Research and Innovation Support - Europa Websites
office of the vice-president for research
europa websites
- Gateway to the European Union
- Home page of the European Commission
- EU documents (green papers, white papers, COM, SEC and C papers). Useful for non-technical part of proposal.
- The gateway to news and information about Scientific Research and Technological Development in the European Union
- EUROPA FP6 Home page
- The main and general objective of SINAPSE e-network is to make better use of scientific knowledge in policy making. SINAPSE is open to all scientists, scientific organisations and anyone with an interest in science.
- This provides direct free access to European Union law and the Official Journal of the European Union.
- Lisbon Strategy web site. Heads of State and Government of the European Union met in Lisbon in 2000 and launched a series of ambitious reforms at national and European level. By establishing an effective internal market, by boosting research and innovation and by improving education, to name only a few reform efforts, they aimed to make the European Union "the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world" by 2010.