting regularly as a group of advocates with Research Support and the Graduate Studies Office to exchange knowledge. This includes national and international practice in the area of research integrity/responsible conduct of research;
  • Working with Research Support and the Graduate Studies Office to inform training initiatives and related guidance and documentation, in order to address issues experienced by researchers in their research activity;
  • Acting as a point of contact for local research integrity queries, referencing the Research Integrity policy and associated codes and procedures as relevant;
  • Liaising sectorally with Research Integrity Officers and Research Integrity Advocates/Champions from other Research Performing Organisations on an annual basis


The contact details for the current Faculty Research Integrity Advocates are as follows: